Bella's Last Christmas Wish
Disclaimer: All characters and copyright belong to Stephanie Meyer
This chapter is short but necessary to set the scene for what's to come. I don't often write to a song but Celine Dion "Think Twice" was playing and this Chapter popped into my mind. If only a certain person had thought twice…the poem below just expresses the feeling of someone who feels betrayed by their love…..Thank you all for reading and please , please review. The next chapter will be longer promise! Enjoy… I hope!
Chapter 30
When I loved thee, I can't but allow, I had many an exquisite minute;
But the scorn that I feel for thee now, Hath even more luxury in it!
Thus, whether we're on or we're off, Some witchery seems to await thee;
To love thee is pleasant enough, but, oh! 'Tis delicious to hate thee!
The three ancient vampires stood to one side looking at the antique map unfurled before them, when a knock at the door drew their attention. "Come "called Aro agitatedly. The door opened and Demetri came in.
"Your guest has arrived Lord Aro" Demetri bowed low, he liked his head and wished to keep it.
"You hear that my brothers our young guest is here. We have been expecting him, show him in Demetri" replied Aro a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. The door creaked and widened allowing some light from the hallway to enter the darkened room. The three brothers were not alone. In the shadows now lit by the light other vampires moved further into the background where the dim light could not reach.
"Ah my young friend it's so good of you to come to visit. What brings you to Volterra?" Aro held out his hand as he spoke and his young visitor placed his own hand there. Aro greedily grabbed the hand and closed his eyes to enjoy the view.
When he touched another's skin Aro could see all that had ever happened in your life, even your inner most secrets and thoughts. He had come to enjoy this, the euphoria of someone's inner most sanctuary opened to his mind, talked to Aro like Heroin to an addict. This young visitor would have plenty for him to enjoy, he was sure.
Oh my! Oh my! exclaimed Aro. "How marvellous, just as we planned". His high pitched manic laughter filled the room. But, then his face clouded over. "I see… I see very clearly now. This is why you are here my young friend?" The visitor nodded.
Aro stepped back lightly touching each of his brother's hands to share what he had seen. They too gazed upon the young visitor but with narrowed eyes. Caius let out a low hiss, his own face usually devoid of emotion now showed ill-concealed hatred. Aro stepped forward again hissing in unison with his brother. "I think we may have a plan that will clear up this little infestation to both our advantage" he smiled. You will of course accept a place within my guard? Of course you will" Aro smiled "I know all your thoughts"
Turning, he beckoned the visitor forward, further into the large room. "You must join us for dinner. Heidi will be back here any moment." The visitor stepped forward into the light streaming in form a small window high above in the turret wall. Aro looked into the ruby red eyes of the young visitor. "Now that look does become you so much more my young friend" he smiled "So much better than you looked before".
"Thank you Lord Aro I think this look is in keeping with who I really am" replied the silken voice of Edward Cullen. "I accept your kind invitation to dinner thank you" he added.
A high pitched scream and the sound of a large glass vase smashing into a million pieces brought Alice Cullen back into the present. Blinking she staggered slightly and if it were not for the quick inhuman reflexes of Jasper she would have fallen amongst the blood red roses that lay scattered on the floor..
"Oh Edward!" she wailed "What have you done?" Her eyes still unfocused, she tried to look at Jasper as the other Cullen's gathered in the lounge alerted by the noise.
"Alice" murmured Jasper "Come… sit down". He guided his mate to the plush white sofa. Alice sunk down onto the cushion before covering her face with her hands her little shoulders shaking as if she were sobbing.
"Alice" Carlisle gently spoke her name" What has happened to Edward?" There was fear in his voice as he stole a glance at Esme who held her hand to her mouth a look of horror on her face
"The Voluturi …"Alice managed to whisper "He's gone to the Volturi!"
There was a united intake of breath from her family. "I knew it!" cried Esme "He's gone to ask them to end it all". Esme collapsed into the armchair facing Alice despair written across her beautiful features. Rosalie clung to Emmet unable to utter a single word as the enormity of the situation sunk in.
Alice raised her little face to look at her and her mouth puckered as she fought to say the words. "No …Esme…he has not asked them to end his life …he …he" she glanced at Jasper before continuing "He has asked to join them!"
Anguish crossed Carlisle's face. How could his son do this after everything he had said and taught him?
Jasper sat next to Alice pulling her close to his side in a tight embrace, his face furious at Edward's betrayal. "I knew I should have finished him Alice" he whispered to her "I warned you that he would bring about our destruction" he hissed.
Carlisle tried to remain calm for his family "Have you seen anything else Alice? Has he said anything that could help us?
Alice lifted her face towards Carlisle "I'm so sorry Carlisle to be the one who tells you this" she sighed resigned now to the future she had seen. "Edward no longer feeds upon animals".
Cries of anguish filled the room as the other Cullen's tried to process what Alice had told them. Everything they strived to achieve, the personal battle they endured every day. They felt betrayed by the one they thought of as their brother.
"Dear God!" sighed Carlisle "After all these years…how could Edward turn his back upon a philosophy he once held dear?" He looked across at Esme whose face was buried in her hands as Rosalie tried to console her.
"The answer to that question" Alice murmured "Is Bella…" she sighed again "His love or perhaps we should call it an obsession has led to this moment. Carlisle" as she continued looking up at her father Alice hesitated for a moment "There is something more terrible that I have to share". Five pairs of honey toned eyes looked at her whilst the owners stood still as stone statues.
"Edward" Alice continued "Has shared the news that Bella has left him, no longer wishing to be turned" Carlisle stared at Alice before he replied
"Edward must know he has effectively signed her death warrant!" He cried his hands clawing through his hair and his eyes fixed on his mate who had she been human would have surely passed out with the shock. Instead Esme's eyes just registered immense horror as they met his own.
"He has also" Alice continued "Shared the existence of the Wolf pack in La Push". Alice looked down she could no longer bear to see the anguish and disappointment in her father's eyes.
"Oh dear god no! cried Carlisle "He did this knowing how much Caius fears werewolves?" Carlisle looked at his family and straightened himself up. "This will mean all-out war" he thundered "The Volturi will not only come for Bella but, they will destroy every wolf they can find."
Jasper had already jumped to his feet his military reactions kicking in "Jacob and the pack Carlisle, you must warn them give them a fighting chance at least!"
Carlisle regarded Jasper in silence he knew what the young man said was true. "I have given my word never to return to Forks or la Push. I swore an oath that night to Jacob when he spared Edwards life". He paused whilst he debated his next move. He sighed loudly "Of course you are right Jasper we must give the pack every chance for survival. In fact I will stand with Jacob myself against this plague for I feel it is through me that this horror is coming to their land.
There was silence in the room apart from the low wailing that came from Esme. Carlisle sat by her side and drew her into an embrace. "Esme "He said "Everything we once held dear is about to come tumbling down. We must accept Edward has left this family." He paused taking a deep breath he did not need "It will be…" he continued "As if he never existed".
Nooo! Carlisle Esme sobbed loudly unable to shed any tears "We cannot turn our backs on our son…please Carlisle!" she begged
"Hush now Esme" Carlisle soothed. He addressed his entire family his voice ringing with authority "You should all understand the gravity of this situation. Not only will Edwards's actions bring the Volturi to La Push resulting in the destruction of the wolves and Bella but, it will provide Aro with the opportunity he has long hoped for… the destruction of this entire family. Sadly Edward has given it to him."
Carlisle looked at Jasper "I will need your military advice and skills my son if we are to survive."
Jasper nodded "You have my word Carlisle this family is my priority. But I suggest you contact Jacob as soon as possible and we make plans to return to Forks".
"Agreed" replied Carlisle. "I will be in my office if you need me. It is time to call in a few favours" he sighed "Others whose way of life is also under threat from Aro should he come to Forks. He will not stop with destroying our family most certainly he will destroy the Danali family too". With that he turned and strode out of the room.
As the family stood in silence each processing the revelations that had been shared over the last few minutes, Alice took out her cell, her nimble fingers quickly compiling the small text message. If only Edward had thought twice before he told Aro everything, she thought sadly …that he was really sure he wanted them all destroyed. But the deed was done that door closed. With a deep sigh she pressed send. All she could do now was wait and pray that her message was read….