Prompt one: Amnesia
Kyo was aware there was a vaguely annoying beep sound around him. He shifted in his bed and groaned. He didn't feel like waking up yet. He wanted to keep dreaming that he was flying. And then his arm painfully stung as he put his weight on it.
He muttered a curse and immediately rolled off of his injured arm. He opened his eyes and expected to see his dojo ... But instead he saw that he was in a white room on an unknown bed with a wire attached to his finger.
Where was he? He tried to call out but found this his throat was parched, he reached for the glass of water next to him and found that his arm was bleeding.
"Ah shit," he said, using his other arm to sit up.
His head was pounding and the increased beeping from the machine to his left wasn't helping. He checked his bleeding arm but the injury didn't seem too bad. Using his other arm he picked up the glass of water. Then he noticed there was something on his wrist next to the normal beaded bracelet. "Kyo Sohma" it read. "000596 - Ellicot hospital."
The word seemed vaguely familiar. But he couldn't exactly remember why he knew the word. Figuring he should do something about his bleeding arm, he got out of bed and began to look around.
He found an off switch for the machine on his left and saw a cabinet on the right side of the room. It was stocked with gloves, some packets of antiseptic wipes, and gauze.
Taking a wipe packet and gauze, Kyo cleaned his arm and wrapped it. It stung incredibly but he grit his teeth and continued. He wondered how this had happened.
He had been in the dojo last night... Right? The scary part was he couldn't even remember. He remembered Sensei and blue berry cupcakes, but nothing else. This was weird.
The sky was bright and blue through the window and Kyo assumed it was morning. He could hear plenty of noise outside of the room he was in. What was this place that had sadness jumping off of the white walls and smelled of bleach?
He was just about to get up and leave the room when someone entered with a plastic plate of food. Their eyes widened in alarm when they saw him.
"Sir, what are you doing out of bed? You should be resting!" It was a lady who looked about the same age as sensei, but with dark skin and a hair style he vaguely remembered were called "Dreds". She was wearing tiny earrings in the shape of a bow. Something in Kyo stirred but he couldn't remember why a bow would be significant to him.
"What?" He asked. "Who are you?"
"I'm nurse Garland, now please get back in bed."
Kyo frowned at her, but did as she asked. "Where am I? Where's sensei?"
"You're in Ellicot city hospital, sir. Now why don't you start on -"
"What's a hospital?" He asked.
"Excuse me?" She asked, so startled that she almost dropped the tray of food. Thankfully, Kyo caught it and helped Nurse Garland put it on the counter next to him. Wait... Nurse... Hospital.
"You said I'm in a hospital?" Kyo asked, a shiver running down his arm as he looked around.
"Yes, do you know what that is?"
Kyo rubbed his head as it pounded more. Why didn't he remember what it was the first time she said it? Of course he knew what a hospital was. "Yes I - uh I just forgot for a second. Why am I here? What's wrong with me?"
"I don't have your chart with me, dear. But eat your breakfast because the doctor should be here soon."
Kyo nodded and she gave him a brief smile before she left. He hated hospitals. He couldn't remember why, but he knew he hated them. Kyo could feel his anxiety rising and started to take deep breaths. When the doctor came, Kyo would ask for his phone and would call Sensei. Sensei would know what to do. Shaking away his panic, Kyo reached for the tray of food.
They had given him chocolate milk, a bowl of jello, a piece of bread, and a banana. He ate the jello first; something about the strawberry red color appealed to him.
When he finished, he reached for the chocolate milk carton. On the side of it, where the label was, was a picture of a cat. It was an innocent drawing - but it gave Kyo a terrible headache.
He put it down and swallowed the rising panic. A cat. Why was a picture of a cat giving him a panic attack?
And then it hit him all at once.
Akito, his parents, his bloodlust for Yuki, his true self-
With a pained cry he threw the milk carton on the floor. Tears were welling up in his eyes and disgust was settling in the pit of his stomach. How could he have forgotten? How could he have even forgotten for one second the monster that he was?
Head throbbing, Kyo got out of the bed and made for the bathroom that was attached to the hospital room. His body was shaking with anger and despair and he barely felt the chill of the cold water as he splashed his face with it.
For a simple blissful moment he thought he was just a normal person. He had forgotten how much of a burden this curse was - how much of a burden he was to the world.
After a couple more minutes of crying, Kyo began to calm down. This was his life, he shouldn't forget that. There was no escaping it. This was probably all Yuki's fault anyway. The last thing he remembered was being with Shigure and Yuki.
A knock at the door startled him and he turned to see a young blonde man in a white lab coat. "What do you want?" Kyo glared at him.
Surprisingly, the man smiled at him. "Good morning to you too, Mr. Sohma. Why don't you take a seat while I examine you?"
Kyo wanted to push past the man and just go beat Yuki up, but something stopped him. He felt like there was more he needed to remember. So he took a seat on the hospital bed as the man spoke and nurses checked his body.
"My name is Dr. Anderson. You weren't conscious last night, and you were brought in because you'd injured yourself while on your motorcycle. Do you remember that?"
"No." Kyo said. He didn't remember even having a motorcycle. "I - uh I think I tore the stitches on my arm."
He extended his arm out to Dr. Anderson who unwrapped the gauze. "Oh, just a minor stitch. I'll do that right now." He left for a second and came back with the materials. "Here, can we take your bracelet off?" he asked, touching the white and black beads.
Kyo immediately snatched his arm away. "No!" he glared. Dr. Anderson made a face, but then continued stitching Kyo's arm back up.
"We found your ID and called your family last night."
"My family?" Kyo asked in alarm. If Akito found out that he was here instead of with the family doctor-
"Yes, Shigure Sohma. He is your guardian, right?" Kyo swallowed, not knowing what to say. Honestly, in the eyes of the government he had no idea who was his guardian. Everything seemed blurred when he thought about it. Sensing, his distress, Dr. Anderson put a hand on Kyo's shoulder. "Look, the nurse told me you were having some trouble. That's okay. Some amnesia is normal for patients who have had head trauma. Luckily, yours is not that bad so everything should be coming back to you by the end of the day. When you see your family in a minute or so it'll become clearer."
"Are you sure?" Kyo asked.
"I'm sure, Mr. Sohma. I asked your guardian if we could keep you for another night just in case but he had a feeling you'd want to come home if nothing was wrong."
Kyo nodded. "I hate being in a hospital."
"That's okay." Dr. Anderson smiled and Kyo vaguely thought of a girl who also smiled too often for her own good. He couldn't remember her name though. "Your CAT scan is clean and you have no broken bones. You're free to go whenever your guardian comes."
Kyo nodded again, pulling his arm back now that Dr. Anderson was done. Dr. Anderson picked up the milk carton on the floor and left it beside Kyo.
"Have a good day, Mr. Sohma. Take care."
Kyo lay back in bed and closed his eyes. He had amnesia. That explained everything earlier and why thinking about anything hurt his head. It wasn't long before he recognized the stink of a rat.
A few minutes later, Yuki came into the room followed by Shigure and a strange girl. "Who are you?" Kyo asked her immediately.
She looked stricken, and Kyo felt weirdly guilty. "You- you don't know who I am, Kyo?"
"Tohru, it's okay." Yuki said to her, taking her hand. "The doctor said the amnesia is going to go away."
"Yes but," she hesitated. "You don't remember me at all?"
"No." Kyo said in the same rude tone. He didn't like girls staring at him - and he especially didn't like how this one was getting teary eyed.
"Do you remember who you are?" she asked, her eyes never leaving his.
"Of course I remember who I am." he glared at Shigure and Yuki. "Who is this dumb girl, and why is she here?" he asked.
"Come on Tohru, we'll go get his discharge papers." Yuki said to the girl. She looked at Kyo for another moment and then nodded.
Shigure sighed once they'd left. "Oh, Kyo."
"What's the matter with you?" Kyo eyed him in annoyance.
"We've been so worried about you, I forgot you were like this."
"What do you mean, 'like this'?"
Shigure stepped closer to him. "What's the last thing you remember?"
"Asking for directions to your place so I could come kick some rat ass."
Shigure's eyes widened in alarm. "I uh- I don't mean to scare you, but that was over half a year ago, Kyo."
Kyo felt panic rise in him, but refused to show it. "I'll be fine. The doctor said it would go away."
"Mmmhm, yes. But-"
"The doctor also said that I'm here because of a motorcycle accident. Since when did I get a motorcycle?"
At this, Shigure's expression of worry intensified. "Ah, Tohru did tell you not to get it. And there you go - causing her unnecessary grief."
Kyo sighed. Shigure never did answer any question straight. "Who is that girl anyway? Why was she crying when she was here? Does she know about us?"
"That's Tohru." Shigure said, eyeing Kyo with an odd expression. "She's your wife."
Kyo choked on air. "What did you say?" he exclaimed, with wide eyes.
"You heard me." Shigure said, smiling. "And she's been worried sick about you so I think you should be treating her better."
Kyo was sputtering. "When- how could I- You- You're lying."
But Shigure shook his head, that amused smile still on his face.
"But I'm only in highschool!" Kyo exclaimed. "Why would I-"
"It was a private affair. Both of you are in high school so I suppose you guys didn't want anyone to know. Or you just wanted her all for yourself." Shigure said, looking at the ceiling nostalgically. "Even I didn't get to see Tohru all dolled up as a bride. I bet she looked heavenly."
Kyo opened his mouth to tell the pervert to shut up, but he couldn't get the words out. He'd only forgotten about 7 months of the year how could this have happened? "You're lying." He said again. At this moment Yuki came in.
"I told Tohru to wait in the car. I didn't want this one to say anything else to her."
Kyo eyed the rat. "How do I know that girl?" He asked Yuki.
Shigure sighed. "Kyo refuses to believe that him and Tohru are married."
"Am I really married to her?" Kyo asked. "I don't even have a wedding ring! I don't believe this."
Yuki shared a long look with Shigure before finally nodding. "I thought it would be better for you to realize it on your own, but I suppose it would hurt Tohru less if you just accept it now."
"But I don't remember it!" Kyo argued. "And I don't have a wedding ring!"
"You don't remember a lot." Yuki said calmly. "And you two never had rings. It ... Was a private affair."
Kyo sighed and plopped back down into the pillows. "This is ridiculous," he said to no one in particular.
"You'll get used to it." Shigure said. "If Tohru is happy with you, then so be it."
"Speaking of Tohru," Yuki said. "You hurt her feelings earlier. You should apologize."
Normally Kyo hated Yuki, but he hated him even more when Yuki told him to do something. "Shut up you damn rat. I'll apologize if I feel like it."
Kyo could feel the other two Sohmas glaring at him, but neither said anything. Kyo wondered why they weren't arguing with him. Yuki always argued back. When he looked at Yuki, he was surprised to find a small smile on his face.
"What are you smiling about?"
"When the hospital first called and told us you were hurt, I - we were all very afraid for you. I thought I was never going to hear you say "damn rat" ever again."
Kyo recoiled from the kindness in Yuki's voice. Since when did the rat not hate him? This was weird. He felt panic rising up in him again.
"Awwww," Shigure said leaning toward Kyo with open arms. Kyo jumped off of the bed to avoid him.
"Don't do that." He glared at Shigure.
"Kyo why are you so mean?" Shigure whined.
"Because you're always acting crazy!"
"I just want to hug you! We've missed you."
Kyo dodged him once again. "Stop trying to hug me!"
At this Yuki laughed and Kyo realized that he wouldn't mind hearing Yuki laugh more. "Come on you stupid cat. Here's some clothes. I'll go wait with Tohru in the car."
Shigure sighed. "I'll go finish signing those hospital papers."
Tohru glanced at Kyo from the corner of her eye again. He was sitting stiffly next to her; Shigure for some reason had insisted they sit together so maybe Tohru could trigger some memories. Currently Kyo had a very strained expression on his face and she wondered if he was in pain.
"Are you okay?" She asked him.
He looked at her weirdly. "I'm fine." He said. He wasn't as hostile as he was in the hospital earlier and Tohru wondered what the other Sohmas had said to him. Yuki had come back to the car with a smile on his face and told her that it was going to be okay.
Tohru didn't know why she had gotten so worried that Kyo hadn't remembered her. Even if he didn't, they could just make new memories. She would be just a good friend to him as she was before. She just had to remember that he had woken up with his memory gone and it must be weird for him.
"So uh - you know about us?" Kyo asked her, still not looking at her. "About the curse?"
Tohru nodded. "All of it."
His jaw clenched, and his face reddened a little. He turned his face toward the window so no one would notice. "How did you find out?"
Tohru giggled, remembering their very first encounter. "I accidentally hugged you when you kicked your way in. You were trying to fight Yuki."
"You hugged me?" Kyo asked in a somewhat strange voice, and Shigure laughed from the driver's seat.
"Yes, or more like I bumped into all three of you at the same time. Before I knew it I was surrounded with three talking animals and then POOF three naked men. I almost had a heart attack."
Shigure and Yuki both laughed as they related the story back to Kyo from their own point of view and how he fixed the screen door. Kyo just continued to look at them in alarm as if they were all strangers.
"So, Yuki and I - we aren't enemies? We don't fight anymore?"
"No," Yuki said simply. "You've lost too many times so I just decided to stop."
Kyo frowned. "You damn rat- As if I would ever lose to you."
Yuki responded by turning on the radio. Tohru saw Kyo take a deep breath, and she wondered how sad it was that this was weird for Kyo - being friendly with his family. She patted his hand and smiled even when he gave her an alarmed look.
"I was wondering if when we get home, would you like to take a walk with me? Maybe jog some memories?"
Kyo opened his mouth to speak but Shigure spoke up for him. "Oh what a great idea Tohru! Isn't that a great idea, Kyo?"
Kyo thought a better idea would be hitting Shigure on the head, but Tohru's hand was still on his. "Yeah, sure." he said, meeting the girl in her blue eyes for the first time. She smiled and Kyo swore he knew that smile. But he just couldn't remember it. "What if," he said slowly. "What if my memory never comes back? Would you be okay with that?"
Tohru shrugged. "I would have no choice but to accept it, I guess. And we could always make new memories."
Kyo nodded, gazing at her fully now. It was weird. This girl next to him was his wife, and he had no idea who she was or what she was like. He wondered what was going through his head when he decided to marry her. She was pretty, and he loved the way her hair fell over her ear. Before he knew what he was doing, his hand reached up to move her hair and Tohru froze.
She looked at him and he pulled away quickly. "Sorry," he muttered. "I didn't mean to weird you out or anything."
"No, no." That gentle smile was back. Like she was afraid of fully showing her affections for him. "You - uh - you do that all the time. I was just - surprised I guess."
The rest of the ride was silent. When they arrived at the house, they saw Momiji and Hatsaharu waiting for them. Kyo made a face.
Momiji jumped up and down, waving excitedly even though they were a few steps away. "Kyo! Kyo!" He cheered. "You're back! You're alive!"
Kyo stepped away from the hyper little boy in case he tried to hug him too. "Yes," he said in a cautious tone.
"Hi Momiji, hi Haru!" Tohru's cheerful voice sounded behind them.
Haru stopped to inspect Kyo for a moment. He nodded and then moved next to Yuki. "Hello Yuki."
Yuki smiled at his cousin and they both went inside the house.
Shigure slammed the car door. "Is no one going to say hi to me?" He whined.
Momiji pushed Kyo a little to side and bounded next to Shigure. Kyo bumped into Tohru as he regained his balance.
"Oh, sorry." She said holding onto his arms so they would colliding into one another. Kyo gave her an odd look for a moment and then looked at the roof of the house.
"We were sitting up there." He said slowly. He closed his eyes, trying to remember the scene more vividly. "On New Years?" In his head he saw Tohru sitting next to him. He remembered her small frame next to him, so close that he could've held her.
"I remember." Tohru said. She watched as the emotions ran across Kyo's face as he remembered what he said.
"You tried to punch me," he said opening his eyes and smiling down at Tohru with an amused look.
Tohru bit her lip and looked away. "I told you not to ride that motorcycle in the rain. I was worried last night when-"
"Come on Tohru! Let's go inside! I bought the cupcake batter!" Momiji interrupted and pulled Tohru by the hand.
Kyo rolled his eyes as she obliged and kept pace with the little rabbit. He felt a little better about life now. He remembered Tohru. He remembered the first time he saw her, he remembered her mother, and the conversation they had on New Year about the curse.
Ten minutes ago he felt like he was riding in the car with strangers but now he felt a connection to the people around him again.
Shigure clapped Kyo on the back. "You're very lucky to have her." He said. "Tohru really cares about you."
Kyo looked up at the roof again as his chest tightened. Tohru cared about him; and he remembered caring about her too.
Kyo reached for Tohru's hand when they stepped out of the house. He supposed that even if he couldn't remember being married to her, he probably shouldn't shun her.
Tohru, having no idea was was going through his head, gave their intertwined hands a started look. Kyo had never showed any affection toward her before. As for her, her heart always leapt the second she saw him. There was something about the way he looked at her, something about the way his sadness spoke to her, and something about how his lips moved that entranced her.
"So what's been going on?" Kyo asked her after a moment of quiet. "Like what have I forgotten?"
Tohru shrugged. "Nothing really. You got that motorcycle last month even when I told you not to."
At this he gave Tohru's hand a small squeeze. "I'm okay though. It's just a minor scratch."
"This time."
Kyo wanted to hug her. He could sense the anger in her voice and wish he could just go back and undo buying that dumb bike. "Please don't be mad at me." He used their intertwined hands to pull her in front of him. Tohru stumbled but managed to catch herself before she could hit his chest. "I hate when you're mad at me."
Tohru stared up at this new man in front of her. Who wasn't afraid to hold her hand and talked openly to her. She wondered what had stirred this in him. Did he like her?
"I'm not that mad," she said, beginning to turn red as he kept looking at her.
He smiled and began to stand beside her again. "So what else?"
"Momiji brought leek soup the other day and you actually ate it." She could feel Kyo cringe next to her.
"You're not serious." He said, but the vague memory of it was coming back now.
"I am very serious," Tohru laughed. "Momiji forgot that you didn't like it but he was just so excited for someone to taste it. And you were the first one he asked."
"I think I remember that day."
"You and Momiji have become closer. It's very sweet."
"I bet it's because of you." Kyo said.
"What?" Tohru turned to see him looking at the ground.
"Ah - I just meant that, you - Momiji has always liked being around you. And I - I also enjoy being with you. So you know... It's just kind of - not a surprise."
"You've never said that to me before." Tohru said, the smile on her face growing wider with each passing second.
Kyo gave her a strange look. "I've never said that?"
"I never said anything nice like that?"
"No, why do you think you did?"
"Well I mean- you and I - Then... How did we ever progress in our relationship?"
At this Tohru dropped his hand. "What relationship do you think we have?"
They were both quiet for a second. Tohru's heart was hammering so hard she thought it would come out of her chest.
Oh God. She thought. What if he was in a relationship with someone and he didn't remember who because of the amnesia so he just assumed it was her? So him holding her hand... Talking to her like this...
"Shigure said uh - he said that we're married." From the alarm on Tohru's face Kyo realized that was the wrong thing to say.
Tohru stuttered to get the next words out. "Shigure said what?"
Kyo's face turned a bright shade of red. "So we aren't married?" He asked.
"No." She said, in an equally panicked voice as his.
Kyo growled and turned toward the house. "I am going to kill that man!" He announced, taking long strides away from a speechless Tohru.
"Shigure!" Kyo slammed opened the door. "Where are you? You son of a -"
"Now Kyo, there's no need for such foul language!" Shigure said appearing from the kitchen with a bowl of ice cream.
"Why the hell did you tell me that I was married to Tohru?" He exclaimed. "I just made a big fool of myself!"
Shigure gave him a horrified look. "You didn't try to attack the sweet virgin Tohru, did you?"
Kyo's eye twitched. "No you idiot! I didn't do anything! But why did you say-"
Shigure had the audacity to shrug. "You two are basically in love with each other. But you're not admitting it for some reason. I was just trying to speed it up before too much time passes and you two are old and lonely, and still denying your love for one another."
"Shigure you idiot!" Kyo roared.
"You seem like you've gotten most of your memory back. Don't tell me: you don't love her?"
"No I haven't gotten most of my memory back." Kyo snapped. He didn't remember the last time he was so angry. Shigure had no right to make such an absurd joke. And where was Yuki? He had agreed to this dumb story too. The door opened and closed behind them and Kyo sensed that Tohru was back. Without looking at her, he grabbed his coat. "I'm going for a walk." He said, but Tohru stopped him.
"So all of that- you being nice to me was just because you thought we were married?" She asked.
Momiji and Yuki, who had been laughing loudly in the next room suddenly stopped making noise. It was a very rare thing that Tohru raised her voice.
"Tohru," Kyo said, trying to calm down. "I don't want to talk right now. Move-"
"No." She said, crossing her arms. "Answer me. Is that the reason you were holding my hand and talking nicely to me?"
"Yes." He grit out.
"So if it weren't for Shigure you would just be neutral towards me?"
"Tohru don't even bring in Shigure's ridiculous idea. I'm so angry at him-"
"Why are you so angry?" Tohru asked. There were tears in her eyes now. "Is it so horrible to believe that you liked me? Is it so horrible to believe you had a relationship with me?"
"What? No! This isn't about you."
"Then what is it? Why are you so angry?"
"Because I believed him!" Kyo yelled back at her. "Because I woke up this morning and I had no idea who I was and then I remembered the stupid curse. I remembered what a monster I am! And then when Shigure told me that I was married to someone - to you - I was happy. It was weird but I was so happy to know that maybe people really could see beyond the monster that I am. I remember some random conversations between us but nothing that proved that you actually liked me. And then to hear you say that there is no relationship between us I- That truly means that no one could ever-"
He took a shaky breath as Tohru put her hand against his face and wiped a tear away. He stared at her finger in shock. He had no idea he was crying.
"You are not a monster, Kyo."
"Tohru you don't know the whole story."
"I don't care." She said, and Kyo swore the ground underneath his feet shifted a little. "Kyo Sohma you are not a monster. And maybe Shigure was right. He probably did this because he knows that I was afraid to admit my feelings. And that doesn't mean they aren't there. Or that I think any less of you. I just - I was afraid that you didn't like me."
Kyo finally let out the breath of air he was holding. He wanted nothing more than to pull Tohru close to him.
"How could anyone not like you, Tohru?" She let go of his face so he could move close to her. He rest his forehead against hers and repeated his statement. "How could I not like you, Tohru. I don't even remember every detail of us being together but I can't stop thinking about everything I like about you. Everything I would like to get to know about you. I just - I don't think it's right that you would have to be with me. I can't even hug you-"
"I don't care."
"You say that now but-"
Then suddenly she put her hand on his neck and pulled herself up so that her lips were against his. It felt like someone lit a match inside Kyo. A delicious match that made him regret not kissing Tohru before. He melted into her slowly, but kept his distance from hugging her.
Tohru was vaguely aware of Momiji's cheer from the other room, but she didn't care who looked. All she cared about was the electricity running through her veins and the taste of Kyo against her lips. All she cared was that Kyo knew how much he meant to her.
When she pulled away moment later she was met with wide, orange eyes.
"I don't care about the curse." Tohru said. "All I care is about being with you. And I don't care if you don't remember everything; we can make new memories."
At first Kyo hesitated. He wanted nothing more to agree with Tohru, but he didn't want her to throw her life away for him. "Are you sure you don't care?" He asked her.
"I promise you, Kyo."
And then, finally, he smiled at her. He lowered himself and buried his face between her neck and shoulder, planting a small kiss that made her knees weak. "Fine," he said. "Then let's make new memories together."
A/N: I still really really really love this anime. I love Tohru's character, the wretchedness of the curse, Kyo's character development and how he lets Tohru into his life. This chapter could've been its own story but I didn't want to go too deep into the amnesia.
I don't have a whole story to write about them though, so I will mostly be doing one-shots. If you have a prompt idea leave it in the review. And tell me what you thought of this! I will try to update at least two more times before the end of the month. In the beginning of each chapter I will say whether or not it involves the curse.