A/N: Technically, a multi fandom crossover between Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Glee, and Highlander the TV series, though listed as Buffy/Highlander because Santana is the only Glee element I am using at this time. I'm using the Immortal situation and The Game, etc from Highlander, and Duncan Macleod will make appearances, at least in flashback. Mostly, though, the "episodes" will be Buffy episodes, though, I WILL have Santana have her duels. Rated M for femslash, sexual situations, violence, language, and possible spanking of at least semi consenting teenagers and adults.

Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Glee or The Highlander or any of the characters, places, or situations shown on thosethree shows. That honor goes to their respective creators. The only thigns i own are any original characters. I make no money off of this.

My Immortal

By DaBillmann


The Lopez Villa, Los Angeles California. 1822.

Don Alejandro Lopez smiled as the carriage pulled to a stop. Finally, they were home. He'd taken his wife, Maribel, and his son, Diego to visit his friend, the Governer of California, and while they had all enjoyed the trip it was always nice to return home. Especially with a rambunctuous three year old in tow. Alejandro and Maribel exchanged a smile as little Diego jumped out of the carriage and ran towards the house.

"He has his father's enthusiasm,' said Maribel with a smile.

"And his mothers love of home, mi amor," said Alejandro giving her a light kiss. The climbed out of the carriage and followed the little boy up to the villa.

"Madre, Padre," said Diego. "Look!" He pointed at a small basket left on the front step. Alejandro knelt down to the basket and puleld back a blanket. Both he and Maribel gasped in surprise.

In the basket was a baby girl, no more than a few weeks old.

Maribel was enchanted. The baby was beautiful with thick black hair and eyes that seemed to take in everything. "Hola, mi pequana,"she said. "What brings you to our home?"

"A peasant who could not afford another mouth to feed, as likely as not," said Alejandro sadly. "Do not get too attached to her, mi amor. In the morning, we will leave her with Father Carlos at the orphanage."

"Alejandro Lopez!" scolded Maribel. "We will do no such thing! We are keeping her."

Alejandro sighed, knowing arguement was useless. Delivering Diego had nearly killed Maribel, and the doctor had told her not to have any more babies. Maribel desperately wanted a daughter. "And what are we going to name her?" he asked, smiling as Diego looked dubiously at the baby.

"We will name her after mi abuela," said Maribel definitively. She looked down at the infant. "Welcome home, Santana Lopez."

17 years later.

Santana Maria Bianca Lopez stood, her hands tied to the pole behind her looking at the assembled crowd, as soldiers held the complaining peasants back. She stood there defiantly, though she knew, she was about to join her parents in Heaven.

California under Mexican rule was dangerous and opressive for the poor peasants. Her father had always been a proponant of the peasants, but, was never able to bring about reform. When her mother and father died under mysterious circumstances last year, she had had enough. Santana had always had a fascination with the sword, and had talked her father into letting letting her take lessons alongside her brother, Diego, and she had eventually surpassed him in skill. She decided to use thsoe skills to aid the opressed peasants of Los Angeles. Diego, whose leg had been crippeld in a riding accident five years previously, helped her as best he could. there was a cave under their Villa which she used as a sort of headquarters, and kept her great black stallion, Tornado. To protect Diego, Santana would don an all black outfit and mask and only ride at night. And for nearly a year, the peasants of Los Angeles had hope.

However, Santana had been betrayed by her maid who had learned her secret and a group of soldiers led by her enemy Captain Gonzales, had stormed the Lopez villa a week ago, and found the cave, and shot Tornado. They were going to arrest both Santana and Diego, but, Santana promsed to confess if Diego woldl be spared. Sure to get be promoted to Major for the capture, Gonzales readily agreed. Santana had pled guilty, and was now awaiting the official verdict.

Santana eyed her brother as Gonzales stepepd forward to read the sentancing. She softly shook her head. She would brook no rescue. No one else would die today.

Gonzales stepped forward. "Santana Maria Bianca Lopez," he said. "You have pled guilty to treason, and been sentanced to death by firing squad. Do you wish a blindfold?" Santana gave her head a slight shake. "Do you have any last words?"

"I have," said Santana. She cleared her throat and spoke out loud and clear. "Let my death serve as an example to all assembled here today. The "treason" I comitted was to aid the opressed of Los Angeles and to avenge the helpless." She looked to the nearby peasants. "Remember me, my brothers, my sisters. As long as one of you holds onto hope, you can never be defeated." She looked to Diego, who was clearly fighting tears. "Te quiero, mi hermano," she said quietly. The crowd, even some of the soldiers, seemed moved.

Gonzales raised his sword. "Ready," he called to the soldiers who readied their rifles. "Aim!" they all took aim at Santana. He brought his sword down quickly. "FIRE!"

The gunhots roared and Santana felt the bullets enter her body. She looked again at Diego and smiled, as the world went black and she died.


Santana awoke with a sudden gasping breath, wondering how she had survived. More than survived, she felt of her chest and abdomen. There were holes in the clothes, but no wounds. She sat up and discovered she was in a hole in the ground. Suddenly, a clod of dirt landed on her head.

She was being buried!

She stood, her head clearing the top of what was obviously meant to be her grave. She saw two peasants with their backs to her, both digging their shovels into a fresh mound of dirt.

"Por favor, amigos," she said to them.

The two peasants turned to her, their eyes going wide with shock and fear.

"Madre de dios!" screamed one of them. " Surge entre los muertos!" Both peasants screamed and ran away.

Santana was more confused than ever. Los muerto? Had she died? She was breathing, and her heart was thumping in her chest.

She heard a commotion from the direction the two peasants had run off to. She instinctively realized she needed to go. She climbed out of the grave and ran in the opposite direction.

Captain Gonzales would always assume that, no matter how they denied it, the peasants had stolen the body of Santana Lopez. He cursed himself. He had created a martyr!


Santana wandered California alone for six months before she found out what had happened to her. She'd managed to get a job as a dancing girl in a saloon and one night as she was walking to her hotel room, she felt a strange buzzing feeling. She turned to see a tall, handsome man with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail. he was dressed as a noble, but did not look Mexican or even Spanish.

"Who are you?" she asked, preparing for a fight. She had a small dirk in a holster belted to her right thigh.

"I mean you no harm," he said with a smile, posessed of an accent the likes of which Santana had never heard. "I am Duncan Macleod, of the clan Macleod. I was born in the Highlands of Scotland in the year 1592. I am Immortal." He gave her another smile. "And so are you."


Unknown to Santana, Diego had kept a journal of her exploits. This journal was found in 1918, by a writer named Johnston McCulley. McCulley was drawn in by the story, so he made some changes, making Diego the one who donned the mask to avenge the helpless, as no one woudl ever believe a woman doing it, and wrote a story titled The Curse Of Capistrano, which was serialized into five parts and published in a mens pulp magazine called All-Story Weekly. McCulley named his heroic character...Zorro.


A/N2: I do not speak spanish. I looked up the phrase "the dead arises" on Google translator and it gave me "surge entre los muertos", so, that is what I used. I know Google Transtateor is not infailable, so I apologize to any Spanish speaking readers if that was off base.

A/N3: Elements of this story are similar to Darling One. Santana is, at least for now, filling the Angel role. As stated before, I love the Buffy/Santana pairing, and somewhere down the line, got the idea for Santana to be a Highlander style Immortal, and to be the basis for the fictional character Zorro. I'll try to make this story as different from Darling One as I can. And again, yes, I know, ANOTHER ongoing story? This is just what my muse does. Please read and review.