Ty and Amy had decided that he should go and see Sammy alone, just because they did not know what kind of state she would be in, and whether she would even admit to doing what she blatently did. Ty was sat in an interrogation room, it brought back terrible memories of when he had been in a room, just like this, when he had attacked his step father when he was a teen. He shook those thoughts and memories out of his head. Next minute, the door opened and a short brunette walked in wearing a pair of handcuffs. She sat down opposite Ty and smiled, "I am so glad you came to see me!"

"Cut the crap Sammy, I know what you did. All I want to know is why? Why would you do this to me?" Ty exclaimed.

"Why? Why did do this to you? Oh yeah, you broke my heart Ty. After you left for this Heartland place, EVERYTHING changed, my mom and dad broke up and I couldn't find you, I needed to talk to you about everything. I needed my best friend. I fell in love with you and you just left. You promised me that you would come back after probation, you even told me you loved me!" She cried.

"Yeah, I love you too, as a FRIEND! Nothing more! We had been friends ever since we were kids… I still don't see why you did this. I didn't go back to anything to do with my past life after probation, my mom only came to see me like 4 years after I moved here! I wanted nothing to remind me of past times. You never made an effort to come and find me? Apart from last month when my mom gave you my address. We were so happy! I loved catching up with you, what happened? You just left and never called or spoke again?" Ty asked, feeling frustrated.

"I found the ring Ty. I found the ring you were going to give to that bitch. The bitch that stole you away from me! She is the only reason you aren't with me… I hate her! She ruined my chances of ever being happy!" Sam screamed.

"Hey! No need for that! Seriously, Amy is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and don't you ever call her a bitch again. And that ring, well yes. I am going to ask her to marry me, that is because she is the one I have always loved! She has helped me get through everything that happened to me in life! Sammy, I never loved you as anything more than a friend. I would have thought you would have moved on, met someone. Like seriously you were dead smart, you're studying psychology, well you were. You have literally messed up your life right now. I can not believe you would do this to me. I know we lost touch, but you were the only good memory I have of my childhood and growing up. You have ruined that for me…" Ty sighed.

"That bitch took you from me. If you hadn't met her, you would be with me now. We would probably be married! I can't believe you let her steal you away from me! She deserves what she gets. I am so glad I did it, I hope I freaked her out. Scratching out her face on all those pictures was so satisfying! I hope I have ruined things for you. I bet she thinks you have a little girl on the side. I bet you two will be over. If you two are about to break up because of this, then I have succeeded. I have succeeded, even if it does mean going to jail!" She laughed.

"Actually, you have actually pushed us together. I was going to wait a while before asking her to marry me, but because of all of this, we have been spending so much time together. There is no need to wait, I know she will say yes. We love each other so much. So Sammy, thank you. You have made a tough decision 100 times easier. I am going to ask her to marry me as soon as I can. You know what, I was going to drop the charges because, well I thought you would at least be sympathetic and sorry for what you've done. You have changed Sammy and you deserve whatever the jury throws at you next week. It was nice knowing you. Bye." Ty said as he got up and walked out casually.

Sammy immediately began to cry, screaming for him to come back and telling him that she was sorry. Ty walked into the waiting room where Amy was sat and said, "Come on. Let's get out of here. We deserve some time together." He took her hand and they walked outside, "Let's go to Maggies, grab some takeout and go and eat it up on the ridge, does that sound like a plan?"

Amy smiled, this was the Ty she knew and loved, "Yes, let's do it." They walked hand in hand up to Maggies and got 2 burger and chips meals with a large chocolate milkshake to share. They jumped into Ty's truck and drove down to the ridge. During the dinner, Ty was telling her everything that had happened with Sammy. "Oh Ty, that must have been awful. You know you always have me though don't you?" She said rubbing small circles into the back of his hand.

The sun was setting, they were stood on the ridge watching the world go by, when all of a sudden a herd of mustangs came galloping across the fields. Amy smiled, she was in awe at the sight. She stepped forward to get a better look and Ty knew that it was now or never, he got the ring that he had been keeping in his coat pocket for weaks and dropped down on one knee, "Oh Ty, look, there is ghost!" Amy said turning back round to see Ty on his knee and a ring in the air. She gasped and put her hands to her mouth.

"Amy Fleming, will you do the honour in making me the happiest man in the whole entire universe and marry me?" Ty asked rather sheepishly. Tears started to well in Amy's eyes, "YES! OH MY GOD YES! OF COURSE I WILL!" she cried. Ty put the ring on her finger and stood up she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

"I love you so much, I am literally the happiest girl in the world right now. You soon-to-be-Dr. Borden are one amazing man." Amy cried happily.

"Well, like I said, there really is only one girl for me," He smiled, "It is quite funny that that big bugger over there happened to witness this, considering he has caused a lot of trouble over these years." Ty chuckled looking at Ghost and his family.

"I know, it does seem rather ironic. Right, come on. I want to go and show this off to everyone. Let them know that I am not only in love with the greatest man in the whole entire world, I am getting married to him!" Amy exclaimed, with a huge grin on her face.

They got back into Ty's truck and headed off back home to Heartland to tell the family the good news.

The end.