The Gladiator Writers (GWs) have assembled at Larissa's home to watch the Season 5 Episode 22 finale, "You're Cordially Invited…" where Olivia and Fitz get married.

They are sitting in Larissa's living room. They are all dressed up like they are actually going to a wedding. On the coffee table are champagne, shrimp cocktail, cheese and crackers, and crudités with hummus, and an assortment of other types of finger food. There is also a small cake with white frosting and gum paste flowers on top of it that is waiting to be cut.

They are watching the scene that shows various White House YouTube clips of Olivia and Fitz's wedding reception –

Olivia and Fitz dancing to Love Unlimited's Oh Love, We Finally Made It.

Olivia and Fitz cutting into their wedding cake.

Olivia and Fitz leading the Scandal cast to the Macarena group dance with Fitz showing he "owns" the Macarena as everyone is following his lead.

This scene segues into the Olivia and Fitz wedding night scene in the White House Residence master bedroom…


Fitz is in the bedroom. He has taken off his tuxedo jacket and bow tie. His dress shirt is unbuttoned and his undershirt is showing. He is in the sitting area of the bedroom where he is opening a bottle of champagne and pours some into champagne flutes. Olivia appears out of the bathroom when the champagne cork pops. She has changed out of her wedding gown into a sexy negligee and her hair is loose. Fitz sees her and gives an appreciative glance.


(in a sexy voice)

Madame First Lady.

Olivia walks to where Fitz is standing and wraps her arms around him.



Oh, I like the sound of that.

They share a passionate kiss. After their kiss, Fitz hands her glass of champagne but she sets it down on the coffee table.


Fitz, I have a present for you.


Livie, I thought we promised no wedding gifts to each other.


I know but I think you would want this gift.

Olivia walks over to her side of the bedside table and pulls open the drawer. She takes out a narrow gift box that has a ribbon tied around it. She hands the box over to Fitz. Fitz opens the box and takes out home pregnancy test. He looks at it and then looks at Olivia with a puzzled expression.




(with tears in her eyes)

Congratulations, Mr. President, you are going to be father again.


(highly emotional)

Oh, Liv.

Fitz takes Olivia in his arms and kisses her passionately. He then sweeps her off her feet and carries her to the bed. They undress each other and end up making love.

The GWs are watching the steamy love scene between Kerry/Olivia-Tony/Fitz.


Those two have so much chemistry between them. This is the stuff romance writers live for. Too bad the world of SP no longer saw the value of Olitz.


Their loss is our gain. At least the network and studio had enough sense to intervene to block SP from creating any more damage.


The network and studio only stepped in because they didn't want to lose any money. If they weren't worried about money, they would have let SP do its wrecking damage to Olitz. The reason why we are the new writing team for Scandal is because the network and studio want to keep the advertisers happy.


I think the Chief and SP have problems if they allowed their number one show to crash like that.


We're not a position to judge since we don't really know what the Chief and SP was thinking. Since so much credit has been given to the Chief and SP for their creative geniusness, we might not be bright enough to see it.


Alternatively, the creative geniusness is just smoke and mirror.

The GWs continue to watch the show silently.

Olivia and Fitz are seen sleeping contently in the master bedroom.


Meanwhile, Cyrus and the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff emerge out of the elevator and walks towards the master bedroom. Cyrus is holding a red folder in his hand as he walks pass the Marine guards.


Cyrus and the Chair of the Joint Chiefs stand in front of master bedroom door.



I hate doing this.


Cyrus, I don't like have to doing this either. After all, it is the man's wedding night. But he is also the President. He needs to think of this as an occupational hazard.

Cyrus takes a deep breath and knocks on the bedroom door.


(in a loud voice and knocking on the door)

Mr. President. Mr. President. You need to wake up, sir.

A moment later, Fitz opens the bedroom door wearing nothing but a bathrobe. He gives Cyrus a glowering look and then sees the Chair of the Joint Chiefs.


Mr. President, we wouldn't have wakened you but there is a situation. A nuclear device has been detonated…

Fitz has an "Oh shit" look on his face.

Caption TO BE CONTINUED on a black screen appears on the TV screen. Then the credits roll.


We gave what the network and studio wanted for the season finale. Olivia is pregnant and we have a cliff hanger. That should get the viewers and fans tuned in for the Season 6 premiere. Hopefully, the cliff hanger wasn't too lame for the viewers and fans.


Since the cliff hanger was the last minute addition to the script, we didn't have a lot of time to work on it. We had to come up with something that was serious enough to have Olivia and Fitz's wedding night to be interrupted.


At least the network and studio allowed Olivia and Fitz to consummate their marriage. That should at least make the Olitz fans happy. As well as there is an Olitz baby on the way.

Larissa pours champagne into flutes and each of the GWs takes a flute.

Larissa (raising her flute):

Well, we did it, Gladiator Writers. We made Fitz into a kickass POTUS that women around lusted after, saved the world from a global terrorist plot, and most importantly, we got Olivia and Fitz back together, married and with a baby on the way.


Not to mention helped save the show.


I would say that is not bad gladiating.


Here, here.

The other GWs raise their flutes and they all clink their glasses before taking a sip.

Dear Fellow Olitz shippers,

This concludes Olitz Reboot which I had fun writing.

Thank you so much for reading my fanfic. A special thank you to those who have followed and favorited it.

I hope you enjoyed it.