In a dark smoking room Jason sits just waking up from being unconscious, he looks around the room frantically. He sees a light and he tries to run towards it but gets jerked back from the chains around his wrist. His arms are numb and he did not notice them. Then a mysterious figure walks out of the shadows, it is Cobolt, with a big smile on his face staring at Jason.

"What do you want to ugly creep?!" Jason snarks.

"Oh all in due time will you find out." Cobolt answers with a smirk, "What do you hate most?" He started to walk around the room waiting for Jason to answer but he could tell Jason was hesitant .

Jason starts to stutter but stops and then thinks about it, "I-I-I hate, L-Lucas!"

"Great the Red Ranger!" Cobolt says but before he can say anything else Jason cuts him off.

"Wait! Lucas is the Red Ranger?!"

Cobolt ignores him, continuing to talk to himself, "This plan will work out even better than I thought it would." He says with hysterical laugh.

- Jungle Beasts -

Luke is starting his first day of QB practice, he walks out on the field padded up with a nervous look on his face, not knowing anyone on the team besides from his ranger teammates. Jake at Tight end, Tim at Wide Receiver, and Joe at Running Back.

Joe runs up to him and puts his hand on Luke's shoulders, "Hey if you don't see someone to throw to, you always have me to either run it or ill be on one of the sidelines waiting for a pass behind the line of scrimmage."

Luke gives him a slightly confused look, "Uh sure."

Jake and Tim run up, Jake before running past tells him, "Just stayed focused and you will be good."

Luke gets focused and then follows the rest of the team out onto the field. He grabs a ball and Tim goes out for a pass just messing around until coach got out there, Luke throws a fifty yard pass to Tim which he has to jump up and do an one handed catch with a backwards dive. The team goes crazy.

"You guys have to do that in a game but into the endzone!" said a random teammate to Luke before running to high five Tim.

"Whats an endzone?" Luke says to himself.

- Jungle Beasts -

Abbey and Mark are at the HQ working on a secret project for the rangers which he is allowing Abbey to know about. They walk out of a back room covered in grease with the echo of engines running and then the door shuts and it falls quiet.

"So why do I get the feeling that you like Luke?" Mark asks with a smirk.

Abbey caught off guard looks at him mouth a gaped shocked and stuttering, "W-w-what would make you say that?"

Mark laughs and then looks at her, " I was a teenager once I know what young love looks like, besides how old do you think I am? That would make you think I wouldn't catch on."

"I never called you old but, I don't know a few thousand years old." Abbey says laughing. Mark gets a nervous look on his face, "I am just kidding I don't know 47?"

Mark relieved lets out a sigh, "I mean close enough." He laughs and then remembers some important news, "Oh yeah i wanted to tell you guys that I have and old sparring buddy who lives in Blue Hall California, and I was thinking we could meet up with him when the football team goes there for their first game to the championship."

"Okay but why do we need to meet him?"

"you will find out in due time"

- Jungle Beasts -

In front of the school appears a mysterious figure shinning silver. The figure starts walking over to the football field where the team is still practicing and then as soon as Luke throws a pass the whole ground starts to shake and then he looks to Tim, Jake and Joe and then all nod and ass the rest of the team takes off to hide then go to confront the figure. As the get closer the notice what it is and all look relieved and then within seconds shock hits their bodies and then an explosion goes off in front of them and throws them back, left unconscious. Abbey comes running up in his ranger suit but the silver figure was gone, so she starts to tend to her friends, and then Mark teleports them all back to HQ.