Hey what's up? Yeah i know this story of mine looks like it's going to be discontinued and abandon but don't worry i'm just busy in our reality you know. Because...Yeah sorry for that anyway i'm just going to say is thanks to those who was supporting my other story i'm just really busy right now and i can't write on it for now so it might take a while so THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO WAS SUPPORTING IT!

So here is Chapter * enjoy everyone Chiao!? (^W^)

Berk Hospital is overrun!" Hiccup read aloud. The safe room like many others had many words scribbled out on the walls. And still Hiccup wonder, how in the world this places exist?! I mean come on, the zombie apocalypse is just started ten days ago and they have time to build this safe rooms and but not have the time to evacuate people or make a move quickly before everything gone wrong? THE FUCK!?

If Hiccup is still alive-er, he will have a massive headache wondering how or who are the people have time to build the safe rooms. But luckily or unluckily is a zombie now, an intelligent zombie that didn't crave for human flesh or brains. Any way Hiccup continue reading the words on the wall and can't resist to comment on the word he just read. "No shit! The whole city is overrun! Heck the whole country might be overrun now and the next week or a month? The whole world might be overrun already!"

"Oh leave the wall alone Hiccup it doesn't do anything wrong to you." Rapunzel mockingly scolded while putting another pack of painkillers and three rolls of bandages on her med kit.

"Yeah man, you might not know some of these messages can be useful. Like this one over here 'There is government base on Washington.' Or how about this one 'There is a still more supplies on downtown on one of the grocery store.' How is that helpful eh?" Jack said while getting a pack or two of bullets.

"Or how about this one 'Those who are still alive if you want to get to safe place there is a evacuation centers that the government build for state of emergency.' Hmmm that is sound good maybe we should go there incase if we can't go through the hospital?" Rapunzel said.

"Yeah, but if I were you I'm not going to trust these things. Because some of them are bait to lure some naïve and unfortunate idiots, no offense Rapunzel, Jack I'm not saying you two are what I said." Hiccup said.

"Nah none take Hic, but what do you mean by that?" Jack asked and wave off Hiccup comment because he knows Hiccup didn't mean him and Rapunzel, he might mean other people. While Rapunzel was not bother by it but was curious too and knows there is a reason why Hiccup said that.

"Well I follow one this messages before meeting you guys a four days ago. So after I get there it was a trap I saw few people there being rub or beaten up and for the girls? You know what will happen." Hiccup said grimly remembering how people personality can change in a heartbeat and does does things to other people just to survive or to get what they desire and etc.

While Rupanzel and Jack just nodded can believe how people are willing to do something unimaginable things and understand Hiccup to not what to continue. Fortunately Elsa and Merida notice the mood was so Merida tried to get them back on reality.

"Come on ladies! We can think how humanity got low but for now let's go survive first before we think of others alright?" Merida said and they all agree they need to save themselves first and think about each other for now. As they all left the safe room, they shot every zombie they saw, minus Hiccup of course, as they searched for a path that wasn't blocked off by furniture or other various objects. After some searching, they found some stairs and walked up there before entering a large room.

"So we just keep on fighting until we get to the roof huh?" Hiccup asked.

"That's the plan." Elsa said as she shot at a Smoker.

"Hey, guys?" Hiccup said. "Just a thought, but where is that Chopper going to evacuate you guys?"

"Somewhere far away and safe and hope our families are and so that we don't have to deal with these things anymore, hopefully." Jack said missed the 'You guys' on Hiccup's question because his focusing on their surroundings.

"And what do you mean 'You guys'?" Rapunzel said while dodging a zombie and shot point block and then turn to Hiccup for a moment. "You're not planning on coming with us?"

Almost making the other three stop if it not for the zombies that coming to them specially our certain platinum blonde former ice queen and red head ace archer scot girl, to ask the sentient zombie on the group but they can't turn their backs when they shooting zombies so they let Hiccup to continue to tell his reason.

"You think they'll let me on the chopper with you all?" Hiccup asked as he beheaded two zombies. "Double Kill! And beside at least I did something good even I'm a zombie now." he said in a dramatic fashion.

"Couldn't hurt to asked, beside you might be the answer for this zombie apocalypse because you're not like this things. 'And I'm not letting you go this time if I have say on it!" Elsa said and thought as they found more stairs.

"Ugh! I'm sick on this stairs." Jack said and groans.

"Its good exercise Jack quit your whining." Merida said she too agreed with Elsa silently praise the girl for a quick excuse. They decided to look for some leftover supplies before continuing on; they spent a little around two minutes before meeting up in front of a working elevator.

"Wonder how long they held out for?" Hiccup asked as he looked at all the bloodstains and weapons littered about.

"Don't know, you guys ready?" Jack asked already knew the noise on the elevator or other machine noise attract this things to them so they know the drill.

"As ready as we can be." Rapunzel said readying herself base on her experience this past ten days.

"Hit it!" Elsa said before Merida hit the button to call the elevator, shortly after the howling came again before the horde ran right for them.

"Right on cue." Merida muttered as they began mowing down the zombies, they five kept on taking them out before they got surprise by the zombies when they came out of the walls around them. "They're everywhere!"

"GET IT OFF ME!" Jack yelled as a Hunter pounce and began to claw and rip his skin. Merida unloaded a shotgun shell into its head before picking Jack up onto his feet. They held off that came towards them by the skin of the teeth before the holy sound of the elevator reach their floor hit their ears.

"Inside the elevator! Go! Go! Go!" Elsa shouted and everyone piled in while kicking a few zombies away before the door shut and Elsa hit the button to go higher and sigh of relief.

"That was close." Jack said as he patched himself up. "I thought that was it for us."

"Like some fucking vampires gonna get us." Merida said reloading and checking her ammo on her person.

"They're zombies Merida." Hiccup said as he readjusted his backpack.

"Where'd you get that?" Rapunzel asked.

"Oh this?" Hiccup said as he slipped his backpack off and placed it onto the ground. "I found it in the halls. It was on a corpse, may he rest in peace, and I decided to use it." 'And finally something to put my special item, I'm glad I'm a genius inventor and get everything on it. But why didn't I think to get a backpack in the first place? Any way doesn't matter it matters I have one now.' He thought.

"What's in it?" Elsa asked she too is curious and she knows Hiccup is a genius and amazing inventor he will have something that might help them, she hope. Hiccup unzipped it to show a variety of items.

"Pills. Extra ammo. A Molotov. Oh! And from the hospital break room." He said before pulling out a few small sealed containers. "Pudding cups!" Show them the yellow and brown sweet desert snack and accidentally a Rubik's cube like fell on the backpack when he pulled the pudding.

"Sounds like a good haul." Merida said and to keep her appearance. "I guess keeping you was a good idea after all." And her mind automatically show her and image of her and Hiccup spoon feeding each other on their date, snapped out of it and shake her head to get the idea away , for now.

"Excuse me? Who was the one that wanted to blast his head off?" Rapunzel asked teasingly with a knowing smile. While Merida fought down her growing blush and just huffed and turn away.

"Everyone wants to blow my head off!" Hiccup said as he put his stuff away almost not notice his 'Rubik's cube' and hurried to pick it up and put it back on to his pack. While his putting this stuff in his pack the wild imagination of a certain red head and platinum blonde girls about 'Blowing his head off; acting up and this time they hide their blush from everyone before they were caught on and put it off on the back of their minds but not before noticing the 'Rubik's cube' that their crush put it away.

"And what do you mean by 'Keeping me?' what am I, a pet!" Hiccup said and cues the wild imagination of the certain two girls again. That might resemble to a tomato, before the elevator dinged and opened up. Everyone got out and felt the night air hit their skin as they walked around the incompleted floor.

"Besides all the renovations-" Rapunzel didn't complete of what is she going to say when they hear a roar.

"TANK!" Jack shouted as a Tank began thrashing around at them. The five of them split up and began pelting the thing with bullets and slashes (on Hiccup's case) as it punched and smashed anything in its way.

"Keep firing!" Merida shouted as she began to reload her gun.

"IT'S AFTER ME!" Jack shouted as he ran away from the Tank while blind firing behind himself. The Tank was nearly upon him before he was pushed out of the way. "Hiccup!?" He shouted as the Tank smashed its giant fist into Hiccup's side, sending him through a wall before sliding to towards the open air. Just before he was sent hurdling out the building, he caught himself and was now dangling out the building.

"Hiccup's on the ledge!" Rapunzel shouted as the Tank went after them. The four other members couldn't get over to Hiccup as the Tank kept up its relentless assault, so none of them could pull him up nor see the figure slowly walking towards the ledge.

"Oh man, that's a long drop!" Hiccup said before he heard footsteps stop in front of him. "Thanks guys, I thought I was done-"He started saying before looking up. "…for…oh crap." He said as he stared up at the figure looking down at him. "First the Tank nearly knocks me off, now a Witch?" Hiccup said before pulling himself up a bit and looking inside to see the Tank running towards them. "NOT GOOD!" he shouted as the Witch slowly turned around.

""AAAAAAARRRGH!" roared the Tank as it raised its fists to smash her. Hiccup could only watch as his feeling of dread and horror turned into shock. Faster than he could blink, the Witch raise its claw and swung at the behemoth as it was upon her. The Tank flew off the edge as both half of it were now plummeting towards the ground.

Hiccup just stared down at where the Tank fell with his mouth wide open before he felt himself being lifted up and away from the ledge. "Huh?!" he said as he looked around to see that the Witch was holding him up by his backpack before dropping him on his ass. Both of them just stared at each other as Hiccup slowly raised to his feet before notice something in the Witch's mouth.

"Isn't that the bag that held my candy?" he asked himself before it dawn and had good look at the Witch. "You're that Witch from before!" he said "Hey guys! You're not gonna believe…guys?" he said before he heard a distant groaning.

"GUYS!" he shouted as he took off to find his friends. He found Elsa, Jack and Rapunzel all lying on the ground in pain while Merida was up against the wall trying to stand herself up. "There you guys are!"

"Hiccup?" Rapunzel mumbled as he helped her to her feet. "What happened to the Tank? I heard it yell before it went silent.

"You had to see it to believe it!" he said as he started helping Elsa up who was a little dizzy and lean on Hiccup for a moment.

"I see something I believe I'm gonna shoot!" Merida said as she tried to aim her shotgun somewhere. Everyone turn to see a Witch slowly approaching them.

"Aw, give us a break!" Jack moaned trying to get up and aim his gun.

"Say goodnight Gracey!" Merida said as the Witch was a few yards away.

"NO!" Hiccup shouted as he leave Elsa's side much to the girl's disappointment and run to kicked the gun out of Merida's hands.

"Are you crazy Hiccup?!" Rapunzel said as she gave Elsa her shoulder. "She's a Witch!"

"She's dangerous!" Elsa mumbled and gives it a small glare because it was the one who make Hiccup move away from her.

"She's the only reason I'm still here!" Hiccup shouted louder than the rest of them. All of them looked at him in shock and swore they saw his eyes glow acid green and slit pupils for a second before he turn to the Witch. "She's the one that killed the Tank and pulled me up from the ledge."

"The Witch…did all that?" Jack said in pain.

"That's not all take a look at her and at her mouth." Hiccup said and the group look and now the adrenaline full out of their system. They notice that it was the same Witch from before same black hair, same toxic green eyes, and finally creamy white skin with dried blood patches here and there. The gets the warning bells on Elsa and Merida's head seeing the only zombie girl that gets their crush interest and possible completion.

"Hey, isn't that the bag you had earlier Hiccup?" Rapunzel asked while looking at Merida and Elsa's faces on the corner of her eyes while let out and small quite snicker when she saw their alarming and panic reaction.

"You mean that's the same Witch from the ground floor?" Elsa asked resisting and holding a scream coming from her throat and force herself to calm down.

"How'd she get up here?" Jack asked as he started patching himself up and kinda find this situation was going to be entertaining.

"You forgot how fast zombies can move?" Hiccup asked. "She probably ran up here faster than the elevator."

"Okay...but why?" Elsa asked nobody notice her voice crack except for her fellow blonde biting her bottom lip and struggling to hold her laughter and her shoulders shaking.

"I…don't…know." Hiccup said as he looks back at the Witch looking at everyone with curiosity which is weird for a Witch. Because every time they encounter normal or special zombies they only see is hunger and blood thirst on them this is something else except for Hiccup of course.

"Why not ask her?" Merida said with her voice is straining with a strain smile on her face that Hiccup and Elsa didn't notice except Rapunzel and Jack and by this Rapunzel let out a snort accidentally and get the whole group's attention and she just wave them off.

"Fine. I'll ask her." Hiccup said in the sarcastic tone that he thought Merida use when she suggests it before looking at the Witch."Do you need something?" He waited for any kind of response before the Witch slowly opened her mouth and let the bag drop. Hiccup look at the bag, then at her as the Witch raised a claw. Elsa and Merida looked ready to fire in case she did anything (and might as well get the possible completion/love interest out of their crush) as the Witch pointed a claw at her mouth. "Mouth? What about your mouth?" She just kept pointing at her mouth while opening and closing it a few times.

"Maybe she wants you to kiss her Hic and do it zombie style?" Jack said and then chuckle after he finish patching himself up and then stop after feeling a cold run down his spines and the look at the source and when he find it? He has an urge to follow the dead Tank outside the building and swore that he saw an aura coming out from the two sources and smartly to shut up for his safety. (N/A: Any idea who are the sources of this cold he feel?) But luck for him he was safe from the possible pain.

"Maybe she wants more candy?" Rapunzel asked and rescue Jack from a certain pain of the other two females of their group and Jack send her thank you smile while just shook her head.

"I don't have anymore." Hiccup said the Witch seemed to understand as she started growling at him. "Uh ho."

"She doesn't look too happy!" Jack said in nervous tone.

"Are they ever happy?" Merida said as she aimed her gun at her. Hiccup was starting to get nervous as his eyes darted around, hoping to find a miracle that would keep the Witch from tearing him apart.

"Wait! I may have something!" he said as he quickly took off his backpack and open it. The Witch was still growling before Hiccup pulled something out and showed it to her. "You like pudding?" he asked the Witch looked at it and sniffed it a few times before Hiccup slowly peeled the top off. She immediately stopped growling as she began to sniff the sweet concoction, she took the cup and sniffed it some more before sticking her tongue into the pudding cup and began lapping it up into her mouth. "Guess that's a yes."

"Good. Now let's go before she finishes!" Elsa said gladly leave the Witch that might take her Hiccup away from her. The living members moved towards the safe and were about to shut the door until they notice that one of them was missing.

"Hiccup! Come on!" Jack said but Hiccupt didn't move as he watched the Witch trying to get all the chocolate pudding out with her tongue. He couldn't fight the smile that came to his face before his eyes widened, a horde of zombies were closing in around them.

"Shut the door!" Elsa shouted.

"But Hiccup's still-" Rapunzel started to protest before Elsa slammed it shut.

"He's a zombie! They won't hurt him!" Elsa said because it is true and she had faith on him if he can fight a hundred people he can defend himself on the zombies for sure. The zombies all ran for the door and were now pounding on it to get in and kill the survivors.

"Looks like I got left behind." Hiccup said as he looked at the door he was too wrapped up in thought to notice the Witch slowly rise to her feet. He looked back to see her staring at the horde. "Uh…you okay?" he asked before she suddenly shrieked at the top of her lungs. Hiccup covered his ears before the Witch ran at them; Hiccup could only stare as she amazed him again as she sliced the whole lot of them gory ribbons. After the last zombie fell, she slowly walked back towards Hiccup before sitting down, picking up her pudding cup, and trying to finish it off. "Wha? But…eh…um…how?" he started stuttering, unable to process anything he just saw.

"A…noy…ying." Hiccup froze as he stared at her he blinked a few times before digging out his ears.

"Did…you just say something?" Hiccup asked in disbelief.

"A…noy…ying" She said Hiccup couldn't believe it if he wasn't already dead, he'd swear he'd have a heart attack.

"Hiccup?" Rapunzel asked after the scream and silence, the others had started to get worried about him and decided to check on him.

"Hey guys." Hiccup said with a wave of his hand while keeping his eyes on the Witch.

"What happed?" Jack asked as he looked at all the corpses. "We heard her scream, and then we heard nothing."

"She…attacked them." Hiccup said as his mind started to pick up what he had seen.

"She did all this?" Elsa asked. "That doesn't make any se-"

"SHUT…UP!?" The Witch practically screamed, making them all jump.

"Holy…"Merida said, unable to find any words to say after that. She wasn't the only one as they were all left dumbstruck.

"She…just…"Rapunzel said as she pointed a finger at the Witch cannot believe it just shout at them to shut up.

"Spoke?" Jack finished he can't make any other words besides that and he decide just go with the flow.

"Guess I'm not the only zombie that can talk." Hiccup said just stared at the Witch finishing her pudding and then turn to others.

"But…How?" Rapunzel asked still in shock looking at each of her friends expecting for them to give her an answer.

"I maybe a genius but I don't have all the answers and I even don't know how I'M talking!" Hiccup said and his knowledge on medical subject are on average his just focus on mathematics, science, computer programming, metal work, mechanic and other robotics and technology subject and before feeling something push against his back.

"…help…" came a squeak they all looked to see the Witch looking at Hiccup with a half full pudding cup in her hands and to make it even worse (For Elsa and Merida mind you) she look so cute with her eyes like a puppy begging for treats or a little girl asking if she can have ice cream or a cookie making Hiccup hard to resist to hug her and hold her.

"That's it. I'm heading back to the safehouse and when you finally ditch your…girlfriend, come join us." Merida said gridding her teeth together and forcefully with a little hint of animosity on the word 'girlfriend' can't believe that…that…that witch! Trying to steal her Hiccup! (N/A: Oh yes it HER Hiccup now and pun intended. heehehehe) The living one by one follows the red head Jack give Hiccup a knowing grin and a salute and Rapunzel smile and giggle when she go join her bestfriend inside.

While Elsa narrowed her eyes at the Witch for a second before followed the other and in now deep in thoughts, because One if Hiccup can talk fluently and think his usual selves? Can other zombies can talk and think or regain their humanity too like that Witch? Or is it just for special zombies? And two she's running out of time literally first she's worried about Merida and Rapunzel might get an interest on her Hiccup and now this Witch get's in the picture and Hiccup was showing an interest on her. They really need to get on the roof top fast now, get into the chopper, get into the evacuation center and then confess her feelings to Hiccup and then find a private place like a closet or vacant room then ripped his shirt off to see what's hiding in there and then…she's getting off on track now, any way she has a lot of thinking to do.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Hiccup said before looking back at the Witch, although the idea is not really bad. If only she's just like him or both of them alive and meet each other before all this shit happens, any way back to the Witch who really needs a name so he can talk about her as an individual not just unofficial name of their kind? Species? Turned to? Whatever back to the 'girl'.

"Can't…reach." She mumbled and Hiccup looked down before sighing and reaching into his backpack and pulling out a plastic spoon. He tore off the plastic wrap before sticking it into the cup and scooping some out.

"Say ah!" he said and she just looked at him in confusion before he slapped his face with his hand. Lord, give me strength." He mumbled. "Open…your…mouth." He said slowly and then she opened her mouth and this time there are teeth in it. Before he put the spoon into her mouth and she slowly ate the pudding as Hiccup fed her like a toddler. While the others heard Hiccup and they know that he spoon feeding the Witch Merida and Elsa have an unreadable expression and while having replenishing their lost of bullets and forcefully reloading their gun that might break if they do that some more and saying in the same time in their mind 'THAT'S SHOULD BE ME!?'.

While Jack was getting nervous inching away the two and swear again that he kind of seeing them with aura but this time it feels malevolent and have a silent prayer for Hiccup wishing he don't say anything that might make Elsa and Merida explode or something. Then look at Rapunzel the only girl in the group that only see Hiccup as a friend or is she? Oh well might as well just go with flow and return to his doing while keeping a safe distance just in case if something happen.

After the pudding was finally gone, Hiccup threw the spoon and empty cup away before standing up. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, but I gotta get back to my friends." Hiccup said and cue small smile on the two murde…I mean two 'secretly' in love girls with a little hope that the Witch will leave their Hiccup now and never ever see each other again.

"Friends?" The Witch slowly said as she rose to her feet making the certain two girl feel dread on their stomach but still wait and listen and hope.

"Yes, friends." Hiccup said before waving at her. "Bye." He said as he turned to walk away before falling onto his face. "Ow!" He groaned before looking back to see her holding onto his ankle, while the others heard something fall and turn to the two zombie and there is like a shattered glass and cue the murderous look (Expressionless) and malevolent aura again. While the other two having different things in mind one having an amused expression while the other having another prayer for the zombie boy's soul in rest in peace if he was suddenly died again and this time having a bullet on his head.

While this is unnoticed on our Zombie hero Hiccup was curious why the Witch holding his ankle so he just did what a sensible sentient zombie do, he asked. "What? You want more pudding or something?"

"Friend." Did the sweet snack loving zombie reply to him with what appeared to be a small smile as she pulled him back over to her before lying next to him on the floor and squeezing him in a tight hug. "Friend." Hiccup just smiled nervously at her as she showed no signs of releasing him and felt cold not just because his dead or the floor their lying in too or the zombie GIRL hugging him, no no no no his feeling it's like something inside of him screaming at him to run as fast as he can because he cannot find the source of it and did what was only in his mind.

'Oh Lord, what have I done?!" Hiccup mentally screamed.