Author's note: Hey all, I am back with another Stony fic, only this time, it is multi – chaptered and Steve will probably not appear for a few more chapters. At least I think so… This is set before the avengers and after.

I'd also like to inform you that I have made a schedule for this week (it'll change each week to add more details) and you can see it on my blog kitsune1997. Don't worry, I take no profit from the blog.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avengers

Warnings: Slash, fluff and minor character death (OC's).

Ages: Tony is currently 21 and the OC is 19


Tony's surprise

Tony was just relaxing on the couch when his doorbell rang. Wondering who it could be at 3 o'clock after midnight, he got up to open the door. After he did that, he blinked in surprise at what he saw. There, standing in his doorstep, was a nineteen year old girl, one he had a one-night stand with. She was also the only one-night stand he had created a friendship with.

"Maria. Come in." He said and stepped aside to let her enter. "Tony, I am sorry for the time, but I knew you'd be awake and I just got the courage to tell you this." Maria blurted after Tony shut the door. Frowning, Tony led her at the living room and gestured for her to take a seat. "What is wrong Maria?" He softly asked.

The girl took a deep breath and looked Tony in the eyes. "I'm pregnant. It is your child, of that I have no doubt, but I can have a test to prove it if you wish." Maria said and Tony stared at her. "No I believe you, you wouldn't lie about something like this. You're pregnant? You really are?" He said, voice full of hope and a slight hint of despair.

Maria smiled at Tony, knowing that he had always hoped to have a family yet despaired of actually finding someone to do so with. "Yes Tony." She replied softly and Tony breaks out in a smile. "There's something else too though." Tony freezes at that. He knew Maria wouldn't deny him his rights, but he still feared that he had read her wrong.

Maria takes a full breath and takes Tony by surprise at the tears in her eyes. "My body is weak from years of abuse. I won't survive for long after the birth, the doctors gave me an estimate of two months afterwards. You will have to completely take care of the baby after I die."

Tony stares at her in horror and tugs her in a hug, silently crying as well. Maria was his only friend, everyone else just wanted his money or thought he was just a playboy without any feelings. To know that he would both gain and lose someone precious… it was devastating.

"I am not going to abort them." She hears her muffled breath say. "But… I wish I didn't have to die. I am scared Tony, so scared." Tony continued crying softly, yet his voice betrayed nothing as he comforted the young woman in his arms. "Shh, Maria. Don't worry, I'll stay by your side every single moment. I will stay at home and manage the company from here, I will stop doing experiments and I will keep you company." Maria smiled at that, though Tony couldn't see it. "Thank you." She whispered.

Tony smiled and asked her: "Maria, is there anything you want to do before you die?" He asks and chokes at the word die. It was so unfair that kind and beautiful Maria would die. Maria left his arms and looked at him blushing. "I want to get married." She whispered and Tony grinned. This was a common wish for both of them.

"Then, would you mind if at the sort time we have left you became Maria Stark?" Maria stared at him and grinned as well. "Oh would I mind getting married to my best friend who knows me just as well as I know him?" A laugh escaped the genius. "I'll take that as a yes. We'll get you a dress tomorrow and buy me a suit as well. In two days, we'll get married."

Just as Tony had said, the two shopped for a wedding dress the day after and got married the day after that. Maria was really happy and you could see it. She might not be in love with Tony, but she would get her wish of living a married life before she died.

The two lay in bed next to each other, just chilling when Maria said something that shocked Tony. "Tony, I realize you trust me because you know me, but others won't when they learn we got married after I got pregnant. They'll say it was a trick to use you. We should get a blood test to shut their mouths."

Tony giggled at Maria's words and nodded. "Ok, as long as it doesn't hurt you, we'll take that test pregnant women can take. But if it does, we'll test the baby after the birth."

"I wonder if it is a boy or a girl. Personally, I hope for both, though you'd look great with pink." Maria said grinning and Tony blushed. She had caught him looking at a few magazines, staring at things baby girls would need. It was true he hoped for a girl but he didn't mind either way.

"I hope for a girl, you know that, but I wouldn't mind a boy either. So long as they are healthy, I don't mind their sex." Maria smiled when she saw the soft look in her husband's eyes. The man truly wished for a family of his own, and now, he would get one. She was happy that Tony would finally get what he deserves.

"You know Tony, you shouldn't be afraid to chase after what you want." She softly said, making him freeze. Maria was the only one who knew that Tony regretted not confronting his father about his behavior before his death. She was also the only one who knew he wanted to help people, not help others kill them.

"Do you think I will be able to change the company?" he whispered and she laughed. "Tony, you are the owner. There's no thinking what I know. You can do whatever you want with the company, even dissolve it. However, do it after my death. Not only would you have had months to get used to your new position, but also you'd have experienced a tragic loss and gain something that is considered by many a miracle. That would change everyone."

Tony smiled bitterly. "It didn't change my father. However, I will heed your advice. You are someone who hasn't steered me wrong yet." Tony then grinned. "I really can't wait to know the sex of the baby." He said, returning to the previous discussion. Maria laughed at the abrupt change and how utterly silly Tony looked with that smile. "I can't either." She replied and laid her head on Tony's chest, entwining her hand with his and laying it on her stomach.

So, this is chapter one. Don't worry, there won't be any romantic involvement with Maria, they just deeply care about each other and Tony wants to make sure her wishes are granted. They are like siblings. Stay tuned for the next chapter!