Chapter 1


Butterflies filled my stomach as I gazed into stoic eyes fused from honeysuckle and sunlight. The ghost of a grin played across his lips as he watched me from across the room.

I nervously fidgeted and exhaled slowly. My hands fell to the skirts of my dress—a dress far too extravagant and lavish for a person of my social standing.

I reminded myself that I had only made it this far because of the deal we had forged in the beginning.

At this point in this frivolous game only three women were left, I among them. The other two girls gazed at him longingly, completely enthralled with the process—the competition. I, despite the blossoming feelings I was beginning to have, still thought the idea of inviting the most eligible bachelorettes to contend in a televised competition for the demon prince's heart was absurd and imprudent.

I thought of my family, of our meager rations, of their faces when the contestants were announced—the look of hope that fluttered across my mother's face—and I realized that I had to win. This competition, this race, had to end with me joined in holy matrimony with the demon prince.

I suppose to explain how this all began, I should start from the beginning.


"It's on! It's on!" my younger brother, Souta, yelled from our quaint living room as he settled down in front of the small T.V. We had all just finished dinner, my mother once again taking a smaller portion than the rest of us to make sure we all ate well ('well' being much of an overstatement). I had given her half of mine to make up the difference which she fought but eventually gave in. I could see the bags under her eyes, her skin stretched tight across her face from lack of nutrition. She was beginning to become someone I didn't recognize.

The demon lords had demeaned and ruled over humans for hundreds of years being the faster, stronger, more capable beings. They gave us lesser, undesirable jobs and compensated us with a home and a meager amount of rations. It was only in recent years that all of that had begun to change. InuTaisho, the ruler of the country, had fallen in love with a human. It was quite scandalous and was in the papers for months. The lords that ruled under him had little to say publically about it but I could only imagine the uproar it had initially caused inside the palace walls.

Now that his hanyou son had become an adult, there was talk in the kingdom that his eldest son, a full-blooded demon like himself, should be looking to marry. InuTaisho announced in the weekly news that they would be selecting the ten most beautiful and poised female humans to participate in what was described as a competition for the demon prince's affection.

I had only seen Sesshomaru, the eldest son, once but his eyes were simply cold, stoic. He held a regal posture, standing silently beside InuTaisho as he made the announcement. He was handsome, yes, but he had a known reputation for despising humans.

Lucky girls, I thought sarcastically.

I made my way over to where my brother sat, enthralled in the weekly report. My mother joined and soon after my grandfather sat next to her. "Demons," he muttered under his breath. "They've ruined this world!"

My mother gave him a small sympathetic smile and placed a hand lovingly on his arm. "At least we have a roof over our heads and enough rations to not starve," my mother said softly.

My grandfather looked at her incredulously before tossing his hands up in frustration. "Don't get me started on that, Sakura," he warned.

I silently agreed with my grandfather's unspoken retort and turned my attention back to the program. A young man with jet black hair tied into a small ponytail and a gleeful smile sat on the screen. "The applications to find the perfect match for Sesshomaru have gone out today. We have sent one to each of the eligible women in country and will be spending countless hours narrowing it down to the ten perfect human women to be the next queen," he stated. "So ladies, make yourselves so desirable that he'll have to choose you!" he said with a wink.

I scoffed at the ridiculousness of it all. There was absolutely no way I would ever fill out that application, much less even open it when it came.

I began to get up when he started again, "Oh and I almost forgot to mention that each family will be graciously compensated throughout the competition. The woman who wins the heart of the prince will be able to have her family move to the castle grounds."

My mother glanced in my direction. "Kagome," she started, "that would be such a grand opportunity!"

I glanced at my hands that were placed in my lap, noticing the roughness from working in the fields. Even if I was chosen, what would ever make a prince, a demon lord, want to fall in love with me? What did I have to offer him that the other women wouldn't?

I sighed. "Yes, mama, it would," I said as she gave me a hug. It would be a good opportunity, but not for the reasons that I'm sure the romantic in my mother was gushing about.

My interest had peaked at the comment about 'gracious compensation'. Maybe we could actually go to sleep with full bellies for once.

If only, I sighed to myself. If only.


As promised the application arrived a few days after the announcement aired. My mother found me that night as I was getting ready for bed and enthusiastically handed me the packet of papers with a small box on top of them. I looked at the box curiously.

"Well," she said impatiently and with a smile. "Open it!"

I cautiously cracked open the box and peeked inside. My eyes widened. "How did you get this?"

My mother beamed. "I had a few things put away that I could trade."

I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen chocolate. It was such a luxury now, what with many of the demons lords having adverse effects towards it after a trader had sold them some. Now it rarely came through the towns.

"But…why?" I asked, my mouth watering at the idea of eating the small morsel of heaven tucked away in the box I held.

My mother smiled and placed her hand on my cheek. "Because, my dear, you'll win. You just have to try," she said confidently.

"But I don't even know if I'm going to—"

"You will. I know you will," she interrupted. "You care far too much not to." She stood after placing a quick kiss on my forehead. "And I know you'll find something much more there too. Goodnight, Kagome."

She closed my bedroom door silently and I huffed, staring down at the application and the small box. I sighed. There was no way they would pick someone like me. I would submit the application to appease my mother but I knew I had no chance at even getting picked, much less winning the ice prince's heart.


It was done. I had sent in my application, picture included. That had been months ago. I believed that if they were going to pick me, I surely would have been notified. I smiled, satisfied with my attempt. My mother still believed that I was going to be taken to the castle one day soon.

As we sat down for the weekly announcements, I laughed as my brother teased a stray cat that we had found (and subsequently named Buyo) with the string on his sweatshirt. The cat meowed and swatted at the string.

My mother shook her head but wouldn't say anything since it made my brother happy. He had come home with puppy dog eyes and the cat cradled in his arms a few weeks ago. My mother sighed and said he could keep it. Somehow we had managed to keep him fed (well between catching the mice in the house and outside, he was quite the pudgy creature).

My mother shushed us as the man on the screen began to speak.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen," he began. "I am pleased to announce we have chosen our ten contestants."

The screen flashed to a picture of a beautiful woman with long black hair and piercing eyes. She had an air about her that was regal. Oh she'd be perfect, I thought quietly. The announcer went on to describe where she was from and how she was talented at playing the flute.

I listened as the rest of the women appeared.

"Our last contestant is a beauty from the northern parts," he continued.

"A miss Kagome Higurashi."

My picture flashed on the screen and I gasped.