Hey guys! Here it is, the 6th and final chapter.

I can't believe I actually finished this! I have a horrible habit of leaving my writing incomplete but I'm so happy this is done. My first completed story! Yay!

I hope you guys enjoyed it. It was short but maybe one day I'll write out a longer one. We'll see. Writing for Dark and Anti were pretty fun. I've been told I can get very descriptive when I write so it was the perfect opportunity. Anyways like I said I hope you enjoyed the story and feel free to let me know what you think of it. Merry Christmas/Happy holidays everyone! And as always,


Later that night Wade returned with a bag of groceries in hand. He had a cup of specialty coffee ready for Jack and a hopeful smile on his face when he first entered the house. At first it had been suspiciously quiet though a part of him knew that wasn't something to be concerned about. It was two in the morning after all and the only ones supposedly up at this time were himself and Jack. They were pulling an all-nighter and Wade had gone to get them both some pick-me-ups. In the bag he had power bars, energy drinks and six bags of Cool Ranch Doritos.

It wasn't until he noticed that the living room where he left Jack was empty, that Wade realized something was wrong. Even in the blinking hours of the morning Jack was obnoxiously loud in everything he did. Usually he would have heard a sound by now. A curse or an unintentional slam of a kitchen cupboard to alert him Jack was somewhere nearby. But he heard nothing. Swallowing thickly Wade entered further into the living room. The t.v had been left on but instead of a channel there was white static. Wade raced over to shut it off. White static freaked him out.

Steeling himself Wade dropped his bag and Jack's drink on the coffee table and ventured into the kitchen. The sight that greeted him nearly drove the man back out of the house.

He had failed in his mission to protect his friend.

Mark had warned him, begged him to take Jack to the airport, to get him out of the country and out of harms way, but they all knew how stubborn the damn youtuber could be. Wade had set out to protect him but all it took was a single trip to the coffee shop for everything to spiral out of control.

He saw the broken glass. Took inventory of blood and green ooze covering the kitchen floor. Whatever had transpired hadn't been pretty and now Wade was left in the wake of this disaster. His eyes roamed wildly about, searching for something- anything- a clue to figure out what to do next. He ran up to Mark's room but the man wasn't there. He went searching for Mark's roommates but they were gone as well. Fear gripped him in a cold iron grasp. He ran as fast as he could about the house, tearing open doors and searching closets. Just in case Jack had gotten away and was too frightened to come out of hiding. He didn't find a soul in sight.

Wade came to a sudden and horrifying conclusion as he ran along the down stairs hall. He should have known. There was only one place Mark ever kept secretly to himself. It was his mystery room that no one entered and now Wade feared that whatever unspeakable horrors that were inside were happening at that very moment to Jack. He passed by the mirror, his reflection an orange blur as he ran full speed for the dainty white door at the end. Wade pounded his fist on it, jiggling the locked handle.

"Jack! Jack it's me! Don't worry I'm going to get you out."

On the other end he heard nothing. The entire house was in absolute calm. As if time had fallen still. Wade pounded harder on the door, giving it his all though a tiny voice in his head screamed it wouldn't make a difference. The door refused to budge.

Something feint was heard on the other side and Wade jiggled the door knob some more. Damnit why did Mark have to lock it from the inside?

"Jack?" Wade began to panic as the feint some from beyond it grew louder. Something like a name was called.

"Mark! Mark, open the door!"

The dainty white door Wade had never had the privilege to enter unlatched from the other side. Wade froze on the spot, feeling his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach as the sound reverberated in his ears. He stepped back to watch the door open very slowly, lights and shadows at the very bottom streaking out across Wade's brown boots. Wade clenched his fists at his side, mentally preparing himself for a fight when he was once again greeted with a shocking display.

Standing there was Jack and Mark, brown and blue eyes gazing curiously at him. Wade's mouth fell open, his gaze switching back and forth between them.

"Wade?" Mark asked blinking, scratching the back of his head. "What's going on? Are you ok? I heard you screaming"

Wade snapped his jaw close, his gaze immediately going to Jack who merely stood there staring straight ahead.

"Jack? Are you… are you alright?!"

As if snapping out of some trance Jack perked up, smiling his usual smile up at Wade. " 'Course buddy. Why wouldn't I be?"

Wade's mouth gaped open like a fish as he pointed first at Mark and then at Jack.

"B-but I thought… Dark and you and…. the kitchen!"

"Oh that." Jack laughed nervously. "Sorry pal. I kinda made a mess in there. Came to get Mark to help me."

Wade blinked. What?

Mark stepped in front of Jack, stretching his arm out to grasp the door. The inside of the room looked dark. Too dark.

"Don't worry about the mess." Mark said, his brown eyes flashing sweetly. "I'll have it taken care by morning. Nothing for you to worry about."

Wade stepped back in reaction to Mark's honeyed tone. Mark never spoke so debonairly to him. It was a complete 180 to his down to earth baritone. Something fishy was going on. Mark would never leave a mess to be dealt with later. But his eyes… they weren't red. Not like Dark's who's tell was the blood that ran freely from his eyes. Wade glanced once more at Jack, worry filling every inch of him. Jack looked the same as well. Perhaps a little distracted but his eyes looked normal. He hadn't grown any teeth and his smile seemed the same excited grin he came with from across the pond.

Swallowing the lump in his throat Wade turned back to look at Mark who had been staring at him.

"If it isn't too much trouble, Jack and I have some things to finish up in here. And it'll take all night."

Mark then grinned but it looked more like leer in Wade's opinion.

"Goodnight Wade."

Before the man could get a word in edge wise Mark had closed the door on him, the last image seared into his brain the frightened look that flashed in Jack's tanzanite eyes just before the door closed. For a split second they had screamed at Wade for him to come save them. To not believe a damn thing they had said but by then it was much too late. The door fell shut with a deafening click and Wade was too slow to stop it from happening. He threw himself at the door once more, smacking his fist feebly against it but this time his cries went seemingly unheard. Not entirely however. Jack heard each and every one of them, his eyes overflowing as he was consumed by the darkness within; fire raging through his veins like molten lava. Dark stood nearby, his phantom laugh ringing throughout the house as the sweet lure of darkness seeped into the fun loving spirit the demon coveted above all else.


The End.