Hey everyone! For those of you who follow my stories, know that the first chapter of the sequel is finally up. I got inspired enough to finally buckle down and write it. Well, I've written some other parts of the story already, I just wasn't sure how to kick it off. It's going to be a lot slower going, and I apologize for that. But I hope to make some good progress on it during my spring break.

The sequel is called Heart of Light, which I'm sure many of you can understand if you've read all the way through this story. I warn you, it is rated M. There's nothing to warrant that rating in it in the first chapter, but it's going to need that rating later. Anyone who's seen the Legend of Korra knows who Izumi is, I presume. Well...that kind of thing doesn't just come out of thin air, you know.

I've also gone over the whole story and broken up the time skips and fixed as many of the typos as I could find. You know, to make things flow better.

Anyway, thanks for reading!