Feeling nothing on his lap the Captain woke up, still a bit groggy as he looked around the room from where he sat for the neko. It was not hard to find Eren since he was playing with one of the writing quills from Levi's desk. Levi was not sure on how he was able to sleep through the racket the little guy was making as he played. Levi did not get up right away, he instead stayed in his seat. It was still his time off since it was still Christmas week, the only time of year when the Scouts are not working for a week or so. Really it depended on when Erwin thought it was time for the Scouts to get back to doing their job. Stretching his arms over his head a little the raven hair quietly stood up and walked over to the neko, "That is enough for now you little shit." The kitten seemed a little startled at first when the man picked the neko up in one arm. Levi put the feather away in its proper place, "I will get you some toys later alright?" The kitten's response was to lick his cheek with his rough tongue.

The man smiled lightly in response as he walked towards the bathroom, "After we get cleaned up we will head to the market to get some stuff for you." The neko did not respond to that since he was more focused on looking around as the raven hair walked into the bathroom, closing the door so that Eren would not run off. Captain Levi had no idea how the neko was going to respond to the water as he filled the bath tub. Normally the captain would take a shower in the mornings but this time he felt like taking a bath instead. Setting the kitten down on the floor, Levi rolled up his shirt sleeves before turning the water on. Turning to where he placed Eren his eyes widened some when he saw that the kitten was not there. Spinning around looking for the kitten he noticed that Eren was on top of the running facet playing with the water.

Slipping his shirt off the man watched Eren play with the water, it appeared that the kitten was having some fun since he was squeaking and meowing as he played. Yes water was getting all over around the tub so Levi got a towel and placed it on the floor before picking the kitten up. Setting Eren onto the counter the man removed the neko's clothing, neatly folding them before placing them in a pile in the corner of the counter where they will not get wet. Once that was done, Levi removed what remained of his clothing then picked the kitten back up.

Stepping into the water Levi held Eren close as he settled into the water. Eren was not too sure on what to think of it. At first he was thinking of jumping out of the tub but then he seemed to have changed his mind as he jumped out of the Captain's arms, flopping into the water.

For what could have been years, Levi laughed when he watched Eren jump from his arms into the water, shaking his head to rid water from his cat like ears Eren immediately went to playing with the water. Though he stopped to watch Levi wash his own hair with shampoo that he made himself. As bubbles from the shampoo mixed with the water the neko pounced at the bubbles. That did not last for long since the water got a little too deep for the neko and so Eren climbed onto Levi's knees. Levi turned the facet off and leaned back in the tub until the water was atleast half way over his chest.

Eren was not too keen on it though but did find a spot on top of Levi that allowed him to play in the water without having to worry about his head going under. Levi did not mind Eren using the raven hair as a flotation devise. Watching Eren as he relaxed, he chuckled a little when the kitten went after a bubble and fell off the man and into the water. Sitting up he picked Eren up and set him in his lap, "I think I should wash your hair. What do you think?" The neko though had more of a play mood then a keep still and let the Captain clean his hair type of mood as Eren tried to go after the bubbles that invaded the tub as Levi washed the kitten's brunette hair, being careful to not get any into his ears. After a little bit of a struggle, the Captain managed to thoroughly rinse the neko's hair. After a few moments to relax, Levi decided it was time to get out of the tub. Letting the water drain the raven hair got himself dried and dressed into his civilian clothing, letting Eren stay in the tub and play in the water.

He also kept Eren in the tub so that the kitten would not run around his apartment and get water all over the place because the Captain did not feel like cleaning up a whole lot after the neko. Grabbing a dry towel he let it drop onto the kitten who was playing with what water remained nearest to the drain and lifted Eren out of the tub, "I think that is enough playing with the water now Eren." He said as the raven hair set the kitten onto the counter as he dried the little guy off. Once the kitten was dry he put his clothes back onto him then hung the two towels up to dry. Picking Eren up he walked out of the bathroom, Eren jumped out of the man's arms and onto the floor, running over the the man's desk he pounced at the writing quill he was playing with not long ago. Levi shook his head with a small chuckle as he sat down in his chair.

Thank you for your patience and support. I hope you have enjoyed this fanfiction so far. I am sorry for the long break I had some issues with my medical condition that has made it hard to type. So I was only able to do a little bit at a time to get it done.

If all of you have noticed. have changed the rating of this story. Not because of smut but due to thr brief nudity in this chapter. The idea of it came to mind after some plotting but in order to be able to post it I had to raise the rating. Again not because of smut. If you want smut please refer to my other fanfictions. Lol

Anyways there is a lot more cute chapters coming up so stay tuned!