Nieceyluvsfanfic wanted Danny's rant on discovering the bathroom, so here you go! Hope you enjoy!


After checking on Steve and Matt, Danny went into the bathroom. He stopped just inside the door, horrified. Water was everywhere. It covered the floor, dripped off the sink, even dripped from the ceiling. A pile of soggy towels lay on the floor. The bathtub was still full to overflowing, sloshing over the side and adding to the puddle on the floor.

Danny opened his mouth to shout for Steve, but remembered Matt was asleep just in time. Instead, he projected his discontent through the soulmate bond as strongly as he could. Steven!

Danny felt Steve stir in his sleep, but got no other response. Danny stalked into the nursery and hissed in Steve's ear. "Steve!"

Steve mumbled incoherently before settling back to sleep. Danny ripped off the afghan covering Steve and Matt and gently lifted Matt off Steve's chest, settling him in his playpen. Matt snuffled but was otherwise undisturbed. Satisfied Matt wouldn't wake, Danny returned his attention to Steve, He shook his husband roughly. "Steve!"

Steve finally came awake slowly. The first thing he sensed was that Danny was upset—at him. He wracked his brain, trying to determine the cause. "What'd I do?" he asked.

"Have you seen the state of the bathroom?" Danny demanded angrily.

Oh, that. Oops. "Ummm..." Steve replied intelligently.

Danny jerked Steve to his feet and marched him down the hall to the bathroom. "Just look at this mess!"

Steve looked. It was pretty bad. Steve tried to think of something to say in his defense, but came up blank. It probably wouldn't have mattered anyway—Danny was on a tear.

"Just what were you doing in here, anyway? It looks like a hurricane hit the place."

"Bathing Matt?" Steve replied tentatively. That was clearly the wrong answer.

"Bathing Matt? No, Steve, bathing involves small amounts of water, some soap, and a washcloth. This looks like you were performing naval maneuvers in our bathroom! And you didn't even bother to clean it up!"

"I meant to, as soon as I put Matt down, but he wanted a story, then a song, and then I guess I fell asleep. . ."

Danny could understand that, he really could. Holding Matt was soothing and tended to make you forget everything except the tiny person—or dragon—in your arms. His anger dissipated. "Just clean it up next time, okay?"

"Yes, sir!" Steve replied.