Summary: When Harry died, he didn't know what to expect. Uncaring and broken, he just continued surviving while being cared by Death. He expected that he would live his life like that. He didn't count on being noticed by a nosy captain Shinigami and being dragged into their world.
Disclaimer: This would be the only disclaimer I'll put. I do not own both series. Plot's mine, I changed it from my previous one. Crossover Harry Potter and Bleach.
Warning: Unedited. No Beta. Mentions (implied or direct) of Slash. Might be Gen though it could turn into Slash, still unsure. Powerful!Harry. MODHarry.
It was strangely... peaceful, the way Harry woke up after he died.
Because he is dead, he knew at least that much the moment his eyes opened slowly, body thrumming peacefully, and not an ounce of pain on his body.
It was so different from the way he was moments before he managed to kill Voldemort and all of his Death Eaters, with him of course along for the ride that he just basked in the rare moment he acquired peace.
He didn't know how long he had been in Voldemort's headquarters being tortured, played with and forced to be in the presence of the enemy without the presence of the thing that has always been with him from the start. He was cut off from his very own magic, sealed with the use of enchanted collar around his neck, the soul of every witch and wizards for a very long time that he couldn't even feel it. For a wizard like him, who was so in tuned with magic that he could even feel and see it around him, it was painful. To the degree that it felt like his soul was being tortured and at the same time felt incomplete, empty.
It only added to his suffering.
With that, it was really no wonder that it exploded from his body in a messy, angry and violent way when Voldemort finally got tired of playing with him and decided to take all of his magic in a ritual and take it for himself. It was his mistake to think that magic - something so unpredictable no matter how much study the Department of Mysteries did to understand it - being sealed for a long time wouldn't have any negative reaction when released.
And it happened in a ritual saturated with the gathered raw magic in the air.
For a supposed genius, he was dumb. Or maybe too self-absorbed and arrogant that he thought he wouldn't be wrong. Or it could also be that he believed in his own power and superiority that he didn't thought he would die from a magical backlash if he did thought about it.
It was useless to think about it now though, because he's dead along with every one of his own Death Eaters.
Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
No exceptions.
He finally sat up and looked around him, finally noticing that he was lying down on the grass filled with wild flowers, the wind fresh on his sense of smell.
He wondered why he was there. Was this heaven? Hell? Purgatory? He wasn't quite sure. He thought he would be greeted by his... family by now. By his mom and dad or Sirius and Remus. Perhaps even Ron, Luna and Neville? They're the only people he looked forward to seeing. They were the only ones who had been with him no matter what, even if Ron did stray sometimes. Though he knew that the feelings he has for them weren't quite that strong and intense anymore.
He was already broken. He knew that much already.
Not that he minded much, even not seeing his family. At the moment anyway.
He didn't care that much anymore.
A... being suddenly materialized a few steps in front of him. He was hesitant to name it as something as he didn't quite know what it was. His form changes every few seconds and it was a little disturbing to see the... being change from a little, innocent-looking kid to a seductive woman up to an old man. It varies really, and even though it is disturbing, it's also fascinating to watch.
He tilted his head to look at the being, not bothering to move or even stand up. He just sat there and watched as the being moved slowly towards him and also sat down right there in front of him with a fluid motion.
It was curious how he didn't even feel anything from the other. It was like a void...
"Master..." now, it's voice sounded even as his form varies once again until he finally settles into a male figure with a black robe wrapped around him with the hold resting on his back. He didn't put it up so he could clearly see his face.
The being looked at him without an expression. It made him curious.
Harry didn't know how or why but he suddenly knew who the being was in front of him.
"Death," he stated plainly. He heard how his voice sounded dull, empty but he didn't care. It was something he knew already and accepted. You can't get away from torture without any effects.
There was silence between them, no one starting to converse. The quietness wasn't in any way uncomfortable, nor was it comfortable.
It just was.
"Do you have any questions Master?"
He didn't, not really. At least at first. But now that he thought about it, there were some that he wanted answers to, no matter that he wouldn't even care if his questions would be answered or not.
"Where are they?" he didn't have to elaborate that question, he knew instinctively that Death understood and had already anticipated the question.
"All magicals turns into Reishi the moment they die Master,"
"Why?" he asked curiously, though he didn't have the vaguest idea of what a 'Reishi' was.
"A magical's soul is the purest soul in all of Earth's occupants, no matter how corrupt they are while they lived. It is the reason why they have magic when they are born. To help maintain balance in all worlds, when a magical dies, their soul immediately dissolves into Reishi. They wouldn't be a part of the Reincarnation cycle as their souls were always a Reishi. It just formed and turned into a potential soul and suddenly attaches to a human vessel that is still just a fetus compatible to it,"
He quieted down, not knowing what to feel about that. By Death's explanation, it seemed like there would be no family that would greet him just like he had always envisioned when he finally died. "Why is it like that?"
"It's just how it is Master. You could compare Magicals to a... container and multiplier of sort. They help enrich the Reishi when they die,"
Harry stared at Death for a minute before questioning again. He didn't have anything to do after all.
He was also still contemplating on what to feel about not having a family with him anymore, though it was curious how he managed to summon his parents using the Resurrection stone moments before he was captured by Voldemort's forces.
"What is a 'reishi'?"
"Reishi is the energy around, the spirit particles needed by everyone, even in the mortal world. It is especially essential to souls. You could compare it to oxygen,"
"Why am I not a reishi then?"
"You are my Master," was the only reply he got. He got it, sort of.
"Voldemort?" this time, he clearly saw the sneer on the being's face. He could also see the unbridled fury and homicidal rage on Death's eyes.
"He is enjoying his stay in Hell. I put all seven pieces of his soul in just arms' reach of each other while they are being tortured. He will serve seven times the punishment sentenced on him and he should feel seven times the pain inflicted upon him as I connected the seven fragmented souls to each other,"
His eyebrow raised on his own and he looked at Death fully. "I thought all magicals become Reishi?"
"You should know by now Master, I hold the entire worlds in my hands. I simply prevented his soul from dissolving. He will pay for everything he did to you,"
That word had been said multiple times towards him already and he had tried to ignore it, but he couldn't. That's just something he couldn't understand.
It also distracted him from questioning further more on the topic he had raised.
"How did I become your Master?"
"You own the Deathly Hollows Master. You faced me without fear. You embraced me like we are friends. You don't seek to use me. More importantly, I chose you,"
Something happened when Death said those words and he suddenly felt something within him. It was like a click.
He suddenly felt complete.
Wonder. It was what he was feeling at the moment.
He felt his magic sing within him, dancing in delight when they finally connected with each other. His lips involuntarily twitched in what he could pass as a smile when his magic felt like an eager child and an affectionate kitten, wanting to bask in its parent's presence.
There was also something else. Something... darker and at the same time lighter than anything he felt settle within him. His magic felt delighted and he felt whole more than he ever had before.
His gaze zeroed in on Death and even though he suddenly had many other questions that he absolutely need answers to, he didn't speak them.
He just gave Death a small, barely there really, but still genuine smile.
"Thank you," he breathed out.
"You're welcome Master,"
. . . . .
In hindsight, he should have learned more about what was happening before he let Death go. For one, he still didn't know where he is, nor the reason why he is there. He should have become a reishi than continue existing.
It was probably peaceful being a reishi than a soul.
Being aware.
Surviving once again.
He sighed as he patted his flat stomach. He hadn't eaten for days already and it was only because he was used to it that he hadn't keeled over and died from hunger. Hi magic was also sustaining him so he'd still have the nutrients he would need even if it wasn't that much.
It was also only because of his magic that he hadn't been touched by anyone else.
He knew he was rather fetching to look at. Petite and lithe body with a little muscle, curly nest of hair that looked silky smooth even when he hadn't been taking care of it, pale and smooth skin despite the numerous scars decorating his body that didn't disappear even when his wounds had been healed, lips plump and eyes rather unique with the emerald shade of it that was only obscured by black rimmed eyeglasses that Death gave him before going away. It was no wonder the men who saw him were leering at him or even forced him onto their company.
Voldemort made sure that he would look pretty despite being tortured. He was his plaything after all, in every sense of the word. He didn't know why Voldemort even bothered enhancing his natural features, probably as compensation for his scaly and sickly-looking appearance.
His magic is very protective of him and he allowed it to do as it pleases as long as it would listen to him when he says or want something. He already predicted that his magic would react whenever he would be in danger rather violently.
It has something to do with not being in contact with each other for a long time. His magic is sentient and is connected to him so it's quite in tune with whatever was happening around him.
He was in a cave that he found in one of the places he had visited when Death materialized in front of him.
"You can call me anytime you want Master. I would always answer you,"
Harry sighed at that before borrowing onto the thick cloak Death also handed to him before he went away. He didn't look at the entity as he already knew what Death was thinking about.
With the way his mouth turned down and his eyes glinted as he looked at him, Death was a little displeased.
"I didn't need to," he heard a sigh before he felt arms around him, holding him firmly yet gently before putting him on the now soft floor with his head on Death's lap. He didn't flinch or even tensed up at the contact like he normally had with others. He had avoided having skin-to-skin contact with anyone after all. But with Death, all of his involuntary reaction were gone. He just felt at ease with him.
"You have to take care of yourself Master," he didn't answer that. Death just sighed again before he spoke again. "Do you have questions Master?"
Harry didn't bother asking how the being knew that. He thinks that Death knows it all.
"Where am I?"
"You are in Soul Society, where souls usually resides before they die once again and judged if they are worthy of being reincarnated again. Currently, you are in Rokungai, in district 70,"
"Like a Country or City?" at Death's nod, he closed his eyes and questioned again. "Where is the capital of Soul Society?"
"In the center of Soul Society is the Seiretei. It's where Shinigami usually resides,"
Harry opened his eyes at that and stared at Death. "Shinigami?"
I thought there is only a single Death?
Death's lips quirked up in amusement before he answered. "The Shinigami's are the souls whose spiritual power or Reiryoku are particularly strong for a single soul. They enforce balance in all realms,"
"I thought that's your job?"
"Shinigami's are like agents of mine Master. They answer to the Soul King while he answers to me,"
"Soul King?"
"He is my representative. He is the recognized leading authority in all Realms and he works for me,"
He closed his eyes once again and relaxed in his position.
"What is the... energy that settled within me?" He is uncertain what to call that something. He didn't think 'energy' is the right word.
"That would be your Reiryoku unsealed,"
Once again, Harry's eyes opened and he looked at Death in the eye intently.
"What do you mean Death?" he asked quietly. Death started running his hands on his hair like he was comforting him. He admit that he feels agitated at the moment.
"You always had the potential to be a Shinigami Master, more than everyone in the magicals. When you became my Master, you are already exempted from your fate as a Reishi. You would become a complete soul. Now that you are one, that potential is realized by having an avatar that would serve as your Zanpaktou or Soul Weapon when you finally know its name and materialize,"
He didn't speak. He didn't know what his reaction should be.
"You do not have to worry Master. If you didn't want to be a Shinigami then you won't be. It's your choice," Harry felt himself relax at that and it was only at that moment that he realized that he was tight with tension the minute Shinigami was spoken.
"How is… reiryoku used?" he asked curiously.
"You use it just like how you use your magic, but it's more raw and hard to control. When you use your reiryoku though, it's called reiatsu," Death said gently.
"Huh," was all he said and he closed his eyes. Another term was thrown on him and if it had been before he was broken, he would have been annoyed at the different terms that to him all sounded the same but now, he didn't care.
Whatever floats their boat I guess, he thought.
There was silence again and he was almost on the verge of sleep at the lulling way Death stroked his head along with the peacefulness he was currently feeling. It was an effective way of making him sleep. He was just about to drift off completely when he asked what he thought would be his final question.
"Are all my family a reishi?"
Death didn't answer though. He just continued petting his hair comfortably.
He dozed off completely at that.
Alright, I'll be posting the first chapter of my future works. Just to let you know about them. This is the first one. Sorry for those who expects me to update immediately because that won't happen for a while. No b*tching. Do you know how hard it is to write and be in the real world? If you do, then good. I won't have to explain then.
Don't worry, once RL drama finishes and we are stable, I'll update…
Btw, what do you think of this? I actually wanted feedback coz, as you can see, this is my first ever HPxBleach crossover…