Wow. It's been a while, huh guys? Sorry.
*Italics are Sam's thoughts*
The next time Sam woke up, he felt almost no pain. Considering everything he could be feeling, he was thankful to be on strong pain killers. However, the strong pain killers also meant that his body was no longer under his control and that was something he absolutely hated.
Blinking slowly to allow his eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room, an unavoidable groan slipped out as the sunlight streaming in from the window assaulted his eyes and made the pounding in his head crank up a few notches.
Hearing his name, he slowly turned his head towards the sound and saw Spike and Jules sitting in chairs beside his bed. Looking around the room some more, he saw Wordy, Ed and Greg as well.
Seeing Sam's confused eyes looking at him, Ed carefully and slowly took a few steps towards him. "Sam, buddy, you with us?"
Sam stared at him for a few more seconds before answering. "Yeah, I'm with you," he said, his voice rough.
Hearing his voice, Jules quickly poured him some water, which he immediately drank with a grateful smile. When he finished his water, Sam looked around the room expectantly. Greg saw the look and spoke up. "How ya feelin' Sam?"
Looking around at the concerned faces of his teammates, Sam chose his answer carefully. "Stiff. How long was I out?"
"About three days." Greg answered. Seeing Sam's eyes grow wide, he quickly continued on, reaching out to put a calming hand on Sam's arm. "But, your body needed every minute of those three days to heal and get better, so don't freak out, OK?"
Sam nodded, but his body was still tense. Greg, hand still on Sam's arm, felt how tense Sam was. "Are you in pain, Sam?"
Sam silently shook his head. A look of confusion covered his face and his eyes quickly scanned the room.
Concerned by Sam's silence, the other members of Team One stepped closer towards the bed. The look on Sam's face and the wildness of his eyes amplified their concern.
"Sam, what is it?" Jules asked, taking one of Sam's hands that had started fisting the sheets. "What's wrong?"
"Different room," Sam said, confused and quiet.
His eyes continued to dart around the room, taking in the surroundings that were very different from his last hospital room. Sam's memories were swirling around in his mind and he was having a really hard time thinking logically. He vaguely remembered waking up in a different room and in a lot of pain, presumably in the hours following his rescue and now, he was in a brand new room.
Given all the time he's spent in hospitals in the past, and the fact that he'd apparently been in the hospital for three days, Sam knew the way they worked. At the beginning of his stay, he knew he most likely would've been in the ICU. Taking the three-day time change and the number of visitors in the room into consideration, he knew he'd, naturally, be in a different room as he healed.
Sam knew all of this, yet he couldn't understand it; his brain was too muddled by pain meds to allow him to think clearly. "I'm in a different room."
"You remember waking up before?" Ed asked after sharing a troubled glance at the rest of his teammates. Seeing Sam's minute nod, he continued guardedly. "Do you remember anything else?"
Closing his eyes, Sam concentrated and racked his brain trying to remember. Blurry images popped in and out of his head as he struggled to remember. Suddenly, images of the last time he was conscious came to the forefront of his mind and Sam's eyes snapped open. His breathing became erratic and he tried to sit up, but a blinding pain in his abdomen and the sudden arrival of several pairs of hands stops him.
"Whoa Samtastic," Spike said, gently pushing his friend back down on the bed. "Take it easy."
"What—what happened?" Sam panted out, staring at the members of his team surrounding him.
"What did you remember?" Ed asked, eyeing Sam carefully.
Sam turned his focus to Ed with a glare. Why won't he just tell me? He and I both know what happened, hell everyone probably knew what happened. "You know what I remembered. You know what happened, I know what happened, we ALL know what happened. What I don't know is what happened afterwards so I'll ask again, what happened?"
The members of Team One all shared a look with each other before turning back to look at Sam. Just as they were about to tell Sam what happened however, Dr. Liotta entered the room, having been told that Sam was awake from a nurse who passed by his room.
Dr. Liotta kicked them all out of the room so he could check on Sam, much to Sam's dislike, but they were all allowed back in about 10 minutes later after Dr. Liotta gave Sam a good report.
When the members of Team One returned to Sam's room, they found him gently propped up on pillows in bed. The hospital gown he had been wearing had been removed, leaving Sam in just a pair of light blue scrub pants. His chest was almost completely covered in crisp, white gauze but still served as a painful reminder of everything Sam had been subjected too.
One look at Sam's saddened face told the members of Team One that Dr. Liotta had confirmed all of Sam's suspicions and answered all of his questions. He looked almost disappointed in himself—angry at himself that he was, once again, showing "weakness" and experiencing flashbacks even though he had been tortured before.
Greg, Ed, Wordy, Spike and Jules all surrounded Sam's bed and each placed a comforting hand on Sam.
Sam looked up at them and gave them a small smile, but the sadness and hurt in his eyes was easily identifiable. Wordy, always the caring father of the group, moved his hand from Sam's arm and gently placed it on Sam's shoulder and gave a light squeeze. Sam looked up at him questioningly.
"I can't even begin to imagine what you went through Sam," Wordy began sincerely, looking Sam in the eyes. "And I'm sorry that you had to go through something like that again, but you don't have to deal with the aftermath alone this time. We're your team—your family—and we're here for you, whatever you need."
The other members of Team One all agreed emphatically. Spike gave Sam's other arm a small pat then took over for Wordy. "Wordy's right, Samtastic; we've got your back!"
Jules gave Sam's hand a squeeze and he turned his attention to her. "You're strong Sam. You'll get through this this time, just like you did the last time, and you'll come out better and stronger than you did before. Like Spike and Wordy said, we'll be with you every step of the way because we're family and we love you."
Greg and Ed each gave similar sentiments. Sam stared at his teammates—the people who somehow had become his family—and knew, without a doubt, that what they said was true. He smiled at them, let his guard down and let his abused body relax; his team had his back and would help him through the aftermath of Saleem and whatever came with it.
*The end!*
I think! I might add a small epilogue or something, but I don't know. I have another fic I want to start and school has me EXTREMELY busy right now so I don' t know when I would have the time to work on it.
Regardless, I hope this ending didn't disappoint too much!
Thanks for all the follows, favorites and reviews! Your support means so much to me!