AN: So this fic is a 25 day OTP challenge for Christmas, but instead of normal one-shots, mine has a general plot, but each chapter will focus on a specific holiday prompt of course like a one shot. Also, feel free to leave feedback. Enjoy!

December first was the day that Sam had finely had enough. He was fed up with Dean and Castiel. He was sick of the intense eye-sex, the long stares, the hopeless pinning, the silent conversation, the way their eyes always seemed to migrate to the others lips, and not to mention to disregard for personal space. Sam was fed up with their queer undertones, and he was going to end it.

Of course, getting his brother to even admit feelings was a struggle in its own, admitting he was bi would take forever. But Sam was stubborn, and if he could get a one seventy-four on his LSAT's, he could get Dean and Cas to admit their feelings. Now all he needed was a plan.

Sam was eating a salad when the thought struck him. Christmas was coming up, one of the most romantic holidays of the year. He could easily see how he could just give his brother and Cas a push in the right direction at the right time to get them to see it. It was brilliant. That meant all the holiday and festive cheer. Spiked eggnog and cheesy rom-coms. He had never really been a fan of the season, but who could go wrong with mistletoe? A smirk lit up his face, making him duck his head to hide it from his brother, who was eating a burger.

"Hey Dean," he said. "I was thinking."

"Congratulations," Dean smirked. "That's a first." Sam rolled his eyes, ignoring his brothers' sarcasm.

"Anyways, it's almost Christmas, and I was thinking, maybe, we should celebrate for once," he said tentatively. He waited for Dean to shoot him down, glare at him, something. They didn't celebrate Christmas. Never really had. In fact, last time they did, Dean was on his way to Hell. Not exactly a fond memory for either of them.

"Why?" Was all he asked.

"I don't know, it just seems right, you know," Sam shrugged. "For once we don't have to deal with anything apocalyptic or world ending. We deserve a break." Of course it's not the whole truth, but Dean didn't need to know that, Sam thought.

"Okay," Dean said. "But how are we going to pull it off? We've never really done Christmas before." Sam shrugged. He hadn't thought that far ahead. But he would figure something out.

"Leave it to me," he said, watching his brother turn his back. A smile pulled at his lips. "I got this."