Author's Note: After ten months, 200,000+ words, three prequels (one of which was a mini-fic), migraines, writer's block, laughter, tears, frustration, scrapped chapters and plot points, wanting to give up, and the unwavering support of my beta, Tina (I couldn't have finished this without you), fanfiction friends (you know who you are my loves), and, of course you, the readers—here we are at the end of Wolves without Teeth. I cannot thank all of you enough for the 140 reviews, 28,000 views, 140+ favs, and nearly 300 follows. When I began this journey back in November, it was meant to be a quick 50,000 project for NaNoWriMo, but it exploded into this masterpiece. I hope that you loved the journey as much as I have, and I look forward to your reaction to this final chapter. Please make sure to review when you've finished reading. xxDustNight
*Trigger warnings in this chapter: Explicit language, suicidal thoughts, discussion of miscarriage!
Disclaimer: All non-original characters, plot points, and information belongs to those at Marvel Studios, Warner Brothers, or J.K. Rowling. The title, "Wolves without Teeth" comes from the song of the same title by the fantastic Of Monsters and Men. The cover photo was created for me by the lovely Freya Ishtar. The story plot and dialogue belongs to me. I do not write for profit.
Wolves without Teeth
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Loki Laufeyson
Rating: M (Rated Mature for adult language, violence, and sexual situations)
Epilogue: Conception
Song Recommendations: "Viva Forever" by the Spice Girls, "Dark Paradise" by Lana Del Rey, "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion, and "Somewhere Out There" by Knights Bridge
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"She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky
and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars."
— Neil Gaiman
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Epilogue: Conception
April 8, 2016: 7:23am
Headline from the morning edition of The Telegraph:
"Mysterious explosion in sky still plaguing world."
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April 12, 2016:8:44pm
Hermione was roused briefly from her sleep by hushed voices. She knew it was late by the darkness of the room, but had no idea how long she'd been asleep, hours…or days…her conception of time always disintegrated when she fell into depression.
"How is she doing?"
Ron. He was always making sure she was alright, the most attentive of her best friends.
"Not eating, barely sleeping…she crashed maybe four hours ago?"
"Do you think we should wake her and take her back to the flat?"
Harry…always wanting to be practical about these things.
"No, let her sleep. She'll need her rest if she's getting ready for another bender."
"It's been ages. Do you really think she'll fall back into that?"
"I think we should be prepared for anything this time…the Rime Diamonds; they're going to make sure she feels worse than ever before."
He wasn't wrong…already Hermione could feel the tendrils of sorrow wrapping themselves around her heart, squeezing the life out of out her. She screwed her eyes shut, biting back a whimper. She didn't just miss Loki's presence, his love…she mourned it.
"Look, we'll come back tomorrow to check on her…give us a call if things take a turn for the worse."
"Of course."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
April 20, 2016: 3:01pm
"Thank you for allowing me to stay here, Bruce."
"It's not a problem. Are you sure you don't want to stay longer? I'll miss your company in the lab in the middle of the night." Bruce smiled at Hermione from where he leaned against the tree in the back yard. After nearly two full weeks with the witch, he'd really grown used to having her around, and until Jane and Darcy returned, he'd be alone.
"I'd love to, you know, but it's time I went home. Besides, I'll be popping in from time to time." She tucked her loose curls behind one ear as the wind picked up. "I still have a few hours left to fulfill for my internship before they grant me my diploma." Both stood there awkwardly for a moment before Hermione added, "You'll contact me if they return, won't you?"
"You'll be the first to know."
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April 23, 2016: 11:12am
"What do you mean they're not coming back?"
Hermione hated the frantic way her voice sounded as she stood in the middle of Jane's yard. Her eyes darted quickly to Darcy, who looked uncomfortable, even more so than Jane, who was watching Hermione as she picked nervously at the sleeve of her faded, grey jumper. Ignoring the comforting hand Bruce placed on her shoulder from behind, she widened her eyes to get her mentor to answer.
"After Loki destroyed Fenrir, everything erupted into chaos. The Frost Giants—the Jotuns—they presented him with the throne."
"The throne of Jotunheim?" Even to her own ears the question sounded ridiculous. "Loki killed Thrym and somehow survived the star magic blast, and they just…handed him the throne?"
"Yes, at least, that's what Thor told us when he returned to Asgard with the others…and he advised Loki to accept right away so that they wouldn't have to battle any of his other relatives for his rightful place as king later." Jane let her explanation fill the air around them.
"So, he's not coming back then?"
"Not right now, no."
Hermione said nothing before disapparating back to her flat.
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May 2, 2016: 7:39pm
"Come now, Theodore. Surely after everything we've been through, you can call me by my first name?"
"Fine then, Hermione. What can I do for you?"
"You mentioned a prophecy with my name on it, care to elaborate?"
"Not really, no."
"Then why bother mentioning it at all?"
"I thought it might have something to do with that ordeal with Loki. Clearly, I was wrong."
"I want to see it."
"Not going to happen, love. See you around."
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May 2, 2016: 7:58pm
"Shit, Hermione—you can't sneak up on a bloke like that!"
Rolling her eyes, Hermione huffed with exasperation. "Seriously? I'm about fairly certain you saw me coming from across the room. In fact, I know you did because I had to follow you all over the bloody Great Hall for ten minutes trying to catch up to you."
Smiling cheekily, Blaise rubbed the back of his head, clearly caught. "Might have been avoiding you, yeah."
"For fuck's sake, that's ridiculous."
"What a potty-mouth you've turned into in your old age."
"Oh come off it, Blaise. You're worse than I am, if I recall." Stepping closer to her ex-boyfriend, she lowered her voice. "I need to ask you a favor."
"Darling, if you recall, you and I didn't work out so well." When she swatted at his arm, he laughed heartily and took a more serious tone. "If this is about the prophecy, I can't do anything about that."
"I want to hire you as my solicitor."
Letting out a low whistle, Blaise gestured over his head. "Wow. I did not see that one coming."
"So, can you take me on?"
"I'd do anything for you, Hermione…but why do you need a solicitor?"
"Why else would someone need a solicitor? I need to write up my Will."
He gave her a hard stare, but she refused to appear out of the ordinary. Quietly, he asked, "Why would you need to write up your Will?"
"Blaise, I think you know why."
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May 6, 2016: 3:07am
Screaming, Hermione bolted upright in bed, clutching desperately at her chest. Flashes of the nightmare still playing in front of her eyes, she tumbled from the bed, barely making it to the bathroom in time. When she'd finished being sick, she curled into a ball on the floor, sobs wracking her body as blood and gore haunted her mind. No one was going to come to her aid now; she was alone.
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May 9, 2016: 10:32am
"Did you hear? Kingsley is thinking of retiring in the early New Year."
Hermione pursed her lips as she stared at Harry across the desk in her office. "Theo mentioned it last week. What does it matter?"
"I think you should apply for the position. It would be good for you."
"Not really…I don't honestly plan on sticking around much longer."
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May 19, 2016: 4:14am
Washing her mouth out with cool water, Hermione tried to stave off the nausea she was currently feeling. Her nightmares were only getting worse, and as the days wore on, she was becoming weaker. She could feel her energy waning from the lack of sleep, and the constant vomiting. Harry and Ron were already worried about her, but if this kept up, she wasn't sure how much longer she'd make it without him. The separation was almost more than she could bear.
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May 19, 2016: 11:54am
"Damn, Granger. You look like shit."
"Theo, that compliment never gets old, let me tell you."
"I'm not joking this time. You really do look unwell. Are you sure you're alright?"
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May 19, 2016: 1:18pm
Gagging, Hermione dashed down the hall, feeling Harry close on her heals. Bending over and placing her hands on her knees, she tried to breathe evenly, but it was a rather difficult task. Her chest felt like it was caving in, and tears stung in her eyes. She hated every second of this, and now it was starting to affect her work. That was a rather important departmental meeting she'd just left. When the nausea finally abated, she tried to right herself, but failed, deciding it better to just slump down onto the floor against the wall. Glancing up she finally met Harry's worried eyes.
"I can't do this anymore, Harry. I'm not going to survive."
"Merlin, Hermione...I didn't realize it was this bad. What can I do to help?"
As her head tipped backward to rest against the wall, she groaned, eyes going closed. "Nothing, Harry. There's only two ways to end this pain, and I expect I'll end up choosing the second before the first ever happens."
Instead of arguing, or trying to talk her out of such thoughts, Harry slid down the wall to sit upon the floor next to her. Taking her hand in his, he allowed her head to rest on his shoulder, not even complaining when she began to cry in earnest.
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May 24, 2016: 10:39pm
Text messages between Darcy Lewis and Hermione Granger:
D: Hey girl. Have you seen the news?
H: I've just turned it on. I hope Wanda is alright. I don't think for one minute she meant to do that.
D: We don't think she meant to either.
D: Greenie thinks they're going to be calling for the supers to register themselves with the government.
H: What's he going to do?
D: Probably go back underground for a while. We'll have to wait and see what happens next.
H: Tell him he'd better say goodbye first.
D: Will do. Btw...are you going to come by the lab this week?
D: I miss you...maybe I can come there.
D: Jane is boring me to death with star charts again.
H: We can make plans. I've not been feeling the best.
D: Okay. Have a good night. Ttyl.
H: Night.
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May 30, 2016: 7:10am
Waking up on the bathroom floor was starting to become a habit. Nightmares always led to bouts of sickness, which then led to crashing on the carpet by the toilet. And usually, she'd be sick again when she woke up, the realization that Loki had seemingly abandoned her sinking into the point where her heart ached so badly she could barely breathe.
Today she hardly had any strength at all to get to the shower afterward. There'd be no time for breakfast, not that she had any appetite for it, to be honest. If she didn't get moving soon, she'd be late for work again as well.
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June 5, 2016: 6:00pm
A small group of Draco's closest friends gathered at Malfoy Manor to pay respects on his birthday. Hermione hung at the back, allowing everyone else to mingle and talk while she tried to keep it together. They'd come inside after visiting his tomb, Narcissa having orchestrated a small meal for them all. Hermione managed a few bites before the nausea returned full force. Ron kept shooting her worried glances, but she merely smiled, trying not to call attention to herself. Today was about Draco, not about heartsick Hermione Granger. She ended up leaving the gathering early, preferring the quiet sanctuary of her flat where she only had to worry about herself and her cat.
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June 14, 2016: 8:35am
The first sign that something was wrong should have alerted Hermione that morning when she'd struggled to open her eyes, or get out of bed even. Somehow, she'd managed to get to work on time by eight, but she was steadily crashing now. Her brain felt fuzzy, her mouth parched from dehydration. She knew the signs, more acquainted with them than she should be from her difficult past. A hospital visit was in her near future, but she had no idea how close. Maybe Harry would take her during their lunch, or she could owl Ron. He was always so kind and helpful when she needed him...but he had a wedding to plan with Pansy. He didn't have time to be fussing with her. No, Hermione would have to take care of herself this time…
...Or she could let it end. What was the point in living when you had nothing left to live for, anyway?
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June 14, 2016: 9:02am
Room spinning. Lights flashing behind eyelids. Blackness. Searing pain. Shaking. Ringing in her ears.
Blinking slowly, sluggishly, Hermione stared up into Harry's face, his green eyes not the ones she desperately wanted to see looking back at her right now. He was saying something. Possibly asking if she was alright, but she felt so tired. So tired. Letting her eyes drift closed, she thought maybe it was time to let go. This time, maybe, she'd stay in the darkness. It was nice there. Quiet. Calm. She didn't have to feel there.
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June 16, 2016: 12:30am
"Shhhh! Do you want to wake her? The Healer said she needs rest."
"Sorry, but I need to see her."
"Family only until she's conscious."
"Can it, Weasley. You're not her family either."
"Why should you be allowed to see her?"
"I'm her solicitor."
"If you two don't pipe down; the nurse is going to kick us out!"
"Fine, Potter, but I'll be back in the morning."
"Did you know she hired a solicitor?"
"No, but after everything she's been through, I'm not surprised."
"She scared me half to death. I thought I lost her, Ron...seeing her like that. It shook me."
"I know...remember, it was me who found her like that the last time."
"I remember. Did you talk to the Healer, about her...condition?"
"Yeah. Do you think she knew?"
"I don't know."
"Are you alright? I mean, that has to bring back memories."
"It does, but I'll be okay. As long as Hermione makes it through this, I'll be okay."
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June 17, 2016: 1:13pm
She picked at the comforter the nurse insisted she kept tucked around her, staring out the fake window. Her lip was nearly mangled from the amount of biting she'd done to it, but she couldn't help but to worry. She'd nearly died this time. The Healer insisted she'd not survive another bout of this. She had to get her shit together. There was no other option. Bringing her trembling hand up to her heart, she pushed against her chest, trying to make the ache dissipate. It didn't work, and as tears began dribbling down her cheeks, she allowed her grief to consume her. She didn't want to do this alone...she couldn't.
Even so, she had no other choice.
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June 30, 2016: 7:40pm
Text messages between Darcy Lewis and Hermione Granger:
H: Saw you tried calling. Was in the shower.
D: Thor is back. Arrived twenty minutes ago.
H: On my way.
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June 30, 2016: 7:44pm
"Before you ask, yes. He is alright."
Dropping to her knees in the rain-damp grass, Hermione covered her face with both hands, succumbing to her tears. She struggled to get herself together, eventually able to choke back her sobs.
"Is he going to come back to me?"
"He cannot right now. The situation on Jotunheim is precarious, and he must remain there. I've only returned to fetch Jane for my coronation as King." Scratching at the scruff along his face, he added, "You are welcome to come as well, he may be attending, but that is still undecided."
Swallowing back a fresh wave of grief, Hermione shook her head sadly. "I can't travel right now...I've—I was just released from the hospital with strict directions to take it easy."
"You were in the hospital?" Jane came forward, her face full of concern. "I didn't know that. Did you, Darcy?"
"No...why didn't you text or call? We wondered why you'd been radio silent."
When Thor offered to help her stand, she took his hand, allowing him to do so. Using the back of her sleeve to wipe her cheeks, Hermione decided she might as well tell them the truth. They'd find out eventually anyway.
"There is...there is something you should know."
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July 6, 2016: 5:43pm
I've received the copy of my updated Will. I really owe you for this. I hope you have a lovely dinner with Theo. Give him my love!
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July 11, 2016: 10:59pm
Coming out of the kitchen, Hermione was surprised to see Ron standing in her living room so late at night. "Ron? Is everything alright?" She took a sip from the glass of water she held, having just finished taking her vitamins.
"I'm fine, but I was wondering if you could help me with something...if it's not too awkward for you."
Sighing, Hermione walked across the room and eased down onto the couch. "Look, after everything you've done for me, of course I'll help. What is it?"
"Pansy wants us to write our own vows."
"Yeah," he said rubbing the back of his awkwardly. "I'm not sure I know how."
"Well, what do you have so far? Any ideas?" When he merely grinned, she knew he had nothing. Smiling back at him, she gestured at the other end of the couch with a laugh. "Sit. Let's talk it through."
"You're the best, 'Mione."
"That's what you always say."
"And it's always going to be true."
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July 27, 2016: 3:49pm
"Who was that at the door," Hermione asked, taking the frozen pizza out of the package to put on a baking sheet. "I wasn't expecting anyone."
"It was the Muggle postman with a package—well, an extremely large envelope anyway." Blaise handed her the envelope once she'd put the pizza in the preheated oven.
She took the envelope, easing the top open with her fingernail. Pulling out the documents inside, she was surprised by what she found. "It's my diploma. I'm officially an astrophysicist, I guess."
"You guess? Didn't you go to the graduation?"
"Why not?" She gave him a stern look, and he held up his hands in defeat. "Right. Sorry. Don't you think you should be moving on or something at this point? You worked hard for that and didn't even get to enjoy the big ceremony thing with caps and the robes."
Huffing, Hermione tossed the envelope and diploma onto the table, moving to set the egg-timer. "You try living with an incredible ache in your chest day in and day out, and then ask me again if I should be trying to move on." When he didn't say anything, she turned around from the kitchen counter to find Blaise staring sadly at his hands, twisting them together.
"I may not have a bond with someone, but I know sort of what you're feeling." When he looked up, he looked broken. "I felt that way about you…"
"Blaise...I'm so sorry," she stammered, hurrying forward and wrapping her arms around her ex-boyfriend. "I never realized...I was such a wreck back then. I can see now how horrid I was to you, and Theo too, and I hope you can forgive me. I never meant to lead you on, the way I did."
"Don't get upset, Hermione. You're supposed to be staying relaxed," he teased, and she realized she was, in fact, crying ridiculously. "I forgave you a long time ago; I just want you to know, and there are people here for you that understand what you may be going through to an extent."
"Thank you…"
"I may have left you before, but I'm not going anywhere this time. You don't have to do this alone." Blaise held her until the timer went off, and she had to admit; it was good to be held again. It was pleasant to know she wasn't as alone as she thought she may be, despite what her heart tried to tell her.
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July 31, 2016: 6:12pm
"George! I am going to kill you!"
Hermione chuckled as Darcy chased the remaining Weasley twin around Harry and Ginny's backyard, her hair a brilliant shade of blue. The red-haired menace managed to escape, hopping on his broomstick and flying above the yard, skillfully out of reach. He was not new to the world of pranks, but Darcy was.
"They seem to be fitting in," Ron commented, settling himself down onto the lawn chair next to Hermione and handing her a plate of birthday cake and ice cream.
"Yeah," she replied, holding the plate up in thanks before scooping a bite and shoveling it into her mouth. She looked across the yard, noticing Jane talking with Hannah and Neville. Thor was currently back on Asgard, taking care of the aftermath from their stint with Fenrir. "It's kind of fun to include them. Besides, I'd feel bad leaving them out after everything we've all been through."
"It's a shame Thor couldn't make it. When did you say he was returning?"
"Jane doesn't know, but with everything going on with the Avengers, and that massive fallout...he'll likely stay away for a while." She sighed before taking another bite of cake. "It's for the best."
"Yeah, probably." Ron munched quietly on his own cake and ice cream, watching as his older brother positively tormented Darcy, changing the color of her hair from blue to purple to pink, all while flying above her. "I've been meaning to ask, how are you feeling? Have things been better lately?"
"I'm taking care of myself, if that's what you mean."
"That and—and I just want to make sure you're alright."
"I am." Averting her eyes, she bit her lip. "Today at least. You never know what tomorrow will bring."
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August 5, 2016: 2:38am
Up the winding staircase she crept, the cool marble floor underfoot familiar to her. Although it was dark, and she could not see, her subconscious knew exactly where to lead her. When she arrived in front of the familiar double doors, sealed from the inside, she knew what she would find on the other side, or rather, who. The doors swung open seemingly of their own accord, a breeze ruffling the curls round her face and making her eyes sting from the cold.
The stars across the night sky provided enough light so that she could see the sleeping form upon the bed, his dark hair a stark contrast against the white linen. She crept forward carefully, not wanting to make a sound, not wanting to disturb him while he rested. Arriving at the bedside, she leaned over, her fingertips ghosting over the naked skin on his shoulder. He stirred, rolling over onto his back, hand reaching out to intertwine with hers.
As she perched upon the side of the bed, his eyes drifted open, their vibrant green color staring right at her, almost as if in disbelief. His expression fell, his dark eyebrows furrowing. Pushing himself into a sitting position with his free hand, he moved so they were face to face, her lips mere breaths from his own.
"What are you doing here?"
"I had to see you...I'm afraid."
"You shouldn't be here. Not like this...not at all."
"You're angry."
"I don't want you to hurt yourself…go back to sleep. Forget that you were here."
"This isn't a normal dream."
"It's a common misconception, differentiating between regular dreams, and what we share. You must not be here. It is far too dangerous for you to be here in this way. Return to your bedchamber, my love. You must trust me…"
"I'm afraid. So afraid."
"Sleep, now my love. I will stay with you until you are asleep."
Closing her eyes, she was surprised to find tears dampening her cheeks. When she again opened her eyes…
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August 5, 2016: 3:01am
Hermione found herself sobbing into her pillow, the ache in her chest so intense it felt like she was having a heart attack. Then again, maybe she was. Reaching for her mobile on the bedside table, she fumbled in the dark until she could send a text. Continuing to cry, she curled into the fetal position and waited to hear the sound of the floo.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
August 11, 2016: 11:12am
Text messages between Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger:
H: I've just been released from St. Mungo's. On my way home. Told to rest. No work until Monday.
R: That's good news. Sorry I couldn't pick you up. Pansy insisted on having the cake tasting today.
H: How much have you eaten?
R: Seven cupcakes. Pans is having a silent fit. We decided on the white chocolate raspberry.
R: I wanted the chocolate.
R: The peanut butter crunch was my favorite though.
R: I'm stopping by later with a butterbeer flavored one for you.
H: Sounds delicious. See you then.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
August 27, 2016: 8:48pm
"So are you ever going to come back to the lab? Jane is seriously so difficult to deal with lately."
Digging around in her carton of ice cream, Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'm meant to be taking it easy, you know. I don't think working long; stressful hours at the lab qualifies as rest." Smirking, she popped the chocolate covered spoon into her mouth.
"Ugh," Darcy groaned, flopping onto her back where she lied on the floor. "Can't you at least stop by sometimes for tea or whatever? I'll make sure we have those frozen pizzas you like so much."
"Tempting, but my stress level goes through the roof when I'm there."
"Fine," her friend whined, sitting back up and grabbing her own spoon from the coffee table. "Are you at least going to share that ice cream? I may have bought it for you, but I intended in having at least a few scoops before you devoured the rest."
Laughing, Hermione waved her spoon at Darcy. "I'll share if you promise to talk Jane into joining us next time."
"You're telling gets so tiresome having not one but two friends pining for their intergalactic lovers." Biting her lip, Darcy immediately realized what she said, but Hermione waved her off.
"It's fine. Don't worry about it." She took a deep breath, handing over the ice cream and reaching for the DVD player remote. "Just—let's watch a movie and forget about everything else. Deal?"
She'd lied though. It wasn't fine. It was never fine.
Every single day was like a constant reminder of exactly how not fine it was.
She had no idea how she was supposed to survive this ordeal without him.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
September 1, 2016: 12:17pm
Sitting with Ginny in the packed and very busy Leaky Cauldron, Hermione nibbled happily on her fish and chips while Ginny prattled on about how James and Albus would be sending her owls for the next week regarding things they'd forgotten at home. The boys, along with Scorpius, were off to Hogwarts for the start of term, so after watching them leave on the Hogwarts Express; Ginny and Hermione decided to leave Lily with Harry and have lunch together.
"So anyway...with the boys gone, me working from home, and just Lily to keep me company, I'm going to be amazingly bored," Ginny finished stabbing her fork into a roasted potato and popping it into her mouth.
At least she chewed with her mouth closed; unlike her brother, Hermione thought with a small smile. "Is it going to be strange with just Lily at home?" Taking a sip of her pumpkin juice, Hermione was curious to know what her friend was thinking.
"Oh! It's going to be such glorious fun! Lily and I will bake cookies and braid each other's hair. I can't wait to get started. Can we pay the tab now?" Finishing with a grin, Ginny met Hermione's wide eyes for a brief second before they both burst into laughter, Hermione holding her side as a stitch began to form.
When their mirth finally calmed, Hermione managed to say, "You almost had me there for a second with the baking until I remembered the last time you tried that with her."
"When she filled the entire house with neon green smoke? Yeah, I still won't let her near the oven after that fiasco. Took days for it to clear out." Shaking her head, Ginny smiled fondly over her daughter. "I'm not sure whose worse, Lily or George, when it comes to the pranks."
"Don't you act all innocent, Ginny. You know you can roll with the best of them."
Grinning wickedly, the red-haired woman agreed. "You bet your arse I can. You don't grow up as the only girl in a house full of boys without learning a thing or two about survival." It was a few minutes before they spoke again, both finishing their meals and watching as the pub slowly cleared out. Setting aside her silverware, Ginny observed, "This was nice, Hermione. It's been ages since we've had a chance to sit down for lunch together."
"Yeah, I rather missed it, to be honest." Fidgeting in her chair, Hermione looked away from her friend's face. "I feel like I've not been the best of friends to anyone this past year."
"Nonsense. You've had a ridiculous amount on your plate, and even now; you have more to come." Grabbing for the tab slip as the waitress set it on the table, Ginny began looking in her bag for the right amount to pay. "Not one of us can blame you, and we're not mad in the slightest. We're here for you now, and always, Hermione. Never forget that. Now, if we hurry, we can grab some ice cream before I'm due back home to rescue Harry from Lily."
"And we can't forget about the Annual September First banquet at the Ministry tonight."
"I was hoping we wouldn't have to go this year…"
"Not a chance." Hermione smiled, grabbing her purse before they began to walk toward the door for Diagon Alley. "Think they have that chocolate double chunk ice cream still?"
"That sounds revoltingly sweet, but yes. Harry informed me yesterday they still have that flavor." Looping her arm with Hermione's she playfully pretended to gag. "I'll be having regularly sweet strawberry, thank you very much."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
September 1, 2016: 9:58pm
"I told you he was going to announce his retirement."
"But he didn't have to name me as his hopeful replacement!"
"Calm down, Hermione. You're not supposed to be stressing yourself out."
"Really, Ron? You expect me to just take this calmly?"
"Don't snap at Ron. We're all worried about you here."
"This is ridiculous. You knew about the Minister's plans all along didn't you, Harry? That's why you mentioned it in May."
"I knew it. I don't really see the New Year being a time where I can just run for, and if I win, take up office of Minister for Magic! Do you?"
"Look, if this is something you want, and you should as it's a great honor, you can talk to Kingsley about it. He even said as much yesterday at work."
"Bloody hell."
"I'm going to murder you Harry Potter. Where's my wand?"
"Forget sodding Voldemort, you have raging hor—"
"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you, dear brother."
"Run, mate. Run before she finds her wand."
"I heard that Ronald Weasley! Harry! Harry, you get back here this instant! You can't run forever!"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
September 12, 2016: 3:30am
Text messages between Darcy Lewis and Hermione Granger:
H: Are you awake?
D: I am now...sup?
H: I've had another the one before.
D: Shit. u ok? Need me to come over? Any pain?
H: No. No pain...nothing this time. Not really.
D: Are you sure? You know I'll come right over.
H: I'm fine. Promise. It was weird this time though. I was looking for him, but he wasn't there. I can't figure out the connection.
H: Has Jane heard from Thor?
D: Nothing in weeks.
H: I think he's left the RD scepter in Asgard.
D: I'm so sorry, Hermione.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
September 19, 2016: 7:09pm
"You didn't have to do this for me, you know?"
"Come off it, Hermione. It's your birthday! We wanted to do something nice for you." Ginny playfully poked her friend in the side. "You never want to do anything anymore."
"That's not true...I've just been busy," she defended herself. "There's just so much to deal with right now."
"I know; I know, but you have to have some fun now and then." Perking up, Ginny pointed to where George was sitting, a scowl on his face and arms crossed. "Harry and Ron even made sure to confiscate all George's belongings as he came in the door. No pranks tonight so it will be completely stress-free!"
"I guess it would be nice to relax and have some cake." Pausing, Hermione let a smirk slide onto her face. "Did you remember the ice cream?"
"Oh for the love of Merlin," Ginny cried out exasperatedly. "Of course we did! Harry stopped by and bought two gallons of that horrible chocolate kind you crave all the time."
"You're the best friends I could ever have…"
"Don't you start that crying again!" Pulling Hermione into a hug, Ginny rubbed her back affectionately. "If you stop, I'll let you dip into the ice cream before supper."
Sniffling a bit as she retreated from Ginny's motherly embrace, Hermione murmured, "Thanks Gin'."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
September 29, 2016: 4:54am
She walked aimlessly through the halls of the palace, searching but knowing there was nothing left here for her. He was not to be found. His bedchamber was cold and empty, the balcony doors sealed tightly. He loved to keep those open. Loved to see the night sky while he slept. Loved the way the starlight made her skin appear almost translucent as she lied curled in his arms. Walking forward, she pushed to open the doors, moving to stand at the railing. There were so many things she wanted to tell him, but had no way of doing so. As she stared at the great expanse of stars, she tried to reach him somehow, yet knowing her efforts were fruitless. She would continue to be alone…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
October 3, 2016: 8:01am
Text messages between Harry Potter and Hermione Granger:
H: Harry. Not going to make it to work this morning.
HP: Is everything alright?
H: I think so, but I'm making an appointment with a Healer. I'll text when I can.
HP: I'll let Kingsley know.
HP: and Ron too.
H: Thank you.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
October 6, 2016: 3:33pm
Sitting down in his usual chair across from her, Ron took a sip of his hot chocolate. Hermione watched as he grimaced, clearly burning his tongue in the process. Relaxing into the couch, she blew on the top of her own drink before attempting to taste it. She was thankful that the chocolate beverage didn't scorch her mouth. She had enough issues to worry about as it was.
"So, you're alright then? No complications?"
"No," she replied, not quite meeting his eyes, but he caught her, clearing his throat. Pursing her lips, she decided she might as well tell him now. They'd find out would become painfully obvious as the years wore on, and they grew older...and she, well...she didn't. "I was having some pain the other morning, so I thought I'd just go and get looked over, make sure everything was alright. As it turns out, there's something rather interesting happening."
"What's that?" Ron was leaning forward, engaged in her every word as he always was when she discussed her health issues.
"I'm not...I'm not aging."
"Not aging."
"Okay, it's not like I'm not aging, but it's slowed down. A lot."
"Shit. You're immortal!"
"No!" She shouted, eyes wide. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. "No, not really. Remember how the Rime Diamonds bound me to him...It seems as if when we became fully as one, a tad more than expected leaked through the connection."
"Let me get this straight," Ron started, setting aside his cocoa for the moment. Hermione held tight to hers, needing something to keep her from losing her mind over this entire situation. "You're going to live for an unidentifiable amount of time, forced to watch all of us grow old and…"
"Yes," she cut him off, not wanting to hear what he was about to say. She'd spent three days trying to process the entire thing, and didn't even come close. There was no way to wrap her head around what the Healers told her, and no way of knowing what she was to do with that information. "I'm going to outlive all of you…"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
October 14, 2016: 5:16pm
"Knock, knock," Ron sing-songed, entering through the open door to her office. "You have a minute?"
Scowling, Hermione dropped her briefcase back onto her desk and resumed sitting in her chair. "I was about to go home, but for you, I can spare a minute."
"Excellent," he said happily, rubbing his palms together. "I need to ask you a question, but I'm not sure how you're going to take it."
"I'll be fine, Ronald. I'm not made of glass, although Harry seems to think so as of late... Go ahead, ask your question."
"Pansy's pregnant."
"What!? That's not a question, Ron!"
"Oh. Right." A huge grin appeared across his face then, making his blue eyes sparkle. "I wanted to tell you because she's rather anxious about the whole thing. I thought maybe you could talk to her, ease her mind."
"First, congratulations. And second, why me? Ginny had three babies, and Astoria had Scorpius. Why come to me?"
"I thought that was obvious…"
As his words hit home, Hermione deflated a bit, relaxing in the chair. She bit her lip before meeting her friend's eyes again. "Yeah, I can talk to her if she wants me to. I guess we have some things in common, even if we've never really been the closest of friends."
"Thank you, Hermione...just when you talk to her, don't mention the weight thing. She's a bit down on herself. She found out when she went for her last dress fitting. They have to bring out the waist on her wedding gown."
"Poor dear."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
October 16, 2016: 1:28pm
Biting the tip of her quill as she sorted through some notes about prophecies at the kitchen table, Hermione was startled when the floo came alight. She was even more shocked when Pansy walked out of the green flames, stopping to stare at her with both hands upon her hips.
"Granger. Why haven't you sent me an owl, or even a bloody text?"
"Um," she stammered, setting aside her quill. "I didn't know I was supposed to?"
"Ron told you I wanted to talk to you about this whole 'pregnancy' thing, didn't he?"
"Well, no...He said he thought I could talk to you to ease your mind about all of it." When Pansy raised her perfectly manicured eyebrows in what appeared to be confusion, Hermione added, "I figured I'd get to talk to you about it the next time we ran into each other."
"I'm going to smack that adorable face of his," Pansy sighed. "He was supposed to tell you I wanted to talk to you, not that he wanted you to talk to me."
"Maybe he thought I'd say no if it was coming from you?"
"That's possible, but to be fair; I don't hate you, Granger. I just hate how Ron always runs to you first."
"Pansy, Ron hasn't run to me first in a long, long time. He loves you far more than he ever loved me." Running a hand through her tangled curls, Hermione sighed. "He just feels like he has to protect me, often from myself."
"That's true, I guess. I'm just being silly...fucking hormones, and all that." Glancing around, the small kitchen, Pansy asked, "Speaking of which...I really would like to talk to you about all this." She gestured at her still fairly flat stomach. "You up for it?"
Brightening, Hermione pointed to the other chair at the table. "Have a seat."
"First, do you have any pickles in that fridge of yours? It's stupidly cliché, but that's all I've been craving since finding out about the little bugger."
Laughing so loudly she surprised herself, Hermione said, "Go ahead, there are two whole jars in there." As the dark-haired witch grabbed one of the jars, Hermione couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit happy. Finally, after all this time, Pansy realized she wasn't the threat she thought all along, and now, they had something they could bond over. It was just one more moment that made her feel like she wasn't so horribly alone.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
October 29, 2016: 11:18am
Text messages between Jane Foster and Hermione Granger:
J: Talked to Thor today. He didn't stay long.
H: Did you ask him about the scepter?
J: I did. He said Loki left it behind in the vaults for safekeeping. He didn't elaborate.
H: Alright. Thank you.
J: He asked about you.
J: Thor, I meant.
H: What did you tell him?
J: Just that you were holding in there, and that you found out you're aging differently from the RDs.
J: He was surprised by that, but couldn't stay long. Said he would see you the next time he returned.
H: Has he told Loki about my condition?
J: No.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
October 31, 2016: 7:09pm
While Lily was out trick-or-treating with some of her cousins, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny remained behind prepping for their traditional late-night supper. Hermione pretended to hate mashing the potatoes by hand, while Ginny checked the pot roast and Harry set the table. It was almost as if everything was as it was before she'd found out about the Rime Diamonds and the disaster that ensued afterward. She could even handle the obvious side-glances Harry was giving her as she helped in the kitchen. He'd asked her again earlier about running for Minister, but she still didn't have an answer for him. If the Rime Diamonds never existed, and she'd never fallen in love with Loki—well, it would be an entirely different scenario. In an alternate universe, one where she was still single and not bound to someone realms away, she'd be willing, even excited at the proposition of becoming Minister. Only now, with the New Year looming, and her life changing right before her very eyes, everything was up in the air.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November 12, 2016: 4:55pm
Sipping on her glass of sparkling apple cider, Hermione had to admit, Pansy made a beautiful bride. With Ron twirling her around the ballroom of Parkinson Castle, she looked very much the princess she deserved to be today. It was a beautiful day all around, Hermione conceded, one that would be remembered by all for years and years. The Prophet would call it the event of the year, and no one would talk about anything else for weeks, months even.
"They look happy," Astoria said by way of greeting, coming to stand next her.
"They do." Unsure what kind of mood Astoria would be in today, Hermione said nothing else, waiting for the widow to continue.
"Draco and I would have been married eleven years in December."
"I'm aware." It must be a difficult day for Astoria then…
"How do you do it, Granger? How do you go through every day of your life knowing how much you fucked up everyone else's?" Turning to sneer at Hermione, Astoria emptied her champagne glass, thrusting it at a waiter who happened to walk by just then.
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Astoria. I think maybe you've had too much to drink. Perhaps, you should—" She was cut off though, the smaller witch stepping closer so that her alcohol tinged breath made Hermione's stomach roll.
"I think you do, Granger. You never were the stupid one of the group." Jabbing her thumb over her shoulder, she continued her drunken rage. "That was Weasel. I'm getting off topic, though. It's ridiculously unfair that after everything you've put me through—put us through, Draco dies for you, and you still get what you've always wanted." With one last hate-filled look that swept over Hermione's body, Astoria turned and stormed out of the ballroom, leaving Hermione a shaken mess.
Luckily, Blaise came to her rescue. He swooped in and placed a comforting hand on her lower back before she could collapse, guiding her into a nearby chair. It was out of sheer shock that Hermione didn't break down into tears, but as Ron and Pansy spun by on the dance floor, she wanted to.
Astoria presumed she knew everything there was to know about Hermione's situation, but she was wrong. She may be getting one thing she'd always wanted, but the thing she wanted, more than anything in the entire universe, was someone she loved to share it with.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November 22, 2016: 3:42pm
She'd been feeling a bit lightheaded all day, but that usually happened after one of her more intense dreams, her subconscious seeking out its counterpart and coming up empty. She found it rather odd that the lights in her office kept flickering, almost in time with the sharp pains radiating through her skull as a migraine took hold. It never occurred to her that the residual magic in her body from the Rime Diamonds, especially the one she still wore, had anything to do with what was happening. As she stood from the chair behind her desk, wanting to get a glass of water from the break room, the floor suddenly came up to meet her, her shoulder hitting the corner of the desk on the way down.
"Ahhh!" She cried out, thankful that the door was open. Harry came running in seconds later, still holding a quill in his hand.
"Hermione," he shouted, dropping upon his knees upon seeing her curled up on the floor, blood seeping through the collar of her shirt. "What happened? What's wrong?"
Trying to stay awake through the pain inside her head, reminiscent of what it felt like when she'd had seizures from the misuse of the scepter. It was proving a difficult task at the moment, the pain so intense it made her lunch threaten to reappear. Before she lost consciousness, she could have sworn she saw a pair of piercing green eyes that were entirely different from the ones peering down at her from behind black frames. That was impossible, though.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November 23, 2016: 1:40am
She was afraid to sleep even though the Healers insisted she needed her rest. Sleeping meant the possibility of dreams plagued with endless wandering, or more pain and dangerous side effects. Scowling as she stared at the darkened ceiling in her room at St. Mungo's, she thought about what happened earlier for the hundredth time, wondering if he was trying to reach out to her. Did he know the risks he was putting her through, or was he just curious to see her?
Tapping the button at the side of her mobile, she squinted as it illuminated the room. Still no replies from Jane or Darcy. Turning the damned thing off, she wriggled onto her side, burying her face in the sterile pillowcase. It was going to be a long night.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November 26, 2016: 2:27pm
"Have you heard anything more from Jane," Ginny asked, handing Hermione a cup of tea before sitting at the edge of her bed. She'd been released from the hospital with strict orders of bedrest and no work.
Setting aside the tea, Hermione rubbed at her temples, still having difficulties with the pain there even though she'd not had another seizure since Tuesday. "No, they traveled back to the States to deal with some issues. Other than her telling me Thor still hasn't told him about my condition, there's no reason for him to be trying to communicate through the connection."
"So if he's still clueless, why would he be trying to see you?" Gasping, the redhead started flailing about excitedly. "Oh! Maybe he's going to come back for you finally!"
"I don't think so, Ginny. The feeling I got seemed more like he was just watching me, wanting to see what I was doing." Giving up on her hurting head, Hermione grabbed for the tea, taking a small sip. "If he realized he hurt me through the connection, there's no way he'll try it again. He said as much when it happened the last time. I'm surprised, he did it even now."
"So we just wait and see what happens next?"
"Isn't that I've been doing?"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November 28, 2016: 10:49pm
Text messages between Jane Foster and Hermione Granger:
J: Darcy and I are back from the States! Still no news. Care to stop by the lab this week?
H: I'm on strict bedrest. Not allowed to leave the flat.
J: We come to you then! We've got presents!
H: I'll call you tomorrow.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
December 9, 2016: 9:30pm
Hermione sat curled on her couch, sipping a fresh cup of tea while Blaise massaged her feet, something he'd not done in ages. It was strange, their rekindled friendship of sorts, but she was glad to have him not only as her solicitor, but as someone she could confide in the closer the New Year drew. Sighing, she relaxed into the arm on the couch, her head leaning against the back cushion.
"You've no idea how amazing that feels." He responded by humming, refusing to meet her eyes. She struggled to right herself on the couch. "Blaise? Is something wrong?"
"No," he replied with a sigh, finally lifting his head to stare at her. "I have something I wanted to tell you, and I'm not sure how you'll take it."
"Why is everyone always saying that? What is it? You can tell me anything."
"I'm going to propose to Theo."
"It's about time." She smiled, but it quickly fell from her face, a familiar pang resonating in her chest. Picking up on her mood, Blaise stopped rubbing her feet to give her his full attention.
"You really miss him, don't you?"
"Yes. I do."
"Do you want to talk about it," he offered, resuming his foot massage.
"No," she said through a sigh of her own, taking another sip of tea. "I do that enough with my therapist."
"Fair enough."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
December 20, 2016: 2:37pm
Panic. It was a feeling Hermione was used to, a feeling she'd experienced far more than she would like to admit. Blaise's letter, crumpled and burning in the bin from the kitchen, made her feel more panic than any other situation had done in her entire life. The New Year was bearing down on them, and finally having heard news about the prophecy; she knew not what the future would bring. As the parchments sizzled and crackled, Hermione thought about Harry's last plea for her to run for Minister, and Jane's worried texts regarding Thor's apparent return to Earth, but his whereabouts unknown. Panic. It caused her heart to clench, the intensity of it making her head swim. There were dangerous times looming for all of them, it seemed, and once again she would be right in the center of it all no matter her decisions.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
December 23, 2016: 8:27am
Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini request the pleasure of your company to celebrate their marriage Saturday, the thirty-first of December, two thousand and sixteen at seven o'clock in the evening. The Tower. Wizarding London. Dinner and dancing to follow.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
December 31, 2016: 3:03am
It was like drowning, that feeling you have when you know you're asleep, but realizing you are slightly awake as well. She could hear the quiet thud of footsteps as they made their way along the hallway. She distinctly heard the creak of her bedroom door as it was pushed open, and the soft rustling as her cat uncurled itself from the edge of the bed. She could do nothing as she slept, feeling the bed dip as his body sat at the edge, his fingers coming out to brush through her curls. She wanted nothing more than to be able to speak, to tell him she loved him ask him to stay. Don't leave me, she would say, curling into his lap, her head resting against his chest to hear the beating of his heart. Instead, he spent very few moments sitting with her as she slept, his presence a reassurance that he really was still out there somewhere wanting to be with her, but biding his time for the right moment. The time would come; she knew, when they could be together again, she was sure of it. Her body shifted slightly as he stood from the bed, retracing his steps out of the door and down the hall. Eventually, the flat felt small again, empty even, and as her cat resumed its watch at the end of her bed, she fell back into her deep sleep, unsure if this was real or the whisperings of an outrageous dream.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
December 31, 2016: 9:56pm
Music wafted out from the open balcony door, guests at The Tower clearly enjoying the night's festivities. Hermione felt out of place here, only old memories to keep her company. Stopping at the railing, she stared up at the night sky, surprisingly clear this New Year's Eve. Closing her eyes, she wished with every fiber of her being for a miracle, wanting nothing more than to open her eyes and see a great burst of color from the sky. Alas, that was not the case, for when her eyes blinked open, the night sky was still and calm as it was when she'd first looked into it.
Ginny joined her a few minutes later, sipping from a glass of bubbling champagne. She tried to give her a friend a smile, but failed. She didn't have much happiness in her these days, despite what everyone may think. Sometimes, no matter how joyous a period in your life should be, there was no happiness to be found. He should be here for this; she thought sadly, gripping the railing tightly.
"Ron was wondering where you'd disappeared to," Ginny murmured, almost as if she were afraid to speak too loudly. "I told him you probably needed a minute, and that I'd see if you were alright."
"I'm okay."
"You always say that, but you know we don't believe you, right?"
"I know," Hermione said, facing Ginny finally, a real smile upon her lips now. "I don't really know how to describe the way I'm feeling to be honest."
"It could be anytime now, and you've decided to come to a bloody wedding. I'd be nervous as hell, if I was you." Ginny took an elegant sip of her champagne before glancing up at the sky where Hermione was looking.
"I couldn't miss their wedding, Ginny. It would have made them unhappy, and they deserve as much happiness as possible right now because you never know when it's going to be taken away from you." Sighing heavily, Hermione gestured at herself. "I'm a perfect example."
Ginny let the silence surround them for some time, the only sounds coming from inside the restaurant where their friends celebrated. Shivering, Hermione wrapped her arms around herself, trying not to think of the New Year and the uncertainty of what lay beyond. As if sensing her distress, Ginny reached out and squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"Do you think Loki will come back for you...when he finds out?"
"I don't know. Perhaps someday, when he's ready, and when the time is right, he will return to me. Until then, I will continue living my life here on Earth as I've always done." Hermione paused, biting her lip thoughtfully. "We're bound together, soulmates lifetimes apart."
Staring up at the night sky, she smiled gently as the stars glittered, twinkling as if answering unspoken questions. Sighing, with contentment, she continued watching the sky, her hand coming up to rub lovingly over her rounded stomach. As the first snowflakes of the evening began to fall, the Rime Diamond ring she still wore glinted in the starlight, reminding her of the love she and Loki shared. "Yes, someday, Loki and I will meet again. With a love like ours, it's been written in the stars."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hermione and Loki will return in Empire.
January 2017
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