Hello! Thanks for taking the time to check out my little Skyrim/Inquisition crossover. This fic is primarily drabbles written from the POV of various characters. I like the idea that the Inquisitor could be the Dragonborn, considering the Dragonborn is always getting thrust into some impossible situations. So here's my take on that. Updates will be sporadic as this is just something I am working on in-between projects.

Enjoy! Please feel free to let me know what you think! :)

The air is thick with smoke and debris, and heavy with the screams of the frightened and dying. Solas closes his eyes, hoping to shut out the disturbing visions for a moment. The mingled scents of blood and fear sting at his sensitive nose. His skin is crawling with discomfort from being so close to the Templars and their own bastardized rendition of magic. But more disturbing than the presence of the Templars is the Breach in the Veil. Magic issues forth like water from a geyser, and he knows it is only a matter of time before more than just magic comes through.

A cry from one of the hundreds of wounded pilgrims snaps him out of his brooding and brings him back to the present moment. He had offered his aid to the human Seeker and her Commander, and he will not run away like some fickle youth who cannot stomach the horrors of war.

A sizzle of magic tears through the air with a deafening boom that shakes the ground, and something- no, someone falls from the breach. He narrows his eyes, but he is too far to see anything other than flailing limbs, hair whipping in the wind, and a green light emitting from their left hand. The familiar caress of Fade magic tugs at his soul, and he knows without a doubt that this one is different. This one, who's been touched by his magic, will survive. But for how long?

He is not the only one who notices the new arrival. The Seeker and the Commander have rallied their troops and are moving closer. They are ready to blame this entire fiasco on the poor fool who just tumbled from the Fade, and he cannot fault them for that. They need an enemy. They need someone to blame for all this carnage.

Solas moves closer to get a better look, and he is surprised to see that the being who fell from the fade is an elf. But she is no normal elf. She is too tall to be an elf of Thedas. The angles of her face are all wrong, and her eyes are so strange and otherworldly. More strange than her alien features is the armor she's wearing, which is covered in spikes and thrumming with a dark magic that is unknown to him.

The elf is confused, but she is not afraid, and she attempts to speak to the Commander in a strange, lilting language Solas has never heard before.

"Speak the common tongue, elf!" he snaps. "Now is not the time for games!"

The elf rolls her eyes and speaks again, but her foreign language only serves to rile the men and women who stand behind the Commander. They are all eagerly awaiting an order to attack. They do not notice how pained she looks whenever her Fade-touched hand sparks with out-of-control magic. They do not notice how utterly lost she is.

Solas does not know what kind of elf she is, but only a fool would think she is from Thedas.

Things go from bad to worse when the Commander holds out a pair of wrist cuffs and orders two of his men to approach her. Her face twists in disgust when she looks at the cuffs, and she shouts something while pointing to the Breach. While Solas knows she is likely trying to explain her situation, the humans- the angry, fearful, stupid humans, are not interested in what she's trying to communicate. Perhaps, if she were human, they would be more willing to work with her.

"Bind her!" the Commander orders.

Solas does not have a name for what happens next. The elf shouts- roars- three words that send a shockwave tearing through the air. The soldiers farthest from her fall down, while those closest to her go flying backwards. Solas is far enough away that he merely stumbles back a few paces before regaining his balance. But the fact that he is still on his feet does little to quell the anxiety crawling up his spine. What kind of power is this? It is not of the Fade. It seems to be a power completely of her own.

The Templars launch into action because they think she is a mage, but the sticky, sapping power of the Templar's smite does not phase her. If anything, it only serves to fuel the storm of her fury.

Truly, Solas cannot call what he sees in the elf 'anger'. Only a fool would think her angry or afraid. She is gripped with an inhuman rage, the likes of which these soldiers have never seen before. Her eyes are blazing and her teeth are bared as she uses her strange powers to rip through the crowd of soldiers. The carnage caused by the Breach is nothing compared to the slaughter brought about by the strange elf.

Is there nothing her voice cannot bend to her will? She commands the wind, fire, and even time itself by uttering a few words. What world could have created such a creature? What mad gods saw fit to bestow this kind of power on someone so vicious?

He notices the elf staring right at him, and shouting at him in her strange language. How he wishes he could understand her. Perhaps he could reason with her. Calm her down and make her understand that he only wishes to help. But that is a foolish line of thought that he will not entertain, because reason cannot reach her now. Especially not after the humans tried to take her captive.

Solas takes a breath to steady himself. There is no other option but to fight. She must be dealt with. She must be erased from Thedas before she destroys everything he is working so hard to achieve. He lifts his staff, which blazes with light as he focuses his magic through it. "Ir abelas," he says solemnly. "This was a mistake."