RWBY is property of Roosterteeth! I only own my characters.

For those of you returning: make sure to read the prologue here, there have been a few changes.


"Rotate all cannons to stern. Teach these Order bastards a lesson, Ensign."

"Aye, sir." The weapons operator nodded. Admiral Dietrich turned as he picked out the sound of the bridge door sliding open amidst the dull thudding of the EDC Dreadnaught, Maw of the Abyss', heavy cannons. A woman strode onto the control deck, she was surprisingly young for the station she held, only thirty-five, but Dietrich had nothing but respect for her.

"General Evans." the Admiral greeted her briefly before turning a majority of his attention back to the battle at hand. "What brings you up here?"

"Just came to see what was taking so long." She replied. "My troops and our friends in the hangar are itching for some action."

"We have to do this correctly. If we miss this chance, Agony will simply vanish to go build up his forces again."

"I know that. I've spent the last several months chasing him down, same as you." General Evans sighed. Even though the war with the Order had been officially declared finished for twelve years, many elements of the organization still drifted around Human-controlled space causing trouble and managing to recruit new members to their cause. They were, however, a shadow of their former power, something the female General was pleased with.

"I'll see if we can speed this up." Admiral Dietrich breathed. "Tell Blackwill to keep his shirt on, and I'll get him close enough to see some action in a jiffy."

"I'll be sure to pass on the message." Evans nodded. "I'll also let you get back to work."

"That would be much appreciated." he replied kindly, turning his full attention back to the battle unfolding out the bridge's windows. "I want a torpedo volley targeted at their Flagship, disable their hangars."

General Evans worked her way down the corridors of the Maw, occasionally feeling a slight shake as the five smaller Order ships exchanged fire with the sole EDC vessel that had tracked them down. She made a turn into one of the Dreadnaught's large hangars, where she quickly spotted two figures in snow-white armor, surrounded by a large audience of men and women in EDC olive and tan.

As she drew nearer, Evans also spotted the trio of children sitting on the floor while one of the people in white, the male of the two, recounted "epic tales" in an extravagant manner. Why the two Guardians had decided to bring their respective children along was not lost on Evans. All three of the children were recently awakened Bloodlines, and their parents thought it best to keep them close to protect and instruct them about their new powers.

The sole male child was the easiest to deal with from what the General had heard from the child's parent. Since his mother had been granted her Bloodline ability by the Reaper during the war, his ability was more stable than the long histories of the two other lines aboard the ship.

"Are we to begin soon, General?" the voice of the third, absent Bloodline sounded from behind Evans.

"Mr. Aedus." The officer curtly greeted Ignis. "Yes, we'll be heading out once the Admiral finishes getting us in position."

"Blackwill will be pleased." the Bloodline of Fire commented. "He's been complaining about 'not getting to stretch his legs' incessantly."

"He'll shut up once we get started." Evans nodded, walking towards the Guardian and his gathered audience. One of the two small girls turned her head to face the approaching General. Her hair and eyes matched her father's, who was gesturing and posing dramatically.

"Hi, Auntie Marcia!" she said loudly.

"Hello, Alexis." the General smiled, as she always did when she remembered who the girl was named after. "I'm sorry to interrupt your story, but I have to borrow your Daddy and other Auntie, okay?"

"Okay!" came the eight-year-old's happy reply. She got up from the metal floor of the hangar, and with some prompting from her father, led the other two children to the far end of the area, away from the adults.

"Evening, Marcia." The male Guardian greeted, his helmet in his hands.

"Jerloh." Evans nodded to the two figures in white, "Alyia."

"So, how long until we get started?"

"Not long."

"Good," Jerloh said, bobbing his head. "I've been getting fat sitting around on this ship. Can't be Lex's personal superhero if I put on too many pounds."

"Well, that should be resolved soon enough. Just get everything ready."

"I'm as ready as I can get, you and Aly made me keep the crows at home." He shrugged.

"Fine, then just-" Marcia began her friendly back-and-forth with Jerloh, when she was suddenly cut off by the ship's intercom.

"HYPERSPACE ANAMOLY DETECTED. ALL HANDS BRACE." The Dreadnaught began to shake violently. Her years of training and experience kicking in, Marcia managed to radio the bridge.

"Admiral, what's going on?"

"I- -n't kno- Ord- -ployed someth- -eing pulled in- -fereing with comms-" The garbled reply came in over her earpiece, interlaced with harsh static. A bright flash of light enveloped both the EDC Dreadnaught and their foe. When it was gone, the four mile-long vessel no longer had any opponents. "General, comms have cleared up, no enemy in sight." Silence. "General? General Evans, are you there?"

Marcia groaned and blinked as she lay on her back. It had been years since she had been this sore. She pushed herself into a sitting position off the grass- grass? She looked down at the vegetation she had suddenly found herself occupying. She looked around, finding herself alone aside from a pile of stray crates from the hangar.

"Status!" She yelled, hoping for a response as confusion threatened to overwhelm her.

"Present." Jerloh's voice answered. The General turned in time to see the Guardian push his way out of the pile of crates, his daughter held tightly in his arms. He must have run to grab her when the initial warning had sounded. "You alright, Marcie?"

"I'm fine." She answered. She pressed her earpiece, transmitting a message. "This is General Evans, any EDC or allied forces, respond." There were a few moments of silence before the radio crackled to life.

"Marcia, this is Alyia. I've found Ignis, but it doesn't look like anyone else is here."

"I'm with Jerloh and Lex. We're all fine."

"That's good to hear."

"Hey, Marcie?" the Terror Bloodline yelled from where he stood on a small rise. As the General joined him at the apex of the hill, she was greeted with the sight of an unfamiliar landscape. Jerloh covered his daughter's ears before he asked the next part of his question. "Where the hell are we?"