This story is about Lucas raising Lily as his own daughter. Everything will remain the same expect that Karen has died and Lily lives with Lucas. She will experience first hand everything Lucas goes through until he finally ends up with the one.
"Graduation day. Tree Hill High. A day when we officially leave the refuge of high school and begin our real lives. But what of those lives? As we go into the word, what matters most? Is it about the things we create? The things we achieve? The awards we win? Is it about who we are when we fail? What's more important? What we become or how we become it?"
"She's crashing," The nurse said as five followed her into the room of Karen Roe. Karen is rushed to surgery as Deb Scott worries about the future; she text Lucas that his mom had now been moved into surgery.
Lucas, Peyton, Skills, Brooke, and Mouth all watch as Nathan climbed into the ambulance to join his wife. They were about to be parents, the happiest moment of their lives. Lucas looked down at phone and raced off. Peyton turned and smiled at where she thought Lucas was. Her face turned to panic. Lucas arrived at hospital and saw his mom being wheeled away. He crossed paths with Nathan and they hugged and went their separate ways. Nathan and Haley welcomed their new baby boy James Lucas Scott to the world. In the other room Lucas watched as the doctors were trying to operate.
"She's going." The doctor said.
"MOM!" Lucas yelled.
"Lily" Karen and with took her last breath.
It had been about three weeks since Karen's passing. In Karen's Will everything was left to Lucas, the house, the diner, Tric, her money and most importantly Lily. Lucas decided to take the job with Whitey and followed Nathan, Haley and Jamie to school.