Jaime's cell under the city was colder than might be expected for this part of the world. It was no matter. He wouldn't be in it for much longer anyway. Rhaegar would not likely permit his father's murderer to live for long. He hadn't been sentenced to execution yet, so perhaps Rhaegar had intended him to live out his days in a cell. It was going to be a many more years he supposed. Jaime wasn't even twenty years old yet. People could languish in these cells well into old age. It had barely been three weeks for him and it felt like an eternity already. He kept reliving the moments over and over. Of Aerys chanting burn them all, of the blood on the floor when the sword was plunged into his back. He had broken his vows. Death was what he deserved. So why had he been left in this cell for so long?

A noise of an approaching visitor broke into his thoughts. He was the torchlight moving closer down the long hallway. It was a woman. A young woman with dark hair and gray eyes. Lyanna Stark. What was she doing here?

She knelt down outside of his cell. "Ser Jaime?"

He just gazed at her, not comprehending why she had come to him at all. "Lyanna?"

She nodded. "I've brought you some food." She passed a parcel through the bars to him. Inside he found meat, cheese, figs, and a flagon of wine.

"Thank you." He said, still not understanding why she had come.

"I have bad news." She said as he began to eat. "The king has set you execution for a fortnight from now."

"Well at least it will be done with." He quipped.

She shook her head. "No, it doesn't have to be." She took a key from the folds of her dress and held it out to him. "I'll help you escape if you'll help me escape."


"I don't want to be Rhaegar's Queen. I never did. I know I can never go home, but perhaps I could go to Essos. I can't do it alone...you've already defied the king, what do you stand to lose by helping me?" She said anxiously.

"Nothing it seems." He said, taking the key from her and standing. "Do you have a horse or a sword or any supplies readied?"

She nodded again. "I have some things ready. If you'll follow me I'll show you where I've left them. From there we'll board a ship."

And so Jaime followed her out of the cell and into the dead of night. The passageways out of the black cells were long and winding. Lyanna carried a torch to light the way. She walked quickly, anxiously it seemed. Though she could hardly be blamed for being anxious. She was defying the king by helping him escape and by running away herself. They walked for some minutes until they finally reached the door that would take them outside. Lyanna put the torch into a wall holder and picked up a sack of things that she'd left on the floor beneath it. She opened the bag and pulled out a sword, passing it to him.

"The guards on the other side of the door were passed out drunk when I left them. We can only hope that they are still in that state." She told him.

He tentatively opened the door and took a look out to find the two guards were still unconscious. "It's safe. Let's go. To the harbor?" He asked.

She nodded and allowed him to lead the way.


Blackwater Bay had many ships docked that night. Lyanna put up the hood of her cloak as they approached the docks. Her hands were shaking as she did so.

"Have you already arranged passage or do we need to make up some story as to why we need passage in the middle of the night?" Jaime asked her.

"I...I haven't arranged anything." She admitted, sounding defeated already. "I brought gold…"

"Gold won't be enough if anyone realizes who we are." Jaime said, slightly frustrated.

"I know that!"

"We'll have to tell them we are married." Jaime said as they continued to walk.

"And are doing what? Travelling to slavers bay to buy a few servants? We still need a reason to be going Essos. Perhaps something closer to the truth would be easier to believe." She said.

"What do you suggest?"

"We're not married. You're helping me escape an unwanted marriage to a very wealthy man…" She began, hoping he would understand where she was going and finish the tale.

"And why would I do that?" Jaime didn't quite understand her cover story.

Lyanna rolled her eyes at him. "Have you no imagination? You're helping me escape so that you can marry me yourself after we reach Essos."

"I think I might have chosen something less romantic but we've no time to think of something else. We need names. I'll be Yoren Hill." Jaime said.

"Ava Rivers."

He nodded his agreement and they walked together down to the purple sailed ship knowing that the purple sails meant it was bound for Braavos.

It wasn't until after they had woken the Captain, secured their passage, and been escorted safely to a cabin of their own that the pair finally had a chance to speak freely. Except that by then, Lyanna was too worried and anxious to really say anything at all and Jaime found that he was suddenly overcome with tiredness. He had spent several weeks in a cell after all with hardly any exercise and not nearly enough food. The hurried trip to the harbor had made him more tired than he would ever admit aloud. He was definitely going to need to get more exercise on the ship and get his strength back. He would be of no use to Lyanna if he couldn't fight to protect her. Then he found himself wondering why he even wanted to protect her. He barely knew her. He fell asleep across the bed while she continued to pace the room the night.

Jaime woke the next morning and found Lyanna Stark was asleep beside him. She kept to her own side of the bed. He could feel the movement of the ship. They had left the docks. The must be at sea.

"Lyanna?" He said quietly waking her. "We're at sea."

She breathed a sigh of relief at those words. They hadn't reached safety yet but leaving Blackwater Bay was a huge step.