Chapter 1: Hyrule in Danger

Zelda's POV

I was suddenly awakened in the middle of the night by hands that were shaking me hard. "Your majesty" said a pleading voice. I sat up in my silk sheeted bed and looked around. In my window, I saw that it was very dark outside with a few lanterns only to light the streets. Everything was very quiet and that made me wonder even more why I was being woken up from my peaceful sleep. "Why am I awake when I should be sleeping?" I asked in an annoyed tone to whoever that was in my room. "Princess Zelda, your father summoned me to get you" the voice said, now clearly showing that it was female. "What's wrong?" I asked getting much more scared. "Ganondorf is approaching Hyrule castle soon with his band of thieves, and we need to have you safely out of the town" the voice said.

(Ganondorf was the king of a neighboring desert country that was extremely small. He was the leader of the Gerudo thieves, women known for their beautiful appearance and deadly skills. They hated all men, especially hyrulians. Unfortunately for them, kidnapping male Hyrulians was the only way to reproduce. Because of that, the two countries never got along with each other. Every hundred years, a male heir is born and he becomes their next ruler, no matter if a better female leader was already in power. Ganondorf was the next male leader and he was the most evil creature that was ever born to them. True, he was cunning and strong and was an excellent strategizer, but he ruled with an iron fist. He was cold and mean and for the time being, was always seeking more power than what he already had. Ganondorf then decided to invade Hyrule and rule all there. In order to do that, he would have to capture Princess Zelda and bring her to the Temple of Time. There, he would get the power to control the goddess's divine being.) "Alright" I said, "I'll come".

I quickly walked down the stone hallways of Hyrule castle. There were paintings and pretty vases everywhere as I traversed this winding maze. Finally I came to the throne room where my father, the king, was anxiously pacing about. "Father, I heard the news" I called out. "Zelda" he echoed. "I've been so worried about you my dear". "Father, I'm not sure what to do" I said to him. I walked up the stairs to where our thrones were. "Do not fret my daughter for I already have a plan" he said with a pained smile on his weary face. I had nothing to say and just stood there. My father glanced at me before continuing again. "Me and the sage Raruu have been talking about it and we have decided that it is not safe for you here anymore". "Father I..." I stammered. I didn't know what to say. "Raruu had said that a good place for you to hide would be Lon Lon Ranch" the king said. " They allow people to live on the land as long as they work it, and it would be the perfect cover to make sure that you do not look like a princess". "But I have never worked a day in my life, I won't know what to do" I complained. "The farmers there will teach you how to do everything" father said. He sighed. "I'm doing this to protect you and make sure you don't get hurt, it would break my heart if you would be captured" father said, pulling me into a hug. "You're not coming?" I asked with a bad feeling in my stomach. "I'm of no use to Ganondorf and it would be harder for you to work with me holding you back". "If that is what you wish" I said. "Good" he said. "Impa has prepared horses for you to travel on and cloaks that you will wear. She will be accompanying you until you are safely at Lon Lon Ranch". "Good-bye then" I said and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "May the goddesses watch over you" he said.

I turned around and walked down the stairs. Was I really doing this? I had to, so I could protect myself and my kingdom. I turned to the right and hastened my pace. After a little while, I made it to the the stables. There was my old caretaker, Impa. She was a sheikah, guardians of the royal family. Her short,silver hair was pulled back in a pony tail and her clothes were covered in bracelets. She was wearing a dark cloak and was holding on out for me. "Thank you" I said quietly as I took it and put it on. "My pleasure" she replied with a mysterious smile. She helped me saddle up on my horse and then got up on hers. In her hand was a dim lantern to light the way. We walked out and went down the abandoned streets. After a few minutes we got to the town's bridge. Impa called to the remaining guards to have the bridge lowered down. We had the horses walk over into Hyrule Feilds.

Everything was so dark! I could not see a light for miles except for Impa's and the light of the stars. It felt lonely, like being lost out at sea. There wasn't much for me to do. "Now child" Impa said all of the sudden. "Some things you should know about Lon Lon Ranch is that it is run by Talon and his daughter Malon. They will be the only ones to know who your true identity is" she said. "They will help you settle in and make a home for yourself" Impa continued. "But you are not allowed to tell anyone about your identity or anything secret about the royal family" she warned me. "That much I figured out" I said. "Smart girl" Impa said. I looked back on the road and saw a weird lump in the distance. "That there is our stop" Impa said looking back at me. I nodded. This was going to be it; a new life for me. No longer will I be Princess Zelda of Hyrule but just Zelda.