mechazard: hey everybody its me and I got a new idea for a story, I wont stall any longer so here it is




*Ben's P.O.V."

"Ugh, what the heck?" I said groggily as I woke up, the first thing I see being the ceiling, but not MY ceiling.

"ok, the last thing I remember was beating Animo and going home to bed" I said confused as hell, with that I ran to the bathroom or at least I tried to until I noticed I wasn't in my house "aw man" I complained before I finally found the bathroom after ten minutes

After grabbing a shower and changing back into my black t-shirt with green lines going down the torso and sleeves and a big white '10' in the middle along with the same brown gargo pants and green and white sneakers.

"Well this isn't the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me, at least I still have my new Omnitrix" I said in relief to see the alien wristwatch looking device on my left wrist.

"I wonder if I still have all of my transformations?" I asked as more of a statement than a question before I put two fingers from my right hand on the black face plate with two green lines making it look like an hourglass, when my fingers touched the surface the device came to life with a green holographic circle displaying the different forms I had access to, I was satisfied to see that luckily I still had all 62 of them at my disposal.

"Ben?" I heard a voice say from my left, I turned to see a boy about the same age I as me with dark brown hair and hazel eyes wearing a black t-shirt, dark camouflage cargo pants, a red short sleeve hoodie, blue sneakers, a wolf headband, grey fingerless gloves and black goggles around his neck

"Mike?" I asked still confused "yeah" he answered much to my relief, at least I had my best friend from school here with me, so at least I wouldn't be alone if my hunch was right

"Dude, where are we?" Mike asked me "where we are I don't know, but if I had to guess what happened, I'd say we're in another universe" I said casually "well I don't know about you but I'm gonna grab some breakfast" he said as he walked away

I followed him to the kitchen "how do you know where the kitchen is?" I asked

"I woke up early and noticed that I wasn't in my house, so I did a little exploring, I found out that nobody else is here, I thought I was alone until I heard you talking to yourself" my friend explained as he leaned on the counter

"Huh" I said "oh yeah, I almost forgot these were on the counter" Mike said as he pulled out two devices from his pocket, fortunately I recognized them as a couple of Digivice's from Digimon season three but there was something different about them

One was a neon green color with a black ring around the screen and black buttons and a white strap while the other more like the others being mainly silver but this one had a gold ring around the screen with gold buttons and a gold strap

"Why?" I asked "no clue man" he answered before he handed the green one to me and went to the fridge only to find that it was totally empty "well shit" he said

When he said that I chuckled and checked the cupboards, sadly I didn't find anything either "wanna go out to get something?" I asked "eh, what the fuck" Mike said with a shrug

We walked up to the door only to find a piece of paper stuck into the wall with a knife, but this knife wasn't like any other, it had a glowing orange blade and a white hilt that looked like it was made from alien tech "isn't that the proto tech knife that Rook gave you for your birthday?" I asked Mike while remembering the event

"yeah" he replied before taking it out of the wall and pushing a button on the side resulting in the orange blade retreating back into the hilt before he opened the piece of paper revealing a note that said 'turn them on' in very elegant writing that looked almost like brush strokes

"Might as well" mike said before we both took out the Digivice's and pushing the power button revealing that both devices had back lighting "okay now what?" I asked in annoyance

"Now you meet us" said a new feminine voice from behind us

We turned around to see a five foot three inch tall yellow furred bipedal foxlike creature with brown eyes wearing blue arm guards and a three foot five inch red dinosaur looking creature wearing a pair of headphones while holding a microphone in its left hand

"Well, aren't you going to say hi to your new partners?" the reptile joked in a slightly annoyed tone

"Be nice Shoutmon" the fox said to the newly named Shoutmon

"What?" Shoutmon whined

"It's okay Renamon" Mike reassured only for the vixen to go wide eyed

"y-you know my name?" she asked "of course I do" he reassured "by the way my name is Mike, Mike Lycoan" he said as he stretched his hand out towards the fox causing his gloves to move slightly towards his fingers revealing what looked to be a blue version of the Omnitrix!

*Third person P.O.V.*

Both teens froze on the spot as they eyed the piece of tech on Mike's left wrist "okay why do you have an Omnitrix? And for that matter HOW do you have an Omnitrix?!" Ben said after regaining his composure "DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE A FUCKIN' CLUE HOW I GOT A FUCKIN' OMNITRIX?!" Mike shouted with slight anger until they were interrupted by the red dino clearing his throat

"Yeah hi, so I have a question, why aren't you like totally freaking out because of us?" Shoutmon asked very confused

"To be honest you two aren't even close to the weirdest thing we've ever seen" Ben casually said

"How so?" Renamon asked making Ben smirk and Mike scowl in annoyance

"well since you're going to be our partners we might as well show you" Ben said before he turned to his watch and activated it selecting through the playlist until he found the one he wanted as soon as he did the face plate moved back revealing a core with a sharp green hourglass symbol he quickly slapped it back down becoming surrounded in a green flash causing everyone present to shield their eyes.

As soon as the light died down in Ben's place was a large black skinned creature with two antennae coning out from the back of the top of his head, one neon green eye in the middle of his face and a massive grin plastered on his face, a green ring around his neck with a stripe going down his the front of his torso, golden bolts on his arms and legs, plugs on the tips of his fingers, a tail coming out of the base of his spine and his feet only having two toes "FEEDBACK!" the conductoid called triumphantly

"Seriously? You're shouting out you're alien's names again?" the remaining teen said annoyed

"HE CAN DIGIVOLVE?!" both Digimon yelled in unison with wide eyes

Mechazard: and there it is readers the first chapter of Ben 10 Digimon Tamer, don't forget to favorite, follow and REVEIW!