Ext. One Last Wish Ch. 2

"Vera, if you are here, do something to prove yourself." Finally. With all my strength I ran through Jasper and Alice, stirring the air around them. It was just enough to make their hair move with the motion. They looked at each other for a minute.

"Can you do that again Vera?" Jasper asked. I moved as quickly as I could in circles around them. The air followed me the way no natural wind could move.

"I believe you, Jazz." Alice whispered and stood up. "If they think you are crazy, they'll have to believe I am crazy, too." Jasper stood next to his wife.

"They already know that you are crazy. You spent some time in the loony-bin." He smiled at her and they went inside. I followed quickly, continuously projecting the happiness I felt.

"I'm real." I repeated this over and over again, trying to keep them believing in me.

My happiness grew to excitement when they knocked on the door to Carlisle's office. Were they really going to tell him? Would the family actually acknowledge my existence? They all spoke to me at one time or another, but it was more like they were speaking to my memory rather than me.

"Come in." I grinned as they entered his office. Esme was sitting on the edge of his desk. Would they tell her, too? Matthew was curled up in her lap. He looked at me and smiled before returning to his adoration of Esme. He was a good kid.

"We were wondering if we could speak to you about something. You'll have to keep an open mind." Alice began, closing the office door. No one else was listening. Rose and Emmett were occupied in their bedroom and Edward had taken his family to visit Bella's father.

"I will do my best." Carlisle responded easily, leaning back in his chair to a more relaxed position.

"We are vampires, the quilettes are shape shifters, and you know that werewolves exist, correct?" Jasper began.

"Yes, this is all correct." Carlisle informed them. I tried to give him a hug.

"Please believe in me. I'm real." I whispered in his ear.

"If we exist, and werewolves and shape shifters exist, do you believe there is any scientific reason why ghosts could not exist, also?" Jasper asked. To my surprise, Carlisle stayed in his relaxed position.

"I suppose it is possible. Almost all religions believe in some sort of life after death. There has been a lot of scientific research on this subject and some things discovered there has been no other known explanation for. I, personally, do not believe in ghosts. However, if you had any evidence at all, I am more than willing to consider the possibility." Alice grinned like the Cheshire cat when Carlisle finished speaking.

"Good. Because we don't just have evidence, we think we have proof. Brace yourself for the impossible." She told him before changing her tone. "Vera? Could you please show Carlisle and Esme what you showed us?" I looked at the paperwork on Carlisle's desk and thought of an idea. I moved back and forth though the desk and over it, causing the pages to move and one even fell on the floor. After that I moved in circles around and through Carlisle and Esme. The whole time I repeated,

"I'm real. I am real." When I stopped I stood between Carlisle and Esme, gauging their response. Esme closed her eyes and became motionless. That usually wasn't a good sign. Carlisle leaned forward and placed a hand on Esme's knee.

"That was certainly something I cannot explain. Can we finish discussing this later?" He asked while looking at his wife. Jasper and Alice took that as their cue to leave. They shut the door tightly behind them.