The song of defeat.

Mal was actually enjoying her time at AA. Aziz made sure all his friends became Mal's. And time moved forward. She only really had 7 weeks at AA from the time she was sent there to the end of the term. Mal was passing all her classes, much to the distress of Queen Leah. And for some reason, Queen Leah had backed off. Whether it was Ben's yelling at her, or the fact that Audrey was treated like Maleficent had been years ago, no one knows. Mal also never became as home sick as Leah had planned for her to get. First off she spent the weekend at the palace just two weeks after getting there, the spring fling after dance was the highlight of the school year for the sophomore class, considering it wasn't planned. Another, more important reason was Mal could transport to see Ben whenever either of them felt lonely or if he was busy, she could see her friends. Only Az knew Mal could leave school. He kept her secret. Mal was still taking her magic lessons, and now had a few different 'people' she could transform into. Mal's ability to transport from one place to another, had increased, she could now bring someone with her. She decided the best way to tell Ben she was going up against Audrey in the singing contest, was to show him. So just before their last practice, the concert being the next day, Mal popped over to Auradon Prep to see Ben. To make sure he was alone she texted him.

'are you alone and do you have time for a long visit?'

'yes, please I have missed you. Come on over. I just locked my door.' Ben had moved back on campus after Mal had been shipped off to AA, but he rarely stayed there. It was no fun without her.

Mal popped over to Ben's room. She was dressed in her AA concert clothes. Ben gave her a look.

"Come with me and you'll see." She took his hand and they went back to AA. "Follow me." Ben followed her from her room, and into the auditorium.

"AHH There is my secret weapon." Maestro said in his heavy accent. Ben looked around, and realized he meant Mal. "I see you brought our King, Good Afternoon your highness, usually our practices are private, but I believe our Lady Mal, trusts you not to give our secret away to Princess Audrey."
"I will keep that secret." He said sitting front and center, still not entirely understanding what was happening.

Mal climbed onto the stairs, and the rest of the group came out. They practiced the group song, then the trio. The trio was Mal, Aziz and another young lady Name Gwen. Than Mal and Az took the stage for a duet, it was a sweet romantic song. Ben listened to the words, and knew Mal had something to do with it, because it sounded like them. He was sure he had heard the song before. Than Aziz did his solo. Ben was proud of his friend; he knew Az usually won that part of the contest against AP. And then Mal came out. The piano started, and she sang a song Ben had never heard. He listened with intent as she sang. After she finished, Ben knew Mal had written the song, he gave her a standing ovation.

"Mal, you have Audrey beaten. I heard her singing the other day…she has nothing like that. That was…"
"I can explain."
"Please, but not now. Finish your rehearsal." They spent another 20 minutes on the group arrangements, then Maestro dismissed the class. Mal walked with Ben and Az across campus.

"I can't wait to see the look on her face tomorrow when you come out for the trio, duet and solo." Ben said.

"I know. I want Carlos to sit near her and record it on his phone. "
"I love it. Mal will you be upset if I have my parents come tomorrow?" Ben asked.

"No of course not. I finally get to meet Princess Jasmine and Prince Aladdin tomorrow as well. Az has tired so many times, but one of us has always been busy."
"Oh good my parents can sit with them. Az?"
"Later, partner." He said giving Mal a high 5 and leaving.

"Ok, so the song, it kind of came out of a poem I wrote after our first date." Mal shyly admitted, knowing that was the first thing Ben was sure to ask her.
"I kind of assumed you wrote it. Kind of early into your time off the isle."
"I am honored that you felt that way so soon."
"Yes, well. You had a huge effect on why I choose good."
"I am glad." He stopped her and kissed her. His phone went off signaling a text. He pulled it out. "It's Jay I guess Audrey has been banging on my door, and is about to get the janitor in there to open my door, cause she swears I am in there."
"Ok, so I'll bring you back by the dorm. And you can show her you weren't in there."
"Good idea." They look around, seeing no one, they leave. They arrive back at AP in the bushes beside his dorm. Mal quickly kisses Ben and leaves.

Ben walks up the stairs to find a huge group around his door. "I know I saw him go in there a few hours ago. You need to open it. What if something has happened to him. SHE may be gone but three of her friends are here."
"Nothing has happened to me Audrey, I really don't think that you need to make comments about Mal or our friends! I was at the castle doing paperwork." He said coming up behind them. The janitor just gave Audrey an 'I told you so' look and walked off.

"Benny Bear, I never saw you leave."
"I am not your Benny Bear, and are you stalking me Audrey?"
"No, not at all…I just wanted to know if you were going to come to Agrabah Academy to hear me win another trophy?" She bragged for everyone in the crowd still hanging around to hear.
"I wasn't planning to, no. But then again, it means I can go sit with Mal and watch, so sure." He pulled out his phone. "Hi Mal."
"Hey Ben. What's up?" She assumed if Audrey was close by.

"I was wondering if you were going to the concert contest tomorrow, I'd love to sit with you?"
"Oh I'll be there, have to support my friend AZ." She said, knowing now Audrey was most definatly close by. "I will save you a seat. I am sitting with his parents."
"Thank you. See you tomorrow. Oh and Did I mention I love you?" He realized he hadn't told her that in a long time, especially not that way.

"I love you too." He hung up. "I will see you preform Audrey, I have a date."
"AARRGGHH." She stormed off. Ben went looking for the gang. He found them in Evie's room. He knew he shouldn't do it, but after going in, he closed the door.

"Ok who knew?" He demanded.
"Just me, Mal made me promise. How did you find out?" The boys exchanged looks, and wondered what they were talking about. Evie looked so sorry about keeping the secret.
"She brought me to practice today. Are you all going?"
"I was just about to tell them." Evie admitted, Mal had finally released her from keeping the secret. "Mal is singing against Audrey tomorrow."
"Oh we are so there. My lil sis needs support." Jay said and Carlos agreed.
"Good. I am going to see who else we can get there, but no one is to say Mal is singing, we want to shock Audrey." Ben looked to Carlos. "You guys need to sit near her. If it goes as it does here, they have a section of seats, usually the front few rows, saved in the audience for the performers when they aren't on stage, so that you are front and center to see your competition. And Audrey should go first, host school goes second. I can't wait."
"Ok, find out where the seats are and I will get near it." Carlos said.

"Ok good. I have to call my parents."
"Ben will Audrey wonder why we are going?"
"Just say to sit with Mal. She has no idea that you guys see her all the time, as far as she knows its been 4 week since you saw her at my spring fling after party. Audrey heard me call Mal and ask her to go with me on a date. Oh and Jay, Princess Jasmine and Prince Aladdin will be there, as Az is in Mal's class."
"Good to know. I think I am ok with meeting them honestly." Jay stated. "Az was a cool guy, so I should be good."

The next day, the singers got on the bus first, and then whatever seats were left could be filled with students. Jay, Ben, Carlos, Chad and Evie were in the front of the line. Followed by Jane, and Doug. Lonnie was in the choir. The bus ride over was rather quiet, because the music teacher had his students practicing their group number. They weren't really used to many students attending the competition when they went to AA, it was after all a 3 hour ride there. When they arrived, there was a row of seats behind the participant section labeled King Ben and guests. That was where Princess Jasmine and Prince Aladdin were seated, then Belle and Adam arrived. Audrey looked at the group sitting with Ben and was curious. The group for AP was escorted to one dressing room, while the group from AA was brought out to their seats. The judges, who were members of the school board sat on the side of the stage. Mal smiled and waved at her friends and 'family'. Belle blew Mal a good luck kiss, as did Ben. With the audience seated, the lights went out and the kids from AP came out. Their music teacher introduced the song, and they sang. When it was over, they were escorted into the audience as the AA kids took the stage, Audrey looked to find Ben, he was seated with his parents, Aziz's parents and other AP kids, but no Mal. She turned to Lonnie. "Mal stood Ben up." She said with a condescending tone and a smug look on her face.
"MMM I don't think so Audrey, look." Lonnie was actually pretty happy to see Mal up there, now all these kids from AP attending made sense to her. She pointed to the stage. There was Mal in the middle of the group. "I think Mal took music this semester."
"That evil fairy." Audrey mumbled under her breath. Audrey was really wishing her grandmother would have had time to see today's show. Her grandmother only came to the show when it was at AP. Mal's school sang, and walked off the stage. Next was the trio from AP. It was Audrey, Lonnie and Melody. They sang their song. Next the trio from AA. Mal, Aziz and Gwen. They also sang. They received more applause, but then again they were on their turf. Next the duet. It wasn't Audrey. It was Lonnie and some boy Mal had never met. They did an excellent version of a love song. Next came Mal and Az. Audrey nearly fell off her seat as Mal and Az killed their duet. She knew then, why there were so many kids for Auradon Prep interested in this contest. She was about to sing against Mal, and she wasn't sure she could win. Audrey went up for her song and her nerves got to her and she almost forgot the words. Then Mal sang her song. She was applauded, and when Maestro said she wrote the song that gave her a standing ovation. Now it was up to the judges. The Male solo category went straight to AZ as AP had no one to put up against him.

Minister Jacobs, looked into the audience again, making sure Queen Leah wasn't there, and handed the envelope to Maestro.

"The winner of the group number is Auradon Prep." They clap.

"The Trio went to Agrabuh Academy." More applause.

"The duet goes to Mal and Aziz." Louder claps.

"And the coveted award, female solo…goes to MAL!" Maestro hugged Mal tightly. "Thank you Thank you. We haven't beaten AP in 15 years in this contest. Thank you."
"I enjoyed myself." He handed her a trophy and he took the one that travelled from school to school, it went to the team that won the majority of the events.

"And for the first time in 15 years the trophy will stay at AA.!" Mal smiled, she and her classmates held up their trophies. Ben was whistling. Audrey was in tears.

Mal made her way into the audience. She first came up to her friends Evie, Jay and Carlos. "I got it all, including your performances. I think she figured it out during the duet." He said showing her Audrey's face, as Mal sang with Az. "I had two phone, one on you and one on her." He bragged.

"Oh M you were spectacular!" Evie was smiling from ear to ear.

"Thanks E."
"Lil sis, I have to say…Rotten to the core."
"Thanks Jay." The four hugged and Mal moved over to catch up with AZ and the royals.

"There she is. Mal." Az called to her. "Ok, you know these guys." Az said as Mal came into Ben's arms. "These are my parents. Princess Jasmine and Prince Aladdin."
"Nice to meet you both." Mal said trying to curtsy while in Bens embrace.

"Honestly Ben dear, let her go, she isn't going anywhere, yet." Jasmine said. "Excellent job Mal. I do have to say that last song.."
"Has a long private story to it." Ben answered for Mal, who wasn't sure what to say.

"Thank you." Mal stammered out not just for the complement, but the large bouquet of flowers Adam handed her. "It was a fun class. Might even take it when I get back to Auradon Prep."
"If you get back." Audrey corrected joining the group uninvited. "Your highnesses." She said to Az's parent's and Ben's. "You still have to be allowed back. After all you are here because of illegal use of magic. And after that song and dance, so to speak, I would say you are still using magic illegally."
"Actually I haven't used it in months."
"I doubt that. No one who has never had musical training but a few weeks can sing like that."
"You'd be surprised." Ben said. "Well Mal I am sure you'll be back at AP in no time."
"I hope so, we need to get the trophy back." She teased AZ.

"Not funny Lilac." Ben looked at him. "What she knows I am kidding."
"He does it all the time, its fine, really. I have been called A LOT worse, believe me."
"Well I for one am very proud of you Mal." Belle said trying to lighten the mood. "I had no idea you could sing that well. Mrs. Potts said you would sing in the kitchen from time to time, but she never said you were that good."
"Thank you. I had no idea I was singing while I cooked, will have to remember that." Mal giggled, and Ben smiled. He hadn't heard her giggle since this whole mess had begun back on New Year's Eve.
"It was just beautiful." Aladdin added. Mal smiled. Just then they called for the AP students to get on the bus. But Jay, Evie and Carlos joined Belle and Adam. "Good everyone is here. Adam has permission to take your friends back later Mal. Jasmine and I are taking you all to dinner."

"I had no idea, that's great."
"Ok, Mal and Az go to the dorms and get out of your costumes, and we'll meet you in the court yard." Jasmine said.

"E, come with me and see my room." Mal said already running out the door, Evie was following before she was even asked. They ran past the bus, and Audrey called out the window.

"Get a move on Evie."
"Not going back. King Adam is bringing us back later. We are going out to eat with Prince Aziz and his parents." Audrey just grumbled again.

After dinner, Ben and her friends were sad to leave Mal, but they knew it wasn't for much longer. There were only 2 week left until summer. And they knew everything would be ok after the conversation they heard at dinner about the vote to change how the school board wasn't allowed to listen to private citizens over students. That from now on all matters of punishments will be solely up to the headmaster. Adam had enough votes to get it to pass, even if Aurora and Phillip voted against it. Mal would be back at AP for their Junior year.

This is the end of this part of the series. I will pick up with the summer soon. A new more sinister foe will be coming up against Mal, for the summer. It's all written, but I have to break it into chapters.