So I've just figured out that if I actually want you guys to see this before Christmas if over and done with I'd better start posting some chapters. I absolutely love a Christmas story. I wrote one last year Blue Christmas which was very well received (check it out if you haven't already) and I wanted to write one for this year and so here it is.

We'll be following Sherlock and Molly until at least Christmas Day and I may even add on a New Year's follow up...we'll see.

So here's hoping you're feeling nice and festive. Let's find out what Molly wants for if you hadn't guessed already ;). As always I own nothing.

All Molly Wants

Everything screamed of Christmas to Molly, the lights strung across the busy streets. The Christmas trees covered in baubles, some silver and purples others red and gold all shining out from the too brightly lit shop windows. Christmas cards were being delivered daily and Christmas songs being played heard in every shop and pub and restaurant. Molly wondered how the staff in these places could bear it; they'd been hearing this same music since the middle of November. She was already tired of the overly smooth voice of Michael Buble whom she heard at least three times a day if not more.

The best thing for Molly though were the Winter Wonderlands with their Santas and Elves; lines of fresh faced, excited children queuing up to tell Father Christmas what they wanted for Christmas.

Molly Hooper only wanted one thing for Christmas this year; Sherlock Holmes.

She was determined in a way that she had never been before. In the past she had been fairly passive, waiting and hoping that he would come to her. Initially she had tried to be more assertive. She'd asked him out after that time when she'd watched him whipping her dead, ex-work colleague in the morgue. She'd been almost embarrassed by how much of a thrill it had given her to watch him beating a dead body. In fairness though it wasn't the body or the whipping which had excited her but the strength and determination of the man coupled with his exceptional intelligence. Molly could never have fallen so in love with anyone stupid.

Humiliatingly though he hadn't even turned her down he'd just completely ignored her; purposefully misinterpreting her words.

A few months later she had made a real effort to dress up for a party at his flat; spending hours getting ready and finding him the perfect gift but it had all ended in disaster...mostly. The only bright spot had been his apology and kiss. If she closed her eyes and concentrated she could still remember the feel of it and the smell of his musky, mouth-watering aftershave.

The problem was her infatuation with him was not getting any easier to bear, if anything it was harder with each passing month and year. Not only was she something of a laughing stock amongst their mutual colleagues but her life was on hold; she was neither moving forwards nor backwards. She was stuck in this frustrating, heart breaking cycle of seeing him, helping him, being his friend but never making any further inroads.

This time it would be different, it had to be. Molly had made herself a vow, an ultimatum. Either she moved her relationship forward with Sherlock by Christmas or she gave him up forever, even if that meant her moving house and getting a new job. She was almost in her mid-thirties and she wanted a family, she couldn't afford to wait for him any longer. And it frightened her; it scared her to death because she knew how small her chance was of being successful. He was married to his work, possibly gay or more probably asexual and even if he wasn't it wasn't as if he'd ever shown any sign of being attracted to her. He respected her knowledge and her loyalty to him, he trusted her but no more.

The only action she had taken so far though was confiding in Mary Watson on one of their rare girls nights out. Mary, surprisingly, had absolute faith in Molly's ability to make this plan work.

'You go get him Molly, he won't be able to resist, won't even want to. You forget I've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks you can't see him.'

Molly frowned and tried to concentrate on getting her wine up to her mouth, 'how's that then? How does he look at me?'

'Like a man should look at a woman, especially one he wants to shag,' Mary replied tipping her glass in Molly's direction as she raised her eyebrows; not noticing as she slopped half the contents over the table.

She continued ruefully, 'man's gotta be pretty frustrated by now. I don't thinks he's slept with anyone in least that's what John's said. He'll be gagging for it.'

Molly shook her head feeling disbelief even through the haze of alcohol, 'oh I don't know about that Mary. He never seems particularly bothered by sex...or women...or even men for that matter. Maybe he's You know...doesn't want it.'

Mary snorted in response, 'rubbish, he probably has permanent wrist ache from wanking himself off every night.'

'Mary!' Molly's face showed her shock at her friend's crude assessment of the Consulting Detective.

Mary leant forward, waving off her friend's outrage, 'what you need is a plan! And who better than me to help you come up with it. an expert planner!'

At the time it seemed like an excellent idea and the next hour was filled with more and more increasingly obscure ways to get Sherlock into Molly's bed. By the end of the night they were crying with laughter and promising to not leave it so long until the next night out.


The next morning as Molly was nursing her hangover with coffee and aspirin she assumed her conversation with Mary would just be forgotten. She could barely remember any of the details let alone the plans they had come up with, well...apart from the one where Mary suggested they kidnap Sherlock and then chain him to Molly's bed for the whole of the month of December.

It was only when she glanced at her phone just before lunch and saw the text from Mary that she realised her compatriot was not going to let this be forgotten. She let out a groan.

Plan in motion! Come round once you're feeling well enough and we can discuss. PS hope you're feeling as shit as I am. Mary x

It was late afternoon before Molly felt even close to being well enough to leave her apartment. When she arrived at the Watsons John opened the door and raised an eyebrow as he gestured for her to enter. 'Well I'm glad it wasn't just Mary who over-indulged last night. Do you have any idea what state she was in when she got home last night?'

'I've seen you worse mister,' came Mary's voice from the front room, 'and at least Molly and I didn't end up in a prison cell overnight unlike some.'

John rolled his eyes and smiled as he took Molly's coat, 'yeah, yeah fair enough. Tea or coffee Molly?'

'Tea please, John, white no sugar. I think I've had enough coffee for today.'

'Alright, go on through. We're just finishing putting up our decorations. You can help, apparently I hang everything wrong.'

Molly smiled back at him and then turned into the small but cosy front room.

She found Mary adding baubles and tinsel to the Christmas tree with baby Elizabeth sat on a rug at her feet chewing on a rubber ring whilst gurgling and pointing at the tree.

'Hey you two, you're a bit organised Mary I haven't even got my decorations out yet let alone put any up. How're you feeling now?'

Mary grimaced, 'rough. Being hungover with a small child is no joke I can tell you. John got up with her first thing but he had to go out at nine to meet Sherlock about a case and he's only just got back. You?'

'Same, though at least I had the luxury of a lie in and a quiet morning. What was the case?'

Mary waved her hand distractedly, 'God knows, I didn't have the energy to ask.'

John came in at that moment with a tray of drinks. 'It was nothing Molly. Sherlock told me there was a case but when I got round there he just needed someone to go buy some teabags for him and go through his emails. Honestly he drives me mad sometimes, as though I'm purely there to be at his beck and call. I really don't know what you see in him Molly.'

Molly blushed and looked quizzically at Mary, 'oh yes I might have told him what we were discussing last night. I didn't think you'd mind, anyway we're going to need John's help in this, a man on the inside so to speak.'

'Now Mary, I'm really not sure...'

'Shh and just do as you're told. You said yourself he'd benefit from a good shag.'

'Well that's as maybe but I like Molly and wouldn't want to inflict him on her. Honestly Molly you deserve better you really do.'

Molly sat herself down and after finding a safe place for her cuppa she picked up the baby who clung to her cardigan before playing with the buttons trying to tug them off and into her mouth. Molly jigged her knee up and down absentmindedly as she spoke.

'Well maybe I do but until I get Sherlock out of my system it's not fair for me to hook up with someone else. I tried that with Tom and look at how that all ended. I know Mary and I were joking last night about me snaring Sherlock but honestly, I think the time has come for me to move on. Maybe get a new job in a new city...a complete break.'

Mary sat down with a thud beside her looking horror struck, 'no Molly you can't leave.'

Molly tried to smile but it felt all twisted on her face, 'I don't want to go Mary but I need to move on with my life. I don't want to end up alone and childless and I'm not getting any younger. I have to be practical and if that means moving so be it. I'm never going to meet someone else when I'm seeing Sherlock almost daily.'

'Right, well that just seals it then. We have to make this plan work. Operation Shag-a-Sherlock starts now and we will be successful. John you're in, no buts no arguments, you have to help us.'

John laughed and shook his head, 'sorry Molly there's no arguing with my wife when she gets a bee in her bonnet about something. So it looks like we're along for the ride whether we like it or not.'

Mary stood back up and picked up a new piece of tinsel, 'well the good news is I already have a few ideas and the first one is partially in place. I figured that before we go much further we need to get a feel for how much Sherlock currently cares about Molly and there's only one way to do that...'

She looked round at them expectantly and then rolled her eyes when they just looked at her blank faced.

'Oh for goodness sake it's not rocket science. We need to see if we can make him jealous.'

And so it begins. Operation Shag-A-Sherlock is go. Let me know what you think.