Hello guys, TF RyuShin is back from the dead! Well, not really. I just managed to write the story during my short school holidays. And I'm really sorry for the late update. I'm really really really sorry! I mean high schools aren't that easy and sometimes it can be boring too. So, to my dear readers, please wait in patient. Once again I say this story isn't dead! For Prototurtle, thank you for your support in my fic and I'm glad that you and the other readers like my stories. Don't worry, there will be more scenes with Toru and Yuuto. After all, they are best friends. Another news is that the 14th Date A Live's LN is finally released! The new LN is entitled 'Planet Mukuro' and with the addition of Mukuro, we finally get the complete roster of Spirits. Well, I'm actually not interested with her since I prefer girls like Origami and Nia but whatever. Anyway, the only homework left is to decide which guy who will get Mukuro. I absolutely won't pair her with Yuuto and Shido since I already have a big plan for them. Maybe I could pair her with Toru, but his pairings are also full. So, the last choice will be Takato. Though, I'm confused which guy I should pair her with. But, that's still a long story. Another news are KR Battride War Genesis was released several weeks ago. Also, Ghost Grateful Damashii will debut next week. Why the latter are important? Well, just think it by yourself. You will see how crucial forms like Grateful Damashii or Kiwami Arms in this story. Lastly, I don't own DAL which is owned by Tachibana Koushi or any references which are owned by their respective owners. I only own my OCs. Don't forget to R&R and please enjoy this chapter. A side note that this chapter is a bit M-ish and fanservice. So, please be a little caution. Without wasting time, let's go to the story!

"Who will reach the path of the godhood? Who will be sacrificed for this? This is a bloody war between gods and humans!"

Chapter 9: Uncomfortable Feelings

"Yuuji, it's 7:00! Wake up or else I will slice all the darkness within you!" said Geki-san as watch mode, acting like an alarm clock. This of course stirred Natsumi to gain her consciousness. Although, she still doesn't want to open her eyes yet. She was very worried to her older brother yesterday. It's not his typical to leave her for the whole day. Not only that, she was very tired playing Kamen Rider Battride War 2. Playing the entire Survival Mode wasn't easy at all! In fact, she opted not to play as Gaim as he was royally screwed in Final Survival! Thus, she played as Agito and Faiz for the remaining of Survival Mode. Anyhow, combined with her worries to Yuuto, she was physically tired yesterday. She knew that she quickly fell to sleep after Yuuto arrived home. Because of that, she felt that she is still drowsy and wants more sleep. However, she felt an unusual sensation n her body. She felt that someone is hugging her, even wrapping the arms to Natsumi's waist! Not only that, she felt a warm sensation in front of her. In addition to that, she felt slow breathes that keeps hitting her nose and cheeks. But the clearest sensation that she had is a very sweet sensation in her lips. The sweet sensation couldn't be described by simple words. The sweetness is even sweeter than the sweetest candy in the world. It's even as sweet as an ecstasy and it really almost makes her feels floating and flying. Despite that she wants this sweetness to last a little longer, she couldn't hide her curious about the core of the sweetness. Still with her drowsiness, Natsumi slowly opened her emerald eyes, wanting to find how she could feel the sweet sensation in her lips. When she fully opened her eyes, her eyes finally met with the caramel eyes of her older brother. Their eyes were really close. I mean really really really close! Natsumi then slowly look at her mouth and to her surprise, her lips were connected with her older brother!

"Uwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa!" shouted Natsumi before pulling herself backward, broking the kiss

"Good morning, Natsumi-chan…" greeted Yuuto casually. Of course, this really shocked Natsumi to death. She clearly couldn't remember anything why she got into such situation with Yuuto.

'Think, Natsumi! Think! Why in the world I could get into such position and situation with Onii-chan!?' thought Natsumi to herself while sweating really hard. The last thing that she could remember was she hugged her brother out of worries before falling asleep. She was really exhausted yesterday to the point that she couldn't feel anything while she was asleep. Because of this, Natsumi then thinks several negatives thoughts in her mind. She now blamed herself for forcefully pulling Yuuto into an awkward hug and kiss position. It was almost like they were going to do 'it'. She now thinks that Yuuto will hate her because she was really reckless in the sleep. Even though she didn't know what she had done while she was asleep, Natsumi still blamed herself for this situation.

"Ah, ah, ah…. I'm sorry, Onii-chan! I didn't mean to do it. Really! I'm really really really sorry, Onii-chan." Apologized Natsumi panicked with teary eyes

"Um? What are you talking about, Natsumi-chan?"

"Isn't…. Isn't it obvious!? My mind and body was very naughty last night to the point that I pulled you into such position! Huhuhuhuhu…. I'm sorry, Onii-chan, for doing naughty things to you…. Huhuhuhuhuhu…. Now, you will hate me…. " cried Natsumi before facing to the back, not wanting to see her brother's embarrassed face. However, she then felt a warm sensation in her stomach. She then realized that Yuuto wrapped his arms in her stomach. Not only that, Yuuto also placed his head beside Natsumi's head. Natsumi then felt a very warm feelings when their cheeks were meeting each other. She doesn't know why but she really loves this situation and doesn't want this situation to end soon. However, she remembered that she already forced her brother in an awkward hugging and kissing.

"Natsumi-chan… How in the world I could hate you?... You're my irreplaceable little sister….. There's no way I could hate you…" said Yuuto with peaceful tone

"But…. But…. But… Last night…. I…. I…" stammered Natsumi

"Nah, that's me. I was the one who pulled you into a hug and kiss last night. So, don't worry." Replied Yuuto, surprising Natsumi. Natsumi couldn't believe what she has heard. It was almost like a dream for Yuuto to show a very big affection to her. After all, Natsumi also wants Yuuto to see her as a woman in the future. However, her negative thoughts play again. Despite Natsumi is happy to get a very big affection from Yuuto, she also felt that she didn't deserve such affection. She thinks that the others deserve Yuuto's love and affection more than her. Maria was really cute, kind, and sexier, she deserves this more than her. Even Kaguya, who always bickers with Yuuto, is more beautiful, confident and higher than her. Out of all girls, why she must be the one to get Yuuto's affection. She is jut an ugly, midget, temperamental, and unconfident girl.

"Um… Onii-chan…. Why me?... I don't deserve your affection at all….. Why you don't do it to Maria-san or Kaguya-san? I mean they are more attractive than me. Not only that, I even felt that I don't deserve to be your little sister." Said Natsumi while broking their hug

"Natsumi-chan… I will say it again and again. I will never regret to love you. You're my best little sister in the world! Even if everyone always bully or insult you, I will always on your side." Said Yuuto before making Natsumi to face him

"Really, Onii-chan?"

"Ah! Of course, you're my best little sister. For me, you're the sexiest and beautiful girl in the world." Said Yuuto before tickling Natsumi's stomach with his fingers

"Ah….. Oniichan, it's so ticklish…." Moaned Natsumi while fidgeting

"Fufu, your face is really cute, Natsumi-chan. That's why I fell to you. You're my cutest girl." Said Yuuto before pinching Natsumi's cheeks. Natsumi never felt really happy than before in her life. She felt that this is her happiest moments in her life. Even if she thinks that she will die anytime soon, she felt that this her compensation.

"Mu… You really know how to steal a girl's heart, ne, Onii-chan?" said Natsumi before hugging her brother and placing her head in Yuuto's chest

"Well, I'm not like Shido, you know? I just do what I think is right. After all, you're my little sister. I will do anything to repair our relationship."

"And….. Our relationship was already repaired, right, Onii-chan?"

"Of course, my cute little sister." Said Yuuto before tickling the little girl again. In response, Natsumi made another squeal and moan. Yuuto couldn't help but smiling at Natsumi's cute face. Deep inside his heart, he vowed to protect Natsumi's cute smiles. He will do anything to protect it. Right now, he won't regret to follow Toru's advice. Yuuto also felt that he and Natsumi now really become a real sibling. They are comforting each other when they are sad and even teasing each other like this.

"Mu! Don't tickle me like that!" complained Natsumi

"Fufu, but I really want to hear your moan and cute face." Replied Yuuto

"Then, how about this….. Onii-chan…" said Natsumi before blowing warm breathes from her nose and mouth. In instant, Yuuto made a manly groan and moan. Not only that, the green-haired girl then licked Yuuto's neck before breathing slowly in the blue-haired boy.

"Ah…. Ah… Natsumi-chan…. Stop….. " pleaded Yuuto while groaning really hard

"Fufu, that's what would happen if you mess up with me!" said Natsumi before stopping her licking, leaving a trail of saliva in her lips

"I'm sorry, Natsumi-sama…. I won't do it again. I'm also sorry for leaving you yesterday." Apologized Yuuto

"Fuh! Well, you're my Onii-chan, so why wouldn't I forgive you? But… Onii-chan, you need to answer my question. Will you see me as a woman in the future, Onii-chan?" asked Natsumi

"Well… Actually, I have found the answer…."

"Really!? So, what's your answer? Will you accept me? Will you become my boyfriend? Please, answer, Onii-chan." Pleaded Natsumi with a cute expression

"Mu… Should I tell you or not? I really wonder…"

"Mu, Onii-chan you're so naughty!" said Natsumi while pouting her mouth

"Well, I will keep it for later. After all, this will be your happiest day ever!"

"Really!? So, what are we going to do? Watching cartoons, films, or playing games or what?" said Natsumi excited


"Fuh! Onii-chan is so unfair." Said Natsumi irritated before placing her head to Yuuto's chest again

"Haha, don't worry, I can guarantee that you won't be disappoint."

"Well… The only thing that I really want to know is your feelings, Onii-chan. I couldn't wait for it any more." Said Natsumi seductively while spinning her fingers in Yuuto's chest

"Um… Well, you could think this as a temporary answer." Said Yuuto before rolling in the bed. This made Natsumi is below him right now and Yuuto is directly above her. Their brown and green eyes were meeting each other. Yuuto then lowered his lips, making Natsumi realizes what it means. She didn't try to struggle at all. In fact, Natsumi lets Yuuto to kiss her again. Despite they have already done several kisses before, this is the first time Natsumi feels a really deep kiss like this. It feels like a kiss between a couple not a sibling. Both Natsumi and Yuuto enjoy the sweet sensations of their lips. Yuuto then slowly wrapped his arms to Natsumi's waist again while Natsumi wrapped her arms to Yuuto's neck. Despite it was already 5 minutes since the kiss, they didn't want to break it at all. In fact, the kiss becomes more intense. Yuuto kept pecking Natsumi's lips with his mouth before licking Natsumi's lips, trying to give a permission to enter his sister's mouth. Knowing this, Natsumi then lets Yuuto's tongue to enter her mouth. Yuuto then licked every inches of Natsumi's oral, making the little girl moaned cutely. Natsumi also used her tongue to lick Yuuto's mouth too, making a very heat tongue brawl in their mouth. Yuuto then grabbed the hem of Natsumi's tank top really hard while Natsumi is grabbing the hem of Yuuto's shirt. The two kept brawling with their tongue before slowly lifting each other's clothes until…

"Kazuraba-kun, are you here?" asked Maria before opening the door, surprising both Yuuto and Natsumi. Knowing this, Yuuto could only break their kiss before staring at the frozen Maria in front of him. The event made him realized what he had done with Natsumi. He gave too much affection to Natsumi to the point that they almost did it. Had Maria not opened the door, Yuuto and Natsumi will fall into their lust. However, Maria was really shocked to see Yuuto deeply kissed Natsumi like that. Not that she complains or what, but seeing Yuuto was kissing other girls felt like Sandalphon stabbed her chest continuously. Subconsciously, her eyes were also watery and she almost dropped a tear. But, she knew that she must be strong. She doesn't want Yuuto to worry about her.

"Eh, Maria-chan? What are you doing here?"asked Yuuto, trying to be as casual as he can

"Kazu….. Kazuraba… Kazuraba-kun….. I….." stammered Maria while looking at the floor, making Yuuto couldn't see her facial expression. Though Yuuto still wants to be with Natsumi, he needs to solve this misunderstanding before it get worse. Yuuto soon went to Maria's side, trying to comfort her or anything that won't make any misunderstanding.

"Look, Maria-chan… I'm sorry for what you have seen. But, it's not like what you thought….. I'm serious….." said Yuuto. However, Maria still doesn't want to see Yuuto's face nor does she lift her head up. This makes Yuuto panicked because he thinks that Maria is very angry right now.

"Ah, Maria-chan, don't be angry. It's not like what you're thinking or what. I'm serious! Please believe me." Said Yuuto before Maria lifted her head. But, to his surprise, Maria doesn't show any sadness in her expression. She just smiles to Yuuto.

"Don't worry, Kazuraba-kun. I'm the one who should be sorry. I entered Natsumi's room before knocking first. Well, I wanted to prepare breakfast so I wanted to wake you and the others up. But, I didn't find you in your room. So, I went to Natsumi's room. Since, you're really close with her, right?" said Maria with a big smile. However, this won't fool Yuuto. Somewhere in his heart, he felt that Maria's smile wasn't as sincere and innocent like before. It feels that a façade smile to hide a sadness.

"Maria-chan, are you really alright?"

"Um! Don't worry, Kazuraba-kun. I'm alright! Well, I will cook breakfast so please come to Itsuka's residence." Said Maria before running away from Yuuto. Despite Yuuto wanted to stop her, he knew that it would only make the matter worse. He could only see Maria ran away from him.


"Onii-chan…." Said Natsumi from the room. She made a very annoyed expression and she even pouted her mouth out of annoyance.

"Ah, Natsumi-chan, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" said Yuuto before rushing to Natsumi's side. However, Natsumi didn't want to see Yuuto's face and she just turned her head away from her brother. She even crossed her arms in her chest while shedding several tears.

"So…. As I thought…. Onii-chan doesn't love me at all….. You still prefer Maria-san more than me… You're a liar, Onii-chan…." Said Nasumi disappointed. Yuuto tried to hug Natsumi fro the back again, but this time the green-haired girl just shrugged her brother off. Yuuto then realized than Natsumi is really angry now. She felt that she become a second-rate girl for Yuuto.

"Natsumi-chan…. I'm sorry…. Don't be mad like that." Apologized Yuuto

"Angry? Who is angry!? I'm not mad! I was just disappointed, Onii-chan."

"Natsumi-chan….. I'm sorry for what has happened. I mean I truly just wanted to give you my affection. At first I just did a normal kiss to you. However, seeing your moaning sound and cute face awakened my instincts as man. So, I subconsciously did everything that you saw. I licked your mouth and even almost stripped you. We almost 'make a love'!' said Yuuto before seeing Natsumi turned her head to him again. This time Natsumi bursts into tears.

"SO WHY DOES IT MATTERS!? I also love Onii-chan, right!? I also know what it means by making love. If that Maria didn't come here, we would already do it, right!? Onii-chan…. I LOVE YOU! I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU! So, why couldn't we just do it!? We are lovers, right?" complained Natsumi while shedding several tears

"Natsumi-chan… Because of that, I really thankful for Maria-chan's appearance."

"WHY!? Don't tell me that everything that you said were just a lie! Huhuhuhu…. So… It's true that Onii-chan doesn't love me….. Of course…. Nobody wants to love an ugly girl like me….."

"Wrong! Natsumi-chan, I love you. I really really really love you from the content of my heart. However, even if I said that I accept you as a woman, not as little sister, it doesn't mean that we could easily make love like that. I'm sorry if I got swayed by the mood, but it's not the right time for doing something like that. You're still young, Natsumi-chan. You are still not old enough to carry the burden as a mother."

"So….. Why Onii-chan wanted to resolve a misunderstanding with Maria-san?"

"Well, not like that. I mean Maria-chan is still a pure and innocent girl. I'm afraid that she might misunderstand what she had seen. After all, she is my friend too. I'm worried if her pure mind got tainted with what she had seen…"

"Like I care!? So, why does it matter to me!? Am I not innocent or pure like Maria-san!? Do I not meet your standard, Onii-chan!?"

"No, Natsumi-chan. It's not like that…" Before Yuuto could continue, Natsumi turned her head back again before covering herself with blanket. Yuuto felt sad that Natsumi hates him again. Inside his minds, he felt that it's very complicated to choose between the two girls. The one that he loves or the one that loves him. He still couldn't decide. However, with the advice from Toru, Yuuto firmly chose Natsumi in this case. Even if he must sacrifice his own happiness, as long as Natsumi is happy, Yuuto will do it.

"Look, Natsumi-chan… Yesterday, I had a very terrible nightmare. I saw you were consumed by darkness and I couldn't move at all. I tried to struggle, but I was very powerless. I could only watch you were slowly consumed by the darkness. And then….. By the time I regained my movements, you had been consumed awhole. I…. I could only scream in agony for you! That's why I gave you this so much affection because I want to stay close with you. I don't want you to leave me or even die for real. That's because, you're my sister!" said Yuuto while holding his tears. However, Natsumi was still unresponsive.

"I already lost Kaa-san and Mio-chan. I'm gonna lose you too… I don't know what I should do….." said Yuuto before he was surprised to get a tight hug from Natsumi. Though he was surprised, he just let his sister to hug him.

"Mu… Onii-chan, you really know how to melt a girl's heart, right?" said Natsumi

"Natsumi-chan….. Thanks… Thank you for forgiving, Onii-chan." Said Yuuto relieved

"Fu! Well, I love Onii-chan, right? So, why do I need to hate Onii-chan again? After all, I already said that there's now way I would hate Onii-chan." Said Natsumi while releasing the hug

"So… Do you forgive me, Natsumi-chan?"

"You could say so… But, I have one request. You had better do it or else…."

"Okay, okay, okay, so what is it?"

"I want you to continue 'that' again this night!" said Natsumi with firm determination, shocking Yuuto to death. At first, Yuuto thought this conversation will reduce Natsumi's urge to make love with him. But, it backfired at him since Natsumi now have more urges to do it. Yuuto's minds were already smoky to think any other ways to stop Natsumi.

"But, but, but, Natsumi-chan….. We are…."

"Don't worry, Onii-chan. Let's play safe." Said Natsumi before taking out a 'c*n**m'. Before Yuuto could protest, Natsumi held the thing with her mouth before sitting all four. It looked just like when Tohka offered Shido a ticket to the aquarium for their date. Seeing this, Yuuto was already speechless. He doesn't know why Natsumi has grown too fast nor does he know how Natsumi could perform such a seductive pose. He now thinks that Natsumi becomes more and more similar to her mother. During his childhood and from his mother's story, Yuuto knows that Natsumi's mother, Yoko, is a very seductive girl and also aggressive on opposite sex. She even used to seduce any good-looking man ever since her divorce.

'Damn…. Why Natsumi has to be so sexy like this? Calm….. Calm….. Calm, Yuuto…. Calm….. You need to hold your urge….' Thought Yuuto to himself. He tried to hold his instincts as man. If he isn't a good or perverted guy, he would already maul Natsumi, especially if he saw a pose like this. Despite he wanted to protest, he knew that it would only upset her even more. So, Yuuto could only reluctantly accept Natsumi's request.

"Okay….. Let's do it again this night, Natsumi-chan. This night is going to be our stage…." Said Yuuto while sweatdropped

"Really!? Hoooooraaaayyy!" cheered Natsumi, completely ignoring Yuuto's unenergetic aura

"But, Natsumi-chan, please don't tempt me not to use 'it', alright? I don't want to accidentally get into the next stage with you."

"Um, don't worry, Onii-chan! It will be alright! Just don't lie to me. If not I will keep hitting my head just like what Tom did in one of Tom & Jerry Tales' episode." Threatened Natsumi

"Yeah, okay. Anyway, you should get prepare now. We will go into a very good place, Natsumi-chan." Said Yuuto happily

"Really!? Are you sure, Onii-chan?" asked Natsumi with star eyes

"Of course, now you should take a bath. I will get prepare too."

"Um, don't worry, Onii-chan. I will be ready in a sec. By the way, I also prepared a gift for you, Onii-chan."

"Really!? What is it?"

"Se…cret….." teased Natsumi before leaving the room, heading to the bathroom. This of course made Yuuto pouted his mouth. Though, he couldn't help but smile seeing Natsumi is happy and energetic like that. But, the thought of that they will make love this night cloud his minds. It's not like he doesn't want or doesn't love Natsumi, it just that he felt it was out of place. If they will really do 'f*** ***x' this night, he might going to disappoint his mother and also Yoko. Well, Yoko isn't a type of woman who would nagging like his mother, but she must really not want her daughter to give her virginity that easily. But….. Yuuto could only accept this fate…..

'Auntie Misaki….. Kaa-san… Please forgive me…. TF RyuShin-san, please don't make that event happens or at the very least make Natsumi forgets about it….'

After several minutes, Yuuto has changed to his usual casual attires. It only consists of blue checkered-clothes with black jean. He also wears an orange jacket due to Japan's extreme weather. He also combed his blue hair before placing Geki-san in his wrist. Lastly, he also checked his gift for Natsumi tonight. Yuuto opened a big box, containing a birthday-cake with Tom & Jerry theme. Yuuto smiles with the thought of Natsumi will be very happy for this present and she will eat it with a smile.

"Natsumi-chan….. I couldn't wait for tonight….." said Yuuto to himself while seeing the cake

"Yuuji…. Do you think this is the right thing?" asked Geki-san

"Eh? Geki-san, what do you mean?"

"I saw everything that happened. Seems like you have a dilemma between Maria and Natsumi, right?" asked Geki-san, surprising Yuuto. Since, he didn't expect for Geki-san to say something like this, especially to him.

"Well, you could say so…"

"Yuuji….. Is it right for you not to be yourself?"

"What do you mean!? I don't understand."

"Look, Yuuji. I know that you love Natsumi, but for me it will be only a force love."

"Huh!? What are you saying, Geki-san!? Do you want to say that I shouldn't love Natsumi-chan!? Why you always say something inconsistent like that!?"

"Yuuji, are you blind!? You also saw that Maria was shocked, right? Even without my love compatibility function, I could know that Maria also has feelings to you! For me, you will only regret if you choose to stay with Natsumi."

"No way I would do such an advice like that. It's better to be loved than loving, right!? I'm already being myself, so stop concerning about me! Just mind your own business."

"Yuuji, your love with Natsumi is nothing more than siblings' love. No matter how much you will try, it will only end up the same. Your feelings on Natsumi won't change at all. You will only repeat the mistake that her mother had done." Said Geki-san serious, reminding Yuuto about Natsumi's parents' divorce. Because of that, Natsumi never sees her father because her mother got the right for Natsumi. However, hearing Geki-san's words, Yuuto can't help but confuse with what his partner said. This of course made Yuuto rethinks his choice. Is his choice to be with Natsumi already right? It's not that Yuuto doesn't love Natsumi or what, but it is primarily because Yuuto's crush to Maria. It's true that Yuuto wants to make Natsumi happy, but is he ready to be with Natsumi for the rest of his life? Not only that, it also means that Yuuto must sacrifice his own happiness for others. For himself, just by thinking Maria is wearing wedding gown to marry other man… Somewhat makes a very hurt sensation in his chest. Despite that he might smile for Maria, he knows that he will cry behind her, terribly if that man is Shido, his own friend. Yuuto is really confused now… He doesn't know if he should do this for Natsumi's happiness or for him.

"Yuuji… I know that you love Natsumi, but your love to Maria is more sincere. You will only burden yourself if you force to love someone else that you don't love 100%. Please, at least hear me before it's all too late."

"But, what about Natsumi-chan!? You want to say that I need to dump her!? You know Natsumi's personality, right? She might commit a suicide if she knows that I dump her! After all, even if I love Maria-chan….. That's doesn't change the fact that she is Shido's girlfriend and I don't want to take someone else's love!"

"Yuuji, don't take Maria's words too serious. In fact, we still don't know if Shido also loves her too, right? She might just self-proclaim. You must be brave, Yuuji. I know that dumping Natsumi isn't good, but I know that green-haired girl will understand you someday. I assure!"

"But… I still don't know, Geki-san…. I just want to make Natsumi happy… That's all."

"Yuuji….. If you stay with Natsumi, you will only sad her in the long run. After all, you will do 'it' with her tonight, right? Please stop her before it's too late. If you already do it, you will be addicted to it. Even if you use safety, you will feel it's not enough and you will slowly make a true love with her. If you don't accidentally make a child with her, the problem will start after our marriage. You will be bored of her and you will only think her as your fucking hole. Because of your boringness, you will cheat on her and search other girls. This also as a compensation because you already sacrificed Maria. Lastly, you will repeat the same mistakes, divorcing her…."

"Oi, Geki-san, aren't your words just an exaggeration!? I won't do something like that to Natsumi-chan! I love her! I really really really love her and I won't think her as my fucking hole! Stop talking such a nonsense!"

"Are you? I mean do you love her as a woman or as your little sister?" asked Geki-san, making Yuuto thinks once again. Yuuto now becomes even more confused. He still doesn't know if his feelings to Natsumi are really sincere or not. Unlike Natsumi, Maria is a complete full-fledge girl. Well, Yuuto fell to her so his feelings to her must be sincere. Yuuto now thinks that what Geki-san said is true. He is just not brave enough to confess his feelings. Beside, there is a part of him who feels quite uncomfortable with Natsumi's feelings.

"But…. Geki-san….. I'm also not ready to dump Natsumi-chan yet….. She is my little sister…. I don't want to disappoint her altogether….. Is that wrong?"

"It's not wrong. It's just not right for you, Yuuji. Look, you even said that she is your little sister. If you really see her as a woman, you would say my girlfriend, my love or anything. Yuuji…. You're too naïve… Look, I'm not your father or what, but at least please hear me, your comrade in battle. I know that you want to make the others happy. But, does that mean you need to sacrifice your own happiness and love? At the very least, please be selfish for this, Yuuji….."

"Geki-san….. Please, give me a time…." Said Yuuto unenergetically before exiting his room

"Well, can't be helped then. Don't worry, just think it first. I know that you will pick the wise choice here." Said Geki-san before stopping talking. Yuuto soon walked toward the Itsuka's residence as he was offered a breakfast from Maria. Though, inside his minds, there were many thoughts about this love-triangle. At first, he thought Toru's advice was the right one, but Geki-san's advice made Yuuto even more confused. What Toru said is very right for him. As, Natsumi loves him to the content of her hear. She just wanted to be seen as a full-fledge girl by Yuuto. Yuuto himself also loves Natsumi to the fullest. Not only that, he is currently scared by the fact that Toru's little sister had died. Seeing that Miku was already dead and Natsumi is a Spirit, there is a chance that Natsumi will be killed. That's why, Yuuto wants to make Natsumi happy before everything are too late. Even if it must sacrifice Yuuto's love to Maria, Yuuto won't regret to make Natsumi happy. After all, he was the one who indirectly changed Natsumi into Spirit.

However, there was a tiny problem there. And…. It was already said by Geki-san. Despite Yuuto loves Natsumi to the content of his heart, is his love to her is completely a love as a man and woman? Is his love to her is only a love as siblings? He now reconsidered his thought to Natsumi. Every people, especially man, have an exciting meter subconsciously. Even if he loves Natsumi now, will his love to her last forever? Especially, if he only forces himself to love Natsumi as a woman. Despite deep in his heart, he still sees Natsumi as his dear little sister. His kindness and care to her might only be limited as siblings' relationship. However, his love to Maria is very sincere. He loves her as a girl, not as anything like mother or sister. Yuuto himself sometimes shows several affections to her but it almost never recognized by Maria. Even though Maria showed a little shock by seeing him and Natsumi's body contact, it might just because her innocent minds couldn't process it clearly. Also, it feels really bad if he robs Maria from Shido. Yuuto isn't a type of guy who would betray his friends. But….. Is it really right for him to sacrifice his own happiness? Is it really right for him to love someone that he doesn't love sincerely? Does he need to be selfish just for this case? All in all, Yuuto feels that what Geki-san had said was right He is too naïve. All of his idea was too theoretical and it's almost idealistic. He just wants the others happy, everyone happy. But….. He is confused what he should do for his sake or the others' sake? Is there anyway for both him and the others could happy? Anyhow, Yuuto is really confused to the point that he messed his bluish hair.

"Argh! Why it must be so difficult like this!? Ha….. Anyway, a little breakfast might open up my minds….." said Yuuto before entering the Itsuka's residence and walked to the dining room. As he was walking, he could smell a very delicious smell from the kitchen. Just by smelling it, he could deduce that Maria was cooking the breakfast for him. When he arrived to the dining room, he could see a long white-haired girl was cooking a delicious soup. Of course, it was Maria. She was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with black leggings. Since she was cooking, she also used a pink apron. For Yuuto, seeing Maria in an outfit like that is already enough to make him blush. He doesn't know why but whenever he sees Maria, his heart will beat faster than usual. It feels like his heart goes doki doki whenever he sees Maria. Even every encounter with Natsumi never gives him such feelings like this. This makes Yuuto confused too? Is this a prove that Yuuto's feelings to Maria are a true love?

'Damn! Why I must be attracted to Maria-chan when I want to love Natsumi-chan!?' thought Yuuto while messing his hair. This of course made Maria realized Yuuto's presence.

"Ah, Kazuraba-kun! Sorry, for making you waited too long. Don't worry, the breakfast is almost ready." Said Maria while rushing to prepare the breakfast as fast as she can

"Ah, don't worry, Maria-chan! I just arrived here awhile ago. Don't rush yourself too much." Said Yuuto worried, seeing that Maria was quite panicked after knowing Yuuto's presence. Seeing this, Maria quickly prepares the breakfast. She wasted no time to pour the tofu soup in the bowl before taking a bowl of rice from the cooker. For the last addition, she put the fried fish and celery in the plate. She soon placed all of the foods in the tray. However, Yuuto couldn't help but felt something fishy about Maria's panic behavior. He felt that Maria isn't herself right now. He deduced that she was still traumatized by his and Natsumi's hot kiss.

'Well, couldn't be helped….. Seems like Maria's parents don't want to taint their daughter with naughty things…..' thought Yuuto while sighing

"Sorry for waiting….." said Maria while bringing the tray of breakfast. But, poor Maria…. She tripped her leg again and dropped the tray while falling to the floor.

"Maria-chan!" shouted Yuuto instinctively before grabbing Maria, preventing her from falling. However, unknown to himself, Yuuto grabbed Maria in a very romantic pose like in the soap opera. Yuuto stared at Maria's clear blue eyes while she stared his own dark brown eyes. They were staring at each other's face for several seconds. Not a sentence could be said from their mouths. For Yuuto's point of view, despite he was surprised to be in an awkward scene, he also felt something. When seeing Maria's face much closer, his heart beats much faster than before. If Toru was here, he would also have noticed his chili cheeks. Yuuto doesn't know why but this sensation could only appear if Maria with him. Even if he already kissed Natsumi much deeper and almost do 'it' with her, his heart never beats as fast as if he sees Maria. Combined from Geki-san's advice, he felt much more confused. He really knows about what is love, but the only thing that he doesn't know is which girl he loves!? He is even more in a dilemma now. Should he love Natsumi or Maria? Or is his love sincerely for Natsumi or Maria?

'Am I…Am I in love with Maria-chan…?' thought Yuuto while staring at Maria

"Uh…. I'm sorry, Kazuraba-kun…" apologized Maria, breaking the silence and Yuuto's thought. Hearing this, Yuuto then shook his head, regaining his senses. He soon placed Maria to the nearest chair while comforting Maria.

"Maria-chan, are you alright?"

"Um… Yeah…. I just tripped my own leg. I'm alright….. But…. Your breakfast….." murmured Maria with teary eyes

"Oi, Maria-chan, don't cry. It's alright! You already cooked several for the others. I could just eat a little bit from their portion. After all, you must have cooked more since Tohka-chan has a very big appetite." Assured Yuuto

"But… Kazuraba-kun….. I felt bad for spoiling your breakfast…" said Maria-chan sadly while wiping her tears

"Maria-chan….. Don't worry. Look, you still have some fish here! Cheer up, Maria-chan!" said Yuuto while cheering Maria. Though, it only has a little effect to her. Yuuto then grabbed a chopstick to take a little meat from the fish.

"Hora, hora, Maria-chan! Look, this fried fish is so delicious! Don't be sad…. Umm… It's really delicious!" said Yuuto while eating the fish. Despite Maria is a bit calmed now, she still looks very sad. Of course, this made Yuuto a bit panicked. He doesn't know what to do right now to cheer Maria up. However, he will try his best to cheer her up.

"Kazuraba-kun… I'm really sorry….." apologized Maria with sad face

"Don't worry about it, Maria-chan! After all, you already cooked a special breakfast. You are also my best friend, there's no way I would mad at you." assured Yuuto, cheering Maria a little bit. At least, Maria regained her innocent smile a little bit.

"Thanks, Kazuraba-kun…. So, is it really delicious?" asked Maria while sniffing

"Well, of course! Your cooking is the second best cooking in my life! The first one of course from Kaa-san's cooking. No one could beat a mother's cooking. But, Kaa-san said that the second best cooking for me will come from my girlfriend or my wife!" said Yuuto nonchalantly before realizing that he slipped a bit fact that he sees Maria as a girlfriend. Of course, in reflect Yuuto covered his mouth in comical style.

"Girlfriend?" asked Maria innocently

"Ah, ah, ah, it's nothing, Maria-chan! Sometimes not all of Kaa-san's said is true. Anyway, look at this delicious fish! Um, it looks yummy! Maria-chan, please feed me with this delicious food! I'm really hungry!" said Yuuto before giving the plate of fish with the chopsticks to Maria. He soon opened his mouth before pointing at his mouth, giving an order to feed him. Despite Maria felt a little awkward with this, she felt very happy when Yuuto asked her to feed him. She doesn't know why but she felt her heart beats faster than before. She never felt such feelings when she is with Shido for whatsoever. Not only that, she felt her heart was pierced when she saw Yuuto kissed Natsumi or whenever he is with other girls. She never felt that feelings if she sees Shido with other girls. She felt nothing or normal whenever Shido is with the others. However, she felt that she couldn't comprehend the hurt when he sees Yuuto with Origami, Kaguya and the climax was with Natsumi. Now, however, Maria somewhat felt quite happy in the situation that they were at. Seeing this, Maria soon took a piece of meat from the fish using the chopsticks before trying to feed it to Yuuto's mouth. For Maria, as long as both her and Yuuto are happy, she would do anything to Yuuto. Even if she must die in a battle later, she might not regret it later. Though, there is only one question in her mind now….

'Am I….. Am I… Am I in love with Yuuto-kun?' thought Maria while trying to feed Yuuto. Just as the food entered Yuuto's mouth, suddenly….

"Onii-chan! I'm ready!" shouted Natsumi happily and energetically while slamming the door open, surprising both Yuuto and Maria. Yuuto himself was trying to take a bite from the fish in the chopsticks but he stopped mid-half after Natsumi deliberately slammed the door. Not only him, Maria also stopped mid-half after seeing Natsumi. Natsumi was already prepared to go out with her brother. She already combed her green hair and tied in lousy twintail. She is wearing a green tank top under a black lousy shoulder shirt with yellow star in her chest. She is wearing a purple mini skirt and also long orange shocks in her leg. Natsumi then saw the situation that her brother was at but she could only stare at them with innocent face. However, she soon made a really big smile toward Yuuto. Of course, her smile somewhat scares Yuuto and even chills him a little bit.

"Ah….. Natsumi-chan…. What are you doing here?" asked Yuuto

"Well, if course because Onii-chan already promised me that we would go into an interesting place, right? That's why, I already prepared like this! Anyway, don't waste any more time, Onii-chan. Let's go!" said Natsumi happily while approaching Yuuto. She soon pulled Yuuto so that they could go out together. However, Yuuto was quite hesitated. It was because he saw Maria somewhat sad face. He doesn't know if it's right to go out and leave Maria in this condition. He knows that he shouldn't depress or make Natsumi sad, but it doesn't mean that he would just leave the others like this, especially to Maria.

"Um….. Natsumi-chan, can you please wait Onii-chan for awhile? I still haven't eaten my breakfast yet. I'm really hungry." Said Yuuto while resisting Natsumi's pull

"What are you saying, Onii-chan? If it's about breakfast, we could search a nearby restaurant. I'm sure that they have a very delicious breakfast for us!" said Natsumi while pulling Yuuto much harder. Yuuto could only see Maria's sad face while being pulled with by his little sister. He tried to reach her with his hands but it was futile.

"Hora, hora, Onii-chan, you should go first!" said Natsumi before pushing Yuuto to the outside

"Wait, Natsumi-chan, please give me….." Before Yuuto could finish, Natsumi has already slammed the door back. Now, inside the house, there was only Maria and Natsumi. Natsumi herself was standing in front of the door while sighing really deep. She soon put a pretty much serious face before slowly approaching Maria. Maria somewhat felt quite uneasy after seeing Natsumi's rare behavior like this. Not that she was scared or what, it just that she was surprised that Natsumi, out of all people, could pull such a serious face like that. She even backed off slightly after seeing this.

"Okay… Onii-chan isn't here, right, Maria-san?" asked Natsumi coldly

"Well, well….. Yes….." stammered Maria


"Um, Natsumi, what do you mean? I don't really understand why Kazuraba-kun shouldn't be here."

"Isn't it obvious? I want have a proper conversation with you, Maria-san!" said Natsumi while pointing and glaring at Maria, surprising the white-haired girl obviously

"Huh? What are you saying, Natsumi? I don't understand at all."

"I just want you to back off from Onii-chan! Go away from him!"

"WHAT!? I don't understand any of it, Natsumi! Why should I need to distant myself from Kazuraba-kun!?"

"Are you blind to yourself, Maria-san!? Don't lie! I know that you also love Onii-chan, right?"

"I and Kazuraba-kun are just only friends! We have nothing or any special relationship at all! We are just purely friends. I bet even Kazuraba-kun would say the same thing!"

"Lies! Do you think I'm blind or what!? I saw your shocked face when I and Onii-chan kissed! If you're only friends, you wouldn't show such an expression like that!"


"Heh! Even if you don't love Onii-chan, I know that Onii-chan really cares and maybe loves you too. He is somewhat shows every of his affections and kindness to you." said Natsumi bluntly

"Kazuraba-kun was…"

"Don't be happy, Maria-san!" said Natsumi coldly. She soon surveyed the room before realizing that there were some foods scattered in the floor. She could only make an evil smile after seeing this and she even kicked a dropped bowl in the floor. Maria could only watch at Natsumi's nasty behavior. She was even surprised to see Natsumi could pull such an action like that. Natsumi then used her fingers to grab a fallen fried fish in the floor. She was grabbing it with disgusted look and face.

"Huh, so this is your cooking, Maria-san?" asked Natsumi

"Um, yes…."

"Hum… What a bullshit!?" said Natsumi before throwing the dirtied fish to Maria's face, of course dirtying her face with oil.

"What are you doing, Natsumi!?" asked Maria while throwing away the fish in her face. However, she was surprised to see that Natsumi took the plate filled with fried fishes before throwing it away to the floor. She then stomped all of the fishes with her foot, shocking Maria to death.

"What am I doing? Of course I was taking a head start in our race! You know, this breakfast was the one which tainted Onii-chan's heart and love for me!" said Natsumi while stomping the foods with anger

"Stop it, Natsumi! You don't behave like you are! Please open your eyes!" said Maria before she was pushed to the floor by Natsumi. The green-haired girl then grabbed Maria's collar before glaring at the white-haired girl with anger!

"I'm in control of myself, you dummy bitch! This is me! You know you and I are rivals. The fastest one of course will get Onii-chan. And I absolutely let you to have my dearest Onii-chan…" hissed Natsumi

"But, Natsumi, I don't have any special feelings toward Kazuraba-kun! I swear! Me and him are only just friends!" protested Maria

"Well, whatsoever, you're still a pest in my relationship with Onii-chan…. I won't be calm until you get away from Onii-chan's sight… So, back off….."


"Heh! Even compared to my 'Onee-chan' form, you are uglier than me… You are shorter… Your breasts are smaller….. You're much clumsier… You're much more unconfident….. I can't understand why Onii-chan fell to such a lowly girl like you….. You're not in his standard….. I bet that you two will divorce in a day after being married….. Onii… Ah, no, Kazuraba Yuuto will obviously can't stand such a girl like you…. Ars Maria-san….."

"Natsumi, please believe me! For God's sake, I don't love Kazuraba-kun! He is just my friend!" protested Maria before she received a swift slap from Natsumi, shocking her to death

"Say such a lie again and I will pierce your womanhood and rip you apart! Even if you don't love Onii-chan, you had better back off before I use force to you….." hissed Natsumi before walking away from Maria

"One more thing….. I and Onii-chan will do 'it' tonight…. No one can stop us. We will be one mind and boy from now on. Onii-chan… He will be mine, mine and mine…. Now and forever. Those who interferes us won't live long…. Now, you could cry as much as you can, you bitch albinism girl." Said Natsumi while licking her lips before stomping another of Maria's cooking before taking her leave. Maria, on the other side, could only silently cry while rocking herself.

Several minutes later….

"Huaaaaaaaa…..I wonder if the breakfasts are ready?" yawned Kotori while walking down in the stair. She soon went to the kitchen before realized how much a mess that a kitchen turned into. She even can't say that what she saw was a kitchen. It looked more like a sinking ship! Heck, even hers and Shido's rooms aren't even as messy as this. With anger, Kotori emitted a very gloomy and dark aura and even her eyes become redder than before. She really knows who could make such a mess like this…..


Meanwhile, Maria was in her room now and she looked very terrible. She could only look at the floor beneath her with teary eyes and gloomy aura. To make it worse, she only wears her underwear and she doesn't care at all. In this kind of situation, she could only sob slowly. Maria doesn't know why but she is really scared….. Yes, she is really scared after what Natsumi has threatened to her. She is really really really scared. She has never seen such a scary situation and face. Not even from her late older sister. She now really just hopes that Shido would wake up from his slumber and hug her, assuring that everything will be alright. Or at the very least, she wants for Yuuto to be in her side and comfort her…

"Kazuraba-kun…." murmured Maria sadly

Suddenly, Maria rethought what she has just said. Yes, Kazuraba Yuuto…. Yes, him…. Maria knows that she doesn't love Yuuto in any shapes. She clearly even said to Natsumi that Yuuto is her friend, not her boyfriend or anything that is special. For her, he is just her most cherished friend and person. Yes, she even clearly stated all of it to Natsumi bluntly. There is nothing special between her and Yuuto. Heck, even the writer must be crazy to pair her with him. However…. However….. Maria is now even more confused right now to the point that she shreds several cold tears that fell from her bluish eyes. Yes, she thinks that Yuuto is just her friend. But, why? Why…..? Why…..? Why she must cry over him? She is willing for Yuuto to be with Natsumi. However, whenever Maria sees Yuuto with Natsumi, either they are dating, playing together, smiling together, and now kissing together and sleeping together, it really hurts her heart. She should be happy because Yuuto could find a perfect girl for him. But, it somewhat really saddens her to the bottom of her heart. She knows that they are only friends and Yuuto is much better with Natsumi, but Maria couldn't let out even a glimpse of her trademark smile. Heck, she even already forgot how was her own smile. She couldn't make a clear picture of her own face in this situation. She wants to put a doctrine that Yuuto is just ONLY HER FRIEND! However, she just couldn't bring it to herself. Whenever she tried to put such a thinking, it always only saddens her rather than comforting her own mind. She wants to forget everything about a boy named: Kazuraba Yuuto from her mind. She wants to remove everything about him in her mind. SHE JUST WANTS TO GET AWAY FROM THESE UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS FROM HER! However, it comes again… She just couldn't forget about Yuuto. With despair, she slides her own back to wall before rocking herself. She sinks her own face to her leg before crying really hard. No matter how much she tries, she could never forget about Yuuto. It is just only really hard for her to forget about him. Yuuto is the first guy that she met ever since her revival in the real world and he has never done anything bad to her whatsoever. Maybe she wasn't really scared that Natsumi threatened to rip her or what. She is just scared that she might won't see Yuuto anymore. She even hopes that she was the one that Yuuto loved. She really wants to be Yuuto's girlfriend. So, why she must be lying to herself? However, everything were all in vain. It was just only hope and opinion….. The fact is she is just only Yuuto's FRIEND! Nothing more and nothing else. She just has to see it like that! She needs to forget about Yuuto now. After all, he is just her friend. Yes, just a friend…. However, why she must be sad if Yuuto is with Natsumi? Why she must be crying for the happiness of her friend? Why she must felt these intense sad feelings? Why her heart felt it was pierced by arrows and blades? WHY!? WHY!?

"Yes… Kazuraba-kun is just only my friend… But, why? Why…..? Why….? WHY COULDN'T I GET RID THESE UNCONFORMTABLE FEELINGS!? WHY I MUST BE SAD FOR HIS HAPPINESS!?" snapped Maria before messing everything in her room. She messed everything in her desk, she threw every books from her desk away. She even tore several books in her sight. She then threw every book in the floor to the wall or to the door. She then tore the curtain with all of her might before hitting the floor with the railing. She then grabbed a chair before banging in to the floor continuously, destroying it. She also threw the remaining debris to the window, floor, wall and the door. She also banged her own head to wall continuously, not caring about the bleeding in her forehead. After all of this, Maria then rocking herself again in the floor while sinking her own face to her palms.

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhu…. I should be happy when Kazuraba-kun got a perfect girl! I should be happy when Natsumi wants to be with him… Huhuhuhuhuhuhu….. But, why I couldn't be happy at all?... Why couldn't I smile to them? Huhuhuhuhuhuhu…. Why I must be sad just by knowing that Yuuto-kun will end up with Natsumi?... If Yuuto-kun is happy… Then why my chest couldn't stop aching!? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!? Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaa…. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeee… Yuuuuutttooooooooo-kuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn… Yuuuuuutoooooooo-kuuuuunnnnnnn…. Huuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…"cried Maria before scratching her own face with her nails and pulling her hair like hell. She soon rolled in the floor crazily like a wild animal or a psychopath. She screamed to the top of her lungs. After several minutes of despair and crying, Maria then took a look to her surroundings. She then found an interesting book.

"This book…." Sobbed Maria while remembering how she got the book

"Hey, Maria! Do you want to read this book?" asked Kaguya energetically

"Um…. What is this book after all?" asked Maria back

"Hehe, don't worry about it. I guarantee that this book is really interesting. Once you read this you won't even want to release it ever again!"

"Really, Kaguya? I'm just not ready to read such a good book. After all, I will feel bad if I read a book that someone lends."

"Hora, hora, Maria. You should keep this book for awhile. I will take it back after you have read that book." Said Kaguya while giving the book to Maria

"Okay…" said Maria, reluctantly receiving the book

"Oh, don't forget! If you are still not ready to read this, you could read it when you're down!" said Kaguya while winking to her friend

"Yes…. I felt really down right now….. Maybe I should read this book…. Maybe I could get away from these uncomfortable thinkings and feelings…." Said Maria before opening the book. However, her eyes soon widened after seeing the content of the book.

"Ahhhhhhh…. It's really delicious, Onii-chan!" said Natsumi cheerfully and energetically after eating the foods in the restaurant. Yes, currently, Natsumi and Yuuto were having breakfast in the 'Ms. Dodger' (fictional) restaurant. It's natural, since none of them have eaten any breakfast yet.

"Haaaaa…. My stomach is really stuffed right now. It's a really graceful treat, right, Onii-chan?" asked Natsumi to her brother. However, to her surprised, she found out that Yuuto haven't eaten his foods yet. What Yuuto has been doing until now is looking at the window, lamenting about something, and also playing with his own foods. He looked more unenergetic than before and he even sighed really deep.

'Tch! Damn, it must be Maria's fault!' cursed Natsumi to the girl that she thought tainted his brother's love to her. Meanwhile, Yuuto was lamenting about the previous events. Not only that he shocked Maria, but he also left her without saying any good things. Well, it's particularly because Natsumi pulled him out, but still…. He felt that he is really responsible to Maria now. That face… When Yuuto saw Maria's face when he was pulled by Natsumi, he felt that his heart was crushed. That face….. Yuuto felt that Maria wanted to be with him much longer. He felt that she doesn't want him to leave her so fast. He felt that she STILL WANTS HIM TO BE IN HER SIDE! Not only that, even normal people could read what Maria wanted to say at that time.

'Kazuraba-kun… Don't leave me…..' said Maria while trying to reach Yuuto's hands

'Maria….' Thought Yuuto. Now, he felt that what Geki-san has said was actually right. Maybe his feelings to Maria was more sincere than to Natsumi. It is purely an emotion called 'love'. It's not based on mercy, caring, kindness or anything. It just… Love. And now, after experiencing this morning's incidents, he isn't in a mood to go out with Natsumi anymore. In fact, he felt his relationship with Natsumi is…

"Onii-chan, are you alright?" asked Natsumi concerned, snapping Yuuto from his thought

"Ah, Natsumi-chan. Yeah, I'm alright! Don't worry about it!"

"Muh! Onii-chan really knows how to make me worried!" protested Natsumi while pouting her mouth

"Well… I'm sorry, Natsumi-chan… I just….. My head is just full." Said Yuuto while holding his head in frustration

'Heh! As I predicted! Ars Maria…. Aitsu wa hontou ni ore-tachi no jamao suru…' hissed Natsumi in her mind

"Anyway, the foods are really delicious! Have you tried it, Natsumi-chan?" asked Yuuto, trying to change the topic

"Umm…. Onii-chan, I already ate everything. You also haven't touched your foods yet…." Said Natsumi while pointing at the foods in front of Yuuto

"Ah, yes, I forgot to eat mine. How stupid am I!? Anyway, let's go to the main event, Natsumi-chan! I bet you couldn't wait anymore, right?"

"But, you haven't eaten yours. I'm worried if you will get another stomach ache. You should eat something."

"Ah, don't worry! My stomach is still full yesterday. After all, Kaa-san said that we shouldn't eat too much fast foods."

"Hai, hai… As long as Onii-chan is happy, then I'm also happy." Replied Natsumi with a smile

"Okay, let's go to the main event!" said Yuuto energetically

"Hoooorrraayyy! Let's go, Onii-chan!" said Natsumi cheerfully too

"But, first, you need to cover your eyes using this white sheet of cloth!"

"Um, why, Onii-chan? If I do that, I won't be able to see anything."

"Trust me! You will be happy after you open it! I guarantee it!" said Yuuto while winking his eyes

"Well, okay, I will listen to you, Onii-chan!" said Natsumi before covering her eyes with the cloth

"Okay! Let's go!" said Yuuto before going out from the restaurant while pulling Natsumi

"Wa,wait, Onii-chan! Don't run too fast!" complained Natsumi. While running, Yuuto took a glance to Natsumi's face. It would be lying to himself if he said that his minds aren't filled with many thoughts. In his minds it is filled with many contradictory thoughts. He then remembered what Toru and Geki-san had said.

"Yuuto…. I just want to say this: You need to protect your little sister before she gets in trouble. I'm serious. Fate can be cruel sometimes."

"Yuuji… I know that you love Natsumi, but your love to Maria is more sincere. You will only burden yourself if you force to love someone else that you don't love 100%. Please, at least hear me before it's all too late."

Right now, yes, Yuuto still couldn't choose which one that he loved most. However, what he knows now is that he must do anything that he feels right.

Sephira Crystals/Spirits Count:

In Toru's possession: 1

In DEM's possession: 1 + 1 special

In Takato's possession: 1 special

In Shido's possession: 4.5 +1 special

In Yuuto's possession: 1.5

Roaming: 2 + 1 special

Arsenal Count:

Yuuto: Ryuken Key, Leon Key

Toru: Spirit Roulette

Welp, that's the end of this chapter! Huf! That's a really hard work. Mainly because I didn't use to write so long descriptions. But, the results aren't so bad. Anyway, thanks or reading this chapter. Now what will happen in the next chapter? Stay tune for this story! Well, I'm really sorry to the readers if the story ends up like this. Anyway, because I don't know when I could write the stories again, I will give you the title for the next few chapters. Beware, this contains spoiler. So, if you don't want to be spoiled, don't read this part. Also, the next chapters will be very long and some chapters might end up as a two-parter because it's very long.

Chapter 10: Natsumi's Last Stand

Chapter 11: The Burning Anger of Revenge

Chapter 12: Eye for the Dragon!

Anyway, to Shido's lovers, don't worry, he will be active again soon. It just… Well, can't spoil the readers. Once again, thank you for all of your support and don't forget to R&R! Well, see you in the next chapter! Please stay tune for more true dragon's roar!