Disclaimer: I do not own Wolfblood.

"Rhydian," Maddy grumbled, half of her face crumpled up against her pillow. "Come to bed."

Rhydian was sitting at his desk, his back to Maddy. He was drawing and, clearly, it was a huge rush of inspiration because he just wouldn't stop. Now it was 11pm and the light on the desk was keeping Maddy awake.

"I'm almost there, Mads," Rhydian said, his voice hushed.

"It's almost 11.30. I'm knackered. And I can't sleep with the light on. Come to bed."

"Oh, so you're not concerned for me and the amount of sleep I get; just the amount you get?" There was a smirk behind his voice. Maddy scowled at him from behind, watching as the muscles in his arms and shoulders moved each time he moved his pencil. He was literally completely ready for bed; pyjama bottoms, no shirt, hair washed, teeth brushed. It had just been an hour ago that he had a sudden rush of wanting to draw something, and he hadn't even set foot in bed once.

"By the looks of it, you're not concerned about the amount of sleep I get, either. Come to bed now or I'm not cuddling you tonight and I kick you by accident in my sleep."

"A tempting offer, Mads. Truly. I love it when you talk dirty to me."

Reaching around to his pillow, Maddy grabbed it and threw it at the back of his head. "Shut up."

Rhydian laughed. "Why do you get so grumpy when you're tired?"

Maddy didn't answer. The silence was kind of suspicious, so Rhydian turned his head just slightly to find that her eyes were closed again and her face was half covered by the duvet.

He laughed through his nose, shook his head, and turned back to his sketchbook.

"What are you laughing at?" Maddy's grumpy voice came up a few moments later.

"You. You're cute."

"Oh no, don't pull the whole 'you're cute when you're angry' line on me. That only works in movies."

Rhydian rolled his eyes but he smiled despite himself. "Mads, if I don't come to bed, will you be angry at me for days or is it just tonight?"

"What a stupid question."

"I'm genuinely wondering."

"Well, then it depends how soon you come to bed."

"I'll be there in a bit. Go to sleep, Mads."

"I already told you, I can't sleep with the light on. Go draw downstairs."

Rhydian chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll just fall asleep down there if I do that."

"Good riddance."

He laughed more, continuing to sketch along the lines. "I promise I'm nearly finished, okay?"

Maddy huffed. "Fine. But you owe me."

Grinning, Rhydian shook his head again.

Ten minutes later, Rhydian closed his sketchbook and put his pencils away as quietly as possible. And then he turned off the desk light before shuffling over to his side of the bed, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Finally," Maddy huffed, her eyes closed as she shuffled backwards towards him.

Purely out of habit, Rhydian moved up behind her, wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the back of her head. Maddy leaned in to him, threading their fingers together.

"Wait," Rhydian said, pulling his head out of her hair. "I thought you said you weren't going to cuddle me?" He smirked.

Maddy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, I'm cold. So I'm making an exception. But don't think I won't kick you in my sleep. My subconscious might take over."

Rhydian chuckled, and Maddy felt it right against the skin behind her ear. He left a kiss there. "You do that anyway."


"I love you, Mads," he said as he shuffled around on to his back, getting more comfortable. Maddy turned around to face him and moved right up to his side, wrapping her arm over his stomach and pushing her face in to his chest.

"I love you too."

"Even when I keep you awake with my drawing?"

Maddy smiled despite herself. "Even then, Rhydian."

A/N: lmao, I don't even know what this is. And why it's so short. But I just love domestic maddian tbh. And grumpy Maddy. So here you go. Just 700 words but hey, I hope you enjoyed it anyway! :')

Thanks for reading, as always! :))) Please review and let me know what you think. :)

Love :* xxx