

"Naruto and Tsuna talking together"

(Author note)

"Kurama talking"

'Kurama thinking'

Chapter 5




And just like that few months passed by. Both brothers' turned 8 and promoted to next class albeit with difficulties. And summer vacations greet them.

Daytime; Sawada household

"ARG! ITS SO HOT!" Naruto screamed getting irritated as a minute passed by. He looked at his big brother, who looks as irritated as he was.

"AND HUNGRY!" He again screamed, as he frustratedly kicks his legs into the thin air.

They both were laying down in the living lounge because they had nothing better to do and their mama has gone to sleep even though, it was afternoon.

"Hey Naru, how about we give mama a surprise?" He looks at his younger brother who considered his suggestion and silently pats himself on his back, who nodded at him with excitement because cranky Naru means dangerous Naru and he didn't want his little brother's pranking on him.

As they got up, Tsuna failed to see a mischievous glint shone in blue eyes.

Sawada household: parent room

Nana was woken up from her beauty sleep abruptly by a loud noise that sounded strangely like an explosion. In an instant she jumped out of her bed and ran from her room into the kitchen, which was downstairs, slightly out of breath, she entered the kitchen and froze at the scene before her. She shouldn't believe her eyes; the once well-kept kitchen was now messy, no scratch that it was a chaos. Naruto was standing next to the fridge, while Tsuna was standing on the other side of the kitchen, the floor covered in flour. The toaster was smoking and making a weird sound, and she was pretty sure it was broken. The rest of the kitchen was also covered with eggs, and pieces of bread laying down here and there on the floor.

"What has happened here?" Nana asked with flat tone betraying nothing.

Both boys felt a cold shiver on their back and they went rigid; gulped nervously and did not dare to face their mother.

"W-we were trying to cook something for you!" trying to be brave for both of them, Tsuna spoke first, his fingers nervously swirls with the hem of his shirt. They hesitantly look at their mother's face, tears threatening to roll down both brothers.

A heavy, disappointed sighed escape from Nana as she heavily sat on a chair, her forehead resting in her hand, she tiredly and exhaustedly looks at her sons, who were now looking at the floor as if it was most interest thing in the room. "Whose idea was it? No, forget it, I don't want to know, just go back to your room and clean up."

"B-But w-we wanted to-" Naruto started speaking indistinctly, trying to explain to their mama why they're doing that.

"Naruto, Tsunayoshi, back to your rooms and I don't want to hear anything else because right now I have a mess to clean."

Even though their mama didn't raise her voice but still both brothers cringe when they heard their mama calling them their full name, it was clear that mama was beyond piss, because mama always called them Tsu-kun and Naru-Chan.

Tsuna bites inside of his lip and walks towards his brother, who was still looking down, biting hard on his lip, refusing to cry. Tsuna took Naru's hand and gently urging him to walk with him, who did so but still refuse to look up. And they began to go upstairs, towards their rooms.

Looking at her children back, Nana just staggered under the sudden waves of guilt. Even though, she was angry at her boys' for making such a mess in the kitchen. 'Sure I am angry at them because they were trying to cook something without my supervision and could've gotten hurt pretty badly by playing with fire or with a knife, but still, that didn't mean that I shouldn't listen to them first.' She continued to berate herself mentally. She nervously started to bite her finger, "It ok, Nana, what you did was what every mother would've done in your position. Clean the kitchen first and then explain why you react like that" she spoke aloud, trying to convince herself.

As soon she started to clean, she just knew that she couldn't do it without making up with her children, first. She heaved a sigh and went upstairs towards Tsu-Kun's room because they always spend times together in that room even when she had given Naru-kun his own room.

She hesitantly twists the doorknob and opened the door. Both of them turned towards the door from the bed and quickly looked down when they show their mama.

Nana gulps nervously and hesitantly entered the room. God, she was so nervous about this situation because this had never happened to her not even when she was young, she walks over to her sons and sat in front of them. Both boys still didn't look up.

"Tsu-Kun, Naru-Chan, do you know why mama was angry early?" she gently questioned her sons. Both of them shook their head, still not daring to look at their mama's eyes.

"You see, I really appreciate that you were trying to cook something for me but you know you could've gotten hurt badly and mama doesn't like it when her cute little munchkin get hurt because it also hurt me."

Both of them blushed at her calling them cute but then tilted their heads cutely as they puzzlingly looked at their mama, trying to comprehend what she was trying to say. Confusion clearly shown in their eyes.

On the outside, she just smiled at her sons adoringly, who were looking so adorable, but on inside she was squealing like a fan-girl at her sons' cuteness, she mentally scolds herself because right now she had to make her boys understand why it was dangerous not to cook without adult supervision.

Both of them look at her with wide eyes in shock when she explained the dangerous of cooking in kitchen without her supervision- "Now you know that it can be dangerous to cook without me knowing ok, and why mama was angry because I didn't want to see you both get hurt and you could've burned or cut yourself badly and now we don't want that, do we?" she sternly look at them, they both shook their heads hastily.

"Will we never be able to cook again?" both of them softly asked her as they look at their mama with teary eyes.

She gulps down the squeal that was threatening to come out and warmly smiled at them "Now I didn't say that you won't be able to cook but you couldn't cook without any adult supervision, besides you both got lots to learn from me and promise me that you both won't do this again." She said with slight mischievousness.

Both of them look at her in astonishing and jumped at her, "We promise!" they both loudly exclaimed. She squealed in surprise at their sudden move but soon kindly smiled when she heard them sniffing while hugging her.

She affectionately rubbed their head, "Now, Now no need to cry and if you both want to make up with me, you both got to help me clean that mess you both had created because I am pretty sure I can't clean that mess alone."

Both Tsuna and Naruto started to giggle, soon all three of them started to laugh loudly, they quickly rubbed their eyes to remove extra tears and enthusiastically nodded, and she couldn't help but fondly smile at them, she was glad that they understood why she was angry at them. She was happy, no God must have blessed her with such an amazing children like them and she was glad to be their mother. Because they were her everything, they filled that voids slowly that had being left in her heart from her childhood and from her husband. Even though she understands that he must leave but still it's hurt her to see him leave every time he comes back. And she promised herself when she met Iemitsu that she would do everything in her power to protect her children even if she had to go back to the underground world, again.

She stood up and gently shooed her children out of the room, "Come on both of you, we have a lot to do today." They laughed when Naruto when took out his tongue and bark, acting like a dog, trying to scare his big brother. She shook her head at their action, she tenderly looks at them and closed the door behind them.
