Kamigami No Asobi Fanfiction

Experience what it will be like teaching the gods about human life and love with Yui. Will you fall in love with one of the gods? Or will every god fall for you?

Zeus's POV:

" I need another human to teach basic quality human social interaction and how the human race lives to teach here at this academy than just Yui Kasanagi but how will I decide on who is the perfect match to do so? " Zeus sat on his throne while pondering his thoughts while looking into his portal that leads into the human world and gazing upon other humans who are just going on about their day unnoticed.

Your POV:

" Hello!? Is anybody here!? " I yelled but there was no response.
I walked down the hallways thinking what an amazing place this building was. All of the designs on the on the tile floors and the walls of the building were suns, all over them. My guess was the sun designs meant the meaning of light and learning on them, I walked down slowly in the hallways admiring the garden and the hallways. I then suddenly heard someone's footsteps come up closer and closer and then voices were heard as well as the footsteps. I hid quickly behind one of the pillars.

Everyone's POV:

" Fairy-san! What are we going to learn about today?! " Apollon said quite cheerfully as he smiled brightly.

" Oh, well I thought we'd talk about human holidays? How does that sound? " Yui asked everyone and they just tilted their heads in confusion because they had no idea what a holiday was except Hades who just stood there nodding. " I'm sure it will be a fascinating subject Yui-san. " Balder smiled as well.

Then Dionysus noticed something in the field move and then he saw a figure of a person stand up with a basket and in a red dress that flowed with the wind and her scarf flying up with the wind as it picked up. The figure appeared to be picking flowers while singing, she seemed to be in peace and happy but little did they know on how fragile and timid the stranger was and what would've become of them with that stranger.

There's your preview guys, I'm off to type up chapter 1 right now!