Chapter Seven

Manehatten, considered to be the sleepless city in Equestria. Many work during the day, trying to make enough bits to keep surviving in a business life, but all that is forgotten when Luna's moon rises. Party after party, clubs were lighting up every district in Manehatten, music making their concrete walls vibrate. To have a life here meant to create three personalities, one for work and one for the party, and to know how to survive in the big city. A place where one can also get their name out to the masses, the perfect place for Sonic Marine's birth.

Sonic Wave and Vinyl Scratch were walking down one of Maenhatten's many streets, the mare eyeing a business card. "According to this… We should be getting close to our client's club." She looked back at her partner, who currently pulled a wagon filled with DJ equipment and bags. "Are you sure about carrying all that stuff, by yourself, Sonic?"
"Trust me, I am quite fine, Vinyl." Sonic Wave answered, as he pulled the decent sized wagon rather easily. "Despite my… 'New look', I seem to retain much of my former abilities." Many of the other citizens stopped, in awe, at the sheer strength a single unicorn stallion displayed. A few mares began to fan themselves.

Vinyl, seeing this, waited until the stallion was next to her, and kissed his cheek. "I am looking forward to testing that theory, lover boy." This caused Sonic Wave's sunglasses to slide down his muzzle, a bit, his pupils shrinking to pin points, as the nearby mares went slack jawed. "That's right, ladies, he is mine." She thought, walking in front of Sonic Wave, allowing her tail to caress the stallion's chin.

This action put quite a pep in Sonic Wave's step, causing him to sprint up next to the mare, and keep pace with her. "Soo! How close are we?" He asked, allowing his tail to caress the mare's flank.

A cherry red blush appeared on Vinyl's cheeks, not expecting him to be so bold. "W-Well, according to the business card I was given?" She tried to use the small note card to distract herself, blinking a few times. "We're here?"

The pair stopped, staring up at the two story night club. Their eyes scanned the red neon light sign, with the words 'Party Pony' written in cursive. Sonic Wave raised a brow, not really impressed. "Talk about unoriginal…" He looked down at Vinyl, who shrugged her shoulders. "Did he say where to meet him, or to just go on inside?"

"From what he said, the last time we spoke?" Vinyl tapped her chin, remembering the interaction. "To go straight inside, and start setting up. His stage manager will meet up with us, soon as possible." Sonic Wave nodded, as the two of them entered the club, their eyes wide.

The place was large, its first floor ceiling taken completely out to make it seem like a bigger room. The main area had been separated into four sections, the dance floor, stage, bar area, and a lounge area. Looking around, they noticed a set of stairs leading up into a high rise office, where windows allowed those inside to observe the club. Vinyl could not take her eyes off of the dance floor, which seemed to have been made out several different colored lights, strobe lights hanging above to help it give off a dance party theme.

"Huh… Can't say they will have too many guests, and have a limit." Sonic Wave blurted out, looking around the oversized club. "Talk about too much money…"

"Well… The club's owner is a stallion named 'Filthy Rich'." Vinyl pursed her lips, Sonic Wave giving the mare a look that screamed 'seriously!?', Vinyl nodding. "Not even kidding. He is one of the richest ponies in Equestria… He has more bits than most know what to do with."

"And let me guess… He hoards it all to himself, buying things that makes him look even more important." Sonic Wave asked, Vinyl giving a confirming nod, which made him sigh. "Already starting to hate this gig."

Vinyl suddenly hopped on to the stallion's back, wrapping her forehooves around his broad neck. "Well, think of it this way, big boy." She leaned in close, her lips next to Sonic Wave's ear. "You will be here with me… And, if we manage to set everything up early, we will have more time to ourselves."

A grin appeared on Sonic Wave's muzzle, as he looked back at the mare. "Somepony is being quite the tease today… I wonder why that is?"
The mare leaned more on to him, resting her head on to his silver mane. "What can I say? I want time to cuddle with my sexy coltfriend." Vinyl's tail started to swish side to side. "Not my fault you are the ultimate eye candy."

Sonic Wave snickered at her comment, before his horn started to glow with a silver aura. Soon, all of their equipment gained the same aura and floated towards the stage. Those already there were forced to scatter, as the sound systems and DJ Station were placed in specific areas on the stage. When the magical aura disappeared from their frames, it reappeared around their cords and wires, plugging them into their required ports. Vinyl's jaw dropped at how quickly everything had been set up, which usually took her a good while to do.

"H-How did you do that, Sonic?" She asked, looking at the smirking stallion.

He glanced up at her, still smirking. "I have been practicing, and noticed my magical strengths reflects my physical one." Sonic Wave suddenly nudged her nose with his. "Plus, a certain mare gave me a really good incentive to set everything up quickly."

Vinyl blushed a bit, before nuzzling against his neck. "Well, we still have to do the equipment checks, before doing anything else."

Sonic Wave gave alight nod, taking a step towards the stage… However, he is forced to stop mid-step, as a rather irritated earth pony stallion appeared right in front of them. He wore a blue suit and red tie, which seemed to go with his tan coat and brown mane. "Can I ask who the two of you are, and why you are setting up on our stage?" By the clipboard in his hoof, Sonic Wave assumed that this is the stage manager.

"Um…" Vinyl quickly placed her shades on, and smiled. "I'm DJ Pon-3, your boss hired both me and my coltfriend for tonight."

The stallion's features went from irritated to excited, rather quickly. "Oh! I am so sorry, Ms. Pon-3. We have been expecting you!" His gaze went to Sonic Wave, raising a brow "I assume this is…?"

"The Sonic Marine, DJ Pon-3's coltfriend. Nice to meet you, mister?" Sonic Wave asked, watching the stallion making note of something.

"Stage Prompt." He answered, going over his notes for a moment, then nodding. "We have a dressing room reserved for you two. Once you are done with the sound checks, please go to there, it is to your right. Room two." He pointed towards a restricted hallway. "Room one is reserved for Mr. Rich's daughter, please do not enter there."

They gave a nod, waiting until Stage Prompt had finished his instructions, before heading towards the stage. "Let's hurry, and get these checks done." Vinyl whispered, looking around for a second. "That stick in the mud nearly bummed me out… Not to mention the slight flank kissing, after he found out who we are."

"Agreed." Sonic Wave stepped on to the stage, Vinyl still on his back. "Rather get to the real fun." The two shared a laugh, before starting their checks.

-Two Hours Later, Dressing Room 2-

Both Sonic Wave and Vinyl Scratch laid on the large lounge couch, the mare nuzzled into the stallion's chest. They had been like this, ever since the two finished all of their checks, Vinyl sound asleep. Though, while Sonic Wave being what he is, the stallion did manage to get into a light slumber. Things remained quiet since they entered the Dressing Room, which more than likely a request from Vinyl, the mare not wanting their time together to be interrupted.

However, such a thing did not last, as a hoof started to rapidly knock on the door.

Sonic Wave groaned, annoyed that whoever it was dared to interrupt their time together. Slowly, he sat up, Vinyl whimpering about her pillow and source of warmth starting to move. This earned a kiss to the top of her head, Vinyl smiling while Sonic Wave had his shades float over, walking towards the door.

When he opened it, the unicorn mare who knocked jumped back. It had been obvious that she did not expect him to answer, possibly thinking she'd get the chance to meet Vinyl herself. "E-Excuse me… But, Stage Prompt wanted me to tell you that it is ten minutes until show time, sir."

The stallion's eyes quickly scanned her, taking in her navy blue coat and golden mane, along with the fact that her cutie mark was of two crossed scalpels over a heartbeat line. "Must be a medical professional that does this on the side…" He thought, before nodding. "Ten minutes, huh?" She gave a confirming nod, nervous about how Sonic Wave raised a brow from behind his shades. "Alright, I will wake Vinyl up… Anything else?"

"No, sir. That is all." She shook her head, but something about her voice made Sonic Wave hesitate. It almost sounded like disappointment, or fear…He couldn't tell, for some reason, the tone was all over the place.

"Thanks for the heads up." With that, he closed the door and walked over to the couch, where Vinyl still slept. Sonic Wave smiled, still unable to get over how adorable he thought Vinyl looked, while sleeping. Gently, he leaned over and nuzzled the mare's cheek. "Vinyl… Its time to wake up."

"Noooo..." She moaned, in her sleepy daze, actually hugging his muzzle with her forehooves. "Five more minutes, Sony." Vinyl nuzzled against Sonic Wave's head, making him smile quite a bit.

"If I give you five more minutes, then we will only have five minutes to get ready." He noted, which caused Vinyl to slowly open her eyes. "Come on, best wake up now, so we can make sure our show blows them all away."

Vinyl released Sonic Wave's head, before sitting up and yawned-squeaked. "How long were we out?" She asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

Sonic Wave looked at the clock for a moment, then back at the waking mare. "Two hours. We got done rather fast, along with arrived earlier than expected. This opened up for us to have plenty of time to rest."

"Mhm, and I cannot tell how much better I slept." Vinyl nuzzled his neck, before having her own shades float over. "So, think you're ready for this?"

With a smirk, Sonic Wave nodded. "With you there? They won't know what hit them."

-Ten Minutes Later-

The club was already in full swing, some beginner DJs already getting the crowd electrified. Though, a lot of them came because they heard the owner had hired DJ Pon-3 for tonight, and she brought a special guest with her. With all the dancing and music going on, none of the crowd of ponies noticed a pair of ponies moving behind the stage curtains. But, when the music stopped, they all looked to the stage and saw Stage Prompt standing there.

"Good evening, everypony! Are you enjoying yourselves?" He asked, through a microphone, before the crowd yelled 'yeah!', in response. "Good to hear! Now, I know you all have been waiting all night for our next DJ… So, without wasting any more time? I give you…" Stage Prompt motioned towards the curtains, as they opened and revealed a grinning Vinyl Scratch. "DJ Pon-3!"

The crowd went crazy with cheers, many of them jumping around with excitement, as Vinyl used her magic to take the microphone from Stage Prompt. "There's the love I always adore from my fans! Though, I bet you are all wondering one thing: Who did your favorite DJ, in all of Equestria, bring with her for this show?" Their response had bene roaring cheers. "Well then… Let me start off by describing him for you! He's big, a rocking musician, built like a Royal Guard, knows how to sweep a mare off her hooves, and probably the sexiest stallion in Equestria… Sorry ladies, and some of you stallions, but he is taken. Meet my coltfriend!" The crowd all gasped, stallions and a few mares jaw dropping, as Vinyl pointed to the curtains. "The Sonic Marine!"

The curtains opened again, revealing the black coated, silver maned, stallion Sonic Wave! When the light showed on to him, the stallion's red shades suddenly flashed, making his confident grin suddenly seem awe inspiring! What really caught their attention, was the silver and brass instrument he is currently leaning on. None of them had ever seen it's like before, especially how high-tech it looked.

Once Sonic Wave stepped on to the stage, Vinyl quickly got to her turn tables and stereo system. "Now, are you ponies ready for the party of your lives!?" When they cheered 'yeah!', she started her system up.

(( Some Chords(Dillon Francis Remix) by Deadmau5 ))

The beat started to pound, with what sounded like clapping. It became high paced, before falling silent, where Sonic Wave came in on his own instrument. The beat began to match his instrument, before t did a buildup and the base suddenly dropped! That had been when the two musicians started to perform even more in-sync with each other. Their movements even seemed timed together, after the second drop came. Vinyl and Sonic Wave honestly seemed like they were of a single mind, dwelling within a world of their own creation, moving ever so closer to one another and actually performed their own dance on stage.

And the crowd ate it all up.

They were all on the dance floor, moving with the music's beat. Many of them looked like they were under a spell, in some sort of trance… Not noticing the energy coming off of Sonic Wave and his instrument.

The beat drew closer and closer to its end, both Vinyl and Sonic Wave doing the same. When the beat hit its last note, they did what none of the crowd expected out of the musical professional… Actually kissing, on stage, which earned cheers and whistles from their fangs, along with a single angry glare.

-After the Show-

For several hours, Vinyl and Sonic Wave managed to keep the crowd electrified, partly thanks to the stallion's ability with his instrument. However, after performing so long, the pair were honestly tired and looking forward to their all-expense paid hotel. At the moment, they were working on getting the equipment unplugged, broken down, and out to their wagon, which had been moved to the club's loading dock.

Vinyl wiped her brow, using her magic to levitate some of their equipment. "Hey, Sonic, I'm gonna take these to the wagon." She started, looking at said stallion working on her turntables, instrument strapped to his side. "How much longer on those turntables?"

"Shouldn't be much longer." Sonic Wave replied, detaching the stereos. "I should be done, and out there, by the time you tie those down in the wagon."

"Don't keep me waiting… I haven't forgotten my promise." Her sultry tone caused Sonic Wave's entire body to stiffen, as he started to work oven quicker… This caused the mare to giggle. "Down, boy. Not until we get to the hotel."

With that, Vinyl headed out the club's back, to unload what equipment she could carry. Luckily, after doing this many times herself, the mare knew how to secure the equipment safely. Each piece had a certain place in the wagon, to prevent it from being damaged or broken during travel. There is even a place to stash the bits from each gig, Sonic Wave keeping an eye on their current pay for now. This still left her alone, in an empty alley.

"Whew…" Vinyl wiped her brow again, after tying down the last piece of equipment she brought. "All that's left, is to load up what Sonic has."

"How could you…"

Vinyl blinked, turning around to see a navy blue unicorn mare, with a golden mane, standing behind her. For some odd reason, she looked really angry. "Excuse me?" She looked around for a few seconds, trying to see if there was any other pony around, but saw no pony and looked back at the mare. "Are you talking to me?"

"How could you…" The mare repeated, her eyes locked on to Vinyl. "We were perfect together! But, you had to bring that… That… Stallion into our lives." Her tone was filled with venom and hate.

"Ooooookaaaay…" Vinyl was starting to get a serious stalker vibe from this mare. "I am heading back inside. Enjoy your crazy, Crazy Mare." When she turned towards the club's back exit, the mare teleported in front of Vinyl. "Hey! Move, or I'm calling security!"

"No, you aren't going anywhere but with me!" The mare's horn glowed an emerald green, before a decently sized knife appeared next to her. "And we are going to live happily together!"

Vinyl's eyes widened, the mare's creepy giggling and razor sharp knife starting to terrify here. "W-Whoa, now, no need to bright out the knife!" She held up both forehooves, defensively. "Look, you seem like an awesome pony to hang out with, and all… But, I'm not into mares, and I have a coltfriend right now." Hoping this would calm her down, seeing the mare physically relax some, she continued. "We can be pals, though."

"Pals?" The mare repeated, eyes wide, and made Vinyl breathe a sigh of relief. But, that relief ended quickly. "No! If I can't have you, no pony can!"

Vinyl went wide eyed, darting to her left, just as the knife went for her. Sweet Celestia! What are you trying to do, kill me!?" She demanded, seeing the mare yank her knife from the wagon.

"If I can't have you, no pony can." The mare had a creepy grin on her muzzle, one that sent the worst kind of chill down Vinyl's spine. "If I can't have you, no pony can! If I can't have you, no pony can!" She repeated, thrusting her knife forward again, and again.

Vinyl kept managing to dodge the knife, the best she could. "I said to calm down, and-AAAHHH!" She screamed, her left side feeling like it was on fire. "What in Equestria was that!?" Her thoughts were answered, seeing a second knife stabbed into her side Vinyl looked at the mare, wanting answers for the second knife, and noticed her cutie mark… A two crossed scalpels with a heartbeat line under it. "Oh, come on, a freaking doctor!? Seriously!"

The mare slashed at Vinyl, her movement slowed by the second knife. It nicked Vinyl's throat, causing blood to rush out and her to gasp for air! With the restriction of oxygen, Vinyl fell forward, grasping her bleeding throat with both hooves… The mare now hovering over Vinyl, knife pointed down towards her, a twisted giggling coming from the mare's mouth. "Don't worry, my Party Goddess, I know the perfect place for you, at our home… You will be very comfortable."

Vinyl's eyes were wide, from sheer terror, as the mare raised her knife. She tried to say something, but only hacked and wheezed, her wound making it impossible. Vinyl could only watch, as the knife came down and-!



A burst of sonic energy slammed into the mare, instantly exploding and sent her flying into a nearby dumpster. Vinyl looked to the source, and silently smiled at who just saved her. "Thank Celestia!"

Standing in the doorway, his instrument's barrel fully extended and smoking, was none other than Sonic Wave! His head tilted to the point he is looking over the red shades, glaring at Vinyl's attacker. "You have three seconds to run, before I kill you, bitch." Sonic Wave thrusts his instrument forward, causing it to make a clicking noise. "Three…"

"You…" The mare's words were filled with venom. "It's all your fault!"


The mare readied her knife, Vinyl only able to watch the standoff. "You want to ruin our happiness! You want to take her away! But I won't let you!"

"One…" The instrument's barrel started to glow, giving the sign it was ready to fire.

"I won't let you!" She lunged forward, Sonic Wave firing his weapon.

The mare, not thinking, collided head first into the burst of sonic energy! It sent her flying into the nearby wall, dazed by the sheer force behind the blast, looking up at Sonic Wave, eyes widening.

An outline appeared around the stallion, the silver light forming armor of some kind. Though, Vinyl recognized it rather quickly, which made her worry. After all, when the light flashed, Sonic Wave looked like a ponified Astartes, even his weapon looking like the "Blastmaster" he originally used. His red visor, which had turned into a thin horizontal visor instead of T-Shaped, glowed blood red. The blastmaster hummed, sonic energy already charging for another attack.

"Stand down." Sonic Wave's voice gave off a metallic echo, his heavy hoofstep bouncing all around the alley. "Or die."

Both Vinyl and the mare just stared at him, the sudden change in appearance filling them with surprise. Vinyl could not speak, her wound preventing the mare form actually telling Sonic Wave to stop. But, as for her attacker, she was not convinced about him being a threat.

"You will not get in the way of our happiness!" With that, she lunged towards Sonic Wave.


That is the only word to describe how Vinyl felt, after Sonic Wave's weapon fired. One moment, the mare was leaping towards the armored stallion. The next, blood and chunks of meat painted the concrete wall, Vinyl's eyes wide and filled with terror. She had no idea Sonic Wave's enchanting instrument had such destructive power, able to reduce his foe to such a sickening state.

Her body grew colder, as her sight started to blur. Vinyl could hear Sonic Wave's voice, his armored hooves getting closer, and his tone was filled with… Panic? Before she could do anything, her head fell to the ground, feeling her pooled blood on the stone, and darkness taking over Vinyl's senses.