A/N: Chapter three is here! I'm not sure why I'm working so hard. Maybe I just feel like it. Anyway please leave lots of reviews! I was kinda disappointed by lack of reviews in chapter two.
Chapter three: The ties that bind.
Graduation day was at hand and Naruto was reading a newspaper as his the Doll prepared his morning tea. The headline of the paper showed that Kizashi had been recently hanged for the murders he had been convicted of. And on the next page one Hayate Gecko had been attacked, from the papers it said he has been fading in and out of consciousness.
Whenever he came to he would deliriously mumble something about a woman with 'purple hair and clockwork insides'. The blonde knew that this was Ashlotte's doing, he would have to rectify this particular problem.
In the meantime he would go and be the 'good Genin' and pass that boring and tedious exam. As the Doll poured his cup of tea, One Yugao Uzuki entered and spoke with a worried expression "Naruto-kun, what is going on? Your Doll Ashlotte put Hayate-kun in the Hospital! Please tell me this was an accident!"
The blonde set the paper down, pleased that Yugao came so quickly after he informed her of the situation "Bad luck, I'm afraid. Ashlotte was running an errand I sent her on, and poor Hayate unwittingly got in the way. According to Ashlotte, he attacked her first."
The purple haired woman crossed her arms and almost yelled as she raised her voice "That can't be right! Hayate-kun wouldn't attack for no reason! She must be lying!"
The Dollmaker took a sip of tea and spoke in a calm voice "You are angry and upset. I understand that. But believe me when I say… Dolls CAN'T lie. They don't understand the concept of lying. At least, those like Doll and Ashlotte can't."
Yugao sighed, she knew he was right, she was just so angry she needed to place the blame on something. "Why do you insist on calling your first creation 'Doll'? Why not give her a proper name?" she asked since that had been bugging her for some time.
Naruto glanced at the silvery haired Doll and replied back to the Anbu "Believe me, I have tried. I have tried giving her every name from A to Z. But she refuses them all and even formally requested that I 'Call her by what she is rather than a falsely given title'. And I didn't understand that either. So I gave up and just called her Doll."
The Anbu woman glanced at the Doll and hmmed in thought. But she dismissed the lack of name for her and returned to the immediate matter at hand "All right then. Please tell me, what should we do about Hayate-kun?"
Naruto set down his cup of tea and pushed it to one side. He locked his fingers together and spoke in a serious tone of voice "That entirely depends on you Yugao Uzuki. Hayate-san is a decent enough guy. He was just doing his job. Maybe he could be an ally. But he can also be an enemy. I leave his fate in your hands, but I must ask you which you are willing to gamble on. The Village of Konoha? Or the Legacy of the Uzumaki? Be very careful."
Yugao stiffened at that, from his tone… it felt like she was being tested. With a turn of her heels she went to visit her boyfriend at the hospital. The Doll looked at her master and asked him "Young Master, was that wise? Why not go and silence this Hayate?"
The blonde got up from his seat and stretched his arms "Relax Doll. I wouldn't worry too much. I am no fool. I admit I might be gambling here, but I have two things that provides me an edge: The luck of the Devil, and a deep understanding of human natures capacity for good and evil. And I am confident that my gamble shall pay off." He spoke with a large grin he exited the Workshop leaving a perplexed Doll, who wondered what her master meant by that statement.
Meanwhile in the Hokage Office.
A large number of Jonin were reading Dossiers on the various students to select their teams. Though a number had already selected their teams from the Clan heirs who were pretty much shoe-ins.
Kurenai Yuhi and her not so secret boyfriend Asuma had submitted their requests. Kakashi however was about to submit his, but Anko beat him to the punch as she proudly declared "For my apprentice I request Naruto Uzumaki!" All the Jonin excluding Kurenai and Kakashi were stunned by this. Anko requesting a student out of the blue? That was insane!
The masked Jonin chuckled and spoke to the Hokage "For my team, I request Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki." At that Hiruzen grumbled in thought. Either of those two might be good teachers for Naruto. But neither had any actual teaching experience. Kakashi was the student of Minato, but he also has a fierce dedication to Obito's memory. Anko was Orochimaru's student but from the rumors he heard she and Naruto were far more than friends. Lovers according to some sources.
Each had advantages and flaws. He couldn't decide. "Oi now Hatake! I called for him first! And besides, Naruto and Sasuke on the same team is a disaster waiting to happen!" the Snake Mistress yelled angrily as she got into Kakashi's face.
"You and Naruto together is most certainly a fuckfest waiting to happen. Everyone knows what you did with Orochimaru during long-term missions." Spoke Kakashi, deliberately provoking Anko. At that everyone, including Hiruzen got as far back as they could.
Anko's face burned a dark red As though she was about to explode "Don't go there Hatake. Don't go there. I'm still a virgin." She spoke angrily, as her fists clenched and her body seemed ready to pounce on the Copy ninja at a moments notice.
"And what proof do you have of that? Unless you mean you're still an anal virgin?" Kakashi asked, further pushing her buttons. "… Fuck it. You aren't even worth it. You're trying to provoke me into punching your lights out. It's gonna take more than that to make me snap." She spoke as she shoved him back.
The Jonin and Hokage were impressed at her fortitude but knew if the Copy ninja kept pushing, it wasn't a matter if she snapped but when. "Please. It is no secret. Your relationship with the Uzumaki boy." Kakashi said in a final attempt to provoke her.
"Excuse me?" the Snake user asked, annoyance in her voice. "Please, the boy has been seen repeatedly at your apartment. I once overheard Kurenai say that you and Naruto sleep in the same bed." Kakashi stated and pointed a finger at the Genjutsu user, who felt like she wanted to disappear, she had only mentioned that in passing to Hana, she meant nothing harmful by it.
"Hmph. You're no different from Orochimaru. Like student like Sensei." That statement was the final straw for Anko. She screamed and tackled him making the two fall out of the window. "FUCK YOU HATAKE! MY SENSEI WAS A COLD HEARTED BASTARD!" she screamed as the two landed on the ground safely by focusing chakra to their feet to soften the landing.
With unnatural speed Anko socked the masked Jonin across the face "HE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT HIMSELF!" she sent a kick to his torso making him fall to the ground and cough blood "I LEFT HIM AFTER HE USED ME AS A DAMN GUINEA PIG!" she punched him across his left temple. "I NEVER FUCKED HIM OR HAD ANY SEXUAL ATTRACTION TO HIM!" a backhand strike across the right temple.
"I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM!" she stomped on his ribs. "I HAVE NEVER TOUCHED OR MOLESTED POOR NARUTO-KUN, EVER!" she kicked him across the jaw "I WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR HIM WHEN HE NEEDED ME! I DIDN'T SAVE HIM! HE SAVED ME FROM MYSELF!" she stomped on his spine as he attempted to crawl away.
"HE NEVER DESERVED THE TREATMENT THAT DESTROYED HIS CHILDHOOD! AND I DON'T DESERVE BEING CALLED A WHORE OR A PEDOPHILE OR OROCHIMARU'S SLUT!" at last she stomped on the Copy ninja's manhood making him yowl in pain and pass out. She panted tiredly, years of anger and frustration had finally come to a boil.
She didn't regret beating her colleague within an inch of his life. She wouldn't regret it if he died. He meant nothing to her. All that mattered was the one light in her miserable life: Naruto.
Hiruzen emerged from the tower, along with a number of Jonin. The Sandaime shook his head, not understanding why Kakashi would so childishly attempt to provoke Anko. Figuratively speaking, he was poking a Black mamba with a stick and making it madder and madder until it finally struck.
"It would seem… Team 7 is in need of a Sensei. Anko, would you care to take this team?" asked the Sandaime, trying to salvage the situation. The Snake mistress clenched her fist, amazed she couldn't feel pain after punching Kakashi so hard. "Yeah. Fine. I'll do it. For Naruto's sake."
Hiruzen nodded, accepting that and went back to his office to call for medics.
Meanwhile. At the Hospital.
Yugao, in more casual attire, entered Hayate's room. He was sleeping peacefully after he had been stabilized. She made sure he hadn't spoken anything incriminating about Ashlotte to the Doctors. Fortunately he was too delirious to form eligible words.
She took away the small remote that had the 'call nurse' button. She gulped and hoped that Hayate could be convinced to help Naruto's plans. She gently nudged him awake, his eyes slowly opened and he saw the beautiful face of his girlfriend.
He coughed several times and spoke hoarsely "Y-Yugao? Glad to see you." She smiled warmly and planted a kiss on his forehead "Good to see you too." She spoke softly. He coughed again then croaked out "Listen, you gotta call the Hokage. Some strange woman with clockwork inside has been robbing graves."
She looked at him sadly and explained in a gentle tone "Yes. I know. Her name is Ashlotte. She is a Doll created by Naruto Uzumaki. He sent her for the coffin of Mikoto Uchiha."
He sputtered out "How… how do you know? Unless…. Unless…" he trailed off prompting her to answer him "Yes. I am involved. Have been involved. I have assisted Naruto by abducting numerous people, the worst kind of people. Rapists, pedophiles, the worst types of people. He used them for experiments in creating Dolls with human parts. Naruto interrogated Kizashi and pressed him for information regarding Kushina. When he was finished he and Anko framed Kizashi as a killer as punishment for stonewalling Anko's promotion and bribing the Chunin to rig his tests during his previous years at the Academy."
Hayate was stunned but then he asked her "So… an innocent man was executed?" she shook her head "Yes and no. He was innocent of the crime he was convicted of, but he was guilty of numerous other crimes of which he was never punished."
"Why? Why? Why would you help a murderer?" asked the sickly Chunin in horror. Yugao glared at him and spoke in harsh tone "Naruto-kun might be a killer, but he's no murderer! He has not once ever killed someone without a reason or said someone was guilty of something! And… more importantly he is Kushina-sama's legacy."
He glared at her then spat out "You still serve that monster even after she's gone?! You're an Anbu! Your first and foremost duty is to Konoha. Not a savage like that Uzumaki woman."
The female Anbu clenched her fists "She has a name. Kushina 'The Evil' Uzumaki. And her child, Naruto deserves the respect he has been denied." She spoke, her eyes burning with an intense rage.
"Please. They are irrelevant. Who are you going to choose? Me or them?" he asked, believing Yugao's love for him and her duty to Konoha would help her see the light. "Come on Yugao, we need to go to the Hokage. Your testimony shall put the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki away for life and…" she cut him off and spoke angrily "He has a name. Not Demon brat. Not Kyuubi Jinchuurki. Not the Dead-last. HIS NAME IS NARUTO UZUMAKI! CHILD AND LEGACY OF KUSHINA! REMEMBER THAT! AND I CHOOSE THEM! NOT YOU!"
Without another word she snatched the pillow from under his head and pressed it against his face. He struggled and his screams were muffled under the pillow. She turned her head away as tears streaked down her face. It was too late now. She had a duty to fulfill. To protect Naruto. That was more important than anything, even her own selfish desires.
The Chunin's struggling grew fainter and his cries grew quieter… until at last he remained still. She sniffled and replaced the pillow under his head and exited the room. She took several breaths to calm herself then made a quick exit knowing that a crash cart would be there soon. Though they were already too late.
At the Academy.
Naruto Uzumaki looked down at his classmates from his seat in the back row, he had passed the Exam with flying colors. The written test was predictable as it was simple. The Jutsu part was equally simple, since Anko had taught him how to use Shadow clones when he failed on his second year. He got the highest marks, and a self-proclaimed avenger was glaring daggers at the Dollmaker.
Hinata and Ino sat on his left and right respectively . "Good work Naruto-kun. I'm so glad you got the highest marks." Spoke the shy Hyuuga. Ino however scoffed and spoke "Please. Any actual Genin worth their salt could pass this thing with their eyes closed."
Naruto chuckled and said to his fellow blonde "Then I'm glad you worked hard on getting the Jutsu portion right. The Written exam has been reduced to a simple formality for the most part." The two couldn't argue with that. And glared at Sasuke who had received the title as Rookie of the year. But the Uchiha was unsatisfied by this because the title… rang hollow ever since Naruto revealed his accomplishments in creating an actual working Doll.
The story about that incident had spread about like wildfire. Shinobi all about Konoha were amazed that they had a Puppetmaster in their midst that could create Dolls that were fully independent and self-aware. It would make Suna green with envy. Then rumors circulated that Naruto was going to have a shop opened where he could make and sell Dolls to the public.
Sasuke glared jealously at the blonde for becoming so famous in a short amount of time. But he scoffed and decided to let the Dobe play with his Dollies. The Avenger would train and surpass Madara once he unlocked his Sharingan. Then the Dobe would be forgotten.
Unknown to the avenger, Naruto could already tell what he was thinking, he smirked and spoke to 'no one in particular' "Typical self-indulgent narcissist. The imbecile thinks he is a gift to the world granted by the heavens. The thing is about Uchiha's is that in some way or another they're all the most selfish assholes in the world. And that goes double for the golden boy there. Let's see how he likes it when I steal his thunder."
"Who're talking to?" asked Ino, looking towards the direction of her fellow blonde's gaze… which was a wall. "Eh. No one really. You wouldn't understand." He dismissed her question making her puff her cheeks and turn away.
After that exchange the teams were being announced. At last it came down to Team Seven "Team Seven is… Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno." A cheer rang out from Sakura, who was still trapped in a Fangirl phase. Naruto and Sasuke deeply glared at each other, both imagining the other being humiliated.
Suddenly something crashed through the window, the bundle of cloth unfurled and revealed a banner that read 'The taken but still sexy and ever gorgeous Anko Mitarashi!' said woman stood in front of the banner and shouted "Heyo!" and flashed the victory sign.
The entire classroom stared in shock at the… unorthodox entrance. And the boys, excluding Sasuke, stared at Anko's… expressive state of dress. "Howdy! I'm Team Seven's super hot sensei! Ya better get down here! No time like the present! Chop chop!"
Naruto wasn't fazed by her antics as he got up and spoke in a casual tone "Always with the theatrics. Much as I love you, ya ever think of dressing more modestly?" he questioned as he got down to the front of the class and approached her.
She chuckled and replied "Maybe. But I find that kinda thing too stuffy. I'm a free spirit. And since you're now an official Genin… we can do some awesome things together!" she smirked at the end. The blonde chuckled and teased her "That so? Who would have thought you liked them young?"
A faint pink color rose to her cheeks but she laughed heartily and shoved his face between her generous breasts "Ya damn cheeky brat! Anko-sama's gonna punish you for back talking her by smothering you with her tits!" Iruka Umino and Mizuki passed out from sheer blood loss. Kiba wasn't far behind, various boys and a few girls blushed darkly at this… odd exchange.
Finally the Snake user released him, he slapped her on the shoulder and spoke with a large grin "Being smothered in those pillows would certainly make me die happy!" the two exchanged a hearty laugh as Sakura and Sasuke finally approached.
'This is our Sensei? What a weirdo. And what's with those revealing clothes?' thought Sakura who was expecting something… entirely different for a Jonin.
'Hn, so long as this slovenly dressed woman can make me stronger than HIM, I don't care.' Thought the avenger with his hands in his pockets.
"Welp, Anyway, I'll meet you brats at training ground 44 tomorrow at Five AM sharp. Don't be late!" spoke the Jonin in a cheerful tone. "EH?! SO EARLY?!" squealed the pink-haired Genin in dismay. The Snake user pretended to pick her nose and replied "Yep. You think the enemy on the field of battle is gonna let you get a full nights sleep? Hell no."
Iruka regained enough consciousness to listen in and then he decided to put in his suggestion "Um… Anko-san. They're just children! You shouldn't push them so hard, and why must you act like the third Shinobi war never ended?" the Snake user's arm snapped in the Chunin's direction, gripping him by the throat as she spoke in a cold and hardened voice "Firstly, I don't give a rats ass about what you think. The second they put on those Headbands they abandoned all rights to be treated as Children. And secondly… when did the war EVER end?"
A stiff breeze ominously blew through the broken window, sending a chill down the Genin's spines. In an instant her expression shifted back into that happy tone as she spoke "Welp, enough about this stick in the mud! Don't be late Team Seven or Anko-sama shall pleasantly punish you! TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!" with that she ran out and leapt through… another window. Breaking it.
"USE THE DOOR ALREADY LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" screamed the classroom. While Naruto chuckled knowing that this team won't be so bad after all.
Back at the hidden Workshop.
"Are you sure this is what Papa wanted?" asked Ashlotte as she ground up a number of bones into powder. Doll stood by and replied to her sister "I am certain. The Young master requested most specifically to grind a few bones into powder. I inquired why but he said it was part of his project."
The purple haired Doll raised an eyebrow and muttered "I love Papa… but this is strange. First he wants me to steal a coffin of a non-functional human, who's squishy parts are nonexistent, now he wants her bones ground into powder?! This is too strange."
Her silvery haired sibling nodded in agreement "I concur sister. It is unusual. But the young master, doesn't do anything without some type of reason or purpose. Perhaps he knows something we don't."
"Maybe. But if it makes Papa happy, I'll do it for him. Still, what's so special about this 'Mikoto Uchiha'?" asked Ashlotte in curiosity. Her sibling hmmed for a moment then replied "I know only a little. She was a dear friend of the Young master. She once took care of him for a brief amount of time. That's all I know for certain."
The Purple haired Doll raised her eyebrow up further but paid no mind to it and then asked "There's one thing that's been grating on my gears. How's Papa gonna manage his public store when he is away? The Dolls need his Bijuu Youkai to activate."
The silver eyed Sibling turned to an almost finished doll with blonde pigtails and whisker like marks on her cheeks, and next to her a large number of stacked trays with small black pearl like objects with a glowing crimson core. "The Young master, is already rectifying that issue."
End chapter three.
Next update: Time Tells no lies.