Like I said in the description, this is just a little short I thought up after seeing last nights episode. Who knows, if you readers like it maybe it'll turn into more.
I don't want to get flamed for spoilers, so please don't read if you haven't seen season 3 episode 10 Maveth. If you have I hope you like it and please review.
The Pairing is Daisy/SkyeWard.
I've been a fan of them since season one and was always hoping that they may somehow end up together even after all that has happened. But obviously that is not the case, since with Ward's death their ship has finally sunk.
This is for all those Skyeward fans out there!
They had all been briefed on what had happened. Coulson and Fitz had told them everything that had happened on the alien planet. She pretended to just as happy as everyone else when the Director revealed Ward's death. She should have been happy, that monster was finally dead, his corpse left to rot on the other side of the portal.
Why wasn't she happy? He'd been haunting her nightmares for so long, it should make her feel relieved. Why wasn't she? He was gone, he couldn't hurt her or anyone she cared about anymore. Daisy pulled on one of her best smiles, allowing Lincoln to squeeze her hand reassuringly. She didn't want to be reassured though, she'd rather someone tell her she was dreaming.
That's why she was feeling this way, right? There's no way she could seriously still feel for that traitor. She had to be dreaming, Ward was dead. She should be jumping up and down while screaming 'THE MONSTER IS DEAD!' Not feeling like a part of her had died with him.
How do we know he's really dead? She's shot him before and he still survived. Because Coulson used his robot hand to crush his chest and watched the life leave his eyes, she thought to herself. She winced at how painful that must have been, placing a hand to her own chest.
Wait, she shouldn't be feeling sorry he had to suffer in the end! He tortured Bobbi and tried to kill Fitz Simmons! Frowning, Daisy excused herself, releasing Lincoln's hand and ignoring the look of concern as she went to her bunk. Be happy, he can't hurt anyone anymore. But was killing Ward really the best option? He was too dangerous to keep alive.
She paused in her steps, the same had been said about her after she changed. You never meant to hurt anyone, he made sure to hurt others. It's not his fault, Garret forced him to do all that. Garret wasn't there when he hurt Bobbi or killed Koenig and Rosalind. He hasn't been there for a while, she agreed with herself.
He's dead, that's a good thing. She tried to convince herself, yet her chest tightened painfully around her heart. Even after everything that had happened, she still couldn't ignore her feelings. It wasn't easy to do when the objects around her room were beginning to quiver.
"Enough! Ward is dead and I am happy." She hissed, forcing everything to freeze. Is she really though? She'd known Ward since that first day, even if he had been faking everything at the time. He was the one that had found her in her old van. He was her S.O. How could she think she'd be okay with this.
Even with everything he's done and everything he hasn't, she can't forget the side of Grant Ward she'd witnessed that first year with S.H.I.E.L.D. He'd made her work hard, but that was only to protect her when she was out in the field. That side of him hadn't been bad, he'd been kind, a protector of sorts, he'd worried about everyone's safety.
She hadn't known till later that it was because of his past and how he couldn't protect his younger brother. If anything he said about his past was true. Daisy huffed, flopping onto her bed, pulling her pillow into a tight embrace. She'd liked that Ward, he was someone she could always count on.
Another stake dove through her chest as she remembered the look of relief he'd had when she woke up in that medical box, after they'd given her the drug to heal her stomach wounds. He'd cared about her too. That's why he had tried to hide what he really was, he hadn't wanted to lose her either.
Wait. 'Either'? She had already lost him, it didn't matter, he was a monster, and now he's dead. That's okay, it's not like she wanted to see him again.
'You said you might die, so what the hell...'
But he hadn't died then either. Maybe it would have been better if he had. Then at least he would have gone down as a hero protecting his teammate. Would have been buried, maybe even honored. Killed in the line of duty.
'There are things about me you wouldn't like.'
'You were right about one thing, I wouldn't like the real you.'
Yet somehow she still feels something for him. There's supposed to be a fine line between love and hate, why was it that line seemed to disappear in her case? He's dead, it doesn't matter anymore. It must if she can't stop thinking about him.
The kisses shared in Providence, the fondness that came to his eyes when he looked at her, the way her name rolled off his tongue. Stop thinking like that! He's gone, none of that was real.
'Wait. So even though you've been lying to everyone about everything, you're saying that your feelings for me...'
'They're real, Skye. They always have been.'
She wanted to be the one to kill him, that's why she shot him in Porto Rico. Now she really wished she had, maybe that would have made it so much easier to forget about him. He was a killer, he needed to be put down. She shouldn't be thinking their could have been a way to save him.
She felt like she was gonna throw up now, just like she had back then. Why did she have such horrible taste in men. Ward definitely made number one on her list, monster/serial killer, oh yeah, no one would ever be able to top that.
Lincoln wasn't that bad a guy, he was better than most. He at least understood her to a certain degree. She wanted to love him, but he felt more like her rebound from Ward, a good one, but still a rebound. She didn't want to hurt him, that's why she left before she broke.
She had told Coulson she could never forgive him for everything he'd done, but she didn't need to forgive him to love him. She still loved Ward, damn, she still couldn't let go. Even with him dead on an alien planet with a creature that was meant to bring the end of inhumans, she still loved him. Why did she have to still love him?
The gentle knock on her door, brought her from her impossible thoughts. "Sk-Daisy? May I come in?" She would have smirked any other time, but this time she just sighed. Only Coulson still stumbled over her name.
She turned over so she faced the door. "Sure."
The panels slid open to reveal the director, a look of concern shadowed his features, though he was trying to hide it. Daisy sat up, allowing him room if he wished to sit.
"What can I do for you D.C.?" She hoped her teasing tone would convince him she was alright and Ward's death was not effecting her in the slightest. Though the look of concern did not let up.
"Hey, you left before Hunter brought out the bubbly. It's not like you to leave the party before it begins."
She honestly hadn't thought there was going to be a party. 'Ward's Finally Dead Celebration!' Is probably what they were calling it. Or 'We Finally Killed That Asshole Party!' There's no way she wanted to be there, even if she had enough 'Why I Hate Ward' stories to fill a book or two. She almost felt annoyed her friends were celebrating his death. Ward was still a person, he had feelings, even if they were too strong.
She shouldn't be feeling this way, it was against everything she stood for to love him, yet she did. This should go away now that he's dead right? Then why did she feel like this was only the beginning?
"Sorry, guess I'm just a little tired. I forgot about the headache opening the portal gave me." It wasn't a lie, she was very tired actually, holding the portal for Coulson and Fitz past the timed closing was difficult. Especially when it felt like someone was hammering her brain.
"Well I'm glad you were there, we wouldn't have made it without you."
He had that tone to his voice again. The one that told her he wanted to ask something, but didn't quite know how to say it. She realized in order to get him to talk, she'd have to say something first. Ward had been a hard subject for a long time after all, even if he had asked her to tell him everything she could remember about the man not twenty-four hours ago.
She felt like she was back into the holding cell and he was silently asking her thoughts on the hydra spy's demise. She sighed mentally, bringing her knees up, her pillow still tight in her grasp. "You're wondering if I retired early because of Ward's death."
The slight shock that passed through his eyes was enough to tell her she was correct, but he didn't let it faze him anymore than that. "Well objects did start to shake a few moments ago. I understand the idea that he's actually gone may be hard to grasp."
She forced a small smile onto her lips, the way she would react to something like that at any other time. Of course she'd moved more than just the objects in her room. "It's not hard to grasp. He's dead. Everyone is safe. Mission accomplished."
The look was back, that look he'd given her after rescuing her from Ward and Deathlok, after they'd sat down beside the pool of their hotel. The look that was wondering if he'd ever have the old Skye back, or in this case, Daisy.
She must have that look on her face, she never could hide her feelings the way Ward could. She frowned at the thought, forgetting for a moment that the S.H.I.E.L.D director was watching her closely. Even with May's training she wasn't as good as the spy.
"Daisy.. Are you okay?" He could have said a million other things, he probably wanted to, but this was the least likely to start the plane from shaking. He'd asked her the same question so many times before. Yet today, she couldn't bring herself to say her usual response.
'I'm fine.'
She wasn't fine, and she didn't want to lie to him like she sometimes would. Daisy was vaguely aware of the bunk dipping under the added weight beside her, and the hand he placed on her shoulder. She wondered for a moment why he'd left his robotic prosthetic on the alien planet. Did he feel some regret in killing Ward? That he couldn't bare to keep the hand that had done the deed?
She winced as her mind brought her back to when Deathlok had stopped Ward's heart and he had called out to her, reaching out to her before he rolled over trying to breath but failing. She'd almost let her tears fall as she demanded for Mike to bring him back.
"Daisy?" Coulson gently shook her shoulder, trying to encourage her to speak. His worry was clear as day now, he wasn't even trying to hide it anymore. She wasn't one for quiet, even with May's teachings, she was still talkative.
Instead of speaking, the inhuman leaned against his shoulder, it was more comforting than her pillow. She didn't want to tell him she'd finally come to accept he still loved a murderer, or that she was silently mourning his death. It would blow over just as easily as if she had suddenly declared herself Hydra and started throwing people around with her powers.
"I don't know what to do.." She settled on, cause she really didn't. She loved Ward, he was dead, and her heart was clearly telling her she and Lincoln could not happen till she let go of her feelings for her enemy.
Coulson wrapped his arm around her, despite the fact his hand was missing from it. His only hand going to grip one of hers. "The only thing you can do. Move on, Ward's gone, there's no reason to fear he'll kill those we hold dear."
Daisy almost let her tears fall right there. For someone who was supposed to be really good at reading people, he was failing terribly. She'd have to tell him, and accept whatever consequences. "But I-"
"I know Skye." He interrupted, forgetting for the moment that she'd started going by her birth name again. "We can't choose who we feel for."
'You can't choose to feel.'
'Usually, I can. It's different with us.'
"You still loved him."
She tightened her grip on his hand, trying to force the tears away. "I thought I didn't. I was sure I hated him, after everything he did. I wanted to kill him, but I couldn't." The waterworks had started and no matter how had she tried they weren't going to stop.
Coulson shushed her, rocking them in a soothing motion. "Hey, it's alright. We can't choose who we love. It just happens. I understand that and I can't hold your feelings against you, that wouldn't be fair. It would be cruel to tell you you couldn't feel that way." He said, kissing the top of her head.
"I still love him.." She whispered, it was easier to say than she thought it would have been.
"I know."
"And he'll never know.." She added quietly.