Ty had been away with school all week and Amy had felt so lonely. However, he was coming home tonight so she decided to surprise him at the trailer. To welcome him home properly, she was going to cook a romantic meal, and light lots of candles. She knew he would love it and hoped that he had missed her as much as she had missed him! It had been the longest they had spent apart since the terrible break up they had almost two years ago. Amy was just happy to have her man back with her, where he belonged.

She had ridden Spartan over and tied him up where the shed was. She walked over to the trailer where she saw some footprints in the mud around the porch. Someone had been here, she walked over to the door and went to unlock it, but found that it was already unlocked, she took a deep breath and walked inside, the place was trashed. She put her hand over her mouth in shock, she could not believe what she had just walked into. Ty's camera, the one with all of their memories had been smashed to pieces. Who would do this?

She grabbed her mobile and called Caleb, "Caleb, get over to Ty's now. Someone has broken in and I'm really scared!"

"Oh Amy hang on; I'm at Heartland now, so I will get Jack to come too. Call the police, and lock the door. We will be there in 10 minutes max!"

"Okay, just be quick!" She exclaimed.

About 10 minutes later, Amy heard the familiar rumble of Jack's truck's engine and peered out the window to see them both there, walking towards the trailer, she let them in and they looked around, "Oh my god, who would do this!?" Caleb asked.

"I don't know, but basically, anything that has anything to do with me and Ty is broken, or defaced… Like look here, someone has took something sharp and scratched out our faces! What kind of sicko does this?!" Amy cried, she was visibly shaken by the ordeal. Jack gave her a hug and looked around.

"What are them scissors doing on the bed?" Jack asked.

"Oh, they have shredded every piece of clothing I have here…" Amy mumbled, realizing, Jack doesn't know about all the nights she had secretly spent here when he is out of town, or just staying over at Lisa's. Jack's eyes widened at the comment, but decided to drop it, it wouldn't have done anyone any good to bring up the idea that his granddaughter and her boyfriend had been spending alone time in the trailer.

"Oh the police said they would be here within the next hour, apparently there was something happening in town today and they are all out there sorting out what went on!" Amy said.

"Oh right…" Jack said, looking around the trailer. Amy went and sat down on the recliner, while Caleb made her a brew. Caleb was rummaging around the cupboards to try and find a cup when all of a sudden, a small jewellery box fell out. He picked it up and opened it without thinking and saw a small ring with a diamond in the centre. He gasped when he realised what it was. Amy was too busy trying to get a hold of Ty to realise what had happened.

Hearing Caleb's gasp, Jack turned around to see what all the fuss was about, and then he saw it. He too looked wide eyed at the piece of jewellery, but didn't say anything. He walked over to Caleb and whispered, "Put it back, we don't want Amy seeing it."

"Oh my god, he is going to propose! That lad is so sweet! Although, I am not surprised one bit. It has been obvious from the start that he was obsessed with her." Caleb said quietly, looking happy.

Just as he put the box back where it came from, he saw blue flashing lights outside the trailer window and went to go and let the police inside.

The police officer stepped in and introduced himself, "Hi, I am PC Smith, can someone tell me exactly what has happened here?"

Jack shook his hand and introduced himself, "I am Jack, this is Caleb and this is my granddaughter Amy. Her boyfriend, Ty Borden, lives here and as he is out of town, she was meeting him here for when she got back. She found that the door was unlocked. When she came inside, it was completely trashed. His camera has been smashed to pieces, all of her clothes have been torn up and pictures of the two of them have had their faces scratched out." He explained.

PC Smith wrote down everything he said and took a look around, "Have you moved anything in here at all? Just so I can get my forensic team in here to have a look around, obviously we can disregard all of your finger prints, but I need to know." He asked.

"Erm, no I haven't moved anything, as soon as I seen all of this, I called Caleb. I just sat down on here and haven't moved. Caleb made a brew though, but that is literally it." Amy replied.

"Alright, ok. When is Mr Borden expected home?" the officer asked.

"I think any time soon, actually, that is his truck I can hear pulling in now," Caleb said.

Ty pulled into the drive of the trailer and was shocked to see that Jack's truck was there, Spartan was there and a police car. He immediately started to panic, not having a clue what had happened. Just as he put the truck into park, he saw everyone walk outside. He jumped out the truck and was greeted by a sobbing Amy running into his arms. "What has happened?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her.

"Sorry to break it to you Ty, but you have been burgled." Jack said solemnly

"Oh my god, what? Are you ok babe?" Ty asked Amy who had finally stopped crying.

"Y-yeah… Just shook up." Amy replied.

"Hi Mr. Borden, I'm PC Smith, I won't be able to get a forensic team down here until tomorrow afternoon, do you have somewhere to stay for tonight?" The officer asked.

"Erm yeah, Jack can I bunk in the loft?" Ty asked.

"Of course you can, I would have suggested it anyway," Jack replied.

The officer took some photos and put a police cordon around the premises. They thanked him and he left. Amy went to go and get on Spartan, but Caleb stopped her, "You go with Ty, I will get this one back."

"Thank you Caleb," Amy said, Ty put his arm around her and they walked over to his truck. Everyone set back off to the ranch.

Meanwhile, in the woodlands, a dark, hooded figure was stood watching, "I'm coming for you Ty…."

AN: Just a short story i wrote. Got inspired by a scenario Sunday, when i submitted my first chapter, loads of people were asking whether i was going to carry on with it! So, me being me was like ah go on then and have written like the first half of this story over the day... Hope you all enjoy