A/N So this will be the last chapter! I think this is the end of The Basement. I could write a third one if you guys wanted, but I don't think I should continue something that ended the way this one did. I don't think I want to put the characters through anything else. Maybe I could eventually write a oneshot based on this story, but I don't think it's needed. I don't know. I'll decide down the road based on what everybody wants. I wanna say thank you to the people who have stood by me through these two stories I have responded to some of you, but of course not all. Sometimes saying 'thank you' to everybody every single chapter (since I had no reason not to say thank you...hadn't received negative feedback which amazes me) seems kinda repetitive, I don't know. Anyways, thank you all for reading/commenting/following/favoriting this story and/or The Basement (although I don't know why anyone would read this one and not the first one). I appreciate it all so much! ~Stay Gold

I was ready to go back to school a week and a half later. When that Monday came around, I woke up and hurried to get ready. Christmas break had really been an eye opener for me. I didn't want to die. I had already lived through too much. What was the point in throwing all of that away? I was going to make it in spite of my past. If I let everything destroy me then my life would have been a waste. I didn't live with the abuse for as long as I did just for me to take my own life. I was going to try and by god I was going to make it.

After my morning shower, I dressed in my best-fitting clothes and greased my hair back. I made sure to cut it the night before so it wasn't too long when I made my appearance back in school. I was already going to be the talk of most people. Might as well look my best. I rolled my eyes when I thought that, of course. I didn't care how I looked. I just enjoyed feeling comfortable.

I heard an excited bark from the hallway as I finished greasing my hair and I couldn't help but smile and open the bathroom door. My dog, Scruffy, was standing there wagging her tail happily. I had learned that she was a golden retriever husky mix. I hadn't known dog breeds before but when they explained the dogs to me I fell in love with her more and more. She was just perfect for me. I couldn't wait for winter to be over because she'd love running and I'd love taking her with me. Of course, my body had to heal, too, but I'd run with broken ribs if my brothers would let me. It would be painful but I'd live with it. It would be worth it in my opinion.

"Hey, girl," I said, kneeling down to pet my dog. I didn't care that I was getting covered in dog hair. It wasn't a big deal to me or any of my brothers. I laughed lightly as she started licking all over my face. She was a really energetic puppy, but she was also very lazy. I thought it was hilarious. One minute she'd be running around and trying to play with everybody and the next she'd be curled up beside me on the couch and sleeping. I couldn't imagine a better dog. She was a pain to train, though. We were all still working on it, but it was going as well as could be expected.

"Ponyboy Michael Curtis, if you do not quit foolin' 'round with that dog you will be late to school!" Darry hollered from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and stood up. He wasn't angry, of course. He wasn't really yelling, either. He was teasing me because all I could talk about the day before was school and how excited I was to go back. He was probably teasing me because I was wasting my time petting Scruffy instead of talking about how excited I was to go back to school again.

"I've been thinking about this whole school thing," I said as I entered the kitchen. "I don't think it's for me. I'm sure there are plenty of other things I could do with my life. I could be a real gangster, don't you think?"

"I think you're right," Soda said from the table with a mouthful of food. "I could so see you bein' a straight up gangsta. You'd be a better hood than Tim Shepard."

"Ain't I already?" I asked as I grabbed a cookie from the counter. We still had leftover cookies from Christmas, but I was definitely taking care of them. Nobody complained about me eating a lot of cookies because I was eating something instead of skipping meals. I ate more than cookies, of course. Eating only cookies made me feel lousy.

"Who ya gettin' mouthy with this time, kid?" a voice called out from the living room. I peeked through the doorway and saw Steve laying half-awake on the couch.

"Steve!" I shouted dramatically. "You'll make me late to school!"

"Wouldn't want that, would we?" he grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "I swear, leave it ta you ta look forward to school. Why the hell you so talkative?"

It's crazy. Before Christmas, I would have probably stopped talking if he had said that to me. It would have hurt me and it would take me days to talk again. But Christmas was a huge eye-opener. None of them meant any harm whenever they said something like that to me. It was a huge joke, and I definitely wouldn't want to miss out on having a laugh. "Why you still listening if it's such a problem?" I shot back with a grin before turning back into the kitchen.

"Stop talkin' to Two-Bit. You're soundin' more an' more like 'im 'ery day," Darry said, giving me a fake stern look. "I always knew he'd be a bad influence on ya."

"Nah, I don't think it was Two-Bit," Soda said, smirking at me. "I think he got all this attitude from Johnny."

Darry smacked his forehead. "Of course! How could I forget the attitude Johnny got? That where you're learnin' all this talk, little buddy? Maybe you an' him shouldn't talk to each other no more."

"Nah, that'd be too easy," Steve said as he joined us in the kitchen. He snatched the cookie out of my hands and shoved it into his mouth. "Take 'way his fuckin' cookies."

"You wouldn't," I said with a loud gasp.

"Try me," he said with a smirk.

"Alright, alright," Darry said, putting his hands up. "I hear Two-Bit's car. Time for school." Then he looked directly at me with worried eyes. "Will you be okay? Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"I'll be okay," I said confidently. I felt like a completely different person. School would be much different than it was before. I could feel it, just like I could feel how the gang had all stopped being so careful with me over the previous nine days. Maybe they could feel it, too.

I could see Darry's eyes soften more and I knew he believed me. But of course he couldn't leave it at that. He had to be sure. I couldn't blame him. "If things get bad, ya know ya can call me. I'll pick you up. I already talked to the boss and he understands," he said, coming over to stand in front of me. "Stick close to the guys, 'kay?"

"I will," I assured him. "I promise I'll call you if I need to."

"Good," he said, squeezing my shoulder before handing me another cookie. "Make sure ya get some lunch." He turned to Steve. "Make sure he eats."

"No worries," Steve said as he stripped his shirt. I think we all rolled our eyes. Leave it to Steve to get dressed for school thirty seconds before it was time to leave. He went into mine and Sodapop's shared bedroom and came out a minute later wearing some of Soda's clothes. They weren't exactly the same size but they weren't that far off, either. Steve had bigger muscles and Soda did but that was the biggest difference.

Darry gave me a hard look. "If you see anythin' that looks out of place, go to the office and call me," he said seriously. "If you recognize any person, car, anything. 'kay?"

I bit my lip and nodded. That was probably the only thing that still bothered me. I was terrified to be found again, but I was hoping it was over. The man who had taken me was found dead not too far away from where I was found apparently. I said that there were more people than just that man, but I couldn't describe any of them. The person who was found dead was the man who had been stalking me all that time. Since we knew that there was at least one more person out there who been around me there were cops keeping an eye on our house. That made things a little easier.

"Please be careful," Soda said, suddenly beside me and Darry.

"I will," I said, looking down at the ground. "Do you think anybody will be there?"

"I dunno, Lil Colt," Darry said, sounding about as scared as I felt. "That's why you need to stick with the guys and go straight to the office if you even think there's someone watchin' ya. Even if there's a chance you're wrong, have the office call the police an' then me an' Soda."

"I will," I said again. I wouldn't risk losing everything I had slowly began to gain. I was getting a life back. I wasn't so willing to give it up.

"Good. Now go grab your bag and get outta 'ere," he said, shoving me gently out of the kitchen.

It didn't take long for us to make it to school. I wasn't as talkative anymore since I was too busy watching everything around me to make sure I was safe. Two-Bit, Johnny, and Steve all understood. They kept giving me supportive smiles and somebody had a hand on my shoulder when we were walking to the school. I looked back and saw that it was Two-Bit. His eyes were hard and were looking around as we made our way to the school. They were all just as terrified as I was that we'd see someone who didn't belong there. Even with the cop that followed us to school none of us were too sure that everything would be okay. I didn't see anything that didn't belong, but that didn't calm me down much.

Once we were inside the school, we were all better. Two-Bit was telling terrible jokes and Steve was rolling his eyes and complaining about Two-Bit's jokes. Me and Johnny walked quietly beside each other. He looked at me with a smile and I smiled right back. We may have been quiet but that didn't mean there was a reason for it. We were just quiet. At my locker, Two-Bit and Steve reminded me to wait for them after class so we could go out to lunch. Johnny stayed with me at my locker. Finally, he spoke.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, looking at me with those big eyes of his. "Ya know...to face the Socs?"

"No," I answered honestly. "Not really. I wouldn't say I'm looking forward to seeing them, of course, but I'm not nervous."

I guess I probably should've been nervous to see the Socials. During the first half of the day, they wouldn't leave me alone. They all had some comments to make and I got hit with a paper ball a handful of times. The teachers had my back, though, as did the other greasers who were around. One Soc thought it'd be funny to try to kick my seat out from under me in third period, but this greaser who was in my class had his eye on me. I caught myself before I fell and when I turned to grab my chair, I saw a greaser from Shepard's crew on top of the Soc. I recognized him from one of the rumbles my outfit and his gang had with each other. Of course I didn't take part in it, but I was still there to watch. He was hitting him so fast that I lost count of how many hits he gave before he was tore off of him by another Soc. That Soc didn't fight him, though. I think he knew better.

"You cool, Curtis?" the greaser asked me.

"Yes. Thank you," I said, trying not to sound scared. I was a little shook up but I didn't let it bother me too bad.

"I'm Greg," he said, holding his hand out to me. I was shocked but I accepted his handshake. That was something I wasn't exactly used to. Before, sure, other greasers would have my back. They all took up for me. What was odd to me was the handshake. That, to me, was a sign of respect. That made pretty much all the bad feelings I had from what just happened disappear.

I made it to gym still feeling so many emotions about the fact that Greg shook my hand. Because of my broken ribs, I was free not to do anything in gym. I sat on the bleachers and waited for Two-Bit to come out from the locker room. When I saw him, I grinned and jogged as carefully as I could over to him. He opened his mouth and I could tell he was about to tell me I should be more careful not to hurt myself but I spoke before he could. "Someone from the Shepard gang shook my hand," I said. I probably sounded pathetic and way over excited but I couldn't help it. "Some Soc kicked my chair to try to get me to fall and Greg landed all over him and then shook my hand."

He raised his eyebrow at me and laughed. "Why ya so happy 'bout that?"

"It's never happened before," I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet. "I mean, sure, other greasers have had me back since I got here and wouldn't let the Socs mess with me, but nobody has ever shaken my hand like that. Like I was more than just someone who had a bad life. It was like he saw me as a person, and he didn't just call me 'the kid' or anything. He called me Curtis."

I think Two-Bit understood what I was saying. He gripped my shoulder and squeezed. "You are somethin' else, kid. Ya know that?"

Me and Two-Bit had to split up after gym to go to our lockers. He told me to stay at my locker until he came and got me with Steve and Johnny so all of us could go out for lunch. That's what I did, too. I shut my locker and leaned against it as I waited for them. They weren't the first ones to make it to me, though. Before I knew what was happening, a fist slammed into the locker beside me. I jumped and looked up to see who it was. It was the Soc who tried to kick my chair away from me. I could tell by the bruises on his face. "So, the pussy is alone," he growled. "Nobody here to have your back this time, basement grease."

"Leave me alone," I said quietly, clenching my fists to steady my shaking.

"Nobody is around to help you this time," he said, stepping closer to me. I looked around the hallway and saw that he was right. There were no greasers. Sure, there were Socs and middle class kids, but nobody who would have my back. Everybody was staring at us. A lot of them had sorry eyes, like the girls. Some Socs did, too, and middle classed kids. But nobody would stop what was happening, and everybody wanted to watch.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I asked louder than I previously talked. I was scared a moment before but seeing how nobody was going to help me I only got angry. I got mad because these people knew it was wrong but wouldn't do anything to help. I got angry because the people who thought it was okay wouldn't stop bothering me just because they felt they were better than me. I hated being an easy target.

"What're you gonna do about it, basement grease?" he asked, hitting me hard in the chest. Not hard enough to knock the wind out of me, though. "Huh? What're you gonna do? Stop me. I dare you."

"Get away from me," I snapped, pushing him back. He seemed shocked as he took a few steps back to regain his balance. That shock was soon replaced by anger and he pulled back his arm to hit me. I shut my eyes and felt his fist connect to my face. Without even thinking about it, I opened my eyes back up and swung back. I hit him as hard as I could right in his nose. I didn't stop there. I couldn't even if I wanted to. I shoved him back as a sob escaped my throat. I hit him over and over in the chest. "Why can't you just leave me alone?" I was asking through the tears that I barely even noticed were falling from my eyes. The Soc hit me back a few times but I didn't even feel it. I was basically in hysterics, and I was tired of people beating on me.

"Pony!" a not-so-distant voice shouted and I was pulled away from the Socs.

"Get off!" I begged, pushing at the arms. I wasn't scared. I was angry. I was fed up with it. I think that's why I was crying. I think they were tears of anger and frustration.

"Shh, kiddo," Steve whispered into my ear, pinning my arms down at my side. I felt him leading me somewhere but I couldn't tell where. I just knew my feet were moving forward and my eyes were filled with tears to the point that everything was blurred together.

"You're okay, Pone," I heard Two-Bit say when we stopped moving. I was being lowered to the floor but I didn't care. Sitting was better than standing. I lazily brushed away the tears and stared up at my friends. My brothers.

"You better now, Pony?" Johnny asked hesitantly as if he was unsure of what to do or say. I noticed we were on the floor in the bathroom. Thankfully nobody was in there. I was glad they moved us so nobody else would have to witness what was going on.

"Yeah. All better," I answered, holding back a sigh. "Sorry."

"What happened?" Two-Bit asked me in a soft voice.

"I just...I don't like people hitting me all the time," I whispered, shaking my head and looking down at my lap. "He cornered me at my locker. Nobody cared enough to stop him. Then I just...I don't know. I snapped. He was in my face so I pushed him back. Then he hit me. I hit him back...and I couldn't stop." My body started shaking and a new round of tears began. I couldn't believe I couldn't control myself. I hurt somebody. I was no better than the guys who took me. "I didn't mean to..."

"Pone," Two-Bit started to say but I shook my head.

"I couldn't stop. I'm no better than..."

I didn't need to say it. They knew immediately who I was talking about. I felt Steve's hands grip my shoulders hard and give me a small shake. I looked up at him and he was staring at me intently. "Don't you even finish that sentence," he said, sounding threatening. I knew he wasn't threatening me or trying to intimidate me. That's how he got when he was scared or serious. "Christ, Ponyboy, you're nothin' like any of those bastards. You defended yourself. They were abusin' ya. They didn't have to defend themselves from you. You were and are just a kid. That fuckin' Soc had it comin'. He was fuckin' with you an' you defended yourself. We're so proud of ya for that. You were tired of people treatin' ya like that. That's okay."

"It's okay?" I whispered, looking at him and then at Two-Bit and Johnny. It didn't feel okay to me now that I realized what had happened.

"Yes," Johnny said and I looked at only him. He understood the most about what I went through so he would know better than anybody would. "You didn't do nothin' wrong. We're proud of ya, Pony. You did good."

"Are you sure?" I asked him only.

"Positive," he said and gave me a gentle smile.

It took me a minute or so, but I finally nodded. "Okay..." I whispered. If they all thought that it was okay then I had no reason to assume it wasn't. They wouldn't lie to me, and they said that they were proud of me. "Okay, I'm okay now."

"Let's go see Soda," Steve said with a smile, holding out his hand for me. I allowed him to pull me to my feet and then I whimpered. I guess the Soc hit me in my stomach because my ribs hurt bad. "Hey, kid, you okay?"

"I'll be fine," I said, wrapping an arm around my stomach. "Just hurts a bit is all."

"Think you can make it to the car?" Two-Bit asked, putting his hand on my back.

"Yeah, I'll make it just fine," I said, smiling at Two-Bit. It hurt horribly but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

We went to the DX for lunch even though we didn't do that very often. They needed to talk to Sodapop about what happened at school. I sighed quietly to myself when we pulled up to the gas station because I knew Soda would flip out. He probably would make me stay with him for the rest of the day and say that he knew me going back to school was a bad idea. Surprisingly, that's not what happened at all.

"Sodapop, take a break. We need to talk to ya," Steve shouted as he walked into the DX with Two-Bit while me and Johnny walked slower behind them. I wasn't in a hurry to see Soda go crazy with worry.

"It's cause he loves ya, Pone," Johnny said as if he could read my mind. Of course he usually could. I wondered if he could read everybody's minds. Maybe that's why he was friends with Dallas Winston no matter how horrible he acted most of the time. Maybe Johnny could see that there was more to him.

"I know," I said quietly, peeking in the store to see the three of them in a conversation. Judging by the look on Soda's face, he wasn't taking the news too well just yet. "I just hate worrying him."

"C'mon, Pony," Johnny said, opening the door for me. I walked inside and immediatly Sodapop ran over to me.

"You okay, honey?" he asked, checking my body for injuries. He touched me cheek lightly and I flinched away. I guess the Soc who hit me left a bruise. It didn't hurt unless it was touched. "Sorry, baby."

"I'm okay, Soda," I said, grabbing his hand and stopping him from checking me over. "Relax. I'm okay."

"Normally it's us tellin' you to relax," he said softly. "They didn't hurt ya too bad, did they?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I'm okay."

"Steve an' Two-Bit said you fought back," he said gently when I dropped his hand. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"I...I really didn't mean to," I said, biting down on my lip. "I got tired of people hitting me. I just kinda...I fought him back, and I didn't stop until Steve grabbed me."

"Kid hits mighty hard," Two-Bit broke in, probably trying to make the situation a bit less serious than it was. "I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that fist."

That seemed to distract Soda completely. Him, Two-Bit, and Steve all began talking about the fight and then fights in general. Me and Johnny sat on the counter and shared a bag of chips and a chocolate bar. "Today was interestin' so far, huh?" Johnny asked, staring at me.

I watched as Soda shoved Steve through the door of the garage before turning around and running out the front of the station. Two-Bit stuck his foot out in front of Steve when he tried to chase Sodapop and he went crashing to the floor. Soda stook his head back inside and started laughing before he got yelled at to get back to work. Steve smirked and silently declared victory of their little fight. Two-Bit was cracking up as he opened a bottle of Pepsi, saying how stupid the two of them were.

I thought back to that morning. Everybody was all so happy and we were having fun. We had a lot of fun since Christmas. Things really changed so suddenly that I don't think any of us could really believe it. It was happening, though. Things were changing. My family weren't going to abandon me. They were going to stick by my side as I got better. Sure, there'd be bad times. I didn't doubt the fact that some days would be too hard to get out of bed and I'd be scared of every little noise that was made. But I also knew that other days they wouldn't be able to shut me up or get me to sit still because I'd be in too good of a mood to sit around doing nothing. Some days memories would be too strong for me but that didn't bother me none. Life wouldn't be any fun if it was that easy. The hardest part of my life was over. I'd have to deal with some consequences from everything, but one thing was certain: I'd always have my family.

"No," I answered, smiling at him. "Today was just a normal day for us."