

"Naruto and Tsuna talking together"

(Author note)

"Kurama talking"

'Kurama thinking'

Chapter 1


Sawada Nana and Sawada Iemitsu were happily married couples who were blessed with pairs of the twin. The father of twins happily cradled on his children and lovely looked at the brown haired woman. He gently kissed her on her forehead.

The doctors and other staff left the room, giving a personal moment to newly parent.

"I still cannot believe that we are the parent of these two little angels." He said as he looks down at the baby he was carrying. He had brown hair and porcelain skin, just like his mother. "You're a wonderful wife and mother, dear." He smiled at his wife like an idiot.

"You too, dear, you're great father and husband, even though you're an idiot but still a great husband and father." She said mischievously. Earning 'hey' from Iemitsu.

They laughed, entering in their la-la-la land when they heard their babies cry. "Look like our little angels don't like being ignored huh." Nana cooed as she looked down at her arms where another baby was. He had yellow hair and tan skin, just as her husband but her baby hairs were darker shade then Iemitsu.

Iemitsu took the baby from his wife and put the twin in the crib.

Iemitsu softly smiled once again and looked thoughtfully at his wife. "So, what their names will be."

Nana cheerfully smiled at her husband, "Didn't we already decide it."

Iemitsu laughs after hearing his wife.

"Yes, welcome to our family Sawada Tsunayoshi and Sawada Naruto." Iemitsu and Nana both smiled and love could be seen in both parent eyes when they looked at their sleeping sons.

Age 5

"Naru, Naru!" the blond boy happily smiled and excitedly walks towards his brother. Forgetting his toys in front of him and toddled to greet his brother. "Tsu" Naruto grinned; he loved his brother the most, even though they both were so different from each other. His brother was always quiet, busy trying to read books and shy while he was always trying to play a prank on others, always happy and hyper. Tsuna liked how his brother could always understand him, no matter how shy and unwilling to communicate with other he was and still his brother would try to understand him. He gestured his younger twin to follow him to their room in which the short-haired spiky blond agreed to sense his twin excitement.

Giggling the two boys began marched to their room, after 40 min later, with much difficulties they finally reached their room, wordlessly the brunette closed the door behind them so their mama couldn't hear. "Tsu wha is it?" ("Tsu, What is it?") Blue eyes glittered with excitement. Naruto knew whatever his brother was going to show him is going to be pretty. Tsuna walked towards his brother with unusual sharp eyes, "Naru. Yu cwn-t tewll anyonwe kay? Piwky Pwomise?" ("Naru, you can't tell anyone okay? Pinky Promise") He brought his pinky finger in front of Naruto. Despite his hushed tone, it was obvious that his brother was dead serious. The blond couldn't help but gulp in nervousness. With a slight hesitation, his blue eyes gleamed with determination to keep his brother important promise.

"Pwomise, Naru wawn't tawll anyonwe. Naru and Tsu piwky Pwomise" ("Promise, Naru won't tell anyone. Naru and Tsu pinky Promise") as he said that he brought his pinky finger and both of them did pinky promise. The unusual sharp eyes soften as Tsuna looked into his brother's eyes. With a small smile, he cuddles his younger twin and both sat next to each other.

"Kay…jus wach." ("Kay...just watch") The brunette unfurled one of his hand and concentrated the image of a small orange flame while projecting with his will for it to appear. Blue eyes widened in amazement as he saw a small albeit very weak flame flickered wildly in the palm of his brother's hands. He with slight hesitation went near the flame. He looked at his brother's face in awed. He grinned as his blue eyes glittered with excitement, "Tsu, this is jus likw yu, yu arwe amwzing." ("Tsu, this is just like you, you are amazing") Tsuna looked at his brother in bewilderment breaking his concentration. The flame flickered wildly until the young inexperienced child gasped and the flame fades away. The brunette could feel sweat roll down his forehead and aching tiredness that settled into him.

"Wha yu mewn?" ("What you mean?") Tsuna confusingly looked at his brother who in return quickly embrace him making both of them to fall down. They both looked at each other and start laughing. Their laughter filled the room. "Tsu is warm likw thwt prwtty flwme. Thwt whw it likw yu." ("Tsu is warm like that pretty flame. That why it like you") Naruto happily beamed. Tsuna looked at his brother and grinned.

"Tsu, Naru it lunch-time. Both of you quickly come down." They heard their mama's voice and at the same time their tummies gurgle. They blush and looked at each other and snickered, they excitedly but slowly went down to eat their lunch.

Credit: Hweianime.