Jason POV

I woke up with my head pounding as fuck. I'm sitting on the ground of a warehouse, of course, I look down my legs and arms they're chained with a long chain connected to the wall and cuffs on my wrist connecting the chains , how the fuck? That wasn't even the most shocking part, what really shocked me was when I looked to my right. On my right I saw the Bats in a cage, WTF?! How the hell did they get Bruce? They started to wake up and they looked straight at me. We were all mask less but in costume.

"Well, well, well, look who finally woke up" The person with that voice was the last person I expected to hear, I stood up from my position.

"What do you want Ra's" I growled, not in the mood.

"I just want to see your reaction to my new friend" he smirked evilly.

"What the hell are you talking about" he just kept smirking at me, then he turned to Damian.

"Damian" he nodded still smirking.

"Grandfather" Damian nodded back, "what do you want".

"Observe carefully and enjoy the show" he turned back to me, what show?

"Jason, try to get loose" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're kidding right, it's metal cuffs with a metal chain keeping me to a brick wall, I can't" his smirk grew, that son of a bitch. I pulled at the cuff and said "see".

"Here's some motivation" he said, someone walked in, I can't see their face, I narrow my eyes trying to see who's walking over to Ra's, then they turn towards me.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I screamed pulling at the cuffs.

"His eyes are green" Dick mumbles after a few seconds he says "blue" then "grey" "red" he said the color every time they changed but they just stayed red.

I pull again, Ra's hits a button that opens the cage door for the bats.

"It's the pit, it shows levels of anger by changing eye colors, red is the highest it goes, so whoever that man is, should run" Damian says.

Then, for the third time, I pull at the chains they break and I'm charging at my son of a bitch of a father.

"Jason, no" Bruce said holding me back. I'm struggling out his grip, when Dick helps him hold me back, then Tim, then Damian. I'm growling at him, oh when I get my hands on him, he's so dead.

Surprisingly, I'm still moving forward even with all of them holding me back. I pull free and jump on that mother fucker, figuratively and literally. I get in a good punch before I'm pulled off.

"Willis, unless you have a death wish, RUN" Bruce says.

Dick and Tim froze, "that's Jason's-" they started then trailed off.


"Oh please, how are you going to do that without any weapons" Ra's says.

"You should've learned by now, Ra's, never believe I'm empty handed" Dick and Tim stepped back after they found out it was my dad, I stand straight after pushing Bruce and Damian off me, "whoever doesn't have a death wish I recommend you leave" I say then growl, "now".

"And if you're a bat, then back up" I hear them backing up. That's when I pull out a hidden eagle (gun).

The assassins that were here all attacked, I shot all of them through the heart without blinking or looking away from him. After everyone of the assassins are dead, I move forward.

"I never thought you'd have the heart to kill your own father, Jason" He said.

"You are NOT my FATHER," I snap, "the only person who is even close to a father figure is him" I point to Bruce, "even if it was for a short time" I get closer.

Ra's draws a sword and Willis backs up. I shoot five rounds he blocks em with his sword, well two can play at that game. I fake a shot and shoot him in the shoulder his reflex falters. I shoot him in the other shoulder, then I just kept shooting, nowhere that'll kill him instantly but where it'll hurt. Then he looses his balance and falls back, I walk up to him and glare at him, he smirks.

I shoot him in the heart, I look up at the son of a bitch, then turn away, and take a few steps towards the bats. After taking a few steps I turn back and shoot him straight through the heart.

I sigh and let my arm fall to my side, still holding the gun. I start walking towards the door then say "I'll be home late, don't wait up" then I leave.

I go to crime alley and sit on a fire escape. I watch the alley below me, memories of that night coming back to me.

The scene plays out in my mind, until I give the tires back. That's when Bruce plops down next to me, cowl on. I look up at him, then back down.

"Talia came and picked up Ra's" I nod of course she did.

"Are you ok" no, I nod, "you sure" I nod again, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Can you give me a more vocal answer" I hum "mhmm" it sounded weak, "I mean words, Jason, use words" I shake my head.

After a minute of silence "is" I say then, cough to get my voice back to normal, "is it wrong that I don't" I pause and take a deep breath "I don't regret killing him".

"No, Jason, it isn't. That man did a lot of bad things to you growing up" he wraps his arm around me and I lean heavily on his shoulder.

"Are you mad" I say reminding myself to breathe, my throat feels like it's closing.

"No, Jason, I'm not" he say laying his head on mine.

"Why" I say my voice cracking, breathe Jason, damn it breathe!

"Because, it was him" I nod, "Jason" he says.

"Hm" I hum in acknowledgment.

"Look at me" I shake my head "Jason" he growls.

He takes my chin in his hand and makes me look at him, I look at the ground, not moving my head, "Jason, please" I look up at him "breathe" a tear slips down my face, I look back down. Shit, I feel like I'm suffocating, he hugs me, that's when I realize I'm trembling.

"In" I shake my head.

"I... I... C-c" I stutter.

"Shhhh... Shhhh... Don't talk, Jason, you're hyperventilating, breathe" more tears slip down my face.

"C-can't... Br-breathe... Bru-Bruce" I gasp.

"Jason, don't talk" he says, "Just Breathe" I shake my head, "yes you can, BlueJay, just, calm down".

I nod, ok, come on Jay, take a deep breath. Damn, harder than I thought.

"Ok, come on, head between your legs" he bends my legs up and gently leads my head in between them. He rubs my back, up and down, slowly.

"In" he whispers in my ear, I shakily inhale.

"Out" I exhale.

"Just like that keep going" I nod. After a few minutes, I lift my head, and lean my head back on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me" He asked.

"Which part"

"Your eyes" he says.

"I didn't tell anybody" he nods.

"But why didn't you tell me" he says.

"I don't like to think about it, I tried so hard to hide it, especially with my temper"

He nods "are they're anymore side effects"

I give a curt nod, damn, what's up with all the nods, "yeah" I sigh.

"How many"

"I don't know, a few, that I know of" I say.

"What're they" he asks, I shake my head, "when will you tell me"

"In time due, old man"

"So pretty much when we see em happen or never" I nod.

After a while I look at him "I'm sorry"

"For what" he says.

"Everything" I croak out, tears slipping down uncontrollably, then I mumble again...


Alternate Ending next chapter. If you're new to reading one of my stories I like to write what would happen if they were in costume or civilian. Btw, most are still in the making so you'll see when I start posting them.