Disclaimer: I do not own the Labyrinth, any of its characters or anything else that belongs to Henson. Only OC characters are mine.

Also, I've rated it M for future chapters (just in case.)

Notes: Anything in Bold means an emphasis of a particular word or phrase, and anything in Italics equals a characters thoughts.

Ok so here goes nothing! On with the show :)

"Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one."

'The Goblin King's velvety voice continued to dance through Sarah's mind well into the night of her return home from the mystifying walls of the labyrinth and the Underground where it resided.

The dance...

No matter how hard she tried Sarah couldn't erase the look of admiration on the Goblin King's face when he first locked eyes with her in the bubble. The look alone practically swept her off her feet well before he pulled her into his arms and began to dance across the ballroom floor. Everything about it was so intimate. From the soft croon of his voice, to the way Sarah's heart fluttered when her hands enclosed around his strong shoulders. It really was the stuff dreams were made of.

An almost sad realization dawned on her at that moment as she was reminded of what she turned down.

I made the right decision though. Toby is safe. That's what matters.

Sarah sat on the edge of her bed, hands gently petting the quilted fabric of her comforter. Just an hour before she had danced and jumped around her bedroom celebrating her victory with her new friends, allies she had made during her conquest to rescue her baby brother, Toby, after she had wished him away to the fearsome Goblin King.

Everything had felt so right, she had never been so elated in her life. It was a miracle her father and her stepmother Karen didn't hear all the noise, the goblins in particular had no real concept of manners or how to use an "indoor voice." And not once in the midst of all the congratulations and big bear hugs did Sarah feel anything but pure joy.

Until now she thought bitterly. The quietness of the room finally allowing her true thoughts to run rampant.

She let out a rough sigh and fell backwards onto the bed. Sleep would be a near impossibility at this point. Half of her was still riding the invincible high of winning her brother back while the other half was busy sulking at the missed opportunity for romance and the unfairness of it all.

Wait, romance? He's like a thousand years old...

Her face twisted into a grimace as she simultaneously rolled onto her side. Nothing was ever simple in her life anymore. It wasn't simple when her mother decided to pack up her belongings one cold December evening and walk, no run, out of Sarah and her father Robert's life. It wasn't simple when Robert finally decided to remarry Karen only two short years later, much to Sarah's disapproval. It still wasn't simple after Karen learned she was pregnant the same year Sarah started high school, and it only made sense that the first time Sarah had feelings for someone he turned out to be literally "out of this world."

Let's not forget ancient...and cruel...and devastatingly handsome.

"Ugh," Sarah groaned, as she lightly slapped herself on the forehead. Try as she might she couldn't escape the mental images of mismatched eyes and feathery blonde hair falling messily over black leather. Escaping the labyrinth itself had felt like a breeze compared to trying to erase his wicked smirk from her mind.

Desperate for a distraction, Sarah glanced towards her bedside table to her left. Her eyes landed a top a small red leather bound book.

Oh just perfect.

Despite her knowledge that reading any part of that story would have the opposite effect of clearing her head, she stubbornly reached over and grabbed it anyway.

She skimmed through the pages, her breath hitching every time her eyes traced the words The Goblin King. But when she got to the part where it read "but what no one knew, was that the king of the goblins had fallen in love with the girl" Sarah hastily laid the book back on the table.

"No," she whispered to herself. "He didn't love me, it was just a game." She rolled back onto her back and silently pleaded with her mind to fall asleep.

Hours after Sarah had finally succumbed to sleep, she was left blissfully unaware to the pair of large blinking black eyes watching her from the other side of her bedroom window.

It was well into the night and the quiet suburban street was deserted. Had there been any passerbys who just happened to walk by and look up into the giant oak next to the William's residence, they might have spotted the beautiful white and brown owl staring towards the house. The scene would have seemed natural enough. What they wouldn't have known, however, was it wasn't really an owl at all.

Jareth. the clever Goblin King, had been watching Sarah for quite some time. At first he had still felt bitter towards the girl. Watching her dance and celebrate with her friends, his "supposedly" loyal subjects, had caused a wave of rage to wash over him and he found himself soaring off into the air to no where in particular.

When he had finally managed to cool off enough to keep composure, he turned his direction around and found himself back in front of Sarah's window. He internally chuckled to himself as he compared his secret observations to that of a person watching the animals in a zoo. Only here was the animal regarding the human.

What a delightful twist he thought amused.

Shortly after Jareth had returned from his flight, he was jubilant to find the "party" had reached its conclusion. He watched as Sarah bid her friends farewell, first the beast, next the fox, and lastly hugging the dwarf just a bit longer than the rest. The action spurred an unwanted emotion in him as he gave his attentions over to his wandering thoughts.

She'd never express such affection towards me...

His face twisted into a grimace as a wave of envy washed over him. He had offered her so much, given so much. Never in his many years, many many to be exact, had the Goblin King so openly expressed his feelings for another. Matter of fact, he had never even had feelings for anyone before. He was born a king, and a powerful one at that, a privilege that had earned him countless women in his bed over his lifetime. Each one had submitted to his every desire without hesitation, completely compliant and eager to please.

Love was a messy, complicated emotion he found he fared far better off without.

Until Sarah...

If Jareth had been in his true form, his fae body, he might have countered his previous thought with a slew of colorful words, harsh with a tone of resentment as his jealousy quickly morphed into irritation.

He had all but reached into his own chest, ripped out his beating heart and presented it to her on bended knee. "Love me, fear me, do as I say...and I will be your slave." Regret had hit him hard as soon as he spoke the heavy words, feeling completely vulnerable and helpless as he'd awaited her response.

Sure a part of him was desperate to say just about anything to silence the girl before she could finish the words that would haunt him long after they'd send her back to her home world. Another part of him, a selfish part, couldn't stomach the idea of being bested by any mortal at his own game and was just as serious in his efforts to persuade her.

In any other circumstances he wouldn't have dared confess just how badly he had wanted her to desire him, how badly he had wanted her, but time was running out and the words just slipped out from his mouth under the pressure of it all. Jareth had inadvertently handed her control of the situation, and when he looked into Sarah's captivating green eyes any hope he'd had died instantly as his blood ran cold.

The strong look of determination on her face had said it all before any sound even crossed her lips.

"You have no power over me."

An unfamiliar ache blossomed inside his chest as her words rang in his ears. It was over. She had denied and defied him, two things that Jareth lacked any and all experience with. He'd watched with anguish as Sarah disappeared in front of him, an aura of defeat hanging in the air.

So naive, yet...so cruel.

Owl Jareth twisted his head from side to side in efforts to absolve his somber thoughts. He turned his attention back to the raven haired beauty now fast asleep in her bed. Even with a rather ample distance between them, in his owl form his eyesight was extremely keen, granting him access to every detail of her subtle expressions.

Her slumber was anything but peaceful as she tossed and turned, every now and then a frown settling upon her face.

My my dear Sarah, what could possibly be troubling you? You made your choice, claimed your precious victory, why so perturbed?


Jareth couldn't help the satisfaction that surged through him at the possibility that Sarah's distress may be born from regret. Regret for leaving the Underground...and him behind. It was a small chance, but a chance he'd be happy to take.

The Goblin King was nothing if not a gambling man. He loved his games, and up until a few hours before, he had never lost.

How nice it would be if only Sarah would reach out and accept the offering of his heart instead of selfishly stomping on it.

Even nicer still if she were the one nursing her wounded heart and pride while Jareth watched on with a smug smile on his face, the control placed back in his reigns where it belongs.

An evil smile spread across his subconscious's face as a plan hatched in the dark depths of his mind.

You may have won this round sweet Sarah mine, but make no mistake, I always get what I desire.

With a dramatic flap of its wings, the owl swooped off the branch and soared off towards the glittering night sky.

So this is my first attempt at writing a story here on FF, and I'd really love to know what you thought! Please feel free to review or pm me. Hope you enjoyed it so far!