For You

Love is not as simple as saying the words, 'I love you'. It's not something you can just move into lightly. Love can be shown through a gesture; a smile, a look, a small touch. He doesn't have to say 'You're the most divine creature,' for you to feel beautiful. He doesn't have to say 'I love you', to say it. His hand wrapped around yours, a small squeeze for encouragement. The last time you said good-bye, it's not with words. His lips on yours; secret and swift. You hope to see him again, but you've accepted the chance that you might have missed your chance to show him what he meant to you. But he knows.

All these things are running through my mind as I make my way through the crowd. Spells and screams are echoing around me. I'm distracted, I know it. But I cannot keep my mind from him. A streak of light flashes past, and his brother pushes me out of the way.
"Hermione!" He screams. "Are you okay?" Ron's eyes are searching my face. I nod.

I remember back to the hidden moments, the quiet times we spent together. His lips on mine, and his heartbeat pounding against my back as he holds me close to him. I have never felt safer than when I am in his arms. I turn from the battle, heading back to the castle to find him – I need to feel safe again.

That's when it happens. BOOM! The air is sucked from me as the side of the castle explodes out into the courtyard. Another scream joins the rest and there is a feeling in my gut that something has gone very wrong.

It has been a few weeks since the battle, and the hole in the side of the castle has been patched up. I walk through the rows of stones which now occupy a beautiful clearing in the woods. My fingertips graze the tops as I walk silently. Tears are falling down my face as I stop at one, the name haunting me. We were supposed to protect each other – but I failed him. I turned my back on him and he paid my price.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper.

There are footsteps behind me and I don't need to turn to know who it is. My eyes are fixed on the stone.

Ronald Weasley

1980 – 1998

Son. Friend. Hero.

Sometimes words can have hidden meanings, or at least mine do.

I turn to face him, willing a smile to form on my face – but I can't.
"I'm so sorry, Fred!" I gasp, my breathing quickening as I let it all go. He just holds me in his arms and rocks us side to side as I cry.
"I'm glad you survived," I whisper through the tears.
"You too."

"I love you."
"I love you, too."

A/N: Words - 480

Getting Around - (Hermione/Fred)

Speed Drabble - Hermione/Fred, "I'm glad you survived", "You're the most divine creature"

This story was inspired by Troye Sivan's song, 'for him'. As well as some of the annotation he puts with it.