Two Years Later
"Leviiiii," Eren whined from the passenger seat of the car. His hair was longer than it had been when the two had first men, but he still looked just as young and innocent. He was leaning his head on Levi's shoulder as the shorter man drove down the dark highway. "I'm tired. Where are we going at four thirty in the morning, anyways?"
"It's a surprise," Levi replied, tracing soft circles on Eren's hand with his own hand while driving with the other. "Patience."
"This better be good," the younger man grumbled before burying his face back in Levi's shoulder.
Levi sighed, glancing fondly at his lover. The two had begun dating as soon as they both returned home from their trips to New York and had been together ever since. Of course, as in any relationship, there were ups and downs, days when they would cry themselves to sleep, days when they would go home alone, but overall, they were happy together. Their friends made fun of them, but really, everyone was just happy that they had found each other. It was obvious that they were totally and completely in love with one another.
"Wake up, Eren," Levi said as he pulled into the parking lot. Eren yawned before sitting up and looking around.
"The airport?" he asked. "Are we going on a trip?"
"I guess you'll just have to find out, now, won't you," said Levi mysteriously. Eren groaned in frustration but followed Levi as the shorter man got out of the car and grabbed a few bags from the trunk, giving one of them to Eren to carry.
After about forty minutes, the couple had made it through check in, security, and onto the plane.
"Where are we going?" Eren asked Levi again once they were settled into their seats. Just then, a voice came over the speaker.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Marco Bodt and I will be your pilot today. The temperature is currently at 76 degrees and we are expecting a pretty smooth flight. We should be arriving at JFK" But Levi didn't hear any more. As soon as the pilot said the words JFK, Eren had turned to him with an incomprehensible expression on his face.
"JFK," he said slowly. "We're going to New York?"
"Yup," Levi replied, popping the 'P.'
"Man, I haven't been there in-"
"Two years," Levi finished for him. Eren nodded. "Do you remember that flight?"
"Of course I do!" Eren cried and then continued teasingly, "I said you weren't much of a talker. I was right, too!"
"You were not," Levi pouted playfully. "I talk just enough, thank you very much."
"Pff, I didn't say not much talking was a bad thing. For your information, I like you just the way you are," Eren said with a goofy grin, leaning down to give Levi a quick kiss on the lips.
"We talked for that whole flight, do you remember," Eren said nostalgically as the plane began to lift into the air.
"Yeah," Levi said. "I remember I had planned on sleeping for the whole flight, but then some bright eyes brat had to come and ruin my whole plan."
"Well sorry," Eren said sarcastically.
"But," Levi continued, ignoring Eren's sarcastic reply. "I'm glad that the brat ruined my plans. I'm glad I told him lame shit jokes and I'm glad that he returned the favor. I'm glad that he told me about his work and his hobbies and his passions. I'm glad that I ended up spending the entire fucking plane ride talking to a complete stranger. I'm glad that I met you, Eren."
For once in his life, Eren was speechless as Levi took his hand into his own and gazed straight into his eyes.
"I don't want to know what would have happened if you didn't bumble into my life, and I'm not ever going to find out. I love you, Eren Jaeger, and I will always love you, so…" Levi reached his other hand into his back pocket and pulled out a small red box. He popped it open to reveal a golden key shaped pendent with a diamond on the tip. Eren's breath caught in his throat. "Eren, will you marry me?"