A/N: I was ready to finish the plot filled story that is TAG, but I wasn't ready to leave the TAG world. So here's a one shot series, all separate to each other with no running potline, but all set after TAG in the world I've created along the way. :)

After years of what had felt like on again-off again problems within Maddy's pack, it was unbelievably nice to have things back to normal.

With Rhydian living with her and her parents, Emma and Dan were slowly becoming more and more natural around the couple, and it was good for Maddy and Rhydian for them to step back a little.

When Rhydian was going back to school, they planned to walk to school together most days, unless it was terrible weather. If it was, Emma and Dan would take them in.

It was just like old times; except better, because they were a couple, and they lived in the same house, and the whole pack was in the same town, together. Everything was right.

After weeks of recovering from their fight with the Wolfblood, Rhydian was finally returning to school. Maddy was quite nervous about what people's reactions would be after he'd been away for so long – she had kept her explanations to a minimum; just saying he was ill – but Rhydian wasn't worried at all. The only thing he was bothered about was how Maddy was feeling.

"It's going to be fine, Mads." Rhydian said from his position in front of the mirror. He was putting his tie on, Maddy on the other side of the room, brushing her hair.

"I just don't want to have to face all the questions," she said. "Because there will be questions. There are always questions."

"I know," he said softly. "But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Maddy moved across the room so she was standing behind him. She tilted her head to the side curiously.

"What?" Rhydian questioned, smirking at her reflection in the mirror.

"You always leave half your buttons undone." She reached around his torso from behind and started doing up the buttons that had been left loose from his waist downwards.

"Well don't do them back up again!" Rhydian exclaimed, pushing her hands away.

Maddy laughed. "Why not?"

"I've always worn them like that," Rhydian commented, turning to face her as he unfastened all the buttons she had done up for him, revealing the blue top he was wearing underneath.

"Not that many buttons," Maddy commented. She grabbed a hold of each side of his shirt, observing the button holes. "There are six undone buttons there. You might as well just not have it done up at all!"

Rhydian smirked. He took her face in his hands and looked her in the eyes. "Do you not like it like this?" He asked, but Maddy had a feeling that, even if she said yes, he wouldn't change it.

Maddy smiled and shook her head. "I don't really care how you do up your buttons, Rhydian. It's just I've only just noticed you do it."

"It's just comfier," he shrugged.

"Fair enough," Maddy shrugged, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I don't mind them undone anyway."

Rhydian smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Her bottom lip was caught between both of his, and as they pulled away, both of them broke in to grins.

"Love you," Rhydian said. He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Love you too. Now come on…let's go get this day over with."

"We'll be fine, Mads," he assured her as they set off out her bedroom door.

"Mhhmm." She didn't sound convinced.

"It's so nice to have you going to school with us," Maddy smiled as they walked through the woods. They were holding hands, Maddy pressed up against his arm with her head on his shoulder.

"It's nice to be able to be with you most of the day."

"Shame we're not in geography together, though."

"At least we're both in the others."

"How did we manage that? That's pure luck, right there."

When they walked in to school, Rhydian held Maddy's hand tighter as he sensed her getting slightly tenser. They attracted some looks from the occasional student (mainly ones in their year) but generally things were pretty normal, and they headed straight for the form room.

"Hey, Welshy!" Jimi called from across the room when Maddy and Rhydian walked through the door. "Where have you been all this time?"

"Maddy told you, I've been ill." Rhydian said, not even bothering to look over at Jimi. He held Maddy's hand tight as they walked to their usual table, and Maddy held it tightly in return.

The nerves were yet to leave her.

"Then why was Maddy away for a week too?" He questioned further, an annoyed smirk on his face. Why did he want to know everything?

"Technically," Rhydian started, pulling Maddy's chair out for her and then sitting on the table in front of her. "It's none of your business. But if you must know, Maddy caught what I had."


Rolling his eyes, Rhydian turned to Maddy and took her hand, squeezing it. "Wasn't so bad, was it?" he whispered.

Maddy shook her head. "Not yet."

"It'll be fine, Mads."

The day went by pretty slowly for the both of them, but that was fairly standard at school. It was nice for them to be there together, though, because for ages it had been just one of them at a time, which was never fun.

Jimi was being a douchebag, as usual. Shannon loved the A-level maths. Rhydian hated the A-level maths. Everything was back to normal now; or, at least, it was back to how it should be. Mostly, anyway. There were still some things that lingered from what had happened all those weeks ago, but for the most part things were settling back to a better way of living.

Last period was P.E. and, after a short afternoon break spent in the dark room, Maddy, Rhydian and Shannon all headed to the gym. All of them hated the fact that P.E. was a required subject to take, even at A-levels.

Maddy and Rhydian got plenty of exercise in their every day lives; why did they have to be forced to do more at school?

Begrudgingly, the three of them headed for the changing rooms just before the bell went, leaving ten minutes or so to get changed before Miss Graham got annoyed at them for being too slow.

"Oh my God," Maddy said quietly when her and Shannon were in the changing rooms.

"What?" Shannon turned to face her.

"My arm," Maddy whispered. "The scar. It's going to be so visible in this P.E. top." She held up her shirt for Shannon to see, and they both had frowns on their faces now.

"Crap," Shannon replied. She bit her lip, thinking.

"What am I going to do!?"

"Calm down, it's alright. We'll work something out."

"How? What is there to work out!? The scar is there, I can't get rid of it…"

Shannon pointed to Maddy as if she'd just had an idea. "Have you actually tried the top? – To see how much it shows?"

"No, but I know it'll be a lot."

"Just try it."

Maddy hesitated, but nodded anyway. "Okay," she headed off in the direction of one of the few cubicles, Shannon following behind. Once she was inside, she took off her top and replaced it with her P.E. shirt.

Opening the door just a crack, she showed her arm to Shannon who was waiting outside. "How does it look?"

Shannon looked her best friend over. "It doesn't look too bad, Mads. It's just the very edge of it."

As a test, Maddy lifted her arm up above her head, glancing at her reflection in the mirror.

Her eyes widened when her sleeve lifted and showed the whole scar; right there, blatantly, for everyone to see.

But then, an idea popped in to her head.

"Rhydian," Maddy said suddenly.

"What about Rhydian?"

"His shirt. If I wear one of his PE shirts, it'll cover it. Right?"

"Right," Shannon drawled, seeming dubious. "But it'll also be huge on you, Mads."

Maddy shrugged. "Better than a massive, pretty fresh scar being on show for everyone to see. And besides, I can knot it at the back."

"You don't think Miss Graham will wonder why you're wearing someone else's T-shirt that's way too big for you?"

Waving a carefree hand, Maddy walked out of the cubicle. "I'll just tell her I forgot my shirt and had to borrow Rhydian's spare."

"But your scar is going to be there forever, Mads. How are you going to deal with it next week?"

Maddy looked down for a tiny, tiny moment, still not liking the sound of 'the scar will be there forever'. But then she looked up and shrugged. "I don't know. We'll work it out. But right now, this is the best solution, right?"

Shannon nodded. "Yeah."

"Now, when you're dressed, can you go get Rhydian to give me one of your shirts?"

Nodding, Shannon turned to finish getting changed, leaving Maddy standing by the mirrors, waiting.

Sighing, Maddy leaned against the wall with her elbow, putting her face in to her hand. She didn't want to be scarred forever. She didn't want Rhydian to be scarred forever. What was she going to do when she wanted to go swimming? When she wanted to wear a regular vest top?

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was a message from Jana.
When she opened it, she couldn't help but let out a little giggle; it was a very off-centred selfie of Jana, with pretty much only half of her face showing, and the camera was obviously shaky, and she looked confused.

'Still figuring out this whole picture thing, but I'm having a long day at Segolia' the text read, and Maddy smiled to herself. It was probably one of the first selfies Jana had ever taken.

Still smiling softly, Maddy typed out her reply.

'It's called a selfie! I'm having a long day too. hugs xx'

As Maddy was walking back to her stuff, Shannon came back in with Rhydian's T-shirt in hand.

"It looks good on you," Rhydian said to Maddy as she walked out of the changing rooms and in to the gym hall. She headed towards him, and he was smirking, looking her up and down with an amused glint in his eyes.

"Are you kidding? I can't tell when you look at me like that." Maddy said, giving him a playfully annoyed look.

He grinned, leaning forward to kiss her on the forehead. "I'm partially kidding. But anything looks good on you."

"I don't care how it looks as long as you can't see…it."

"Well, you definitely can't. That T-shirt is so massive."

"Twice my size. Pretty much."

Chuckling, Rhydian took her hand and squeezed it. "You okay?"

Maddy nodded and looked down. "I guess. Just…feeling the after-effects a little today."

Rhydian frowned. He brought his finger up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Wanna talk about it later?"

"Yeah," Maddy nodded.

"Listen, Mads, I know things aren't the same now, but…"

"We'll talk about it later."

Maddy walked past him, knowing that now wasn't the time to be talking about deep things.

Swiftly, he came up behind her and grabbed her hand, lifting it up to kiss her skin quickly.

She looked up at him. He looked back, and they both smiled.

There were things they needed to adjust to now.

Things had changed so much since they left Canada, and even though they were still adjusting and getting used to how things were nowadays, and some days were bad days…everything was still pretty good.

Maddy and Rhydian were together, and they were home, with the people that mattered most to them. They had each other to get through the harder days.

Sometimes, where scars form, the skin ends up stronger than it ever was before.

A/N: HELLO. Welcome to the first chapter of After It All! I'm so excited about this...it's finally begun!

I have no idea how often I'll update as I'm busy and not very well atm :( but I do have lots of ideas for it, and I'm not going to abandon it. I know you guys have been waiting a while, and I was going to leave it until January (!) to start, because it'd be a year of TAG, but honestly I couldn't wait!

I really, really hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's sort of fluff I suppose. But I just wanted to convey that they're still dealing with what happened to them; it's not like it's all been left in the past and it doesn't effect them anymore. We're going to see them struggle through some of the aftermath in a few chapters; some of the things that have been left behind from the attack.

Please please PLEASE let me know what you think - I've been dying to hear your thoughts!

LOVE :* xxx