AN:This is was the prompt fom northernexposure - I said I'd post at the end, so here it is – it was a long one!

Late on, when P/T are already married. For some reason Chak's in engineering when something goes wrong. The warp core can't be ejected, it's going to explode, yadda yadda. Someone has to stop it, but it means certain death through radiation poisoning. B'Elanna's the obvious choice, but Chakotay can't let her sacrifice herself - a) because he loves her too much himself and b) because he knows how devastated Tom would be. She's connected now. He's not. So he gets her out of there somehow, locks himself in. Forces Janeway (cos B'E's unconscious, maybe) to talk him through powering down the warp core, which means she has to watch him dying in front of her, which also forces her to confront how she feels about him - and the fact that he thinks he doesn't have the kind of connection that B'Elanna does to Tom, to her. Of course there'll be some way of saving his life. No idea what. That's your job ;)

What a great prompt! The fact it turned into a long story was very unexpected, as I was feeling pretty empty headed when she sent the prompt over.

So - big thank you to northernexposure for the prompt, for the encouragement along the way and for beta reading this even though she's trying to kick the fanfic habit, and to Photorgirl1890 for allowing me to benefit from her superhuman error-spotting talents, even though the JC bits probably made her want to reach for a sick bowl. And thank you very much to everyone who's left a review, I really appreciate the encouragement, it makes my day to hear other people enjoyed my efforts.

Chapter 10

Kathryn wakes feeling warm, unusually warm – too warm actually. Before she opens her eyes, the memories of where she is come back immediately, and the fact she's overheating makes sense. She smiles to herself as it occurs to her that it'd be useful if Chakotay had a dial so she could turn him down a setting or two. Visits to various cold alien worlds over the past seven years have already taught her that he seems to have some sort of heat-retaining superpower, and now she knows that he heats up even further in sleep.

Kathryn has spent the last part of the night sleeping within his embrace, and his large, solid and very warm body is still spooning her. One of his arms stretches under the pillow her head is resting on. The other is slotted under her arm to rest comfortably across the top swell of her breasts, his fingers curled loosely around the wrist of her other arm. His breathing is slow and steady.

Kathryn gently lifts his arm from across her body, edging away just enough to slide onto her back and free herself from the tangle of the sheet. She rearranges it to let in some air. With her movement Chakotay stirs and mumbles something, shifting position to settle onto his back also, eyes still closed. When it's clear he isn't about to wake, Kathryn leans across to the nightstand on her side of the bed and lights the candle there. Then she props herself up a little with the pillows and watches the regular rise and fall of his broad chest.

He continues to sleep peacefully and the only sound is the familiar low hum of Voyager's engines far below them. Kathryn revels in the calm, collecting her thoughts from where they lie scattered across her mind in much the same way as she will have to collect items of her clothing from various locations in Chakotay's quarters later this morning.

As she rests there, it's as if time slows obligingly, offering her the chance to really look long and appreciatively – now that she finally feels entitled – at the man who has been at her side for many years.

In the candlelight, her gaze lingers on his face in repose, on each distinctive feature in turn – his flawless skin, the laughter lines around his eyes and mouth, those beautiful lips, his long dark lashes. The sheet is only half covering him and his bronze skin looks even darker in the dim light. Her eyes wander lazily across his broad shoulders and the contours of his muscled, hairless chest and his strong arms. Kathryn has the urge to let her fingers trail across his collarbone and down the valley between his pectorals, but she stops herself, not wanting to wake him and end this quiet moment. Looks have never been overly important to her, but she has always thought that if a man possessing the qualities she desires in a partner can possibly manage to be handsome as well, then he definitely should.

Chakotay is a beautiful man, she decides, inside and out. She always suspected he was the full package – which was exactly what made him so dangerous. And now, it's pleasing to have this confirmed by such deliciously thorough research. Then again, after the way he made her feel last night, it's possible she's a little biased.

It's no exaggeration to say that no man has ever made her feel quite so wanted, so loved and so desirable; nor does she remember ever before feeling as willing or as able to make her own desires known on a first encounter. Then again, this was obviously no ordinary first encounter. Already possessing an intimate knowledge of so much about someone's personality proved extremely useful when it came to branching out into new means of communication. So much between them was instinctive. Kathryn had to remind herself it was just because he knew her so well that he was able to demonstrate such an unprecedented intuition for what would arouse and excite her. At one point – just after he'd mumbled "three is my favourite number," against her inner thigh – she was beginning to wonder whether there were more Maquis secrets he'd kept from her. Like the fact that he was actually a telepath – either that, or he'd set up covert surveillance equipment in her bedroom several years ago… Then again, she seemed to be more than capable of reducing him to a quivering mass with remarkably little effort, which was extremely gratifying.

As she smiles to herself, revisiting some of the other numerous pleasurable moments from the previous evening, she feels her body respond instantly. Kathryn is old enough and wise enough to know that in time this effect may fade a little, but she dares to hope that her memories of last night will blend into a wider landscape of equally powerful and precious memories that she and Chakotay will have the chance to make together now.

Holographic Venice had been a good idea – a very good idea. Alongside her still vivid and in some instances troubling memories of being there with him the first time, she now has fresh memories from last night. Memories of how handsome he'd looked in the clothes she'd selected (not that she has any ambition to select his clothes on a regular basis! But it was rather nice to be in charge just the once) and memories of the sense of anticipation that kept her intensely aware of their every grazing touch.

She thinks back to how his fingers had curled around hers when they stood side by side for a moment to take in the image of Venice before them when the holodeck doors closed. They had begun by taking things slowly, simply holding each other's gaze more often than usual and indulging in a little shameless flirting with intent over dinner.

When he asked her to dance, she stepped willingly into his arms. While they moved slowly together to the music, she felt his lips ghost her temple as he asked if she was really sure she wanted to open the door to the possibility of more than friendship between them. She'd replied without hesitation, and he'd seemed content with that.

Then, despite her intention to take things slowly, it wasn't long before dancing with him just wasn't enough. It was Kathryn who'd pulled back a fraction, aligning her mouth just below his and looking up into his eyes. He held her gaze for a moment, then he slowly leant in and kissed her. After that, it would have taken some superhuman galactic force or divine intervention to keep them from their heated exploration of every little thing about each other.

Kathryn sighs a contented sigh and flexes her toes under the covers, wondering vaguely about coffee and whether Chakotay has any replicator rations left, when he stirs and opens his eyes.


He wakes to her face.

She's still here.

And she's already awake, lying next to him, watching him. Chakotay blinks a few times and pulls her closer. There's light in the room, as she's already lit the candle he keeps next to the bed.

"Good morning," she smiles.

"Good morning." He kisses her once, twice, taking his time. Because he can.

His body immediately seems to think it's time to follow through, but he isn't sure how she's feeling so he lies back, pulling her a little further across his side, where she fits perfectly. He smiles to himself, allowing his eyes to fall shut again.

Chakotay is struck by the fact that it ought to feel strange to be here with her naked body entwined with his. But it doesn't. It feels new. Very new. But also gloriously liberating and just... right.

Kathryn Janeway has the unparalleled ability to bring out the fire and the passion in him at the same time as filling the turbulent space at the very core of his being with a longed for sense of calm. Last night, when he'd finally fallen asleep, utterly spent and sated, it had been with this precious woman still in his arms. It was the first time he'd felt a sense of contentment than ran soul-deep since his peace of mind was shattered what feels like a lifetime ago now by events in the Alpha Quadrant.

When she came into sickbay and intimated that she was ready to lift the restrictions she'd imposed on their interactions, his heart had leapt, and then pounded in warning. The possibility that it might just be a knee jerk reaction to almost losing him, and that she would eventually change her mind had obviously occurred to him. But within a few seconds he knew that if even she did, he'd still take whatever she was offering in the here and now, and deal with the consequences later. It was a risk he was more than prepared to take.

Then he remembers his dream and opens his eyes. "I just had the strangest dream."

She moves to look up at him, resting her chin on his chest as her fingers map feather-light orbits on his skin. "The Borg weren't involved, I hope."

"Not a drone in sight, no."


"I actually dreamt about FruFru."


"Yes. You were just telling me that she was descended from a tribble that had been brought here by Q from another timeline."

"Time-travel." Kathryn groans dramatically. "And Q!" She shifts, rearranging the pillows behind her and settling her head back on his shoulder. "And I haven't even had coffee yet."

Chakotay begins to gently caress her back.

Her head comes up again. Does this woman never lie still?

"And I was there too?" She sounds curious.


"You do know that's not really necessary any more, don't you? I mean, I'm right here, in your bed." He feels her hand slide down his side to come to rest on his hip.

He chuckles. "I like the way that sounds. Say it again."

"I'm right here, in your bed."

"You most definitely are." He turns to press his lips to her temple.

"So what was I doing in your dream?" she asks, her hand setting off on purposeful exploration from where it had been resting.

It's suddenly a lot harder to concentrate, but Chakotay is determined to tell her his bizarre dream before it fades from his hazy morning brain.

"You were just explaining to me that FruFru was descended from a tribble that was on the Enterprise in another timeline. And the famous Dr McCoy – except he didn't look like Dr McCoy, although I knew he was – you know how it is in a dream?" She nods. "He'd injected this tribble with the blood of some arch criminal with an English accent."

Her hand stills. "That's one unlikely sounding dream."

"Crazy, huh?"

Kathryn laughs. "That reminds me, I didn't tell you what Tom said to me when we saw them on our way into the holodeck – while you were talking to Harry."

"Do I want to know?"

"I said we were going to have dinner in his Venice program, and he warned me."


"He said you probably wanted to wine and dine me in order to lull me into a false sense of security; before you take over the ship with your secret army of Maquis tribble-drones."

Chakotay groans. "Guess I better move Mr Paris to the top of the assimilation list then."

Then Chakotay loses the ability to form coherent though let alone speak, a low sound escaping from his throat, as Kathryn begins to do agonisingly delicious things to him with that hand that went exploring a little while ago.

A few seconds later he recovers himself sufficiently to decide it's only fair that he should be allowed to reciprocate with some sweet torture of his own, so he shifts onto his side and slides his hand down her arm, his caress freeing her upper body of the sheet in the process. Planting open-mouthed kisses on her skin he makes his way from her elegant clavicle, taking his time, towards an invitingly available breast. She moves in response to his touch and he gently guides her arms up and over her head, affording him a wonderful view and better access.

"You really meant it about savouring every single step didn't you?" she says in a pre-coffee morning husk.

He tilts his head up for a moment to find her looking down at him, watching his progress.

"Absolutely," he mumbles against the side-swell of her breast, and he slowly approaches his target. She arches a little and a delightful noise escapes from somewhere deep in her throat as he inches his way ever closer. He releases his gentle hold on her elbow, slowly slides his hand down the underside of her arm to eventually cup her other pleasingly available breast, his thumb grazing the nipple while his mouth finally claims its prize. When she moans this time his lower body grinds reflexively into the bed and he loses himself in her again.


An hour or so later as they lie in each other's arms, Chakotay is just about to remark on how lucky it is the duty schedule doesn't have Kathryn on the early shift today when he notices that she looks lost in thought.

"You all right?" he asks.

"I'm fine."

"Something on your mind?"

"I was just thinking about Seven."

He frowns. "Are you worried about her?"

"When it eventually gets out that we're together, she may be upset."

"I think you'll find she's moved on."

"Really? So soon?"

"She came to see me after lunch yesterday. Said she'd decided against the idea of asking me on a romantic date."

"I see. Well, now that she's revisiting the idea of dating, she may decide to cast her net a little wider."

"Good point."

"After all, you know what they say – there are plenty more drones in the collective."

Chakotay laughs. "And they say my sense of humour is twisted!"

"I blame you. Being around you every day for all these years, it's rubbed off on me. Which reminds me," she says, as the hand that seems to like exploring appears on his stomach, then continues south. "It's high time I tested my theory."

"What theory?"

She rises out of the sheet, holding herself over him, completely and gloriously naked. She is nothing short of majestic in the candlelight. Then she nimbly manoeuvres herself to sit astride his thighs and her pale fingers continue their exploration.

"I told you," she husks, "that I can get you to purr if I stroke you right, Commander." Her determination to prove her theory seems to increase.

"Keep doing tha-aaah-at," he gets out, "and I promise I'll purr, bark, growl, maybe even hoot - whatever you want, Captain."

[The End]