Loki awoke with a yell as the contraction ripped him from sleep. He pulled back the blanket and saw that his fluids were leaking. It was time whether the healers liked it or not.

"Thor. Wake up. Thor, the babies are coming." Loki shoved Thor's shoulder until he woke. Thor leapt out of bed and scooped Loki up, carrying him down the hall to the healing wing. Loki let him. He was in a lot of pain and did not think he could walk.

"Lady Eir. It's time. Loki is in labor now." Thor yelled to the empty healing hall. A door opened from a little side room where the healer had been sleeping that last few weeks in anticipation of this moment. The poor woman had not slept in her own bed in months. She grabbed a cord on the wall and rang a bell summoning other healers to come.

"Place him on the table so I can have a look." She pulled back Loki's nightgown and saw pink liquid. The fluid was supposed to be clear, which meant there was blood mixed with it. Loki had a tear somewhere and that could be dangerous. She felt Loki's abdomen to feel for the babies.

"One of the twins has turned but the other has not. It would be breach birth, and you are already bleeding internally. We'll have to cut them out and repair the damage. My King, go find your mother."

"But I don't want to leave him."

"Loki is in good hands. I will see to his health, now go. The Queen Mother will be furious if she is not here for this event, and I am in need of her expertise." Lady Eir said. Thor nodded and left, running as fast as he could.

"Thank you for getting rid of him. I hope you have a lot of mead on tap to keep him calm."

"Forget the mead, Highness, I'll drug him." Lady Eir said. Loki laughed.

"Is it serious?"

"It is, but I have encountered this before. I will take care of you." She said. The other healers arrived giving Lady Eir the opportunity to dress properly for the surgery. The surgical instruments were laid out and hands were scrubbed vigorously. Loki was transferred to the Soul Forge. Thor returned with Frigga just in time to say sweet words to Loki before he was made to sleep.

"I love you." Thor said. His eyes were wet from crying and he looked terrified. Frigga patted his arm to comfort him.

"I love you too darling. All will be well. I'm in good hands. Go wait outside. Our children will be here in a few minutes." Loki said.

"See Thor. No need to fuss. Things are as they should be. Come. You'll be in the way if you stay. I'll make you some nice soothing tea to drink while we wait." Frigga said. She pulled her son and King from the room.

"Here, drink this my Queen. When you wake your children will be here." She said. Loki tipped his head up and downed the contents.

The royal family will never know just how close to death Loki came. No longer able to accommodate both children he sustained a rip in the wall of his uterus. The Soul Forge kept him from bleeding out, but only just. The first child to be pulled out was the boy. With black hair and blue eyes, he was a large baby and would likely be as big and strapping as his father. Next came the girl. Her hair was red like Queen Frigga's and bright green eyes like Loki. She was a petite thing, but healthy.

The babies were cleaned and checked while Loki was sewn back together. Frigga returned, minus Thor.

"How are they?" She asked.

"They are beautiful Queen Mother. How is the King?"

"I knocked him out." She giggled.

"Belladona tea or a sleeping spell?"

"The tea. He'll wake shortly. How is Loki?"

"He's out of danger now. He'll recover."

"How bad was it?"

"Very bad."

"You are a miracle worker Lady Eir. Thank you for saving my family."

"It was a labor of love and honor Queen Mother." She said. Frigga looked down at her grandchildren and delighted at the sight of her granddaughter. She picked her up and held her and smiles were shared all around.

"She looks just like you." One of the healers said.

"Oh, she's so precious. Loki and my son will have a hard time prying her away from me." Frigga said. She put her down and picked up her grandson.

"Oh, he's an alpha isn't he?"

"We suspect so yes."

"Such a big boy! Look at you. You have your papa's eyes. You're going to be king someday. Yes you are." Frigga cooed at him. She put him down, having gotten her fill and walked to Loki. She stroked his hair, though he still slept. She stayed beside him for a while, waiting for him to stir. Loki's eyes fluttered open and he tried to sit up.

"Oh, no no. You are still fragile."

"My babies?"

"A boy and a girl." Frigga said. She waved to the healers to bring the children to Loki. Placed in his arms, he looked at his children and cried tears of joy.

"They're perfect. Look at them. Oh my goodness. She has my eyes, and he has my hair." Loki said as he inspected his children.

"Ten fingers and ten toes. He has Thor's eyes doesn't he?" Frigga said.

"Yes and she has your hair."

"Where's Thor?"

"Asleep. I need to go check on him."

"Please do. He's missing this." Loki said. Frigga fled the room to rouse the King as Loki got to know his new little family. Though the night had been scary and full of pain, it was also the best moment of his life. Not just because he'd given birth to his children, but because he'd told Thor he loved him, and he meant it. Somehow, he'd crept inside over the course of the last several months and now Loki felt it too.

It was about an hour before Thor made an appearance, looking groggy but relieved. His smile split his face as he picked up his babies, holding first his son, then his daughter. His face shone with the pride of fatherhood. Life was perfect.

In the morning the bells range and people of Asgard rejoiced. There was feasting and celebrations in the street. For the three days Thor and Loki kept to their quarters, bonding with their children and resting in between.

"How do you feel?" Thor asked.

"Much lighter now that they are out." Loki said. "I feel vulnerable too. Now that the children are outside of my body I'm wary of strangers getting near them."

"It is the same with me as well, but we will both have to overcome our baser instincts. The children need to be presented at court, and I have hidden for too long." Thor said. Loki sighed. He knew Thor was right and resigned himself to making an effort to look presentable, though he was still healing. At court Loki came with a babe in each arm and stood beside Thor on the dais as they presented their children to the throng of courtiers. One by one the nobles of the great houses came forward to shower Loki with praise for baring such healthy heirs to the throne.

At the end of the hall Loki noticed a messenger running towards them. Bedraggled and out of breath the man knelt before his king to give an urgent report. Thor's face fell.

"Rise and speak." Thor said.

"The Jotunns have attacked our men on the rogue moon Majesty." The man announced. A rumble rippled through the crowd. Thor had feared this eventuality. The negotiations with them had soured and the elves did not care one way or the other of the outcome.

"What is their status?" Thor asked.

"Weakened by the thin air and frigid temperatures our large contingent fell fast to their numbers. 1,000 dead and rising."

"How many of the enemy."

"We estimate their forces at 10,000 strong, and their numbers are holding against ours. What are we to do my King?"

"We go to war."