Title: Jealousy Games

Warnings: mild language, mature themes

Summary: A brilliant new transfer student has Karakura High talking. Ichigo grows concerned when the boy becomes fast friends with Uryuu, monopolizing his time under the pretense of innocent studying. It is clearly a wicked plot designed to make a move on the unsuspecting Quincy that Ichigo is determined to thwart, even if everyone else thinks he is overreacting.

AN: Prompt filled for Moreene.

Theme song: "Grand Theft Autumn" by Fall Out Boy.

The classroom door clacks loudly as it is slid open too fast. A few heads lift to inspect the noise as someone walks in to finds their usual seat. Joining a handful of fellow early students, Ichigo laments the fact that he missed breakfast due to oversleeping this morning. If his brain wasn't fried from cramming for a test all night, it would have occurred to him to grab something to eat on the way. He is already counting down the hours till he can go home and get some more rest.

At least Keigo isn't here yet to start making a fuss over whatever dumb thing he has become obsessed with. Maybe it was expected when they were fifteen and their biggest worry—aside from the perpetual Hollow incursion—was making it to the next grade without summer school. Things are different with university entrance exams looming. Ichigo keeps telling his friend it's time to buckle down and figure out what to do with his future, but the boy insists everything will work out on its own.

If only Keigo's optimism could spread to him, too. Resting his chin on a palm, Ichigo shuts his eyes and broadcasts a 'do not disturb' vibe in the hopes of avoiding any unnecessary stress today. Two desks over, he overhears Tatsuki and Inoue gossiping. He would be happy to tune it out and go about his business, except he catches Ishida's name thrown into the melodramatic mix.

"Have you heard about that new transfer student, Momoyama Hikaru?"

"Yeah," Inoue thoughtfully agrees, "Isn't he the tall one with brown hair and green eyes?"

"That's him. He just joined the karate and archery clubs." Releasing an impressed whistle, Tatsuki comments, "I don't know about archery but he's a pretty decent fighter. We sparred yesterday and he almost got the upper hand for a second."

"Uwaaah? Tatsuki-chan almost lost?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it like that, but the boy has skills."

"Hmm. Archery? I guess that might explain why I saw Ishida-kun talking with him the other day."

"You did?"

"Yup," chirped Inoue excitedly. "I was on my way to a Handicrafts Club meeting and ran into them standing in the stairwell together. Now that I think about it, they were smiling about something, too."

"Oh, really?" Tatsuki scandalously drawls. "Did they look kinda chummy? I've heard rumors about Hikaru-kun, you know."

"What sorts of rumors?"

"The same sort we've always heard about Ishida." When Inoue remains silent in confusion, she elaborates, "That he might actually be more into guys than girls?"

"Oh, those rumors!"

Ichigo's head almost hits the desk when his arm tips out from under it. He twists in his chair to stare at them in shock. They gaze back with twin looks that ask what his deal is. Scanning the room for any sign of the friend in question, Ichigo lowers his voice to address them when he finds none.

"Hey, what do you two think you're chattering on about where anyone can hear you?"

"What? It's not exactly breaking news," huffs Tatsuki with a wave of dismissal. "You already knew Ishida is like that, didn't you?"

"I thought you said they were just rumors!"

"Kurosaki-kun is right. I've never asked him whether it's true or not. Have you?"

"No," the girl reluctantly admits, "But it's obvious, isn't it? Ishida has never gone out with anyone that we know of, he spends all his free time studying, and his only non-academic hobby is sewing. Plus, I've caught him listening to dance music a couple times."

"That doesn't prove anything." Annoyed at their assumptions, Ichigo relocates to a closer desk so they can communicate quieter. "Did you ever consider that this type of gossip might be the reason those rumors exist at all?"

"Whatever," grunts Tatsuki. "As you were saying, 'Hime—before Ichigo decided to overreact to our innocent speculation—about Hikaru-kun and Ishida?"

"Well, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I accidentally heard Hikaru-kun asking if he wouldn't mind giving a bit of private tutoring because he heard Ishida-kun was proficient at many things."

"Ooh, almost like a date! What did he say?"

"He told Hikaru-kun that he wasn't qualified to tutor him because he is a student, not a licensed teacher."

"That sounds like Ishida," snickers Ichigo. "Best shot and maybe the highest IQ in the country but he'll decline on a technicality..."

"Did Hikaru-kun lean in and murmur that he'd make it worth Ishida's time if he reconsidered? Was a mild invasion of personal space involved?"

Shooting Tatsuki a dark look for asking stupid questions, Ichigo's eyes widen when her cheesy boy's love manga plot is confirmed with an energetic nod.

"How did you know?" gasps Inoue, "Are you psychic?"

"Nope, I've just watched a lot of dramas. Then what happened?"

"I don't know: by then I was too far away to hear anymore."

"Aw! I bet he said yes and gave Hikaru-kun his phone number."

One that Ichigo now remembers he only got last semester. It took two years of friendship for him to get it but somehow this new kid could walk right up and ask a week after they met? No way. Ishida isn't the type to go out of his way to help others when he already has so much on his plate. Rather than fold under the peer pressure of some arrogant overachiever, he definitely shot this Momoyama dude down.

"I guess we'll never know," muses Inoue with a finger to her chin.

"Who wouldn't be interested in someone that handsome, friendly, and talented? I heard he was also number one in his last class. He and Ishida might be tied this semester."

"Yeah, right," Ichigo testily interjects. Tatsuki and Inoue avert their attention to something behind him but he doesn't care enough to wonder why. "There's not a bigger nerd in existence than Ishida. I'm surprised he can even function with such a freakishly huge brain."

"Yes, the tribulations of superior intelligence are legion, Kurosaki, but I like to think I manage somehow."

Swiveling around to gape at none other than the nerd in question, Ichigo starts to explain his rude comment but the guy standing behind Ishida jumps in first. He barely glances at Ichigo before turning his nose up in disinterest. A hand reaches out to touch Ishida's arm in a reassuring gesture, which the tactilely-averted dork amazingly allows.

"I wouldn't take it personally, Ishida-kun. Many of my former classmates shared the same envious attitude. Can't help but pity them, really."

"Hey!" snaps Ichigo as Momoyama strides off to follow Ishida and take the seat beside him. "Don't run away from me, punk!"

"Calm down, Ichigo," sighs Tatsuki with a grip on his shoulder to keep him from lunging. "You kinda deserved that."

Shrugging it off with a scoff, he returns to his seat and glares in their direction. Ichigo didn't notice any new transfer student, much less Ishida's association with him until they brought it up. How long has this been going on? Inoue made it sound like they weren't friends two days ago, but they're looking mighty close today. Momoyama whispers something as the sensei walks in. Ishida turns his head to respond, mouth twitching into a little smirk. Ichigo narrows his eyes.

Lunch time rolls around and Ishida doesn't meet them on the roof to eat. It's not exactly strange, considering he hasn't regularly joined them since sophomore year. According to Inoue, he tends to work on student council or handicrafts club business during break. After the events of this morning, however, Ichigo is suspicious his time might be spent differently today.

Sure enough, when he tracks Ishida by reiraku he is with Momoyama. In a secluded classroom. Alone. Ichigo bursts into the room and glowers even though they are only sitting and talking at separate desks. Ishida is holding up a piece of paper and pointing to something written on it when he pauses to acknowledge the interruption.

"Can we help you, Kurosaki?"

"Yeah, I have something to ask you."

When he doesn't continue, Ishida raises his eyebrows and prompts, "Yes? I don't mean to be rude but Hikaru-kun and I were in the middle of something."

"Can we have some privacy?" he snidely asks the interloper.

"Why should he leave when you're the one barging in here unannounced and making demands?"

"It's all right, Ishida-kun, I'll go. See you after school." Packing up his supplies, Momoyama offers a respectful nod as he passes Ichigo. "Sorry about earlier—Kurosaki-kun, is it? I can be a bit cranky when my blood sugar gets low, and I didn't know you and Ishida-kun were friends who tease each other like that. Anyway, I'll get out of your way."

"Yeah..." Ichigo dimly replies, anger fizzling out on its own. He watches the boy leave before turning to Ishida. "You told him we're friends?"

"As much as any two people who have been through as much as we have yet still despise each other on a fundamental level can be considered 'friends'," he coldly shrugs.

Just like that, Ichigo's agitation resurfaces. Ishida raises a hand to adjust his glasses and then tap some papers into a neat stack. He wants to swipe everything on the tidy desk to the floor and snatch the specs from his face, if only to evoke some emotion other than disdain or indifference. Clenching a fist to resist the urge, Ichigo moves to take the adjacent seat that wasn't recently occupied.

"You should stop hanging out with that guy; I don't like him."

"By that logic, I should've stopped hanging out with you before I ever started; I don't like you much, either."

"I'm serious, Ishida. He's trouble, I can feel it."

"This coming from the man who couldn't feel a Hollow if it were sitting on top of him..."

"Will you quit cracking jokes and listen to me?" he growls, turning sideways in the chair to face him fully. "Tatsuki said he's good at academics, karate, and archery. Inoue said he seems like a really nice, polite person. Doesn't that seem too suspicious? Nobody's that good. Except you, I guess, but that's different."

"How so?"

"I don't know, you're just...weird."

"Thanks," Ishida deadpans, scrunching his eyebrows in mounting irritation.

"You know what I mean! Don't get all bent out of shape when I'm trying to give you a compliment, sort of."

"No, you're trying to give me a headache, Kurosaki, and you're succeeding. If this is all you wanted to say, I'm through listening to your nonsense."

"Wait," he blurts with a light push at his shoulders to keep him from getting up, "That's not it."

"What do you want, then? I already told you I don't have time for—"

"Are you gay?" Blue eyes snap to his incredulously. "Before you start yelling, I'm only asking because the girls were talking about it earlier. Apparently there were some rumors that you are but no one knows for sure."

"Kurosaki, you..."

"I don't care whether you like men or women, personally," he goes on to clarify, "But I think chances are pretty good that Momoyama might have ideas other than friendship. According to the rumors."

"Actually, those rumors about me started back when I was hanging out with you."


"Didn't Arisawa-san tell you? The rumor was that you originally asked me to lunch because you were interested in me. Add that to the fact that we always fought like cats and dogs when we were in the same room together, and everyone was convinced we were secretly smitten."

"That can't be true." Pondering that for a moment, Ichigo realizes that he was the one to initiate the friendship, especially as far as anyone at school could tell. "Seriously? Why didn't I know about it?"

"The same reason you're always the last to learn anything knew. Exercising a tiny amount of observational skills once in a while won't kill you, as you seem to believe it will."

"Shut up. Answer my original question."

"Which is it: shut up or answer?"

Releasing a frustrated cry, Ichigo falls silent when the bell rings to signal the end of lunch. Ishida immediately packs his things and tries to leave, but Ichigo dashes to grab hold of his wrist. Before Ishida can shake it off, yell, or do whatever he's about to do, a stream of students begins filing in and Ichigo drops the hold on his own. He tosses Ishida a look that promises this is far from over and receives a haughty smirk in return.

"And the worst part is he didn't even confirm or deny it, that jerk. I don't understand why he loves to mess with me like this."

"Probably because you bug the crap out of him, just like Keigo does to you," responds Mizuiro with a sweet smile.

"Hey, I do not bug Ichigo," objects the fool walking home in stride with them, "Right, best friend?"

Ignoring Keigo, Mizuiro continues the conversation with, "The better question is: why does it bother you so much? Who cares if Ishida wants to date the new kid?"

"Yeah! We don't care, do we, Ichigo?"

"I don't trust him. It's fishy how he transfers in for the final semester and aces everything he tries. Then he latches onto Ishida like a life-preserver. What's up with that?"

"It makes sense if you think about it," debates the cool-headed one of the trio. "Having to switch schools right before university can be dangerous. Ishida being the most well-rounded student in our class makes him a prime target for anyone seeking help to excel in academics or extracurriculars."

"So, you're saying Momoyama is just using him to maintain his grades? That still doesn't explain him hitting on Ishida."

"Isn't that just speculation?" Keigo gets over minor offense to join the conversation. "He hasn't actually asked Ishida out, has he?"

"Not that I would know with the information he's not giving me," grumbles Ichigo, "But I bet the bastard has."

"If it's that important to you, why don't you talk to Momoyama-kun instead? He seems like a good guy from what I've seen. Tell him you called dibs first and he'll probably back off."

"'Dibs'!? What the hell are you implying, Mizuiro?"

"Who knows?" he asks in an apathetic tone. "This is my street. See you guys tomorrow."


"Let it go, Ichigo." Clapping a comforting hand to his back, Keigo pins him with serious eyes and says, "It's okay. We know. As much as I don't like it, Mizuiro and I accepted it a long time ago."

"Accepted what?"

"That you like Ishida, of course."

As Ichigo is left frozen in the street, too stunned by the assertion to react, Keigo continues home without another word. He watches the boy meander along like he didn't just drop a two-megaton bomb over Ichigo's unsuspecting head. Not only have there been rumors about he and Ishida circulating in the school for years, but even his close friends seem to think there is something else between them. Is he the only one operating under the pretense of it being a platonic friendship?

He resumes walking in the opposite direction after a brooding pause. There's no chance he'll be able to focus on homework and house chores until he clears things up with Ishida. Soon the boy's apartment comes into view ahead. Four heavy knocks on the door later, Ishida is pulling it open to glare with the searing power of a thousand laser beams.

"What are you doing here, Kurosaki?"

Ichigo pushes past to walk into his flat before the door is slammed in his face. He balks at the sight of Momoyama sitting on a floor pillow behind a low coffee table drinking steamy green tea, recalling that he said earlier he would see Ishida after school. There are no study materials out this time, though. Greeting Ichigo somewhat uncertainly, he turns to ask Ishida a silent question.

"Am I interrupting something?" Ichigo flippantly asks the pair.

"That's none of your business," snarls Ishida with a fist wrinkling the front of Ichigo's uniform shirt. "Get out."

"Why? Is this a private party? Maybe I wanted to study, too."

"Uh, should I leave you two alone again?" tries Momoyama.

"No!" Ishida barks.

"Yes!" Ichigo snaps at the same time.

Dislodging Ishida's grip on his shirt, he goes to plop next to the other boy and pour himself a cup of tea. Ichigo blows at the steam and sips it as Ishida seethes and Momoyama frowns.

"I think I'll go, Ishida-kun."

Sensing the kid's discomfort, Ishida doesn't try to persuade him to stay. He follows Momoyama out onto the doorstep, shutting Ichigo inside as they briefly talk. When he comes back in, Ichigo's victory smirk further aggravates him to the extent that his face reddens with it.

"What is your problem today?"

Setting down the cup, he solemnly asks, "Was I the only one who didn't realize?"

"Realize what?"

"That I like you." Ishida has no response to that. His eyebrows do a funny dance like they can't decide whether to show surprise, anger, or disbelief. "It's the only explanation. I guess it makes sense."

"No," he visibly pales, shaking his head hard enough to make his glasses slip and skew, forcing him to fix them again, "No, it doesn't."

"Go out with me instead, Ishida. I'm the better option, so ditch that Momoyama guy."

"I'm not dating Hikaru-kun!"

"Then what's with this 'Hikaru-kun' business? Are you two already that close? In that case, I want you to start calling me 'Ichigo' from now on."

"No, it's—We're not—" Stumbling over his words while attempting to gather his wits, Ishida mutters, "He doesn't like anyone using his family name because it's written as 'peach tree'."

"Oh, is that what he told you? Can't believe you fell for that."

A garbled series of frustrated fragments precedes Ishida rushing forth to try physically dragging him out of the apartment. He tugs back to send him sprawling in Ichigo's lap. The boy struggles, intending to flee this dastardly trap, but Ichigo grabs his arms to hold him firm. Ishida stills when he notices how close their faces are, noses almost touching.

"Have you kissed him yet?" His eyes widen as Ichigo's narrow at the disturbing thought. "Was he your first?"

"Stop this, Kurosaki," he firmly demands. "Let go of me."

Ichigo tugs him closer. Ishida gasps and tilts his head back just in time to avoid touching foreheads. His gaze falls to Ishida's parted mouth and it's Ichigo's turn to flush red, though not from anger. He wants to do it. Wants to know what it feels like to kiss Ishida. A spark of something warm and fluid ignites low in his belly at the thought. How has he not realized this before?

Or maybe he has known it all along on some level but it was never the right time. Both of their lives have been one kind of mess or another since before they met. There hasn't been much time for stray thoughts of romance between all the crap Karakura has undergone in recent years. Although it's definitely true part of Ichigo has always been waiting for the boy to lower his guard, to stop feigning that they are foes, and he thinks...this was probably the main reason why.

Utilizing some cheating Quincy moves, Ishida breaks contact in an instant and ends up across the room from him. Both of them know he could've done it from the outset but he chose not to. It seems Ishida wanted to see what would happen once he was caught in his grasp. Ichigo pushes to a stand, buoyed by this realization, and allows a cocky grin to spread. Even if Ishida wants to play hard-to-get, next time he won't hesitate.

"I'll see you later," Ichigo tells him as he heads for the door.

"What? Just like that, you're leaving?"

"I got the answer I came for. Unless you want me to stay?"

Ishida scowls and shoves him the rest of the way out the door.