The Mistake

I do not own Skip Beat.


Lino Pontillo, if you asked anyone, they would say he was an average child that lived in a fairly average house with loving parents.

Well, that's was what was shown on the surface for years, in reality this couldn't have been further from the truth.

For one thing, Lino was anything but ordinary, he was a reincarnated soul who remembered his past life as Logan Nero, a kid that grow up in an abusive family and turned towards crime to get by so it was no surprise that one of his crimes catch up with him one day and killed him.

If that wasn't shocking enough, the fact that Lino was actually Kaiden Hizuri, twin brother of Kuon Hizuri and biological son to Kuu and Juliena Hizuri would have many people fainting.

Even though he was blind at the time, he still remembered how soft and loving Julian voice was when she sung to them both of them or talked to them, Kuu was more than pleased at becoming a father and had literal barged into the hospital room with hands full of toys for his son's to play with, Koun was right.

Kuon was really an over the top father.

He know instantly that he would be loved and given the childhood he always wanted to have, it also helped that both parents were rich so he didn't have to worry about money for the rest of his life.

He was willing to go with the flow and closed his eyes.

Imagine his shock when he opened his eyes again and found that he was being held in arms that were too different from Julie own, the scent of the person holding him was different and the male talking was defiantly not Kuu.

In the distance, he swore he heard someone scream, but was too far away to make out what the scream was.

He know instantly what was happening.

He was being kidnapped and he couldn't do a dam thing.

Just like that, his dream life was ripped right before his eyes, as he was taken into a car and the car drove for what could only be described as a couple of days and Logan swore, he had been on plane also before he finally stopped moving.

For the next couple of month, his ear's picked up any information about his situation, apparently he was kidnapped by a couple who had an obsession with anything to do with the superstar duo, anything the couple did, the couple who kidnapped him, know about it.

The couple had hacked every mobile and cell phone the Hizuri owned so when it was finally made public that Julie was pregnant, but it was not revealed the gender or if it were more than one child until the actual birth.

The couple know everything about the pregnancy and thought this was the perfect chance to get something personal from the Hizuri.

One of the children.

They were both over the moon about parenting the offspring of Kuu and Julie and they were not given up the child anytime soon.

Unfortunately, Logan was that child.

To avoid any suspicion, the couple made sure to constantly dye the baby hair black since blond hair would give away that he wasn't really theirs and made sure they put contacts to hide the hazel colour of his eyes and Logan couldn't do a damn thing.

What was he supposed to in a body of a baby, all he could do was scream and make his 'parents' lives a living hell while it was considered normal to do so.

He couldn't attempt to wash the dye out of his hair even when he had the strength to do so, given away that he know that it wasn't his real hair colour and his parents weren't his real parents, god only know what would happen if it was known, he know he had been kidnapped as a baby, he could only pray that his real hair colour would be allowed to grow enough to shine through the dye but every time even a speck of blond clawed its way to through the mass of black dye, it would be immediately covered again and he couldn't exactly try and take the contacts out.

The kidnapper's did everything they could think off to make him believe that he was their child and wasn't two famous actor's child who was stole in the middle of the night. When he was hurt, they avoided the hospital like the plague and treated him at 'home' as best as they could. Every night they filled his head with lies about the day he was born and the history of the family, while keeping a close eye on when he could watch T.V and when he could not, it was like they were making the child stay completely unaware of the existence of his birth family and how much he looked like their 'only' child while the couple themselves continue to look for the missing son in secret.

So Logan or like what he was called now, Lino, played the act of the small child that thought that he was part of the family and he wasn't kidnapped while he schemed for the day he turned 18 and he could be classed as an adult by the law and won't be placed in an orphanage for who knows how long before the whole Kidnapped Situation was discovered and Kuu and Julian were contacted, he had a sneaky suspicion that he would be long dead before they even got to him.

But there was one shinning light to this, the female kidnapper was slowly feeling guilt, she wasn't trying to replace Julian role as the mother anymore and she took a more understanding role by hiding him when the male of the house hade way to many drinks and was feeling destructive.

It made him feel weird, should he hate her just like her husband for agreeing to kidnap him because like, it or not, the woman was really the only thing that was the closest thing to a mother he had.

The day, that the male kidnapper died was the day of celebration for him and shock, when he found out the man left something behind.

The female kidnapper was finally pregnant, he watched in secret horror as the woman stomach seemed to grow a little bit by the day and the a child that would no doubt take after was being formed but he hid his horror well, with a smiling mask and forged excitement to be a 'big brother', now that he 17 and it was one more year to go before he put his plan into actions.

As the month went by, the female kidnapper drew weaker, it was obvious to anyone that she wasn't going to survive the birth, her water broke without her even noticing and Lino found the woman who was the closest thing to a mother he had, collapse while blood ran down her leg in an alarming rate, he called the Ambulance but he know, they wouldn't be here in time to safely deliver the baby and secure the mother life.

As the last linger of life was snuffed out, both of their eyes met.

Lino could see the overwhelming regret in the woman eyes.

She know that he know that he wasn't really her son, that he know everything and had accepted that this must be fate.

His heart twisted in his chest as the woman form went still and the door was knocked to reveal the ambulance, he was too out of it to realise or care for what was going on, the baby was dead and he didn't even notice the he tears running down his eyes as he watched the corps of the woman who had kidnapped him be put into a body bag, he realised that on some level he had grown attached to the woman, who had sent him off to school and clothed and fed him.

She didn't have to, she could have very well left him to her abusive husband and not batted an eyelash, but she was the one who regretted what she had done and cried in the middle of the night when she thought everyone was asleep.

Lino couldn't count how many time she gave him that look wondering if she should send him back but was too afraid of her own husband and what he might do if he found out her intent and by the time the man was dead, it was already too late, Lino childhood was over and he was making the transition into becoming a man. How could she send him back to his parents when there was no more precious moment's to be shared? Lino had memories of a life that wasn't spent with his real parents and the bound that should have grown over time between parent and child was none existent.

That Lino would forever feel like a stranger to his own family and to them the same, they may share the same blood.

But they would never truly know him, not like his kidnappers.

His 'mother' cried every night for what she had done and because of that, her condition got worse and led her to an early grave.

Lino didn't know what to feel, it was finally over, he could finally tell the world that he wasn't who was on the family register, that he had been kidnapped and held hostage for a whole 17 years, he wanted to take back his real name and rejoin his family.


Lino realised with a start.

He was too different and the name Lino was the name that defined him despite it being given to him by his kidnappers, he didn't think he would ever be comfortable going by the name giving to him at birth. He could feel that his body had grown too used to the feeling of both of his kidnappers touch even if he was to be embrace by his real parents, his body would reject them.

To his body, they would be strangers and it must hurt to have your child flinch away every time you want to have fiscal contact, something many parents take for granted, he couldn't go back to them at a time where Kuon feels like committing suicide and like it or not, this was needed for the original story line to begin.

It wouldn't be Skip Beat if Kuon and Kyoko were never reunited even if Kyoko didn't know it.

He was never supposed to be born into this world anyway and that was probably why he had been kidnapped, to stop him interfering with the story line, he could even bet that Julie and Kuu had even forgotten that Kuon was not a signal child.

After all, he was a mistake to the world, a mistake that should have never happened so why should he go back to his family?

Little did he know, that was actually what happened, it had taken months after he had been born to erase the existence of Kaiden Hizuri so neither Kuu or Julie remembered that they even had a second child on that day, it was made so they only had one child so Lino could never go back even if he wanted to.

Wouldn't it be better to make sure to avoid them as best as possible.

Well until the story line had finished.

He can stay away 5 or so years, couldn't he?

He had spent his whole past life alone so why not in this one?

As he thought this, he was filled with an overwhelming sadness in his heart but he will endure and carve a new path for himself and make a name for himself.

An evil smirk spread across his face.

He would become so rich and powerful that the Hizuri would have heard of him and couldn't even touch him!

Look out world!

Lino Pontillo is was going to become big and he will take no prisoners!

Little did he know, that in a few year's time he would become one of the biggest billionaire investors in the world.

And scene!

Just an idea for now, but it defiantly has potential. I'm already thinking about how Lino would come to Japan to sponsor a big movie and all, I'm thinking about how he'll act's and move. Would he be kind and gentle like Kuon or would he be schemer who has a cold edge to him that comes out when he's underestimated and is somewhat emotional detached from the world, that has rejected him? Review/Fav and follow!