Prologue: The Impossible - Him -


How? How could she possibly be the same person?

Run. Run you clever boy, and remember me.

I never stopped running. Not since I first stole my Tardis, yet I keep running into her. Why her?

Why was she of any significance?

Usually when I met someone I could tell if they were going to be important or if they were just like the rest of them. That was how I chose who I invited onto the Tardis.

Except Clara, Clara had died the moment I had invited her on board. And I couldn't quite work out why. She was the most confusing... person I had ever met. She was the centre of my attention. You'd think someone with the power to travel through time would be able to trace the amount of Clara Oswin Oswald's in the world, and I would have been able to, had the name not caused the Tardis to send me flying into the swimming pool the second I began typing said name.

Clara, Clara, Clara, Clara. She would be the end of me.