
Sky Pillar

Off the shores of Hoenn, there is a small island with a pillar towering to the skies. At the top of the tower, there lies a woman in waiting.

The woman had silver hair that hung down to her neck with shades that extended from her ears and covered her eyes. She wore a dark purple over-coat that reached just above her ankles with one sleeve cut-off at her shoulder and the other reaching to her mid forearm. Hidden beneath her coat was her red skin-tight trouser as well as a red turtleneck and to compensate for her small stature, she stood on red heels to push her up to six foot. She also had a strange metal contraption on her left forearm.

It was none other than the infamous Pokémon Hunter J.

She was responsible for many Pokémon thefts across all regions of the world. Along with her bandit of thieves, she has attained a high reputation with the criminal gang lords by performing dangerous heists to help in their attempts of world domination.

Her latest mission given by Team Rocket boss Giovanni, requires her to go to sky pillar and capture a Rayquaza.

Getting into sky pillar itself was a task; she first had to capture a Draconid. It easier said than done; she needed to find someone who was considered either a Draconid or worthy and luckily, she found a girl who was among the last line of Draconid in her family, so in exchange for not killing her, she will open the door to sky pillar.

After the door was opened, J kept her promise to the girl who retreated from the pillar and warned J of the consequences of which she would fail to capture a Rayquaza...Its rage.

With the girl's words still echoing in her mind she decided that her thugs will hang back on her invisible airship just in case she fails and needs a quick way out. She took her best Pokémon for this ultimate heist as well as her henchmen's Crobats.

The first was a Salamence, which made her famous and is almost her trademark. This Dragon-Flying type can go toe to toe with Kanto Champion Lance's Dragonite and win and give Sinnoh Champion Cynthia's Garchomp a run for it's money. This behemoth stands on four legs with sharp claws digging out of its skin. It has a greenish blue skin type with pale red wings and red outlines on its head and under side of its tail. To finish this deadly package, it had a rock lick underbelly that split into three parts. It is said that past clients who refuse to pay J her full amount or refuse to pay her 'J tax' she calls it for more difficult jobs, get eaten by this fearsome creature.

The second was her spider-like Ariados. This Pokémon stands on four yellow bony legs. On top of its poison pouch are two yellow string dispensers, which subdue many of Hunter J's victims. At the back of its poison pouch, a single yellow needle pops out. The Ariados' body is stripped across with black and crimson coloring. It's head sticks of its main body with two silver fangs beneath its purple beady eyes. And to top it all off, literally, there is a sharp silver spike extending off the top of its forehead. Despite being seen as one of J's less threatening Pokémon, it's one of her most loyal nonetheless.

The third was her Drapion. It stands on four segmented legs, which carries its main body. Out of its body comes a tail with a steel pincers with a blue circle on the base of it and off its head has two smaller arms that resemble the tail but is thinner. It's arms and tail has parts that look like small and large rocks. It's arms; legs, tail and body are all stripped two-tone purple. One light while the other is dark. This Pokémon has no remorse and it's only goal, is to cause harm to others who harmed it. Trainers. As a Skorupi, it was hurt and bullied by its trainers who only wanted it to evolve into a more fearful Drapion. But its trainers never gave him the more proper nutrients to evolve and it was always sick, unneutered, weak and tired. Its last trainer beat him within an inch of its life and left him out to die were J found him. She saw hate in its eyes when it was back to health and used it as motivation to make it into one of the most feared Pokémon in J's elite Pokémon.

Her plan was simple. Have a third of the Crobat use screech and confuse ray to disorientate the lone Rayquaza. While her three main Pokémon keep it busy with Draco Meteor, Giga-impact and solar beam to draw the Rayquaza's attention away from the Crobats. The rest of the Crobat will use a combination of Air-cutter and Venoshock to poison the Rayquaza and make it faint quicker. Then she'll get her ship come in and extract her, the Rayquaza and the Pokémon involved with the heist.

J had been waiting for an hour and was getting impatient until she was being called on her transceiver. 'Game time' she thought while grinning.

"J, we've picked up a large Pokémon on long range sensors. Bigger than a normal fully-grown Rayquaza, but its got the same body pattern as one," the man reported.

J's eyes widened slightly at the information.

"Actually, It looks like quite an old one from comparing the normal data to this one. This one could be the alpha of its species. I think we landed a gold mine on this one J!" The man started off quiet then began shouting near the end of his revelation.

She smiled at the last comment and couldn't hold the chuckle that escaped her lips. All memories of her conversation with the girl she met vanished from her mind and were replaced with confidence… For now.

Hey guys FJ or FormulaJinx here, hope you all enjoyed my first chapter of my first Fic. Please review and tell me what you think will happen or want to happen in the future, I'm open to ideas and please not too many flames. Don't forget to Fav and follow if you really enjoyed. But for now, i'm out. Peace.