Hello everyone. I used to have this poem on my old account where I went by StoryGirl4121. You can still look me up, but I am currently not using that account anymore. I am reposting this here on my new account.

Someday I might go about figuring out my old password and deleting my stories off of the old account but for now you can find some of the copies here on my new one. :) Thank you.

This is from Ferb's perspective on the attention his brother receives. Hope you all like it!

Nobody hears me,

When I am around.

I stand silent and unseen

Within a bustling crowd.

Even though I'm there,

They only see my brother.

They don't see the one who does,

They only see the other.

But that's the way it's meant to be.

They are only meant to see

The one who's plans and dreams arise,

'Cause I work where his shadow lies.

The crowd, they cheer,

When his imagination is exposed.

Not noticing the one who worked

To make his inventions known.

And when I see his shining eyes,

I know that it's all worth it.

It doesn't matter if I'm recognized

As long as he has noticed,

All the effort I have given,

To make his dreams come true.

It's an honor to be a part,

Of something he will do.

So now you know, that every time,

I must fade to make him shine.

I will choose to stand behind,

My brother, every time.

- Karissa aka PoeticFiction