Here's a new story that popped in my head. I'm posting this because, like with Pokemon, I was a fan of the Batman cartoon of the 90's back when I was a kid and after I went to Youtube to look up some clips from the show, I had a reminiscence moment of my joy from watching it and I want to try this one out.

This is borrowed from the episode "Harley's Holiday". For those who don't know, it's where the character Harley Quinn is granted parole and released from Arkham Asylum to try living a normal life until things spiraled out of control and it landed her back in the asylum. This is my take on what happened after the episode ended.

I now got an interest in DC Comics after playing "Injustice Gods Among us." It's pretty cool.

"Home again, home again. Jiggity-jig." Harley Quinn said in a depressed tone. She really screwed up today. She received a clean bill of health earlier today and was free to leave Arkham Asylum to reboot herself and after that, shit got sour for her.

After a mass confrontation with Batman, Robin, a mob boss, a military general who was the father of a woman she unintentionally took along with her and the Gotham cops, Quinn was captured and here she was, being escorted inside the very same mental prison that released her earlier in handcuffs by the Dynamic Duo themselves. Proving to be sane and ready to leave crime was her goal for today and she failed.

"Not for too long though." said an Arkham doctor named Joan Leland, the very doctor who allowed Harley's release and treated Harley kindly unlike most of the asylum staff. The reason was because the two women used to work together before Harley's turn to crime. "Ms. Vreeland dropped the kidnapping charges once she informed me what happened between you and her. With a little more hard work, you'll should be ready to reenter society for good."

"Yay." Harley said sadly as Robin unlocked her cuffs, knowing she was too depressed to try anything funny.

"There's one thing I gotta know." she said to Batman. "Why'd you stay with me all day, risking your butt for someone who's never given you anything but trouble?"

"I know what it's like to try and rebuild a life. I had a bad day too once." Batman said and he held up a bag and took out the item it contained: a pink dress Harley purchased at a large clothing department moments before she panicked and started the mess.

Harley was stunned that she got her item back from the same man who fought her and brought her back.

She clutched the dress close to her chest with gratitude.

"Nice guys like you shouldn't have bad days." Harley said, glad for not only getting her purchased dress back, but also knowing that Batman, the man who was supposed to be her enemy, still believed in her when nobody else did except Dr. Leland.

She leaned in and gave the Dark Knight a quick peck on the cheek to show her gratefulness to him and turned around, shy at what she just did and leaving Batman stumped.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up when an idea formed in her head.

Aw, the hell with it!

Harley carelessly tossed her dress on the floor, turned around and did something nobody expected her to do, not even her:

She grabbed Batman and planted a large kiss right on the lips!

Dr. Leland, Robin and Poison Ivy were extremely stunned by this sight! If Joker saw this, he'd freak out and order a hit on Batman for kissing his woman and Harley for this act of betrayal. Good thing he was somewhere else at the moment.

Harley finished her kiss with a big "Mwuah!"

Batman was too shocked to apprehend what just happened. He was just kissed by one of his adversaries. Normally Catwoman or Talia would have performed such an act as they themselves were outlaws, but Harley Quinn!? The psychotic doctor and accomplice of Joker?

"Call me." she said shyly like a lovestruck teenager.

"Don't press your luck." said Batman as he and Robin made their leave from Arkham Asylum.

Dr. Leland escorted Harley to her cell and the clown girl followed her.

"Eh, what are you lookin' at?" Harley said to Ivy as she walked past her, leaving the plant woman in silent wonder after seeing her clown friend make out with the man who put them in that asylum countless times. Harley did not give a crap who saw and what they thought about it. She regretted nothing about kissing the city vigilante and she liked it. She'd do it again if given the chance.

Well, I'd never thought I'd see that. Ivy thought.

"Sorry about what happened with you today, Ms. Quinn. I know you never meant any of that today." said Dr. Leland.

"I know, me too. I really did try to be good and follow the rules, but when I saw that store guard walkin' toward me after I bought that dress there, I panicked and . . . well, you know the rest. I thought I was being targeted again just because of my infamous rep as the Joker's squeeze. At least the bat gets me and believes in that redemption thing for me. You do too, right?" said Harley.

"Of course I do, Harley. Keeping Veronica safe from harm after kidnapping her by mistake was evidence that you're willing to change yourself. That's why she dropped the charges against you. Now would you like anything before the lights go off?" Leland asked as they approached Harley's old cell and opened it for her.

"Just a glass of water and somethin' ta put me to sleep. Normally drugs are off limits around here except for those ones ya give to wacky inmates, but from what I've been through, I really could use some of it and I can't sleep on my own because of my day." said the jester as she stepped inside.

"Alright. I'll be back with your request."

"Thanks, Dr. Leland. Oh, and please call me by my real name. Since 'Harley Quinn' was my criminal name and with me being over the crime thing as I've told Bruce Wayne and his girlfriend at that store, I have no use for that name anymore and if I'm gonna get another shot of startin' over, I want to return to using my original name. Harley Quinn is forever dead just like my bad side."

"Okay, Harleen Quinzel." said the doctor and she closed the cell and left Harley alone.

The clown girl looked around her cell. It was decorated with pictures and homemade posters of the Joker, her "puddin'." Usually she would gaze at the images in a ga-ga manner and fall for the mad clown no matter what he did to her, but not anymore. She even had a clown doll she played with once when she was "hired" by Batman to help him disable some bombs that threatened the entire city.

Having enough of the man who calls himself the "Clown Prince of Crime", Harley tore off the memorabilia and crumbled it all into a bag of papers. Her obsession with Joker was gone and in its place was a need to return to the sane self she used to be and tried to be today. That and her newfound interest in Batman. It was just one kiss, but she began to see it as possibly something more. It was crazy like her former obsession with Joker, but it was in a good way this time.

Dr. Leland returned with a glass of water and a syringe filled with a sedative. Used to incapacitate dangerous, uncooperative inmates, this time it was being used by a patient who was willing to have it.

"Here you are Harley, I mean, Harleen. One glass of water and, well, you know what this is. We have no more sleeping pills, so this was the best I could do."

Harley looked at the syringe. It reminded her of the few times she was injected with those whenever she behaved wildly. This time, she wanted it.

"It's fine by me, doc." Harley said and took the water and drank it. It felt refreshing and it washed away the taste of vomit from her mouth from throwing up on Batman's cape after the hero caught her from falling to her death.

After a moment of thinking, Harley approached the asylum worker and revealed her bare neck for what was coming.

"Okay doc, lemme have it." she said.

Joan Leland stuck the needle into Harley's neck and injected the drug. Harley flinched a little from the pain of being pricked, but it was over in a second.

"Sorry Harleen." said the doctor after seeing her wince.

"It's fine. That's part of the process. Oh, and can you throw this out for me?" Harley asked and showed her the pictures. "If you're wonderin' what it is, it's all the Joker stuff I made while living here. Like my crime identity, all the feelings I had for Joker are dead and gone. I won't be needin' 'these anymore."

Dr. Leyland was amazed at what the clown girl did while she was gone. She really was turning over a new leaf after all and this was proof. Getting rid of Joker's things was something she'd never do, but right now, it was.

"Yes, at once Ms. Quinzel." the doctor said with happiness in her voice. She was glad that Harleen Quinzel was changing herself.

"Thanks doc. I . . . oooh man, that sleeping drug works fast. Can't remember the last time . . . they stuck it to me. I can . . . barely stay awake . . . or sleep. Goodnight world." Harley said with a yawn and plopped herself on her cell bed.

"Goodnight Harleen." said Dr. Leland and shut the cell door and left.

Harley mumbled something incoherently, but was too sleepy to clear herself.

Soon, she was snoring and was out like a light.

There's my first chapter. As I said, I'm writing this because I loved the show a long time ago besides Pokemon and a Youtube vid of the show took me back to my childhood years. Along with "Injustice", I'm also now starting to play the "Arkham" games after seeing one of my uncles play it at a party I went to. They're pretty cool. Why didn't I play them before? Anyway, this story will have romance in it and it's been a long time since I wrote anything romantic. My last story with romance was my Pokemon/Primal Rage crossover story despite it being action-y. I hope you like this one. I'll post more. I've also been reading about the DC characters to get more info so I can post more DC-themed stories later.

For those who are reading my HaloHazard story, I'm still working on that, so don't worry if you think I'm bored with it. I'm just letting out some ideas here.