Hey everyone, so first of all, sorry but this isn't a new chapter. I've logged back in on my account to post a short fic I wrote and realized that I had received many reviews for this fic, and left you all waiting, I'm sorry for that.

I am trying to get back to writing fanfics, so I was wondering if anyone still cared about this fic, if you're still here somehow after more than a year, please let me know. I am considering editing the first chapters of this fic and updating it, although perhaps it won't be very long I want to try and finish this story, give Klaus and Hayley a happy ending in this verse at least.

Please, let me a review if you would read this story, I feel sometimes like Klayley fic readers are a rare breed and honestly, I'm the kind of writer who needs constant support to thrive (not unlike Klaus I suppose).

And thank you, for those of you who chose to review this fic, truly thank you, coming back to ffnet and reading those kind words means a lot to me.

EDIT: WOW, I didn't expect such a response, thank you everyone who reviewed, it means a lot to know you guys still care. I'm going to revise the story from the start, I will edit chapter 1 and 2 and come back as soon as possible with the rest of the story!

Meanwhile please check out my latest klayley fic and leave a review if you've enjoyed it, I'm not used to writing smut but if you guys like it, I'll include some here as well.

Also if you want to contact me i'm on tumblr ofwoodsandwaves (the link's in my profile) i accept short prompts over there and i'm pretty chatty as well.

— Linn